Processing multiple files separately in single spark submit job - scala

I have following directory structure:
Each of these files have data in format (id,score), I have to do following for them separately-
1) group by scores and sort the scores in descending(DF_1: score,count)
2) from DF_1 compute the cumulative frequency for each sorted group of score (DF_2: score, count, cumFreq)
3) from DF_2 select cumulative frequencies that lie between 5-10 (DF_3: score, cumFreq)
4) from DF_3 select minimum score(DF_4: score)
5) from file select all id which have score greater than score in DF_4 and save
I am able to do this by reading the directory as wholeTextFile and creating a common dataframe for all the models, then use group by on model.
I want to do -
val scores_file = sc.wholeTextFiles("/data/*/")
val scores ={ line =>
//step 1
//step 2
//step 3
//step 4
//step 5 : save as line._1
This will help dealing with each file separately, and avoid group by.

Assuming that your models are discrete values and you know then you can define all the model into a list
val model = List("modelA", "modelB", "modelC", ... )
you can have the following approach:
model.forEach( model => {
val scoresPerModel = sc.textFile(model); { line =>
// business logic here
If the you don't know the model prior to computing the business logic that you have to read using the Hadoop file system API and extract the models from there.
private val fs = {
val conf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration()
fs.listFiles(new Path(hdfsPath))


Faster way to get single cell value from Dataframe (using just transformation)

I have the following code where I want to get Dataframe dfDateFiltered from dfBackendInfo containing all rows with RowCreationTime greater than timestamp "latestRowCreationTime"
val latestRowCreationTime = dfVersion.agg(max("BackendRowCreationTime")).first.getTimestamp(0)
val dfDateFiltered = dfBackendInfo.filter($"RowCreationTime" > latestRowCreationTime)
The problem I see is that the first line adds a job in Databricks cluster making it slower.
Is there anyway if I could use a better way to filter (for ex. just using transformation instead of action)?
Below are the schemas of the 2 Dataframes:
case class Version(BuildVersion:String,
case class BackendInfo(SerialNumber:Integer,
The below code worked:
val dfLatestRowCreationTime1 = dfVersion.agg(max($"BackendRowCreationTime").as("BackendRowCreationTime")).limit(1)
val latestRowCreationTime = dfLatestRowCreationTime1.withColumn("BackendRowCreationTime", when($"BackendRowCreationTime".isNull, DefaultTime))
val dfDateFiltered = dfBackendInfo.join(latestRowCreationTime, dfBackendInfo.col("RowCreationTime").gt(latestRowCreationTime.col("BackendRowCreationTime")))

Create multiple RDDs from single file based on row value ( header record in sample file) using Spark scala

I am trying to create multiple RDDs to process independently from below file based on the similar format of data .
Please find the file with different data formats
In the above file, we have three different type of data formats exist and I want to split the file into three different RDDs as per the format.
Could you please suggest how to implement using Spark (Scala)?
Your file looks like it has 3 different csv files in it.
You can read it as a single file and extract 3 RDDs from it based on the number of fields you have in each row.
// Caching because you'll be filtering it thrice
val topRdd = sc.textFile("file").cache
//res0: Long = 10
val rdd1 = topRdd.filter(_.split(",", -1).length == 10 )
val rdd2 = topRdd.filter(_.split(",", -1).length == 2 )
val rdd3 = topRdd.filter(_.split(",", -1).length == 6 )
// custid,starttime,rpdid,catry,auapp,sppp,retatype,status,process,fileavil
// 4fgdfg,00:56:30.034,BM_-unit1,GEN,TRUE,FALSE,NONE,A,45,TRUE
// custid,relstatus
// fg3-03,R
// dfsdf4-01,V
// 56fbfg,R
// devid,reg,hold,devbrn,lname,lcon
// CTUTANCM0CBM,TRUE,FALSE,13:17:36.934,CBM_BMI_25_5_2,13:43:21.370

