Changing the pitch of a imported signal logarithmically / exponentially over time - matlab

How can I change the pitch of an imported signal logarithmically / exponentially over time?
Please note that the imported signals that will be used are not single frequencies so a simple sweep or a chirp command will not work since I will be importing vocal audio files, I just created the examples below so they would work and could be tested / show the issues I'm having.
I can change the pitch of a signal over time linearly which works great see part 1 of test code and frequency plot below. Thanks to Sheljohn for the code
%Sweep question part 1
clear all,clf reset,tic,clc
pkg load signal %load packages
%%%----create signal
len_of_sig=7; %in seconds
wavwrite([orig_sig1(:)] ,fs,16,strcat('/tmp/0_sig.wav')); % export file
%%%---import signal
[ya, fs, nbitsraw] = wavread('/tmp/0_sig.wav');
orig_total_samples=length(ya); %make this the same length as signal wave
%%%%----Begin linsweep
x = ya(:);
fac=(end_freq-start_freq)/length(x); %linear slope
n = numel(x); % number of timepoints
m = mean(x); % average of the signal
k = transpose(0:n-1); %
h = hilbert( x - m ); % analytic signal
env1 = abs(h); % envelope
sweep=fac*pi*k.^2/(fs); %linearly increasing offset original %alter curve here
p = angle(h) + sweep; % phase + linearly increasing offset original
y = m - imag(hilbert( env1 .* sin(p) )); % inverse-transform
wavwrite([y(:)] ,fs,16,strcat('/tmp/0_sweep.wav')); % export file
%%%----------Used for plotting
z = hilbert(y);
instfreq = fs/(2*pi)*diff(unwrap(angle(z))); %orginal
t_new=t_import/(2*pi); %converts it to seconds
xlabel('Time (secnds)')
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
grid on
title('Instantaneous Frequency')
Issues with the code I have below are:
1) The frequency doesn't start or end at the correct frequency.
2) It doesn't have the correct slopes
I believe it has to do with the variables fac and sweep I'm just not sure how to calculate them correctly.
fac=log(start_freq/end_freq)/length(x); %slope
sweep=-(start_freq)*exp(fac*k); %alter curve here
%-----------------Sweep question part 2
clear all,clf reset,tic,clc
pkg load signal %load packages
%%%----create signal
len_of_sig=7; %in seconds
wavwrite([orig_sig1(:)] ,fs,16,strcat('/tmp/0_sig.wav')); % export file
%%%---import signal
[ya, fs, nbitsraw] = wavread('/tmp/0_sig.wav');
orig_total_samples=length(ya); %make this the same length as signal wave
%%%%----Begin linsweep
x = ya(:);
fac=log(start_freq/end_freq)/length(x); %slope
n = numel(x); % number of timepoints
m = mean(x); % average of the signal
k = transpose(0:n-1); %
h = hilbert( x - m ); % analytic signal
env1 = abs(h); % envelope
sweep=-(start_freq)*exp(fac*k); %alter curve here
p = angle(h) + sweep; % phase + increasing offset
y = m - imag(hilbert( env1 .* sin(p) )); % inverse-transform
wavwrite([y(:)] ,fs,16,strcat('/tmp/0_sweep.wav')); % export file
%%%----------Used for plotting
z = hilbert(y);
instfreq = fs/(2*pi)*diff(unwrap(angle(z))); %orginal
t_new=t_import/(2*pi); %converts it to seconds
xlabel('Time (seconds)')
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
grid on
title('Instantaneous Frequency')
The slopes I'm trying to get are when the start frequency starts at 500hz and goes to 20hz. And when the start frequency starts at 20hz and it goes to 500hz. See plots below: Note: These frequency will change so I'm trying to get the correct formula / equation that will calculate these slopes when needed.
Ps: I'm using Octave 4.0 which is similar to Matlab.
Please note that the imported signals that will be used are not single frequencies so a simple sweep or a chirp command will not work since I will be importing vocal audio files, I just created the examples below so they would work and could be tested / show the issues I'm having.

