Laravel Eloquent using 'with' and 'where' - eloquent

Using Laravel 5.4
I am reaching out as I am having a difficult time wrapping my head around this and after searching all day on the internet (and stackoverflow) I have not found a good solution to my problem that works.
Basically, I have a user object, that queries a child object which in turn includes a child object and I need to filter with where on that grandchild object.
It looks like this:
User =>
Pet(1) =>
PetServiceItem <= ServiceItem(1)
PetServiceItem <= ServiceItem(2)
PetServiceItem <= ServiceItem(3)
Pet(2) =>
PetServiceItem <= ServiceItem(1)
PetServiceItem <= ServiceItem(4)
PetServiceItem <= ServiceItem(5)
I'll post the relevant parts of the information so someone can tell me how this might be done.
User Model
class User extends Authenticatable
public function pets()
return $this->hasMany(Pet::class);
Pet Model
class Pet extends Model
protected $fillable = [
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function petServiceItems(){
return $this->hasMany(PetServiceItem::class);
PetServiceItem model
class PetServiceItem extends Model
protected $fillable = [
protected $table = 'pet_service_item';
public function pet()
return $this->belongsTo(Pet::class);
public function serviceItem()
return $this->belongsTo(ServiceItem::class);
ServiceItem model
class ServiceItem extends Model
protected $fillable = [
public function pets(){
return $this->hasMany(PetServiceItem::class);
Using Tinker I can do the following:
$user->pets()->with(['petServiceItems', 'petServiceItems.service'])->get()
And get this data:
=> Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1118
all: [
App\Pet {#1120
id: 1,
user_id: 6,
name: "Coco",
slug: "carol!coco",
image: "/dist/images/pets/carol/coco.jpg",
breed: null,
color: null,
gender: "Female",
birthdate: "2013-07-06 03:58:46",
fixed: 0,
weight: "48",
licensed: "",
tattoo: "",
microchip: "",
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:54",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:54",
petServiceItems: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1126
all: [
App\PetServiceItem {#1132
id: 1,
provider_id: 2,
pet_id: 1,
service_item_id: 1,
approved: 1,
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
serviceItem: App\ServiceItem {#1137
id: 1,
provider_id: 2,
type: "WALK",
subtype: "",
title: "7am 30min Walk between 7am and 10am",
desc: "Daily weekday walks between 7am and 10am",
day1: 0,
day2: 1,
day3: 1,
day4: 1,
day5: 1,
day6: 1,
day7: 0,
needs_approval: 0,
start_date: "2017-07-17 00:00:00",
end_date: "2017-10-17 00:00:00",
all_day: 0,
start_time: "07:00:00",
end_time: "10:00:00",
duration: 30,
pricing_one: 2000,
pricing_twoplus: 1800,
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
deleted_at: null,
App\PetServiceItem {#1134
id: 3,
provider_id: 2,
pet_id: 1,
service_item_id: 4,
approved: 0,
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
serviceItem: App\ServiceItem {#1139
id: 4,
provider_id: 2,
type: "AGILITY",
subtype: "",
title: "10am Agility Tu/Th",
desc: "Agility class # 10am Tuesdays and Thursdays for 90 minutes",
day1: 0,
day2: 0,
day3: 1,
day4: 0,
day5: 1,
day6: 0,
day7: 0,
needs_approval: 1,
start_date: "2017-07-17 00:00:00",
end_date: "2017-09-17 00:00:00",
all_day: 0,
start_time: "10:00:00",
end_time: "11:30:00",
duration: 90,
pricing_one: 5000,
pricing_twoplus: 4500,
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
deleted_at: null,
App\Pet {#1123
id: 2,
user_id: 6,
name: "Ruby",
slug: "carol!ruby",
image: "/dist/images/pets/carol/ruby.jpg",
breed: null,
color: null,
gender: "Female",
birthdate: "2012-06-16 22:47:43",
fixed: 1,
weight: "53",
licensed: "",
tattoo: "",
microchip: "",
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:54",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:54",
petServiceItems: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#1119
all: [
App\PetServiceItem {#1133
id: 2,
provider_id: 2,
pet_id: 2,
service_item_id: 1,
approved: 1,
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
serviceItem: App\ServiceItem {#1137},
App\PetServiceItem {#1135
id: 4,
provider_id: 2,
pet_id: 2,
service_item_id: 4,
approved: 0,
created_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
updated_at: "2017-07-17 17:37:57",
serviceItem: App\ServiceItem {#1139},
Now I need to do a where clause on the ServiceItem for the start_date.
I tried:
$user->pets()->with(['petServiceItems', 'petServiceItems.serviceItem'])->where('service_items.start_date', '>=', '2017-01-01')->get()
But, I get this error:
Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]:
Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'service_items.start_date' in
'where clause' (SQL: select * from pets where pets.user_id = 6
and pets.user_id is not null and service_items.start_date >=
How can I use the where clause (or something else if needed) to filter the data I need?
I have figured out that this is the SQL that I want (or close enough approximation):
select * from users
join (select * from pets) pet on = pet.user_id
join (select * from pet_service_item) psi on psi.pet_id =
join (select * from service_items) si on = psi.service_item_id
join (select * from providers) prov on = si.provider_id
where si.start_date >= '2017-07-17'
AND si.end_date <= '2017-10-18'
AND = 2
AND = 6

