Alexa Skill Won't Play My Streaming Audio - streaming

I've been banging my head against the wall on this one for 2 days, and will post the resolution in the hopes it helps someone in the past. I created an Alexa skill to stream a radio station, and just couldn't get it to play, even using the sample code. Finally I just hardcoded the values sent down the wire, and it still didn't work. Here's what I was sending:
"version": "1.0",
"response": {
"shouldEndSession": 1,
"response": {
"outputSpeech": {
"text": "Playing Somgwriters island",
"type": "PlainText"
"directives": [
"playBehavior": "REPLACE_ALL",
"audioItem": {
"stream": {
"url": "",
"token": "",
"offsetInMilliseconds": 0
"type": "AudioPlayer.Play"
"reprompt": {},
"card": {}
"sessionAttributes": {},
"statusCode": "200"

I finally found the cause in their documentation:
Identifies the location of audio content at a remote HTTPS location.
The audio file must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint. HTTPS is required, and the domain hosting the files must present a valid, trusted SSL certificate. Self-signed certificates cannot be used. Many content hosting services provide this. For example, you could host your files at a service such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) (an Amazon Web Services offering).


Create GitHub service connection using azure rest api giving error

I am trying to create GitHub service connection using azure Devops rest api -
In postman I put following Json Body-
"name": "release-1",
"type": "github",
"url": "",
"authorization": {
"scheme": "PersonalAccessToken",
"parameters": {
"accessToken": "<Github_Personal_Access_Token>"
This Creates service connection but It gives error when I open service connection in UI and try to verify but if I edit and replace with same Github token In UI then it works. seems like its not taking token I am providing in Json body -
I also see information here on this ongoing issue -
I want to automate GitHub service connection creation.
How to create GitHub service connection using Azure Devops rest api ?
How to create GitHub service connection using Azure Devops rest api ?
Are you creating this GitHub service connection?
If so, you should use EndPoints-Create API and your Json Body can follow this format:
"authorization": {
"scheme": "Token",
"parameters": {"AccessToken": "YourGitHubPAT"}
"data": {},
"description": "",
"name": "YourServiceConnectionName",
"serviceEndpointProjectReferences": [{
"description": "",
"name": "YourServiceConnectionName",
"projectReference": {
"id": "YourProjectID",
"name": "YourProjectName"
"type": "github",
"url": "",
"isShared": false
We should enter the value of YourGitHubPAT, YourServiceConnectionName(twice in two points), YourProjectID and YourProjectName with your own values to make the body work. We can get YourProjectID via Projects-List API.
After running that in PostMan, I can verify it successfully without issues. I guess your issue may have something to do with your parameters. Use
"authorization": {
"scheme": "Token",
"parameters": {"AccessToken": "<Github_Personal_Access_Token>"}
Instead of
"authorization": {
"scheme": "PersonalAccessToken",
"parameters": {"accessToken": "<Github_Personal_Access_Token>"}
Update about how to enable grant access to all pipelines:
Dislike other elements like Token, Name and Description, Grant Access Permissions to all pipelines option is managed by another API.
API to enable this option:{YourOrganizationName}/{YourProjectName}/_apis/pipelines/pipelinePermissions/endpoint/{YourEndPointID}?api-version=5.1-preview.1
"resource": {
"id": "YourEndPointID",
"type": "endpoint",
"name": ""
"pipelines": [],
"allPipelines": {
"authorized": true,
"authorizedBy": null,
"authorizedOn": null
Note: We need to enter EnterPointID in URL and Body. (Twice!)
In PostMan, you should use PATCH method and application/json type. The YourEndPointID is ServiceConnectionID, you can get this value from EndPoints-Create API's response.
So normally to create a service connection with "Grant Access to All..." enabled, we should run Endpoints-Create first and then run the second API to enable this option.
(And this is the same behavior in Web Portal. When we click Verify and Save button in web browser, it actually also calls these two APIs to complete the process.)

