How to create feature vector in Scala? [duplicate] - scala

This question already has an answer here:
How to transform the dataframe into label feature vector?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am reading a csv as a data frame in scala as below:
|x |y |
| 0| 0|
| 0| 33|
| 0| 58|
| 0| 96|
| 0| 1|
| 1| 21|
| 0| 10|
| 0| 65|
| 1| 7|
| 1| 28|
Then I create the label and feature vector as below:
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val output = assembler.transform(daf).select($"x".as("label"), $"features")
The output is as:
|label | features |
| 0.0| 0.0|
| 0.0| 33.0|
| 0.0| 58.0|
| 0.0| 96.0|
| 0.0| 1.0|
| 0.0| 21.0|
| 0.0| 10.0|
| 1.0| 65.0|
| 1.0| 7.0|
| 1.0| 28.0|
But instead of this I want the output to be like in the below format
|label| features |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[0]) |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[33]) |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[58]) |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[96]) |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[1]) |
| 1.0|(1,[1],[21]) |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[10]) |
| 0.0|(1,[1],[65]) |
| 1.0|(1,[1],[7]) |
| 1.0|(1,[1],[28]) |
I tried
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("y").map{x => "(1,[1],"+x+")"})
But did not work.
Any help is appreciated.

This is not how you use VectorAssembler.
You need to give the names of your input columns. i.e
new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(Array("features"))
You'll face eventually another issue considering the data that you have shared. It's not much a vector if it's one point. (your features columns)
It should be used with 2 or more columns. i.e :
new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(Array("f1","f2","f3"))


Unable to get the result from the window function

|YearsExperience| Salary|
| 1.1| 39343.0|
| 1.3| 46205.0|
| 1.5| 37731.0|
| 2.0| 43525.0|
| 2.2| 39891.0|
| 2.9| 56642.0|
| 3.0| 60150.0|
| 3.2| 54445.0|
| 3.2| 64445.0|
| 3.7| 57189.0|
| 3.9| 63218.0|
| 4.0| 55794.0|
| 4.0| 56957.0|
| 4.1| 57081.0|
| 4.5| 61111.0|
| 4.9| 67938.0|
| 5.1| 66029.0|
| 5.3| 83088.0|
| 5.9| 81363.0|
| 6.0| 93940.0|
| 6.8| 91738.0|
| 7.1| 98273.0|
| 7.9|101302.0|
| 8.2|113812.0|
| 8.7|109431.0|
| 9.0|105582.0|
| 9.5|116969.0|
| 9.6|112635.0|
| 10.3|122391.0|
| 10.5|121872.0|
I want to find the top highest salary from the above data which is 122391.0
My Code
val top= Window.partitionBy("id").orderBy(col("Salary").desc)
val res= df1.withColumn("top", rank().over(top))
|YearsExperience| Salary| id|top|
| 1.1| 39343.0| 0| 1|
| 1.3| 46205.0| 1| 1|
| 1.5| 37731.0| 2| 1|
| 2.0| 43525.0| 3| 1|
| 2.2| 39891.0| 4| 1|
| 2.9| 56642.0| 5| 1|
| 3.0| 60150.0| 6| 1|
| 3.2| 54445.0| 7| 1|
| 3.2| 64445.0| 8| 1|
| 3.7| 57189.0| 9| 1|
| 3.9| 63218.0| 10| 1|
| 4.0| 55794.0| 11| 1|
| 4.0| 56957.0| 12| 1|
| 4.1| 57081.0| 13| 1|
| 4.5| 61111.0| 14| 1|
| 4.9| 67938.0| 15| 1|
| 5.1| 66029.0| 16| 1|
| 5.3| 83088.0| 17| 1|
| 5.9| 81363.0| 18| 1|
| 6.0| 93940.0| 19| 1|
| 6.8| 91738.0| 20| 1|
| 7.1| 98273.0| 21| 1|
| 7.9|101302.0| 22| 1|
| 8.2|113812.0| 23| 1|
| 8.7|109431.0| 24| 1|
| 9.0|105582.0| 25| 1|
| 9.5|116969.0| 26| 1|
| 9.6|112635.0| 27| 1|
| 10.3|122391.0| 28| 1|
| 10.5|121872.0| 29| 1|
Also I have choosed partioned by salary and orderby id.
But the result was same.
As you can see 122391 is coming just below the above but it should come in first position as i have done ascending.
Please help anybody find any things
Are you sure you need a window function here? The window you defined partitions the data by id, which I assume is unique, so each group produced by the window will only have one row. It looks like you want a window over the entire dataframe, which means you don't actually need one. If you just want to add a column with the max, you can get the max using an aggregation on your original dataframe and cross join with it:
val maxDF = df1.agg(max("salary").as("top"))
val res = df1.crossJoin(maxDF)