I can get the sweep to look like the plot you are interested in by making the following changes to your code. Some of them are just cosmetic for my sake (e.g. I like my time variables to remain in units of seconds throughout).
Relevant changes:
fac=log(start_freq/end_freq)/length(x); %slope
sweep=(start_freq*2*pi/fs)*exp(fac*k); %alter curve here
Here was some other changes I made,
y = env1.*sin(p);
% and later for consistency
t_new=t_import; %t is seconds
The fac, in my mind, is going to be the difference from your start and end, so it would be: log(endFreq)-log(startFreq) or log(endFreq/startFreq) with the additional normalization for the length. This can be flipped with a negative sign in front.
One issue with the sweep may be happening when you use it to calculate p=angle(h)+sweep; where angle(h) is in radians.
The radians vs Hz units issue may be causing some of the difficulty.


How to do a frequency band?

Here in this code i am doing a stft on my wav-file. There is no problem with that. At the beginning, i am defining my parameter, afterwards using my wav file and then applying the stft. Basically what i am doing is a real-time spectral analysis. Anyway my question is, how do i a frequency band? I want my signal to be separated in LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH. I want my vector to be saved, from 0-250 Hz in the LOW-Band, 250-5000 Hz in the MEDIUM-Band, 5-22.05k Hz in the HIGH-Band. I advise you, to try my code in Matlab, if you don't understand it. Just take any wav-file. Btw my signal is plotted in the variable "Yres". Any solution is appreciated!
NFA=2; % Number is used for plotting every 2nd picture
t_seg=0.05; % Length of segment in ms
fftlen = 4096;
% Lenght of "fft",because our segment contains 2205 points
% audioread = functions reads WAV-file
% y = A vector which contains my audio signal
% fs = sample frequency (44100)
% 'UnchainMyHeart' = WAV-file
% linspace = Creating time vector
% 0 = Start time
% length(y)/fs = End time
% length(y) = Number of samples in y
% plotting signal in the time domain
segl =floor(t_seg*fs);
% Applying fft function on the variable "segl"
% Defining the size of the window, which goes to the next "segl"
% hann function
%Start index
%End index
AOS= length(y)/windowshift - 1;
% AOS is the number of "segl" we use (About 433)
% Opening new window
% Defining frequency vector
plot(f,Ya),axis([0 fs -90 50])
grid on
%start variable
for m= 1:1:AOS
y_a = y(si:ei);
y_a= y_a.*window;
Ya=fft(y_a, fftlen);
if n==1
if n==NFA
%Tut die Grafikobjekte immer auf den neuesten Stand updaten
plot(f(1:end/2), 20*log10(abs(Yres(1:end/2))));
ylim([-90 50]);
title('Spektrum eines Audiosignal');
grid on;
% Updating start index
% Updating end index
This may not be the best answer! But this may help you get started on something. You can use spectrogram() function from MATLAB's Signal Processing Toolbox.
Let's suppose you have an audio file named ''UnchainMyHeart.wav'(in your case) with one channel. The code goes as follows:
% Reading the audio file
[y1,fs] = audioread('UnchainMyHeart.wav');
% Parameters for STFT (or spectrogram)
windowDuration = 30e-3; overlapDuration = 15e-3;
windowLength = round(windowDuration*fs); % window length
overlapLength = round(overlapDuration*fs); % overlapping of windows
nfft = 1024;
% Executing STFT for the signal
[S1,F1,T1,P1] = spectrogram(x1,hanning(windowLength), ...
overlapLength, nfft, fs, 'yaxis');
S1 and P1 contain STFT and Power Spectrum Density(PSD) of the signal for a time interval of each section with a time interval whose estimations are contained in T1.
For your question, you are looking for F1 which is a vector of cyclical frequencies expressed in terms of sampling frequency, fs. For example: if you have a sampling frequency of 48 kHz (fs) and nfft of 1024, then you will have 513 [(1024/2) +1)] frequency values spaced by (fs/nfft). i.e. 46.875. So your frequency components will be 0, 46.875, 46.875*2, ..., 46.875*512. The maximum you will have is 24 kHz due to Nyquist criterion.
Now, you can easily write a simple routine specifying the ranges as you said. The same technique can be used in your code which is an implementation of stft. I would suggest using MATLAB's built-in function unless your problem requires an implementation. Hope this helps!
If needed, I can answer why the parameters for STFT are chosen as included in the code.