save page rank output in neo4j

I am running Pregel Page rank algorith
m on twitter data in Spark using scala. The algorithm runs fine and gives me the output correctly finding out the highest page rank score. But I am unable to save graph on neo4j.
The inputs and outputs are mentioned below.
Input file: (The numbers are twitter userIDs)
86566510 15647839
86566510 197134784
86566510 183967095
15647839 11272122
15647839 10876852
197134784 34236703
183967095 20065583
11272122 197134784
34236703 18859819
20065583 91396874
20065583 86566510
20065583 63433165
20065583 29758446
Output of the graph vertices:
Using the below scala code I try saving the graph but it does'nt. Please help me solve this.
Neo4jGraph.saveGraph(sc, pagerankGraph, nodeProp = "twitterId", relProp = "follows")
Did you load the graph originally from Neo4j? Currently saveGraph saves the graph data back to Neo4j nodes via their internal id's.
It actually runs this statement:
UNWIND {data} as row
MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) =
SET n.$nodeProp = row.value return count(*)
But as a short term mitigation I added optional labelIdProp parameters that are used instead of the internal id's, and a match/merge flag. You'll have to build the library yourself though to use that. I gonna push the update the next few days.
Something you can try is Neo4jDataFrame.mergeEdgeList
Here is the test code for it.
You basically have a dataframe with the data and it saves it to a Neo4j graph (including relationships though).
val rows = sc.makeRDD(Seq(Row("Keanu", "Matrix")))
val schema = StructType(Seq(StructField("name", DataTypes.StringType), StructField("title", DataTypes.StringType)))
val df = new SQLContext(sc).createDataFrame(rows, schema)
Neo4jDataFrame.mergeEdgeList(sc, df, ("Person",Seq("name")),("ACTED_IN",Seq.empty),("Movie",Seq("title")))
val edges : RDD[Edge[Long]] = sc.makeRDD(Seq(Edge(0,1,42L)))
val graph = Graph.fromEdges(edges,-1)
assertEquals(2, graph.vertices.count)
assertEquals(1, graph.edges.count)
val it: ResourceIterator[Long] = server.graph().execute("MATCH (:Person {name:'Keanu'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(:Movie {title:'Matrix'}) RETURN count(*) as c").columnAs("c")

Scala: Creating a HBase table with pre splitting region based on Row Key

I have three RegionServers. I want to evenly distribute a HBase table onto three regionservres based on rowkeys which I have already identified (say, rowkey_100 and rowkey_200). It can be done from hbase shell using:
create 'tableName', 'columnFamily', {SPLITS => ['rowkey_100','rowkey_200']}
If I am not mistaken, this 2 split points will create 3 regions, and the first 100 rows will go to the 1st regionserver, next 100 rows will be in 2nd regionserver and the remaining rows in last regionserver. I want to do the same thing using scala code. How can I specify this in scala code to split table into regions?
Below is a Scala snippet for creating a HBase table with splits:
val admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf)
if (!admin.tableExists(myTable)) {
val htd = new HTableDescriptor(myTable)
val hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(myCF)
val splits = Array[Array[Byte]](splitPoint1.getBytes, splitPoint2.getBytes)
admin.createTable(htd, splits)
There are some predefined region split policies, but in case you want to create your own way of setting split points that span your rowkey range, you can create a simple function like the following:
def autoSplits(n: Int, range: Int = 256) = {
val splitPoints = new Array[Array[Byte]](n)
for (i <- 0 to n-1) {
splitPoints(i) = Array[Byte](((range / (n + 1)) * (i + 1)).asInstanceOf[Byte])
Just comment out the val splits = ... line and replace createTable's splits parameter with autoSplits(2) or autoSplits(4, 128), etc.
This java code can help
HTableDescriptor td = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf("tableName"));
HColumnDescriptor cf = new HColumnDescriptor("cf".getBytes());
byte[][] splitKeys = new byte[] {key1.getBytes(), key2.getBytes()};
HBaseAdmin dbAdmin = new HBaseAdmin(conf);
dbAdmin.createTable(td, splitKeys);