Where clause use the name of the table and not the model. Try this:
$user->pets()->with(['petServiceItems', 'petServiceItems.serviceItem'])
->where('service_items.start_date', '>=', '2017-01-01')->get();

So, I'm posting this as I never really did get an answer and I ended up with a solution, but not exactly the one I was looking for.
If anyone is interested, in the end, this is how I did it (note: this flattened the data, which for all intents and purposes, worked fine in my scenario).
$services = App\ServiceItem::where('provider_id', '=', $provider->id)
->where('user.user_id', '=', $user->id)
->where('start_date', '<=', $end_date)
->where('end_date', '>=', $start_date)
->where('pet.pet_user_id', '=', $user->id)
->join(DB::raw('(select pet_id as psi_pet_id, service_item_id as psi_service_item_id from pet_service_items) psi'), function($join) {
$join->on('psi.psi_service_item_id', '=', '');
->join(DB::raw('(select id as pet_id, user_id as pet_user_id, name as pet_name, deleted_at as pet_deleted_at from pets) pet'), function($join) {
$join->on('pet.pet_id', '=', 'psi.psi_pet_id');
->join(DB::raw('(select id as user_id, name as user_name, deleted_at as user_deleted_at from users) user'), function($join) {
$join->on('user.user_id', '=', 'pet.pet_user_id');
return ['status' => 200, 'services' => $services->get()];


How to get a field of an object in document?

I am not sure how to phrase this question properly but basically I have an "Order" Schema and each order model contains an array of product objects created using "Product" Schema
When I create an order, my req.body is this
body: {
orderItems: [ [Object] ],
shippingAddress: {
fullName: '123',
address: '1231',
city: '123',
postalCode: '123',
country: '123'
shippingPrice: 0,
paymentMethod: 'Stripe',
itemsPrice: 338,
totalPrice: 338
If I log req.body.orderItems, I can see each product object printed
_id: new ObjectId("62d51a3895cad3ca283302f3"),
name: 'Christmas Cake',
slug: 'christmas-cake',
image: '/images/cake.jpg',
shop: 'Custom Cakes',
category: 'food',
description: 'Custom baked christmas cake, pre-order needed.',
price: 70,
stock: 1,
rating: 3,
numReviews: 2,
__v: 2,
createdAt: 2022-07-18T08:30:48.931Z,
updatedAt: 2022-07-20T03:03:00.592Z,
_id: new ObjectId("62d7a8c126dcacfc13055e3d"),
name: 'cake',
slug: 'cake',
image: '/images/cake.jpg',
shop: 'Custom Cakes',
category: 'food',
description: 'cake',
price: 15,
stock: 2,
rating: 0,
numReviews: 0,
user: { _id: new ObjectId("62d51d57c08cd7e6675e8d45")},
reviews: [],
createdAt: 2022-07-20T07:03:29.372Z,
updatedAt: 2022-07-20T07:03:59.315Z,
__v: 0
But I am unable to obtain the 'shop' field. returns undefined

