Artifact dependency direction in deployment diagram - deployment

I have some troubles defining some dependencies for artifacts in a deployment diagram for the following cases:
A service (MyService) launched by a process supervisor (Supervisord, init, a cron job, ...)
Some HTML files served by a static HTTP file server
There is a kind of double dependency since a service (or HTML files) needs a process supervisor (or an HTTP file server); and obviously the process supervisor (or the HTTP file server) has a configuration pointing to the supervised process (or the files to serve).
I see the following modeling possibilities:
The process supervisor has a dependency to the service since it controls it
The service has a dependency to the process supervisor since it cannot run without it
Double dependency
We consider the process supervisor is a UML node, and the service runs in this node
For me, the most logical would be 1) since the process supervisor must have knowledge about the service to supervise. And if 4) seems to be a good answer, I feel I lose a way to explicitly ask for a deployment of a specific process supervisor artifact (Supervisord, or cron, or ...).
If we want to emphasize the needs of the two artifacts, is there a standard approach, or is the answer debatable?

A service (MyService) launched by a process supervisor (Supervisord, init, a cron job, ...)
The service has a dependency to the process supervisor since it cannot run without it
Based on the first statement I don't think that the second one is true.
The Service doesn't communicate with the launcher (supervisor) in any way (how would you communicate with cron?) -- the supervisor just launches and observes the service; so I don't see a dependency. If a cron were to die, then the service would happily carry on (bar of cron killing its suprocesses).


Terminate all ECS tasks before new deployment

If an ECS task runs in multiple instances, the rolling deployment methods usually terminate tasks one by one and replace it with a newer version (newer task definition), in order to maximize uptime.
But we have some containers that may make schema upgrades on first-run (as an example), and here we never want old versions of a container to run at the same time as newer versions.
Another example is coupled data formats, that a new front-end talks to a new API. We'd rather have a moment of downtime than have old front-ends talk to new APIs, or new front-ends talk to old APIs.
ECS doesn't seem to provide a deployment strategy that terminates all instances of a task before starting to roll out new ones.
Before I roll some bash script that reduces task counts to 0 prior to an update and returns it to its original value, does anyone know if AWS provides a way to cleanly drain a service of tasks before rolling out a new task definition?
In a similar scenario I would do it as follows.
I would add my pipeline (if using a stack code) a CodeDeploy step and set the traffic to "All-at-once", this doc can start to direct you something.
In case I was unable to work with the stack code, I would create a lambda, which would be triggered by the pipeline, a step before the deploy, this lambda could interact with the ECS, resetting the tasks to receive the new version of the application, but in this situation, a downtime will be felt, of at least 2 ~ 5 minutes, depending on how your application is optimized. You can see a little more about the lib that will allow you to do this here.

How to create a cron job in a Kubernetes deployed app without duplicates?

I am trying to find a solution to run a cron job in a Kubernetes-deployed app without unwanted duplicates. Let me describe my scenario, to give you a little bit of context.
I want to schedule jobs that execute once at a specified date. More precisely: creating such a job can happen anytime and its execution date will be known only at that time. The job that needs to be done is always the same, but it needs parametrization.
My application is running inside a Kubernetes cluster, and I cannot assume that there always will be only one instance of it running at the any moment in time. Therefore, creating the said job will lead to multiple executions of it due to the fact that all of my application instances will spawn it. However, I want to guarantee that a job runs exactly once in the whole cluster.
I tried to find solutions for this problem and came up with the following ideas.
Create a local file and check if it is already there when starting a new job. If it is there, cancel the job.
Not possible in my case, since the duplicate jobs might run on other machines!
Utilize the Kubernetes CronJob API.
I cannot use this feature because I have to create cron jobs dynamically from inside my application. I cannot change the cluster configuration from a pod running inside that cluster. Maybe there is a way, but it seems to me there have to be a better solution than giving the application access to the cluster it is running in.
Would you please be as kind as to give me any directions at which I might find a solution?
I am using a managed Kubernetes Cluster on Digital Ocean (Client Version: v1.22.4, Server Version: v1.21.5).
After thinking about a solution for a rather long time I found it.
The solution is to take the scheduling of the jobs to a central place. It is as easy as building a job web service that exposes endpoints to create jobs. An instance of a backend creating a job at this service will also provide a callback endpoint in the request which the job web service will call at the execution date and time.
The endpoint in my case links back to the calling backend server which carries the logic to be executed. It would be rather tedious to make the job service execute the logic directly since there are a lot of dependencies involved in the job. I keep a separate database in my job service just to store information about whom to call and how. Addressing the startup after crash problem becomes trivial since there is only one instance of the job web service and it can just re-create the jobs normally after retrieving them from the database in case the service crashed.
Do not forget to take care of failing jobs. If your backends are not reachable for some reason to take the callback, there must be some reconciliation mechanism in place that will prevent this failure from staying unnoticed.
A little note I want to add: In case you also want to scale the job service horizontally you run into very similar problems again. However, if you think about what is the actual work to be done in that service, you realize that it is very lightweight. I am not sure if horizontal scaling is ever a requirement, since it is only doing requests at specified times and is not executing heavy work.

