how to I build a NAPTR record in google cloud dns? - google-cloud-dns

I can't seem to get the syntax down. I'm putting this on the bare domain and setting the NAPTR data to
10 10 "s" "sip+D2U" ""
and it says invalid.

The last part of the NAPTR record is a fully qualified domain name, which needs to be terminated with a trailing .—so if you try this, it should work:
10 10 "S" "SIP+D2U" ""


Remove-S3Bucket : The specified bucket does not exist

I had created 3 buckets for testing and then later on deleted via PowerShell Command as below:
Get-S3Bucket| select -Skip 1 | foreach {Remove-S3Bucket -BucketName $_.Bucketname -DeleteBucketContent}
However, after couple of hours, I run Get-S3Bucket and I see the same buckets listed. I checked the console and found 3 buckets already there. I tried opening one of them and got "Data Not Found" error as per this screenshot:
I thought it might be a stale object, so tried creating another with the same name and it won't let me create one saying 'bucket already exists', as per below screenshot:
I tried again removing it from PowerShell, and get this error "The specified bucket does not exist", below screenshot:
Can someone suggest anything?

How to get the computers domain name in matlab?

I tried getting domain name in c# as below,
IPGlobalProperties properties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
Console.WriteLine("Domain name: {0}", properties.DomainName);
I have searched similar kind of approach in matlab for finding domain name. But I am not successful. Could anyone help me out like how we can get the domain name matlab(The domain name looks like
I got to know how to get computer name as below:
How about this:
[s,cout] = system('net config workstation | findstr /C:"Full Computer name"');
FQDN= strtrim(strrep(cout,'Full Computer name',''))
This returns the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the computer . Where XXXX is your PC Name and YYYY is the domain.
Similarly if you just want the domain name:
[s,cout] = system('systeminfo | findstr /C:"Domain:"');
Domain = strtrim(strrep(cout,'Domain:',''))
Domain =
EDIT: You can also get the FQDN using java in matlab like this:
You can read from the environment variable:

How to Update DNS Records Programatically

I am trying to update a DNS Record which is at (I believe) the following path on the server:
ServerName -> Forward Lookup Zones -> -> test
Where the DNS record is called test, and is of type Host(A).
I downloaded the DNSShell module from here and tried changing the 'Data' column of the DNS record (which contains an IP address) with this command:
Set-DNSRecord -Identity ""
But I got this error:
Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Identity'. The argument "" does not match the "^\\.\root\MicrosoftDNS:MicrosoftDNS_" pattern. Supply an argument that matches "^\\.\root\MicrosoftDNS:MicrosoftDNS_" and try the command again.
So I updated the Identity parameter as follows:
Set-DNSRecord -Identity "\\Servername\root\MicrosoftDNS:MicrosoftDNS_"
But now I am seeing:
Set-DNSRecord : Specified argument was out of the range of the valid values. Parameter name: Path
When I try adding a -Path, it says there is not such parameter! Does anyone know where I need to add the part of the DNS to tell the command which record to update? The documentation on this module is incomplete for this part of it and I can't seem to find any alternatives.
I can call Get-DNSRecord and see the record I need to update, but any attempts to Set are blocked because I have no idea how these paths are built.
Any help is much appreciated.
You can use also default PowerShell module for DNS server from Microsoft, example would then look something like this:
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -Name "recordname" -IPv4Address "" -ZoneName "" -AllowUpdateAny -AgeRecord
In case you need removal before that something like this should work:
Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName "" -Name "recordname" -RRType "A" -Force
I managed to overcome this by using ye olde classic CMD command:
dnscmd /RecordAdd recordname RecordType /Aging /OpenAcl A
This adds a new record, and seems to do so even when another record with the same name (but different IP) exists.
So in my case, I will have to use dnscmd to first remove the existing record before adding a new one (as I actually just want to update the IP address of the existing record).
Command for removing dns record :
dnscmd /recorddelete recordname
More details can be found here.

perl matching syntax with mail filter

We have a part of a mail filter that denies emailing system accounts for security purposes. We recently had a user created that ends in "bin". The bin user is restricted, but the user, lets say l.parrbin, gets flagged via the syntax below:
my #sysaccounts = qw(
root bin daemon adm lp sync shutdown halt mail
news uucp operator games gopher ftp nobody nscd
vcsa rpc mailnull smmsp apache pcap ntp dbus
avahi rpcusder nfsnobody sshd haldaemon xfs defang
clamav monit mysql decode webmaster mailer-daemon
foreach $acct(#sysaccounts){
if ($recip =~ /$acct\#/i){
md_syslog('info', 'Sysaccount Discard');
return('REJECT', "We do not accept messages to system accounts ($acct)");
How would I prevent the above code from returning REJECT if a name ends or starts with a name from the sysaccounts?
Try doing this :
if ($recip =~ /^$acct\#/i){
# ^
In regex, ^ is an anchor meaning beginning of line (string here)

Waiting for a new deployment to fully initialize before swap the staging/production slot (swap VIP)?