S4HC Extensibility: SCBO_AUTHORIZATION/000: You are not authorized to create instance

I developed a side-by-side app using Java + SAP Cloud SDK (Neo). The app adds records to a custom business object.
The app was working fine when I concluded development in February. Now, I need to do some additional improvements, but I can add records anymore.
I am getting the error SCBO_AUTHORIZATION/000 - You are not authorized to create XXXXXXX instance.
I assigned CBO to a business role, the custom communication scenario along with communication arrangement is in place. I tested already the service (metadata) and the user is not locked.
Here´s the error sent back from the backend:
2020 05 27 building up cockpit.$ErpODataException: The endpoint responded with HTTP error code 400.
You're not authorized to create CSCCOCKPIT instance.
Full error message:
"error": {
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "You\\u0027re not authorized to create CSCCOCKPIT instance."
"innererror": {
"application": {
"component_id": "BC-ESI-ESF-GW",
"service_namespace": "/SAP/",
"service_id": "YY1_CSCCOCKPIT_CDS",
"service_version": "0001"
"transactionid": "338BDCAE69170270E005EC3E361F2498",
"timestamp": "20200527193655.5607910",
"Error_Resolution": {
"SAP_Transaction": "For backend administrators: use ADT feed reader \\"SAP Gateway Error Log\\" or run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP Gateway hub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details",
"SAP_Note": "See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis ("
"errordetails": [
"message": "You\\u0027re not authorized to create CSCCOCKPIT instance.",
"propertyref": "",
"severity": "error",
"transition": true,
"target": ""
Could someone give a clue on where could the issue be?
The error happened because all the fields in the custom business object in S/4Hana Cloud were set as "read-only".

Unable to activate a Service in a Project using BIM 360 APIs

After adding a new BIM 360 Docs project using the API, how do I activate it for Document Management using the APIs? Following online tutorial does not yield expected results.
I was trying to follow a tutorial to create a BIM 360 Docs project and activate it for Document Management, as it's listed here. Project creation itself is a breeze, however the step required to activate a service does not work as outlined.
Here are my individual steps:
Create BIM 360 Project with HTTP POST https://{{ForgeURL}}/hq/v1/accounts/{{AccountId}}/projects
Created project information is returned in the response, including new project id and status, which is pending.
Attempt to add project admin and activate a service as outlined here
i. Add Project Admin - Method 1 - Documentation here lists endpoint capable of adding a project admin to a specific BIM 360 project and service type.
HTTP POST https://{{ForgeURL}}/hq/v1/accounts/{{AccountId}}/projects/{{BIM360ProjectId}}/users
Response: HTTP 404 Not Found
"code": 1004,
"message": "this project doesn't exist."
ii. Add Project Admin - Method 2 - Documentation here lists endpoint capable of adding users (project admin and project user) to a project.
HTTP POST https://{{ForgeURL}}/hq/v2/accounts/{{AccountId}}/projects/{{BIM360ProjectId}}/users/import
"email": "",
"services": {
"document_management": {
"access_level": "admin"
"project_administration": {
"access_level": "admin"
"company_id": "{{BIM360CompanyId}}",
"industry_roles": []
Response: HTTP 200 OK, but... it's a failure
"failure": 1,
"success": 0,
"success_items": [],
"failure_items": [
"email": "",
"services": {
"document_management": {
"access_level": "admin"
"project_administration": {
"access_level": "admin"
"company_id": "716a5472-a69c-4c07-aa0c-9e54e98ff28f",
"industry_roles": [],
"errors": [
"message": "Services [\"document_management\"] are not active or pending in project",
"code": 2000
"project_id": "1b6f2179-8f2f-4fa7-907b-901aee7224be",
"account_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
One can see that it complains about Services [\"document_management\"] are not active or pending in project. project_administration had to be included, otherwise it would have also complained about service project_administration required if any access_level is set as admin.
However, I can see the project using BIM 360 Docs web app Account Admin though as Inactive.
Attempt to activate a project using HTTP PATCH https://{{ForgeURL}}/hq/v1/accounts/{{AccountId}}/projects/{{BIM360ProjectId}} returns
"code": 1001,
"message": "You cannot change the status of a project that has no project admin."
iii. Add Project Admin - Method 3 - Documentation here lists endpoint capable of updating a user’s profile for a project, including the user’s access level for the project (admin or user).
HTTP PATCH https://{{ForgeURL}}/hq/v2/accounts/{{AccountId}}/projects/{{BIM360ProjectId}}/users/{{BIM360UserId}}
"services": {
"document_management": {
"access_level": "user"
"company_id": "{{BIM360CompanyId}}"
Response: HTTP 200 OK, but it's a failure
"account_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"project_id": "1b6f2179-8f2f-4fa7-907b-901aee7224be",
"error": [
"message": "User does not exist in project",
"code": 2000
"message": "Services [\"document_management\"] are not active or pending in project",
"code": 2000
Long story short, I am unable to add project admin using any of the methods available.
What's more, when I add a Project Administrator there using Project Admin \ Services \ Document Management section the project status turns into Active and I am suddenly able to activate a service as outlined here.
The endpoint documentation has incorrect information pointing to payload containing
"service_types": "field"
creating a BIM 360 project with the project information that is accessible and available for all BIM 360 services, which is not what happens. One has to explicitly specify service type, e.g.
"service_types": "doc_manager"
or according to this documentation
If nothing specified, the project will be created for all the enabled
services in the account.
This allows to add a project admin using a Method 1 outlined in my question.