Architecture a service on Kubernetes

I have a UI where I can start machine learning jobs. When a job is requested, a message is added to a PubSub (kafka) and pulled by the service that will run the job.
I have a problem with this service design. I was thinking about creating the main service on Kubernetes that will pull messages from PubSub then this main service would create pods (or rather jobs) to run the actual ML work.
However, I don't know how to make the main service monitor the "worker" jobs it creates. Do I have to do it manually by persisting the ID of the job somewhere and monitoring it? Also how to deal with the "main" service potential failure?
I feel like this is a "classic" use case but I can't find much about how to solve this.
Thanks for your help

Load and use a Service Worker in Karma test

We want to write a Service Worker that performs source code transformation on the loaded files. In order to test this functionality, we use Karma.
Our tests import source files, on which the source code transformation is performed. The tests only succeed if the Service Worker performs the transformation and fail when the Service Worker is not active.
Locally, we can start Karma with singleRun: false and watch for changed files to restart the tests. However, Service Workers are not active for the page that originally loaded them. Therefore, every test case succeeds but the first one.
However, for continuous integration, we need a single-run mode. So, our Service Worker is not active during the run of the test, which fail accordingly.
Also, two consecutive runs do not solve this issue, as Karma restarts the used browser (so we lose the Service Worker).
So, the question is, how to make the Service Worker available in the test run?
E.g., by preserving the browser instance used by karma.
Calling self.clients.claim() within your service worker's activate hander signals to the browser that you'd like your service worker to take control on the initial page load in which the service worker is first registered. You can see an example of this in action in Service Worker Sample: Immediate Control.
I would recommend that in the JavaScript of your controlled page, you wait for the navigator.serviceWorker.ready promise to resolve before running your test code. Once that promise does resolve, you'll know that there's an active service worker controlling your page. The test for the <platinum-sw-register> Polymer element uses this technique.

Queuing systems - what is a good way to start up multiple workers?

How have you set-up one or more worker scripts for queue-oriented systems?
How do you arrange to startup - and restart if necessary - worker scripts as required? (I'm thinking about such tools as init.d/, Ruby-based 'god', DJB's Daemontools, etc, etc)
I'm developing an asynchronous queue/worker system, in this case using PHP & BeanstalkdD (though the actual language and daemon isn't important). The tasks themselves are not too hard - encoding an array with the commands and parameters into JSON for transport through the Beanstalkd daemon, picking them up in a worker script to action them as required.
There are a number of other similar queue/worker setups out there, such as Starling, Gearman, Amazon's SQS and other more 'enterprise' oriented systems like IBM's MQ and RabbitMQ. If you run something like Gearman, or SQS - how do you start and control the worker pool? The questions is on the initial worker startup, and then being able to add additional extra workers, shutting them down at will (though I can send a message through the queue to shut them down - as long as some 'watcher' won't automatically restart them). This is not a PHP problem, it's about straight Unix processes of setting up one or more processes to run on startup, or adding more workers to the pool.
A bash script to loop a script is already in place - this calls the PHP script which then collects and runs tasks from the queue, occasionally exiting to be able to clean itself up (it can also pause a few seconds on failure, or via a planned event). This works fine, and building the worker processes on top of that won't be very hard at all.
Getting a good worker controller system is about flexibility, starting one or two automatically on a machine start, and being able to add a couple more from the command line when the queue is busy, shutting down the extras when no longer required.
I've been helping a friend who's working on a project that involves a Gearman-based queue that will dispatch various asynchronous jobs to various PHP and C daemons on a pool of several servers.
The workers have been designed to behave just like classic unix/linux daemons, thanks to simple shell scripts in /etc/init.d/, and commands like :
invoke-rc.d myWorker start|stop|restart|reload
This mechanism is simple and efficient. And as it relies on standard linux features, even people with a limited knowledge of your app can launch a daemon or stop one, if they know how it's called system-wise (aka "myWorker" in the above example).
Another advantage of this mechanism is it makes your workers pool management easy as well. You could have 10 daemons on your machine (myWorker1, myWorker2, ...) and have a "worker manager" start or stop them depending on the queue length. And as these commands can be run through ssh, you can easily manage several servers.
This solution may sound cheap, but if you build it with well-coded daemons and reliable management scripts, I don't see why it would be less efficient than big-bucks solutions, for any average (as in "non critical") project.
Real message queuing middleware like WebSphere MQ or MSMQ offer "triggers" where a service that is part of the MQM will start a worker when new messages are placed into a queue.
AFAIK, no "web service" queuing system can do that, by the nature of the beast. However I have only looked hard at SQS. There you have to poll the queue, and in Amazon's case overly eager polling is going to cost you some real $$.
I've recently been working on such a tool. It's not entirely finished (thought it should take more than a few more days before I hit something I could call 1.0) and clearly not ready for production yet, but the important part are already coded. Anybody can have a look at the code here:
Supervisor is a good monitor tool. It includes a web UI where you can monitor and manage workers.
Here is a simple config file for a worker.
command=php worker.php ; php command to run worker file
numprocs=2 ; number of processes
process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)03d ; unique name for each process if numprocs > 1
directory=/var/www/demo/ ; directory containing worker file
stdout_logfile=/var/www/demo/worker.log ; log file location
autostart=true ; auto start program when supervisor starts
autorestart=true ; auto restart program if it exits