I use the following code to swap my newly deployed application from the staging slot into the production slot (swap VIP):
Get-HostedService -serviceName $serviceName -subscriptionId $subcription -certificate $certificate | Get-Deployment -slot staging | Move-Deployment |Get-OperationStatus –WaitToComplete
I thought that the -WaitToComplete flag would make sure all VMs have fully initialize before doing the swap however it doesn't and it performs the swap at which time the newly deployed application in the production slot is still initializing and is unavailable for about 5/10min while it initializes fully.
What is the best way to make sure that the application is fully initialized before doing the Swap VIP operation?
This PowerShell snippet will wait until every instance is ready (building on the answer #astaykov gave).
It queries the state of the running instances in the staging slot, and only if all are showing as 'ready' will it leave the loop.
$hostedService = "YOUR_SERVICE_NAME"
do {
# query the status of the running instances
$list = (Get-AzureRole -ServiceName $hostedService `
-Slot Staging `
# total number of instances
$total = $list.Length
# count the number of ready instances
$ready = ($list | Where-Object { $_ -eq "ReadyRole" }).Length
Write-Host "$ready out of $total are ready"
$notReady = ($ready -ne $total)
If ($notReady) {
Start-Sleep -s 10
while ($notReady)
I am guessing that what you might actually be seeing is the delay that it takes for the DNS entries to be propagated and become available.
What you should find is that once the status is reported as Ready you may not be able to access your site using the staging URL "" you will find that it might not come up... but if you look on the Management Portal you will see at the bottom of the Properties a value for 'VIP' - if you use that IP address " you should be able to get to your site.
When you do a SWAP you will find similar behavior. It will take some time for the DNS updates to propagate, but you will likely see that you can still access the site with either the IP address or the staging address (if it has become available).
Finally, 1 question... based on your question it sounds like you might be deploying to staging as part of your build then immediately promoting to a production deployment... is this correct, and if so why not just deploy to the production deployment? (I'm not suggesting that deploying directly into production is a best practice... but if that is your workflow I see no benefit to the temporary deployment to staging)
Hope this helps!
I am not very familiar with PowerShell, but from my experience with shells at all you are pipelining commands. Each set before a pipe charachter (|) represents a single command which would pass its result to the next command in the pipe (command after the pipe character). And because you are executing these commands before the depolyment is fully complete, that's why you get the newly deployed app swapped to the production slot.
First thing to note here is that you have "-WaitToComplete" argument just for the last command, which is actually Get-OperationStatus.
Other thing that I see is that this powershell commands will just do the vip swap. What about deployment?
From what you descriped it appears that your build server is auto deploying to staging, and you have post-build event that executes the swap script. What Mike Erickson suggests here would make sense, if your flow is like that - immediately swap after depoloy to staging. Why would you deploy to staging, if you are going to make a swap without checking application health first? However I would not recommend direct depolyment to the server (delete + deploy), but a service upgrade. Because when we do service upgrade, our deployment keeps its public IP address. If we delete + deploy we get a new public IP address. And the public IP address for a hosted service is already guaranteed to not be changed untill deployment is deleted.
Finally, you shall expand your PowerShell script a bit. First include a routine which will check (and wait untill) the staging slot to be "ready", and then perform the swap. As I said, I'm not much into powershell, but I'm sure this is feasible.
Just my 2 cents.
After revisiting this guide, I now understand something. You are waiting for operation to complete, but this is the VIP-SWAP operation which you are waiting to complete. If your stating deployment is not yet ready, you have to wait for it to become ready. And also like Mike mentioned, there might be DNS delay, which is noted at the end of the guide:
If you visit the production site shortly after its promotion, the DNS
name might not be ready. If you encounter a DNS error (404), wait a
few minutes and try again. Keep in mind that Windows Azure creates DNS
name entries dynamically and that the changes might take few minutes
to propagate.
Well, you will have to query for all the roles and all of their instances and wait for all of them to be ready. Technical you could conduct the VIP swap with at least one instance per role being ready, but I think that would complicate the script even more.
Here's a minor tweak to Richard Astbury's example above that will retry a limited number of times. All credit to him for original sample code, so I'd vote for him as the answer most to the point. Simply posting this variation here as an alternative for people to copy/paste as needed:
$hostedService = "YOUR_SERVICE_NAME"
# Wait roughly 10 minutes, plus time required for Azure methods
$remainingTries = 6 * 10
do {
# query the status of the running instances
$list = (Get-AzureRole -ServiceName $hostedService -Slot Staging -InstanceDetails).InstanceStatus
# count the number of ready instances
$list | foreach-object { IF ($_ -eq "ReadyRole") { $ready++ } }
# count the number in total
$list | foreach-object { $total++ }
"$ready out of $total are ready"
if (($ready -ne $total) -and ($remainingTries -gt 0)) {
# Not all ready, so sleep for 10 seconds before trying again
Start-Sleep -s 10
else {
if ($ready -ne $total) {
throw "Timed out while waiting for service to be ready: $hostedService"
while ($true)