period of sawtooth from measurements

I have a series of 2D measurements (time on x-axis) that plot to a non-smooth (but pretty good) sawtooth wave. In an ideal world the data points would form a perfect sawtooth wave (with partial amplitude data points at either end). Is there a way of calculating the (average) period of the wave, using OCTAVE/MATLAB? I tried using the formula for a sawtooth from Wikipedia (Sawtooth_wave):
P = mean(time.*pi./acot(tan(y./4))), -pi < y < +pi
also tried:
P = mean(abs(time.*pi./acot(tan(y./4))))
but it didn't work, or at least it gave me an answer I know is out.
An example of the plotted data:
I've also tried the following method - should work - but it's NOT giving me what I know is close to the right answer. Probably something simple and wrong with my code. What?
slopes = diff(y)./diff(x); % form vector of slopes for each two adjacent points
for n = 1:length(diff(y)) % delete slope of any two points that form the 'cliff'
if abs(diff(y(n,1))) > pi
slopes(n,:) = [];
P = median((2*pi)./slopes); % Amplitude is 2*pi
Old post, but thought I'd offer my two-cent's worth. I think there are two reasonable ways to do this:
Perform a Fourier transform and calculate the fundamental
Do a curve-fitting of the phase, period, amplitude, and offset to an ideal square-wave.
Given curve-fitting will likely be difficult because of discontinuities in saw-wave, so I'd recommend Fourier transform. Self-contained example below:
f_s = 10; # Sampling freq. in Hz
record_length = 1000; # length of recording in sec.
% Create noisy saw-tooth wave, with known period and phase
saw_period = 50;
saw_phase = 10;
t = (1/f_s):(1/f_s):record_length;
saw_function = #(t) mod((t-saw_phase)*(2*pi/saw_period), 2*pi) - pi;
noise_lvl = 2.0;
saw_wave = saw_function(t) + noise_lvl*randn(size(t));
num_tsteps = length(t);
% Plot time-series data
plot(t, saw_wave, '*r', t, saw_function(t));
xlabel('Time [s]');
legend('measurements', 'ideal');
% Perform fast-Fourier transform (and plot it)
dft = fft(saw_wave);
freq = 0:(f_s/length(saw_wave)):(f_s/2);
dft = dft(1:(length(saw_wave)/2+1));
plot(freq, abs(dft));
xlabel('Freqency [Hz]');
ylabel('FFT of Measurement');
% Estimate fundamental frequency:
[~, idx] = max(abs(dft));
peak_f = abs(freq(idx));
peak_period = 1/peak_f;
disp(strcat('Estimated period [s]: ', num2str(peak_period)))
Which outputs a couple of graphs, and also the estimated period of the saw-tooth wave. You can play around with the amount of noise and see that it correctly gets a period of 50 seconds till very high levels of noise.
Estimated period [s]: 50

Matlab, FFT frequency range differences or are they the same?

