Postgres 9.6 replication from production to custom slave - postgresql

I have a problem. Currently I have a 1 TB Postgres 9.6 database which is backed up with Barman with streaming.
What I need:
A replication from the production/master to the slave server:
On which I can write, I don’t care if the written data on the replica
is not sent to the master server
Which can be configured almost in real time or with little delay
On which I can use dump without locking the master database
As said above I am using Barman for backing up. However I am not able to find out how I can build a replica from Barman which is sync by the master. It was set up by a someone else and i'm not sure its the right solution for what I need.
My questions:
Is Barman the good tool for what I want ?
If no. Which tools would you suggest to me ?
If yes. Do you know how to build replica from Barman which is
sync by the master ? Could you please explain to me how to do

in master-slave mode, you can't write on slave
if you want to write on replica to you should probably use something like this
also you can make sure all of your writes on master also written on replica via synchronous-wal-streaming feature
via this feature, before wiritng on master , first master makes sure write was written successfully on replica
except for writing on slave part , barman looks a fit tool for you
writing on slave is a uncommon thing in postgresql


Use Barman within a Docker swarm

I'm almost new to the PostgreSQL technology but today, I have a Docker swarm with two nodes dedicated for the databases. Consider that the first node contains the "master" PostgreSQL (> 9.3) and the second one is just a replica of the master.
This backup method doesn't suit me anymore since my cluster could grow up soon and I would need point in time recovery. In did some research and that's why I would like to use Barman (
I was wondering if Barman can be efficient in a Docker swarm and if some of you had a return of experience on it.
I'm trying at the moment to build this infrastructure. I'll post updates if needed.
Additionnaly, more documentation on the topic could help me :)
Thanks, Paul
After some days practicing barman and reading the documentation, I think Barman is a suitable and really good option for backups in a Docker Swarm since it allows streaming backup.
You can choose to backup every minutes a small amount of data. It's light for Docker.
If there is a disaster and your PostgreSQL service comes down you can still recover from a recent backup.

Postgres master / slave based on table

Currently I have 1 postgres instance which is starting to receive too much load and want create a cluster of 2 postgres nodes.
From reading the documentation for postgres and pgpool, it seems like I can only write to a master and read from a slave or run parallel queries.
What I'm looking for is a simple replication of a database but with master/slave based on which table is being updated. Is this possible? Am i missing it somewhere in the documentation?
update users will be executed on server1 and replicated to server2
update big_table will be executed on server2 and replicated back to server1
What you are looking for is called MASTER/MASTER replication. This is supported natively (without PgPool) since 9.5. Note, that it's an "eventually consistent" architecture, so your application should be aware of possible temporary differences between the two servers.
See PG documentation for more details and setup instructions.

Primary and standby server at different timelines in postgres

I am very new to postgres and being new I got stuck at a point and need some help, please pardon if you find it silly.
I am doing a pgpool HA and at postgres level i have streaming replication between 3 nodes of postgresql-9.5 - 1 master and 2 slaves
I was trying to configure auto failover but when i switched back to my original master, and restarted the postgres service, I am getting the following error:
slave 1-highest timeline 1 of the primary is behind recovery timeline 11
slave 2-highest timeline 1 of the primary is behind recovery timeline 10
slave 3-highest timeline 1 of the primary is behind recovery timeline 3
I tried deleting pg_xlog files in slaves and copying all the files from master pg_xlog into the slaves and then did a rsync.
i also did a pg_rewind but it says:
target server needs to use either data checksums or wal_log_hints = on
(I have wal_log_hints = on set in postgresql.conf already)
I've tried doing a pg_basebackup but since the data base server in slaves are still starting up its not able to connect to the server
Is there any way to bring the master and the slave at a same timeline?
In my case, it happened because ( experimentally ), I updated the standby database tables and again when I simulate the master-standby streaming replication I got the same errors.
So once again I cleaned the whole standby database directory and migrate the master database using cmd like
"pg_basebackup -P -R -X stream -c fast -h -U postgres -D standby/"
I think something is wrong in your pgpool configuration. What tool you have been using for manement of replication and master-slave control? Is it post master or repmgr?
I was trying to configure pgpool with 3 data nodes using a tutorial from and have done it correctly.
Also you can lean auto failover here.
(These question is obviously duplicate of this one, so I'll repeat the answer also.)
I'm not sure what you exactly mean by "when i switched back to my original master", but it looks that you are doing the wrongest possible thing in PostgreSQL streaming replication - introducing the second master.
The most important thing you should know about PostgreSQL replication is that once the failover is performed, you cannot simply "switch back to original master" - there's now a new master in cluster, and existence of two masters will make damage.
After a slave is promoted to master, the only way for you to re-join the old master is to:
Destroy it (delete the data directory);
Join it as a slave.
If you want it to be master again you'll continue with the following:
Let it run for awhile as a slave so that it can sync the data;
Kill temporary master and failover to old master;
Rejoin temporary master again as a slave.
You cannot simply switch master servers! Master can be created ONLY by failover (promoting a slave)
You should also know that whenever you are performing failover (whenever the master is changed), all slaves (except for the one that is promoted) need to be reconfigured to target the new master.
I suggest you reading this tutorial - it'll help.