Scala + Spark collections interactions

I'm working under my little project that using graph as the main structure. Graph consists of Vertices that have this structure:
class SWVertex[T: ClassTag](
val id: Long,
val data: T,
var neighbors: Vector[Long] = Vector.empty[Long],
val timestamp: Timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
) extends Serializable {
def addNeighbor(neighbor: Long): Unit = {
if (neighbor >= 0) { neighbors = neighbors :+ neighbor }
There are will be a lot of vertices, possibly over MAX_INT I think.
Each vertex has a mutable array of neighbors (which are just ID's of another vertices).
There are special function for adding vertex to the graph that using BFS algorithm to choose the best vertex in graph for connecting new vertex - modifying existing and adding vertices' neighbors arrays.
I've decided to use Apache Spark and Scala for processing and navigating through my graph, but I stuck with some misunderstandings: I know, that RDD is a parallel dataset, which I'm making from main collection using parallelize() method and I've discovered, that modifying source collection will take affect on created RDD as well. I used this piece of code to find this out:
val newVertex1 = new SWVertex[String](1, "test1")
val newVertex2 = new SWVertex[String](2, "test2")
var vertexData = Seq(newVertex1, newVertex2)
val testRDD1 = sc.parallelize(vertexData, vertexData.length)
f => println("| ID: " + + ", data: " + + ", neighbors: "
+ f.neighbors.mkString(", "))
// The result is:
// | ID: 1, data: test1, neighbors:
// | ID: 2, data: test2, neighbors:
// Calling simple procedure, that uses `addNeighbor` on both parameters
makeFriends(vertexData(0), vertexData(1))
f => println("| ID: " + + ", data: " + + ", neighbors: "
+ f.neighbors.mkString(", "))
// Now the result is:
// | ID: 1, data: test1, neighbors: 2
// | ID: 2, data: test2, neighbors: 1
, but I didn't found the way to make the same thing using RDD methods (and honestly I'm not sure that this is even possible due to RDD immutability). In this case, the question is:
Is there any way to deal with such big amount of data, keeping the ability to access to the random vertices for modifying their neighbors lists and continuous appending of new vertices?
I believe that solution must be in using some kind of Vector data structures, and in this case I have another question:
Is it possible to store Scala structures in cluster memory?
P.S. I'm planning to use Spark for processing BFS search at least, but I will be really happy to hear any of other suggestions.
P.P.S. I've read about .view method for creating "lazy" collections transformations, but still have no clue how it could be used...
Update 1: As far as I'm reading Scala Cookbook, I think that choosing Vector will be the best choice, because working with graph in my case means a lot of random accessing to the vertices aka elements of the graph and appending new vertices, but still - I'm not sure that using Vector for such large amount of vertices won't cause OutOfMemoryException
Update 2: I've found several interesting things going on with the memory in the test above. Here's the deal (keep in mind, I'm using single-node Spark cluster):
// Test were performed using these lines of code:
val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime
var usedMemory = runtime.totalMemory - runtime.freeMemory
// In the beginning of my work, before creating vertices and collection:
usedMemory = 191066456 bytes // ~182 MB, 1st run
usedMemory = 173991072 bytes // ~166 MB, 2nd run
// After creating collection with two vertices:
usedMemory = 191066456 bytes // ~182 MB, 1st run
usedMemory = 173991072 bytes // ~166 MB, 2nd run
// After creating testRDD1
usedMemory = 191066552 bytes // ~182 MB, 1st run
usedMemory = 173991168 bytes // ~166 MB, 2nd run
// After performing first testRDD1.collect() function
usedMemory = 212618296 bytes // ~203 MB, 1st run
usedMemory = 200733808 bytes // ~191 MB, 2nd run
// After calling makeFriends on source collection
usedMemory = 212618296 bytes // ~203 MB, 1st run
usedMemory = 200733808 bytes // ~191 MB, 2nd run
// After calling testRDD1.collect() for modified collection
usedMemory = 216645128 bytes // ~207 MB, 1st run
usedMemory = 203955264 bytes // ~195 MB, 2nd run
I know that this amount of test is too low to be sure in my conclusions, but I noticed, that:
There's nothing happens, when you creating collection.
After creating RDD on this sample, there are 96 bytes allocated, perhaps for storing partitions data or something.
The most amount of memory was allocated when I called .collect() method, because I basically collect all data to one node, and, probably because of single-node Spark installation, I'm getting double copy of data (not sure here), which has taken about 23 MB of memory.
Interesting moment happens after modifying neighbors' arrays, which requires additional 4 MB of memory to store them.
Let me try to address the different questions here:
RDD is a parallel dataset, which I'm making from main collection using
parallelize() method and I've discovered, that modifying source
collection will take affect on created RDD as well.
RDDs are parallel, distributed datasets. parallelize lets you take a local collection and distribute it over a cluster. The current behavior you are observing that when mutating the underlying objects the RDD representation also mutates is only because the program is currently running in 1 node. In a cluster that behavior would not be possible.
Immutability is key to distribute a computation either 'vertically': over several cores of the same processor or 'horizontally': over several machines in a cluster.
I didn't found the way to update the graph structure using RDD
To achieve that you will need to re-think the graph structure in terms of a distributed collection. In the current OO model, each Vertex contains their own list of adjacent vertices and require mutation of the object in order to build up the graph.
We would need to make vertex immutable, by creating them only with their properties and externalize the relationships as a list of edges. In a nutshell, this is what GraphX does. Your Edge would look like:
case class Vertex[T: ClassTag](
val id: Long,
val data: T,
val timestamp: Timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())
and then we can build a collection of Edges:
val Edges:RDD[(Long, Long)] // (Source Vertex Id, Dest Vertex Id)
Then, given:
val usr1 = Vertex(1, "SuppieRK")
val usr2 = Vertex(2, "maasg")
val usr3 = Vertex(3, "graphy")
val usr4 = Vertex(4, "spark")
And some initial relationship:
val edgeSeq = Seq((1,2), (2,3))
and the RDD of such relationship:
val relations = sparkContext.parallelize(edgeSeq)
then adding new relationships will mean creating new edges:
val newRelations = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq((1,4),(2,4),(3,4))
and union-ing those collections together.
val allRel = relations.union(newRelations)
This is how "addFriend" would be implemented, but we probably will be reading that data from somewhere. This method is not to be used to do a one-by-one addition to the Edges collection. You are using Spark because the dataset to consider is very large and you need the possibility to distribute the computation across several machines.
If the collection fits in one node, I would stick to "standard" Scala representations and algorithms.