I'm trying to understand how the FFT in matlab works, particularly, how to define the frequency range to plot it. It happens that I have read from matlab help links and from other discussions here and I think (guess) that I'm confused about it.
In the matlab link:
they define such a frequency range as:
f = (0:n-1)*(fs/n)
with n and fs as:
n = 2^nextpow2(L); % Next power of 2 from length of signal x
fs = N/T; % N number of samples in x and T the total time of the recorded signal
But, on the other hand, in the previous post Understanding Matlab FFT example
(based on previous version of matlab), the resulting frequency range is defined as:
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
with NFFT as the aforementioned n (Next power of 2 from length of signal x).
So, based on that, how these different vectors (equation 1 and final equation) could be the same?
If you can see, the vectors are different since the former has n points and the later has NFFT/2 points! In fact, the factor (fs/n) is different from fs/2.
So, based on that, how these different vectors (equation 1 and final equation) could be the same?
The example in the documentation from Mathworks plots the entire n-point output of the FFT. This covers the frequencies from 0 to nearly fs (exactly (n-1)/n * fs). They then make the following observation (valid for real inputs to the FFT):
The first half of the frequency range (from 0 to the Nyquist frequency fs/2) is sufficient to identify the component frequencies in the data, since the second half is just a reflection of the first half.
The other post you refer to just chooses to not show that redundant second half. It then uses half the number of points which also cover half the frequency range.
In fact, the factor (fs/n) is different from fs/2.
Perhaps the easiest way to make sense of it is to compare the output of the two expressions for some small value of n, says n=8 and setting fs=1 (since fs multiplies both expressions). On the one hand the output of the first expression [0:n-1]*(fs/n) would be:
0.000 0.125 0.250 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875
whereas the output of fs/2*linspace(0,1,n/2+1) would be:
0.000 0.125 0.250 0.500
As you can see the set of frequencies are exactly the same up to Nyquist frequency fs/2.
The confusion is perhaps arising from the fact that the two examples which you have referenced are plotting results of the fft differently. Please refer to the code below for the references made in this explanation.
In the first example, the plot is of the power spectrum (periodogram) over the frequency range. Note, in the first plot, that the periodogram is not centered at 0, meaning that the frequency range appears to be twice that of the Nyquist sampling frequency. As mentioned in the mathworks link, it is common practice to center the periodogram at 0 to avoid this confusion (figure 2).
For the second example, taking the same parameters, the original plot is of amplitude of the fourier spectrum with a different normalization than in the first example (figure 3). Using the syntax of Matlab's full frequency ordering (as commented in the code), it is trivial to convert this seemingly different fft result to that of example 1; the identical result of the 0-centered periodogram is replicated in figure 4.
Thus, to answer your question specifically, the frequency ranges in both cases are the same, with the maximum frequency equal to the Nyquist sampling frequency as in:
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
The key to understanding how the dfft works (also in Matlab) is to understand that you are simply performing a projection of your discrete data set into fourier space where what is returned by the fft() function in matlab are the coefficients of the expansion for each frequency component and the order of the coefficients is given (in Matlab as in example 2) by:
f = [f(1:end-1) -fliplr(f(1,2:end))];
See the Wikipedia page on the DFT for additional details:
It might also be helpful for you to take the fft omitting the length as a power of 2 parameter as
y = fft(x).
In this case, you would see only a few non-zero components in y corresponding to the exact coefficients of your input signal. The mathworks page claims the following as a motivation for using or not using this length:
"Using a power of two for the transform length optimizes the FFT algorithm, though in practice there is usually little difference in execution time from using n = m."
%% First example:
fs = 10; % Sample frequency (Hz)
t = 0:1/fs:10-1/fs; % 10 sec sample
x = (1.3)*sin(2*pi*15*t) ... % 15 Hz component
+ (1.7)*sin(2*pi*40*(t-2)); % 40 Hz component
% Removed the noise
m = length(x); % Window length
n = pow2(nextpow2(m)); % Transform length
y = fft(x,n); % DFT
f = (0:n-1)*(fs/n); % Frequency range
power = y.*conj(y)/n; % Power of the DFT
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title('{\bf Periodogram}')
y0 = fftshift(y); % Rearrange y values
f0 = (-n/2:n/2-1)*(fs/n); % 0-centered frequency range
power0 = y0.*conj(y0)/n; % 0-centered power
% plot(f0,sqrt_power0,'-o')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title('{\bf 0-Centered Periodogram} Ex. 1')
%% Second example:
% Let's redefine the parameters for consistency between the two examples
Fs = fs; % Sampling frequency
% T = 1/Fs; % Sample time (not required)
L = m; % Length of signal
% t = (0:L-1)*T; % Time vector (as above)
% % Sum of a 3 Hz sinusoid and a 2 Hz sinusoid
% x = 0.7*sin(2*pi*3*t) + sin(2*pi*2*t); %(as above)
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); % Next power of 2 from length of y
% NFFT == n (from above)
Y = fft(x,NFFT)/L;
f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum.
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of y(t)')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
% Get the 0-Centered Periodogram using the parameters of the second example
f = [f(1:end-1) -fliplr(f(1,2:end))]; % This is the frequency ordering used
% by the full fft in Matlab
power = (Y*L).*conj(Y*L)/NFFT;
% Rearrange for nicer plot
ToPlot = [f; power]; [~,ind] = sort(f);
ToPlot = ToPlot(:,ind);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
title('{\bf 0-Centered Periodogram} Ex. 2')