Firefox 'cannot establish secure connection' to firebase hosting

I have hosted a website using firebase hosting, but a handfull of customers complain their browser (I know one is mozilla) gives a message that it cannot establish a secure connection, and thus not loads the page.
It is this site:
It uses a rewrite to /index.html so the URL is a bit different then the page that is loaded, but this seems to be a firebase feature.
Firebase hosting config:
"database": {
"rules": "database.rules.json"
"hosting": {
"public": "inschrijvingen",
"rewrites": [{
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"

Kurento Media Server Throwing " Unexpected error while processing method: Factory 'PlayerEndPoint'' not found"

I am Very new to Kurento. I went through its json-rpc documentation from this link.
1) I have installed a local kurento server which runs on the port 8888.
2) I used a tool called wscat to establish a connection to the kurento-websocket.
3) I tried to connect to the kurento-server with below command
wscat -c ws://localhost:8888/kurento
After that i got the connected prompt from the server.
From the above kurento protocol documentation link. I have used the below request json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"method": "create",
"params": {
"type": "PlayerEndPoint",
"creationParams": {
"pipeline": "6829986",
"uri": "http://host/app/video.mp4"
"sessionId": "c93e5bf0-4fd0-4888-9411-765ff5d89b93"
But according to the docs the response which i should get after sending this request is like this.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1,
"result": {
"value": "442352747",
"sessionId": "c93e5bf0-4fd0-4888-9411-765ff5d89b93"
But i am getting
"message":"Unexpected error while processing method: Factory PlayerEndPoint not found"
If i am not wrong the above request-json is used to create a new media pipeline for player end point which is used to stream http://host/app/video.mp4.
Is there any problem in my request-json object or do i have to do something before giving this request.
please help me.
You have several problems. The first is that PlayerEndpoint is not correctly spelled (note the lower case "p" PlayerEnd-p-oint). The second is that you need to first to create a MediaPipeline before you can create a PlayerEndpoint or any other media element.
If you are new to Kurento, my recommendation is that you should try to use the official Kurento client implementations (currently available in Java and JavaScript). If you want to create your very own Kurento client, you'll need to read carefully the documentation because there are a lot of details you'll need to manage (e.g. the distributed garbage collector, the WebSocket reconnection mechanisms, etc.)