Group by and retain original fields

I see in mongodb aggregations, specially in $group we can use accumulator to create new fields. But i want the old keys
Suppose i have this data
{ name: "My Plan 101", billingCycle: 'day', amount: 1, credits: 100, price: 7 },
{ name: "My Plan 102", billingCycle: 'day', amount: 1, credits: 150, price: 10 },
{ name: "My Plan 103", billingCycle: 'day', amount: 2, credits: 150, price: 15 },
{ name: "My Plan 104", billingCycle: 'month', amount: 3, credits: 150, price: 15 },
{ name: "My Plan 105", billingCycle: 'month', amount: 3, credits: 200, price: 20 },
Then the aggregation should be like
'day': {
'1': [{ name: 'My Plan 101' }, { name: 'My Plan 102' }],
'2': [{ name: 'My Plan 103' }]
'month': {
'3': [{ name: 'My Plan 104' }, { name: 'My Plan 105' }]
I tried a lot with mongodb aggregation but couldn't solve it so I used lodash for this.
let plans = await Plan.find()
plans = _.groupBy(plans, 'billingCycle');
for (const billingCyle in plans) {
let $plans = plans[billingCyle];
plans[billingCyle] = _.groupBy($plans, "amount")
The above snipped has solved my problem

Find an embedded document in mongodb

Here is my mongo database
_id: 'shop2',
ShopName: 'Gala',
ShopAddress: 'Kilmeaden',
Owner: 'Bryan Power',
ShopContactNumber: '08766442365',
Employee: [
EmployId: '4',
EmployName: 'Adam Byrne',
EmployContactNumber: 08688972,
EmployAddress: 'Bawnfune',
Salary: 250.00,
Hours: 25,
Wage: 9.00,
EmployeeType: 'FloorStaff'
EmployId: '5',
EmployName: 'Shane Power',
EmployContactNumber: 0873347584,
EmployAddress: 'Portlaw',
Salary: 350.00,
Hours: 32,
PayType: 'Bank',
Wage: 8.65,
EmployeeType: 'FloorStaff'
EmployId: '6',
EmployName: 'Jackie Legs',
EmployContactNumber: 0861231237,
EmployAddress: 'Ballyduff',
Salary: 550.00,
Hours: 32,
PayType: 'Cheque',
Wage: 11.60,
EmployeeType: 'Manager'
I am trying to access the sub document of this insert statement to retrieve the EmployName, Salary and hours. Here is what I have been trying to do but it returns all three sub documents instead. Can I isolate these particular values?
db.employee.find({"Employee.EmployId": ""},
"Employee.EmployName":"Adam Byrne",
"Employee.Salary": 250.00,