Finding peak frequency in a complex signal using Matlab

I'm trying to find the peak frequency for two signals 'CA1' and 'PFC', within a specified range (25-140Hz).
In Matlab, so far I have plotted an FFT for each of these signals (see pictures below). These FFTs suggest that the peak frequency between 25-140Hz is different for each signal, but I would like to quantify this (e.g. CA1 peaks at 80Hz, whereas PFC peaks at 55Hz). However, I think the FFT is not smooth enough, so when I try and extract the peak frequencies it doesn't make sense as my code pulls out loads of values. I was only expecting a few values - one each time the FFT peaks (around 2Hz, 5Hz and ~60Hz).
I want to know, between 25-140Hz, what is the peak frequency in 'CA1' compared with 'PFC'. 'CA1' and 'PFC' are both 152401 x 7 matrices of EEG data, recorded
from 7 separate individuals. I want the MEAN peak frequency for each data set (i.e. averaged across the 7 test subjects for CA1 and PFC).
My code so far (based on Matlab help files and code I've scrabbled together online):
Fs = 508;
%notch filter
[b50,a50] = iirnotch(50/(Fs/2), (50/(Fs/2))/70);
CA1 = filtfilt(b50,a50,CA1);
PFC = filtfilt(b50,a50,PFC);
L = length(CA1);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
%FFT for each of the 7 subjects
for i = 1:size(CA1,2);
CA1_FFT(:,i) = fft(CA1(:,i),NFFT)/L;
PFC_FFT(:,i) = fft(PFC(:,i),NFFT)/L;
%Average FFT across all 7 subjects - CA1
Mean_CA1_FFT = mean(CA1_FFT,2);
% Mean_CA1_FFT_abs = 2*abs(Mean_CA1_FFT(1:NFFT/2+1));
%Average FFT across all 7 subjects - PFC
Mean_PFC_FFT = mean(PFC_FFT,2);
% Mean_PFC_FFT_abs = 2*abs(Mean_PFC_FFT(1:NFFT/2+1));
f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
set(gca,'ylim', [0 2]);
set(gca,'xlim', [0 200]);
[C,cInd] = sort(2*abs(Mean_CA1_FFT(1:NFFT/2+1)));
CFloor = 0.1; %CFloor is the minimum amplitude value (ignore small values)
Amplitudes_CA1 = C(C>=CFloor); %find all amplitudes above the CFloor
Frequencies_CA1 = f(cInd(1+end-numel(Amplitudes_CA1):end)); %frequency of the peaks
set(gca,'ylim', [0 2]);
set(gca,'xlim', [0 200]);
[P,pInd] = sort(2*abs(Mean_PFC_FFT(1:NFFT/2+1)));
PFloor = 0.1; %PFloor is the minimum amplitude value (ignore small values)
Amplitudes_PFC = P(P>=PFloor); %find all amplitudes above the PFloor
Frequencies_PFC = f(pInd(1+end-numel(Amplitudes_PFC):end)); %frequency of the peaks
Please help!! How do I calculate the 'major' peak frequencies from an FFT, and ignore all the 'minor' peaks (because the FFT is not smoothed).
FFTs assume that the signal has no trend (this is called a stationary signal), if it does then this will give a dominant frequency component at 0Hz as you have here. Try using the MATLAB function detrend, you may find this solves your problem.
Something along the lines of:
x = x - mean(x)
y = detrend(x, 'constant')