Spark - Divide a dataframe into n number of records

I have a dataframe with 2 or more columns and 1000 records. I want to split the data into 100 records chunks randomly without any conditions.
So expected output in records count should be something like this,
Here's the solution that worked for my use case after trying different approaches:
As #Shaido said randomsplit is ther for splitting dataframe is popular approach..
Thought differently about repartitionByRange with => spark 2.3
repartitionByRange public Dataset repartitionByRange(int
scala.collection.Seq partitionExprs) Returns a new Dataset partitioned by the given
partitioning expressions into numPartitions. The resulting Dataset is
range partitioned. At least one partition-by expression must be
specified. When no explicit sort order is specified, "ascending nulls
first" is assumed. Parameters: numPartitions - (undocumented)
partitionExprs - (undocumented) Returns: (undocumented) Since:
package examples
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession}
object RepartitionByRange extends App {
val logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("org")
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName(getClass.getName).master("local").getOrCreate()
val sc = spark.sparkContext
import spark.implicits._
val t1 = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000).toDF("id")
val repartitionedOrders: Dataset[String] = t1.repartitionByRange(10, $"id")
.mapPartitions(rows => {
val idsInPartition = => row.getAs[Int]("id")).toSeq.sorted.mkString(",")
println("number of chunks or partitions :" + repartitionedOrders.rdd.getNumPartitions)
Result :
|value |
|0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99 |
number of chunks or partitions : 10
UPDATE : randomsplit example :
import spark.implicits._
val t1 = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000).toDF("id")
println("With Random Split ")
val dfarray = t1.randomSplit(Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1));
println("number of dataframes " + dfarray.length + "element order is not guaranteed ")
dfarray.foreach {
df =>
Result : Will be split in to 10 dataframes and order is not guaranteed.
With Random Split
number of dataframes 10element order is not guaranteed
| id|
| 2|
| 10|
| 16|
| 30|
| 36|
| 46|
| 51|
| 91|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 26|
| 40|
| 45|
| 54|
| 63|
| 72|
| 76|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 7|
| 12|
| 31|
| 32|
| 38|
| 42|
| 53|
| 61|
| 68|
| 73|
| 80|
| 89|
| 96|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 0|
| 24|
| 35|
| 57|
| 58|
| 65|
| 77|
| 78|
| 84|
| 86|
| 90|
| 97|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 1|
| 3|
| 17|
| 18|
| 19|
| 33|
| 70|
| 71|
| 74|
| 83|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 14|
| 15|
| 29|
| 44|
| 64|
| 75|
| 88|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 5|
| 9|
| 21|
| 22|
| 23|
| 25|
| 27|
| 47|
| 52|
| 55|
| 60|
| 62|
| 69|
| 93|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 13|
| 20|
| 39|
| 41|
| 49|
| 56|
| 67|
| 85|
| 87|
| 92|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 4|
| 34|
| 50|
| 79|
| 81|
only showing top 20 rows
| id|
| 6|
| 8|
| 11|
| 28|
| 37|
| 43|
| 48|
| 59|
| 66|
| 82|
| 94|
| 95|
| 98|
| 99|
only showing top 20 rows
Since I want the data to be evenly distributed and to be able to use the chunks separately or in iterative manner using randomSplit doesn't work as it may leave empty dataframes or unequal distribution.
So using grouped can be one of the most feasible solutions here if you don't mind calling collect on your dataframe.
Eg: val newdf = df.collect.grouped(10)
That gives an Iterator[List[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]] = non-empty iterator. Can also convert it into list by adding .toList at the end
Another possible solution if we don't want Array chunks of data from the dataframe but still want to partition the data with equal counts of records we can try to use countApprox by adjusting timeout and confidence as required. Then divide that with number of records we need in a partition, which can be later used as number of partitions when using repartition or Coalesce.
countApprox instead of count because it is less expensive operation and you can feel the difference when the data size is huge
val approxCount = df.rdd.countApprox(timeout = 1000L,confidence = 0.95).getFinalValue().high
val numOfPartitions = Math.max(Math.round(approxCount / 100), 1).toInt

Create new column from existing Dataframe

I am having a Dataframe and trying to create a new column from existing columns based on following condition.
Group data by column named event_type
Only filter those rows where column source has value train and call it X.
Values for new column are X.sum / X.length
Here is input Dataframe
| id| event_type| location|fault_severity|source|
| 6597|event_type 11|location 1| -1| test|
| 8011|event_type 15|location 1| 0| train|
| 2597|event_type 15|location 1| -1| test|
| 5022|event_type 15|location 1| -1| test|
| 5022|event_type 11|location 1| -1| test|
| 6852|event_type 11|location 1| -1| test|
| 6852|event_type 15|location 1| -1| test|
| 5611|event_type 15|location 1| -1| test|
|14838|event_type 15|location 1| -1| test|
|14838|event_type 11|location 1| -1| test|
| 2588|event_type 15|location 1| 0| train|
| 2588|event_type 11|location 1| 0| train|
and i want following output.
| | event_type | PercTrain |
|event_type 11 | 7888 | 0.388945 |
|event_type 35 | 6615 | 0.407105 |
|event_type 34 | 5927 | 0.406783 |
|event_type 15 | 4395 | 0.392264 |
|event_type 20 | 1458 | 0.382030 |
I have tried this code but this throws error
EventSet.withColumn("z" , when($"source" === "train" , sum($"source") / length($"source"))).groupBy("fault_severity").count().show()
Here EventSet is input dataframe
Python code that gives desired output is
event_type_unq['PercTrain'] = event_type.pivot_table(values='source',index='event_type',aggfunc=lambda x: sum(x=='train')/float(len(x)))
I guess you want to obtain the percentage of train values. So, here is my code,
val df2 =$"event_type", $"source").groupBy($"event_type").pivot($"source").agg(count($"source")).withColumn("PercTrain", $"train" / ($"train" + $"test")).show
and gives the result as follows:
| event_type|test|train| PercTrain|
|event_type 11| 4| 1| 0.2|
|event_type 15| 5| 2|0.2857142857142857|
Hope to be helpful.

