Realm Primary key with OR operator - swift

I am using RealmSwift for my new app. My Realm class has two primary keys.
Just an example I have a Realm Model(Product) like this:-
class Product: Object, Mappable {
dynamic var id: String? = nil
dynamic var tempId: String? = nil
dynamic var name: String? = nil
dynamic var price: Float = 0.0
dynamic var purchaseDate: Date? = nil
required convenience init?(map: Map) {
//I want to do something like this
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id" or "tempId"
func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["_id"]
tempId <- map["tempId"]
name <- map["name"]
price <- map["price"]
purchaseDate <- (map["purchaseDate"], DateFormatTransform())
So I am creating an realm object in my device and storing into realm db with primary key tempId, as the actual primary key is the id, which is a server generated primary key is coming only after the report sync. So when I am sending multiple reports to the server with those tempId server response me back with actual id mapped with each tempId. As the report is not only created from my side so I can't keep tempId as the primary key. I thought of Compound primary key but it won't solve the problem.
So I want to create a primary key such as If id is there then that is the primary key else tempId is the primary key.
How to do this?

What you need essentially is a computed property as a primary key. However, this isn't supported at the moment, only stored and managed realm properties can be used as primary keys. A workaround could be to define both id and tempId to have explicit setter functions and inside the setter function you also need to set another stored property, which will be your primary key.
If you want to change id or tempId don't do it in the usual way, but do it through their setter function.
Idea taken from this GitHub issue.
class Product: Object {
dynamic var id:String? = nil
dynamic var tempId: String? = nil
func setId(id: String?) { = id
compoundKey = compoundKeyValue()
func setTempId(tempId: String?) {
self.tempId = tempId
compoundKey = compoundKeyValue()
dynamic var compoundKey: String = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "compoundKey"
func compoundKeyValue() -> String {
if let id = id {
return id
} else if let tempId = tempId {
return tempId
return ""

dynamic private var compoundKey: String = ""
required convenience init?(map: Map) {
if let firstValue = map.JSON["firstValue"] as? String,
let secondValue = map.JSON["secondValue"] as? Int {
compoundKey = firstValue + "|someStringToDistinguish|" + "\(secondValue)"


Using vapor-fluent to upsert models

I am currently struggling with doing an upsert with vapor/fluent. I have a model something like this:
struct DeviceToken: PostgreSQLModel {
var id: Int?
var token: String
var updatedAt: Date = Date()
init(id: Int? = nil, token: String, updatedAt: Date = Date()) { = id
self.token = token
self.updatedAt = updatedAt
struct Account: PostgreSQLModel {
var id: Int?
let username: String
let service: String
let deviceTokenId: DeviceToken.ID
init(id: Int? = nil, service: String, username: String, ..., deviceTokenId: DeviceToken.ID) { = id
self.username = username
self.deviceTokenId = deviceTokenId
From the client something like
"deviceToken": {
"token": "ab123",
"updatedAt": "01-01-2019 10:10:10"
"account": {
"username": "user1",
"service": "some service"
is send.
What I'd like to do is to insert the new models if they do not exist else update them. I saw the create(orUpdate:) method however this will only update if the id is the same (in my understanding). Since the client does not send the id i am not quite sure how to handle this.
Also I can't decode the model since the account is send without the deviceTokenId and therefore the decoding will fail. I guess I can address the latter problem by overriding NodeCovertible or by using two different models (one for decoding the json without the id and the actual model from above). However the first problem still remains.
What I exactly want to do is:
Update a DeviceToken if an entry with token already exists else create it
If an account with the combination of username and service already exists update its username, service and deviceTokenId else create it. DeviceTokenId is the id returned from 1.
Any chance you can help me out here ?
For everyone who is interested:
I solved it by writing an extension on PostgreSQLModel to supply an upsert method. I added a gist for you to have a look at: here.
Since these kind of links sometimes are broken when you need the information here a quick overview:
Actual upsert implementation:
extension QueryBuilder
where Result: PostgreSQLModel, Result.Database == Database {
/// Creates the model or updates it depending on whether a model
/// with the same ID already exists.
internal func upsert(_ model: Result,
columns: [PostgreSQLColumnIdentifier]) -> Future<Result> {
let row = SQLQueryEncoder(PostgreSQLExpression.self).encode(model)
/// remove id from row if not available
/// otherwise the not-null constraint will break
row = row.filter { (key, value) -> Bool in
if key == "id" && value.isNull { return false }
return true
let values = row
.map { row -> (PostgreSQLIdentifier, PostgreSQLExpression) in
return (.identifier(row.key), row.value)
self.query.upsert = .upsert(columns, values)
return create(model)
Convenience methods
extension PostgreSQLModel {
/// Creates the model or updates it depending on whether a model
/// with the same ID already exists.
internal func upsert(on connection: DatabaseConnectable) -> Future<Self> {
return Self
.query(on: connection)
.upsert(self, columns: [.keyPath(Self.idKey)])
internal func upsert<U>(on connection: DatabaseConnectable,
onConflict keyPath: KeyPath<Self, U>) -> Future<Self> {
return Self
.query(on: connection)
.upsert(self, columns: [.keyPath(keyPath)])
I solved the other problem I had that my database model could not be decoded since the id was not send from the client, by using a inner struct which would hold only the properties the client would send. The id and other database generated properties are in the outer struct. Something like:
struct DatabaseModel: PostgreSQLModel {
var id: Int?
var someProperty: String
init(id: Int? = nil, form: DatabaseModelForm) { = id
self.someProperty = form.someProperty
struct DatabaseModelForm: Content {
let someProperty: String

Case insensitive primary key realm swift

I have an object with the following structure:
class REObject:Object {
dynamic var id = ""
dynamic var status = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
The flow is: I get an array of items from the BE, the user can enter the object's id and change the status.
And the question is: how could get the item with case-insensitive id?
if let item = realm.object(ofType: REObject.self, forPrimaryKey: id) {
return item
Override isSameObjectAs in your class and compare lowercase (or uppercase) versions of id there

How to set attribute of member object of a realm model?