Ways to Compute Spectrum Matlab

I have a question while computing the spectrum of a time series in Matlab. I have read the documentations concerning 'fft' function. However I have seen two ways of implementation and both wgive me different results. I would appreciate to have some answer about this difference:
1st Method:
Time specifications:
Fs = 1; % samples per second
Fs = 50;
freq = 0:nPoints-1; %Numerators of frequency series
freq = freq.*Fs./nPoints;
% Fourier Transform:
X = fft(timeSeries)/nPoints; % normalize the data
% find find nuquist frequency
cutOff = ceil(nPoints./2);
% take only the first half of the spectrum
X = abs(X(1:cutOff));
% Frequency specifications:
freq = freq(1:cutOff);
%Plot spectrum
2nd Method:
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(nPoints); % Next power of 2 from length of y
Y = fft(timeSeries,NFFT)/nPoints;
f = 1/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% % Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum.
% plot(handles.plotLoadSeries, f,2*abs(Y(1:NFFT/2+1)))
I thought that it is not necessary to use 'nextpow' function in 'fft' function in Matlab. Finally, which is the good one?
The short answer: you need windowing for spectrum analysis.
Now for the long answer... In the second approach, you are using an optimised FFT algorithm useful when the length of the input vector is a power of two. Let's assume that your original signal has 401 samples (as in my example below) from an infinitely long signal; nextpow2() will give you NFFT=512 samples. When you feed the shorter, 401-sample signal into the fft() function, it is implicitly zero-padded to match the requested length of 512 (NFFT). But (here comes the tricky part): zero-padding your signal is equivalent to multiplying an infinitely long signal by a rectangular function, an operation that in the frequency domain translates to a convolution with a sinc function. This would be the reason behind the increased noise floor at the bottom of your semilogarithmic plot.
A way to avoid this noise increase is to create manually the 512-sample signal you want to feed into fft(), using a smoother window function instead of the default rectangular one. Windowing means just multiplying your signal by a tapered, symmetric one. There are tons of literature on choosing a good windowing function, but a typically accurate one with low sidelobes (low noise increase) is the Hamming function, implemented in MATLAB as hamming().
Here is a figure illustrating the issue (in the frequency domain and time domain):
...and the code to generate this figure:
% Create signal
fs = 40; % sampling freq.
Ts = 1/fs; % sampling period
t = 0:Ts:10; % time vector
s = sin(2*pi*3*t); % original signal
N = length(s);
% FFT (length not power of 2)
S = abs(fft(s)/N);
freq = fs*(0:N-1)/N;
% FFT (length power of 2)
N2 = 2^nextpow2(N);
S2 = abs(fft(s, N2)/N2);
freq2 = fs*(0:N2-1)/N2;
t2 = (0:N2-1)*Ts; % longer time vector
s2 = [s,zeros(1,N2-N)]; % signal that was implicitly created for this FFT
% FFT (windowing before FFT)
s3 = [s.*hamming(N).',zeros(1,N2-N)];
S3 = abs(fft(s3, N2)/N2);
% Frequency-domain plot
hold on
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
grid on
legend( 'FFT[401]', 'FFT[512]', 'FFT[512] with windowing' )
% Time-domain plot
hold on
grid on
legend( 'Original samples', 'Windowed samples' )