scala filtering out rows in a joined df based on 2 columns with same values - best way

Im comparing 2 dataframes.
I choose to compare them column by column
I created 2 smaller dataframes from the parent dataframes.
based on join columns and the comparison columns:
Created 1st dataframe:
val df1_subset =, subset_cols.tail: _*)
| tom | cruise| 66|
| blake | lively| 66|
| eva| green| 44|
| brad| pitt| 99|
| jason| momoa| 34|
| george | clooney| 67|
| ed| sheeran| 88|
| lionel| messi| 88|
| ryan| reynolds| 45|
| will | smith| 67|
| null| null| |
Created 2nd Dataframe:
val df1_1_subset =, subset_cols.tail: _*)
| tom | cruise| 34|
| brad| pitt| 78|
| eva| green| 56|
| tom | cruise| 99|
| jason| momoa| 34|
| george | clooney| 67|
| george | clooney| 88|
| lionel| messi| 88|
| ryan| reynolds| 45|
| will | smith| 67|
| kyle| jenner| 56|
| celena| gomez| 2|
Then I joined the 2 subsets
I joined these as a full outer join to get the following:
val df_subset_joined = df1_subset.join(df1_1_subset, joinColsArray, "full_outer")
Joined Subset
| will | smith| 67| 67|
| george | clooney| 67| 67|
| george | clooney| 67| 88|
| blake | lively| 66| null|
| celena| gomez| null| 2|
| eva| green| 44| 56|
| null| null| | null|
| jason| momoa| 34| 34|
| ed| sheeran| 88| null|
| lionel| messi| 88| 88|
| kyle| jenner| null| 56|
| tom | cruise| 66| 34|
| tom | cruise| 66| 99|
| brad| pitt| 99| 78|
| ryan| reynolds| 45| 45|
Then I tried to filter out the elements that are same in both comparison columns (loyalty_scores in this example) by using column positions
df_subset_joined.filter(_c2 != _c3).show
But that didnt work. Im getting the following error:
Error:(174, 33) not found: value _c2
df_subset_joined.filter(_c2 != _c3).show
What is the most efficient way for me to get a joined dataframe, where I only see the rows that do not match in the comparison columns.
I would like to keep this dynamic so hard coding column names is not an option.
Thank you for helping me understand this.
you need wo work with aliases and make us of the null-safe comparison operator (, see also
val df_subset_joined ="a").join("b"), joinColsArray, "full_outer")
df_subset_joined.filter(!($"a.loyality_score" <=> $"b.loyality_score")).show
EDIT: for dynamic column names, you can use string interpolation
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val xxx : String = ???
df_subset_joined.filter(!(col(s"a.$xxx") <=> col(s"b.$xxx"))).show

filter on data which are numeric

hi i have a dataframe with a column CODEARTICLE here is the dataframe
| GENCFFRIST|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 0| Local| | | |
| GENCFFMARC|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 0| Local| | | |
| GENCFFESCO|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 0| Local| | | |
| GENCFFTNA|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 0| Local| | | |
| GENCFFEMBA|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 0| Local| | | |
| 789600010|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 7| 1| Local| | | |
| 799700040|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 1| Local| | | |
| 799701000|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 1| Local| | | |
| 899980490|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 9| Local| | | |
| 429600010|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 1| Local| | | |
| 559970040|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 0| Local| | | |
| 679500010|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 1| Local| | | |
| 679500040|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 1| Local| | | |
| 679500060|9999999999998|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...| 0| 1| Local| | | |
i would like to take only rows having a numeric CODEARTICLER
//connect to table TMP_STRUCTURE oracle
val spark = sparkSession.sqlContext
val articles_Gold = spark.load("jdbc",
Map("url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:System/maher#//localhost:1521/XE",
val filteredData =articles_Gold.withColumn("test",'CODEARTICLE.cast(IntegerType)).filter($"test"!==null)
thank you a lot
Use na.drop:
you can use .isNotNull function on the column in your filter function. You don't even need to create another column for your logic. You can simply do the following
val filteredData = articles_Gold.withColumn("CODEARTICLE",'CODEARTICLE.cast(IntegerType)).filter('CODEARTICLE.isNotNull)
I hope the answer is helpful