Why is Postgres sending data somewhere? [duplicate]

I've been a MySQL guy, and now I'm working with Postgres so I am learning. Wondering if someone can tell me why my postgres process on my macbook is sending and receiving data over my network. I am just noticing this is happening for the first time - so maybe it's been going on before this and I just never noticed postgres does this.
What has me a bit nervous, is that I pulled down a production datadump from our server which is set up with replication and I imported it to my local postgres db. The settings in my postgresql.conf don't indicate replication is turned on. So it shouldn't be streaming out to anything, right?
If someone has some insight into what may be happening, or why postgres is sending/receiving packets, I'd love to hear the easy answer (and the complex one if there's more to what's happening).
This is a postgres install via Homebrew on MacOSX.
Thanks in advance!
Some final thoughts: It's entirely possible, I guess, that Mac's activity monitor also shows local 'network' traffic stats. Maybe this isn't going out to the internets.....
In short, I would not expect replication to be enabled for a DB that was dumped from a server that had it if the server to which it was restored had no replication configured at all.
More detail:
Normally, to get a local copy of a database in Postgres, one would do a pg_dump of the remote database (this could be done from your laptop, pointing at your server), followed by a createdb on your laptop to create the database stub and then a pg_restore pointed at the dump to populate its contents. [Edit: Re-reading your post, it seems like you may perhaps have done this, but meant that the dump you used had replication enabled.)]
That would be entirely local (assuming no connections into the DB from off-box), so long as you didn't explicitly setup any replication or anything else that would go off-box. Can you elaborate on what exactly you mean by importing with replication?
Also, if you're concerned about remote traffic coming from Postgres, try running this command a few times over the period of a minute or two (when you are seeing the traffic):
netstat | grep postgres
In general, replication in Postgres in configured at a server level, and has to do with things such as the master server shipping WAL files to the standby server (for streaming replication). You would have almost certainly have had to setup entries in postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf to ensure that the standby server had access (such as a replication entry in the latter conf file). Assuming you didn't do steps such as this, I think it can pretty safely be concluded that there's no replication going on (especially in conjunction with double-checking via netstat).
You might also double-check the Postgres log to see if it's doing anything replication related. In a default install, that'd probably be in /var/log/postgresql (although I'm not 100% sure if Homebrew installs put it somewhere else).
If it's UDP traffic, to and from a high port, it's likely to be PostgreSQL's internal statistics collector.
These are pre-bound to prevent interference and should not be accessible outside of PostgreSQL.

Mirror one database to another in PostgreSQL

I know the way to set up a Master/Slave DB in Postgres is having 2 DB servers, but unfortunately i have only one server for now.
How can i mirror my production db into another "backup db" in "real_time"? I want to give access to another user to the mirrored db, so even if he does something there it will not affect production.
Nothing stops you setting up hot standby streaming replication, or another replication option like Londiste, between two PostgreSQL instances on the same computer.
The two copies of PostgreSQL must use different ports, but that's the only real restriction.
How to set up the second PostgreSQL instance depends on your operating system and how you installed PostgreSQL, which you have not mentioned.
You'll want to use streaming replication with hot standby if you want a read-only replica. If you want it to be read/write, then you can do a one-off copy of the database with pg_basebackup and not keep them in sync after that. Or you can use a tool like Londiste to replicate changes selectively.
You can run multiple instances of PostgreSQL on the same computer, by using different ports.