Unable to connect to remote Cassandra via Spark + Scala - scala

I'm having some troubles while trying to connect to a remote Cassandra using Apache-Spark and Scala. I successfully managed to connect in past, in the same way, with MongoDb.
This time I really don't understand why I'm getting the following error:
Failed to open native connection to Cassandra at {}:9042
I guess it's a dependency and version problem but I was not able to find anything related to this issue in particular, both on documentation and on other questions.
I essentially manage to connect via ssh-tunnel to my server using jsch and all works fine. Then, I'm successfully able to connect to the local apache-spark using SparkConnectionFactory.scala:
package connection
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
class SparkConnectionFactory {
var sparkContext : SparkContext = _
def initSparkConnection = {
val configuration = new SparkConf(true).setMaster("local[8]")
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "localhost")
.set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
val sc = new SparkContext(configuration)
sparkContext = sc
def getSparkInstance : SparkContext = {
And calling it in my Main.scala:
val sparkConnectionFactory = new SparkConnectionFactory
val sc : SparkContext = sparkConnectionFactory.getSparkInstance
But, when I try to select all the items inside a Cassandra table using:
val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("my_keyspace", "my_table")
I get the error I wrote above.
On my server I installed Scala ~v2.11.6, Spark ~v2.1.1, SparkSQL ~v2.1.1. Of course I have 8 cores and a replication factor of 1. On my pom.xml I have:
. . .
. . .
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.spark/spark-core_2.10 -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.datastax.spark/spark-cassandra-connector_2.10 -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.spark/spark-sql_2.10 -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/commons-codec/commons-codec -->
Is my issue caused by conflicting versions? If yes, how can I fix this? If not, any hint on what's causing it?
Thanks in advance.

I'm forwarding port 9042 to 8988
Then that's the port you need to connect to
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.port", 8988)


Creating a kafka consumer using spark streaming

I have started kafka, created a topic and a producer. Now I want to read messages sent from that producer. My code
def main(args: Array[String]){
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val spark = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val streamingContext = new StreamingContext(spark, Seconds(5))
val kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(streamingContext
, "localhost:2181"
, "test-group"
, Map("test" -> 1))
The dependencies I use
But every time I try to run it in idea I get
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.Predef$.$conforms()Lscala/Predef$$less$colon$less;
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.getSystemProperties(Utils.scala:1582)
at org.apache.spark.SparkConf.<init>(SparkConf.scala:59)
at org.apache.spark.SparkConf.<init>(SparkConf.scala:53)
at com.mypackage.KafkaConsumer$.main(KafkaConsumer.scala:10)
at com.mypackage.KafkaConsumer.main(KafkaConsumer.scala)
Other questions here point to conflicts between dependencies.
I use scala 2.10.5 and spark 1.6.2. I tried them in other projects, they worked fine.
Line 10 in this case is val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
I try to run the app in the IDEA without packaging it.
What can be the reason for this problem?
It's an error with Scala version. You're are using different versions of scala in your code and dependencies.
You said you're using scala 2.10 but you import spark-XX_2.11 dependencies. Unify your scala version.

Spark with Mongodb is very slow

I am running the spark-shell with mongodb connector. But the program was very slow , i think i will don't have the response from program.
My spark-shell command is :
./spark-shell --master spark://spark_host:7077 \
--conf "spark.mongodb.input.uri=mongodb://mongod_user:password#mongod_host:27017/database.collection?readPreference=primaryPreferred" \
--jars /mongodb/lib/mongo-spark-connector_2.10-2.0.0.jar,/mongodb/lib/bson-3.2.2.jar,/mongodb/lib/mongo-java-driver-3.2.2.jar
And my app code is :
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import com.mongodb.spark._
import org.bson.Document
import com.mongodb.spark.config.ReadConfig
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import com.mongodb.spark.rdd.MongoRDD
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
val df = MongoSpark.load(sparkSession)
val dataset = df.filter("thisRequestTime > 1499250131596")
dataset.first // will wait to long time
What thing i was missed ? Help me please ~
PS: my spark is standalone model . App dependency is :
I've been trapped into this kind of problem for a while, but got it over at last.
I don't know the detail of your Mongodb configuration, but here is my solution for my problem, hope you find it helpful.
My dataset is huge, too. So I configured a sharded cluster for mongodb, that's why make it slow. To solve it, add one piece of conf spark.mongodb.input.partitioner=MongoShardedPartitioner. Otherwise a default partition policy with be put into use, which is not suitable for a sharded mongodb.
You can find more specific information here
good luck!