Mongodb updating an embedded field

_id: 'shop1',
ShopName: 'Londis',
ShopAddress: 'Clea boy',
Owner: 'Tim Byrne',
ShopContactNumber: '0877733121',
Employee: [
EmployId: '1',
EmployName: 'Pat Power',
EmployContactNumber: 0876395224,
EmployAddress: 'Lacka Rd',
Salary: 500.00,
Hours: 40,
PayType: 'Cheque',
Wage: 9.00,
EmployeeType: 'Manager'
EmployId: '2',
EmployName: 'Craig Coad',
EmployContactNumber: 0873347582,
EmployAddress: 'Portlaw',
Salary: 400.00,
Hours: 32,
PayType: 'Bank',
Wage: 8.65,
EmployeeType: 'FloorStaff'
EmployId: '3',
EmployName: 'Joe Bloggs',
EmployContactNumber: 0861234567,
EmployAddress: 'Waterford',
Salary: 510.00,
Hours: 12,
PayType: 'Cheque',
Wage: 9.50,
EmployeeType: 'Manager'
I want to update the state of an item for a specific Employee.
For example, I would want to update item 1 to set EmployName = "Patrick Power" for EmployeId = "1" because that employee exists:
{$set:{'Employee.$.EmployName':'Patrick Power'} }
This is what i have been trying to do but it dose not work?
What am i doing wrong ?
This might be helpful to you :
"_id": "shop1",
'Employee': {
'$elemMatch': {
'EmployId': '1'
}, {
$set: {
'Employee.$.EmployName': 'Patrick Power'

Difference between and / or clause in mongo db

I am new to mongo db and trying to understand how to query a db.
I was reading a tutorial from this link
Following this tutorial I created a simple db like below,
first: 'matthew',
last: 'setter',
dob: '21/04/1978',
gender: 'm',
hair_colour: 'brown',
occupation: 'developer',
nationality: 'australian'
first: 'james',
last: 'caan',
dob: '26/03/1940',
gender: 'm',
hair_colour: 'brown',
occupation: 'actor',
nationality: 'american'
first: 'arnold',
last: 'schwarzenegger',
dob: '03/06/1925',
gender: 'm',
hair_colour: 'brown',
occupation: 'actor',
nationality: 'american'
first: 'tony',
last: 'curtis',
dob: '21/04/1978',
gender: 'm',
hair_colour: 'brown',
occupation: 'developer',
nationality: 'american'
first: 'jamie lee',
last: 'curtis',
dob: '22/11/1958',
gender: 'f',
hair_colour: 'brown',
occupation: 'actor',
nationality: 'american'
first: 'michael',
last: 'caine',
dob: '14/03/1933',
gender: 'm',
hair_colour: 'brown',
occupation: 'actor',
nationality: 'english'
first: 'judi',
last: 'dench',
dob: '09/12/1934',
gender: 'f',
hair_colour: 'white',
occupation: 'actress',
nationality: 'english'
and was trying to use querys like this below
db.nettuts.find({gender: 'm'});
which returned all the actors who are male.
When I tried the command
db.nettuts.find({gender: 'm', $or: [{nationality: 'english'}]});
it returned.
> db.nettuts.find({gender: "m", $or: [{nationality: "english"}]});
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53064b7979d90b140e53df3e"), "first" : "michael", "last" : "caine", "dob" : "14/03/1933", "gender" : "m", "hair_colour" : "brown", "occupation" : "actor", "nationality" : "english" }
When I tried the same command, this time with "and" clause
db.nettuts.find({gender: 'm', $and: [{nationality: 'english'}]});
I got the same output as when I used $or
> db.nettuts.find({gender: "m", $and: [{nationality: "english"}]});
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53064b7979d90b140e53df3e"), "first" : "michael", "last" : "caine", "dob" : "14/03/1933", "gender" : "m", "hair_colour" : "brown", "occupation" : "actor", "nationality" : "english" }
So given these two output what is the difference between "or" clause and "and" clause here. Please help me understand.
Using $or or $and with an array with only one entry is quite pointless, because both operators apply to the array which is assigned to them. They don't apply to any other parts of the match-object.
When you want to find all actors which are male or english, you would do this:
$or: [
{ "gender": "m"},
{ "nationality": "english"}
To find all actors which are male and english, you don't even need the $and-operator:
"gender": "m",
"nationality": "english"
There are quite few situations where you really must use the $and-operator. The only situation where you have no alternative is when you need to apply the same operator to the same field multiple times. In this example we select all people whose age can be divided by 3 and 5.
$and: [
{ age: $mod [ 3, 0] },
{ age: $mod [ 5, 0] }