I have a realm object called DiscoverUserInfo:
class DiscoverUserInfo: Object , Mappable{
dynamic var UserObject:User?
dynamic var ConnectionStatus:Int = -1
var PreviousMeetings = List<Meeting>()
required convenience init?(map: Map) {
override class func primaryKey() -> String? { return "UserObject.UserId" }
Now for this, I want to set a primary key which is UserId of UserObject.
But when I run this code, I get this error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RLMException', reason:
'Primary key property 'UserObject.UserId' does not exist on object
You cannot set a primary key using a property of a dynamic variable. You'll have to do something like this:
class DiscoverUserInfo: Object , Mappable{
dynamic var UserObject: User?
dynamic var id = ""
dynamic var ConnectionStatus:Int = -1
var PreviousMeetings = List<Meeting>()
required convenience init?(map: Map) {
override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
and then set the id to the associated UserObject's UserId each time you create a new DiscoverUserInfo object.
This is related to the issue of having no native support for compound primary keys in Realm. However, we expect to see this feature down the road.

How can I generate ids for objects in RealmSwift?

I am using RealmSwift. What is the best / canonical way to generate ids for objects?
Here is what I came up with:
class MyObject: Object {
dynamic var id = ""
dynamic var createdAt = NSDate()
override class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "id"
func save() {
let realm = try! Realm()
if( == "") {
while(true) {
let newId = NSUUID().UUIDString
let saying = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(MyObject.self, key: newId)
if(saying == nil) { = newId
try! realm.write {
I wanted a function that persists the object to Realm and either overwrites or creates a new one based on the id. This seems to work ok, but I wasn't sure if there was something built into realm to do this. Or is there a better way?
I know this is a few months old, but this is how I implement auto incrementing Primary Keys.
This code is untested, but you'll get the general idea
class MyObject: Object {
Primary Key
Since you can't change the primary key after the object is saved,
we'll use 0 to signify an unsaved object. When we set the primary key,
we'll never use 0.
dynamic var id: Int = 0
Some persisted value
dynamic var someString: String?
var nextID: Int {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
/// I would use .max() but Realm only supports String and signed Int for primary keys
/// so using overflow protection, the `next` primary key would be Int.min if the
/// current value is Int.max
var id = realm.objects(MyObject.self).sorted("id", ascending: true).last?.id ?? 0
/// add 1 to id until we find one that's not in use... skip 0
repeat {
id = Int.addWithOverflow(id, 1).0 /// Add with overflow in case we hit Int.max
} while id == 0 || realm.objectForPrimaryKey(MyObject.self, key: id) != nil
return id
} catch let error as NSError {
/// Oops
fatal(error: error.localizedDescription)
convenience init(someString: String?) {
id = nextID
self.someString = someString
override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
func save() {
/// Gotta check this in case the object was created without using the convenience init
if id == 0 { id = nextID }
do {
let realm = try Realm()
try realm.write {
/// Add... or update if already exists
realm.add(self, update: true)
} catch let error as NSError {
The process for creating a unique string ID (IE: a UUID) is very similar:
class MyObject: Object {
Primary Key
dynamic var id: String = ""
Some persisted value
dynamic var someString: String?
var nextID: String {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
var id: String = NSUUID().UUIDString
/// NSUUID().UUIDString almost always makes a unique ID on the first try
/// but we'll check after we generate the first one just to be sure
while realm.objectForPrimaryKey(MyObject.self, key: id) != nil {
id = NSUUID().UUIDString
return id
} catch let error as NSError {
/// Oops
fatal(error: error.localizedDescription)
convenience init(someString: String?) {
id = nextID
self.someString = someString
override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
func save() {
/// Gotta check this in case the object was created without using the convenience init
if id == "" { id = nextID }
do {
let realm = try Realm()
try realm.write {
/// Add... or update if already exists
realm.add(self, update: true)
} catch let error as NSError {
Realm(Swift) does not currently support auto-incrementing primary keys. You can set a primary like you are above, but for auto-incrementing and unique keys, there are a couple routes that you can go:
UUID (like you have above)
Query the max "id" (primary key) of your object and set the object to be inserted as id + 1. Something like...
let id = realm.objects(MyObject).max("id") + 1
Create your own hash signature (one potential example: SHA256(epoch timestamp + SHA256(object.values))

Using Alamofire and Objectmapper the integer value always zero

I am using Alamofire with ObjectMapper and my model class is like that
class Category: Object, Mappable {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var thumbnail = ""
var children = List<Category>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
required convenience init?(_ map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
name <- map["name"]
thumbnail <- map["thumbnail"]
children <- map["children"]
and I am using Alamofire like that
Alamofire.request(.GET, url).responseArray { (response: Response<[Category], NSError>) in
let categories = response.result.value
if let categories = categories {
for category in categories {
the id is always zero, I don't know why?
I fixed it by adding transformation in the mapping function in model class like that
id <- (map["id"], TransformOf<Int, String>(fromJSON: { Int($0!) }, toJSON: { $ { String($0) } }))
thanks to #BobWakefield
Does the "id" field exist in the JSON file? If it does not, your initial value of zero will remain. Is the value in quotes in the JSON file? If it is, then it's a string. I don't know if ObjectMapper will convert it to Int.
Moved my comment to an answer.