Error while using SparkSession or sqlcontext

I am new to spark. I am just trying to parse a json file using sparksession or sqlcontext.
But whenever I run them, I am getting the following error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
org.apache.spark.internal.config.package$.CATALOG_IMPLEMENTATION()Lorg/apache/spark/internal/config/ConfigEntry; at
org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$.org$apache$spark$sql$SparkSession$$sessionStateClassName(SparkSession.scala:930) at
org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.sessionState$lzycompute(SparkSession.scala:112) at
org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.sessionState(SparkSession.scala:110) at
org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader.<init>(DataFrameReader.scala:535) at
org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.read(SparkSession.scala:595) at
org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext.read(SQLContext.scala:504) at
joinAssetsAndAd$.main(joinAssetsAndAd.scala:21) at
As of now I created a scala project in eclipse IDE and configured it as Maven project and added the spark and sql dependencies.
My dependencies :
Could you please explain why I am getting this error and how to correct them?
Try to use the same version for spark-core and spark-sql. Change version of spark-sql to 2.1.0

Exception while running Spark program with SQL context in Scala

I am trying to run a simple Spark scala program built with Maven
Below is the source code:
case class Person(name:String,age:Int)
object parquetoperations {
def main(args:Array[String]){
val sparkconf=new SparkConf().setAppName("spark1").setMaster("local")
val sc=new SparkContext(sparkconf);
val sqlContext= new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val peopleRDD = sc.textFile(args(0));
val peopleDF=peopleRDD.map(_.split(",")).map(attributes=>Person(attributes(0),attributes(1).trim.toInt)).toDF()
val adultsDF=sqlContext.sql("select * from people where age>18")
//adultsDF.map(x => "Name: "+x.getAs[String]("name")+ " age is: "+x.getAs[Int]("age")).show();
and below are the maven dependencies I have.
It throws the below error. Tried to debug in various ways with no luck
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
Looks like this is an error related to loading the spark web ui
All your dependencies are on Scala 2.10, but your scala-xml dependency is on Scala 2.11.
Btw, unless you really have a strong reason to do so, I would suggest you move to Scala 2.11.8. Everything is so much better with 2.11 compared to 2.10.

Scala 2.11.4, akka 2.3.7, spray 1.3.1 giving type mismatch error

I am new to Scala. While trying spray with akka I am getting the following error
Error:(17, 17) type mismatch;
found : String("Welcome to Scala")
required: spray.httpx.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable
complete("Welcome to Scala")
import spray.routing._
import akka.actor._
object SampleApplication extends App with SimpleRoutingApp {
implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
startServer(interface = "localhost", port = 8080) {
get {
path("hello") {
complete {
"Welcome to Scala"
Maven Dependencies:
Ide used is intellij Idea 14
Are dependencies strictly bind to scala version?
Please help in solving the issue.
Your example works for me. I suspect something шы wrong with your dependencies which causes spray.httpx.marshalling not to be found.
Overall I highly recommend not to use Maven with Scala and stick to SBT instead. With SBT you get access to the same dependencies (just like in Maven), but also can directly specify dependency from GitHub. You will also get incremental compilation. Ability to start shell or servlet container within sbt is also convenient. If you use Intellij IDEA it can open SBT configuration as project. And it comes with make tasks you'd probably need (test, run, doc, publish-local, console).