Mongoose complex queries with optional parameters? - mongodb

I'm relatively new to Mongo & mongoose, and I've hit a problem.
I have a reasonably (for me anyway) complex query, that will allow the user to search for all entered terms.
so if the query is something like so:
var query = { '$and' : [
{ "foo1" : "bar1" },
{ '$and' : [ "foor2" : { $ne : null } }, { "foo2" : "bar2" } ] },
{ "foo3" : "bar3" }
but the user can enter any number of combinations for the parameters, i.e. I could search for all items that match foo1 & foo2, or just all items that match foo2, or just foo3, etc.
Is there a way to tell the query to only look for a parameter if it isn't empty, or is there a way to build searches like this programmatically? I have seen other options, for adding parameters like this, but they only seem to add in the standard
{ foo : 'bar' }
format, and for some reason they always seem to get added to query whether they meet the conditions of the if statement or not.

Firstly, you don't need $and operator for what you want. Comma separation is implicit and.
Your example query should simply be:
var query = {
"foo1": "bar1",
//"foo2": { $ne: null}, is unnecessary as "foo2" is being searched for "bar2" already, so it won't be null
"foo2": "bar2",
"foo3": "bar3"
To build this query dynamically, you can check the parameters (say req.body) one by one and add them to query object with bracket notation:
var query = {};
if (req.body.foo1) {
query["foo1"] = req.body.foo1
if (req.body.foo2) {
query["foo2"] = req.body.foo2;
if (req.body.foo3) {
query["foo3"] = req.body.foo3;
Or, you can loop through the parameters and build the same query object if you are sure what they contain:
var query = {};
for(var key in req.body){
query[key] = req.body[key];


Why is mongo dot notation replacing an entire subdocument?

I've got the following doc in my db:
"_id": ObjectId("ABCDEFG12345"),
"options" : {
"foo": "bar",
"another": "something"
"date" : {
"created": 1234567890,
"updated": 0
And I want to update and date.updated at the same time using dot notation, like so:
var mongojs = require('mongojs');
var optionName = 'foo';
var optionValue = 'baz';
var updates = {};
updates['options.' + optionName] = optionValue;
updates['date.updated'] = new Date().getTime();
query : {
_id : ObjectId('ABCDEFG12345')
update : {
$set : updates
upsert : false,
new : true
}, function(error, doc, result) {
And this results in:
foo : 'baz',
another : 'something'
updated : 1234567890
Specifically, my pre-existing date.created field is getting clobbered even though I'm using dot notation.
Why is this only partially working? The options sub-document retains its pre-existing data (options.another), why doesn't the date sub-document retain its pre-existing data?
The behavior described typically happens when the object passed in the $set operator is of the form { "data" : { "updated" : 1234567890 } } rather than { "data.updated" : 1234567890 }, but I'm not familiar with dots in JavaScript enough to tell if that could be the cause on JS's side.
Also, it wouldn't explain why it happens with data and not options.
If you could print the object stored in the variable updates and that is sent to MongoDB in the update field, that would allow to tell on which side the issue is (JS or MongoDB).
i pass your code to a test environment and use the same library you are using. The mongojs library, for query by native ObjectId is like this mongojs.ObjectId("####") Can look the official documentation.
for the callback function in the findAndModify function, the docs parameter is an array so i navigate like an array
Note: [to concatenate the string i use template literals] (
All work fine...

Catch-all command that creates a field (if non-existant) with the right schema in MongoDB

My user collection is defined to be permitted to look like this:
_id: String,
questions: [Object]
Inside the questions it will look like this (example):
questionId: 'f93uf0auf'
answer: ["yes", "maybe"]
questionId: 'avka+0uf'
answer: ["no"]
I'm trying to find a catch-all command to this collection and cover the following bases:
Should create the questions field if it doesn't exist.
Needs to create an array from the start because that is the only allowed format.
Should be able to add to the answer set.
I'd like to do something like this:
Users.update({_id: userId, 'questions.questionId': questionId}, {$addToSet: {'questions.$.answer': answer}})
However, this doesn't create the field if it doesn't exist. upsert doesn't work either.
Is there a catch-all command?
Are you sure your query criteria is really catching an object? And does the question object exist when you try to update it?
Because I have tested your update query, and it does create the answer field when it doesn't exist. The official documentation confirms that as well.
If the field is absent in the document to update, $addToSet creates the array field with the specified value as its element.
It used this very object to test it, adding the answer field to the second question successfully.
"_id" : ObjectId("56c9d76e2318c31cb70f9c55"),
"questions" : [
"questionId" : "f93uf0auf",
"answer" : [ "yes" ]
"questionId" : "f93uf0aug"
I cannot find one way to meet your requirement through $addToSet, here is one way to do that through command as bellow.
> db.questions
.find({_id: userId})
.forEach(function(doc) {
if (!doc.questions) {
doc['questions'] = []
var exist = false; {
if (e.questionId && (e.questionId == questionId)){
exist = true;
if (!exist) {
doc.questions.push({questionId: questionId, answer: [answer]});

How to query a relative element using MongoDB

I have a document like this:
"whoKnows" : {
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "123-123-1234"
"anotherElement" : {
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "321-321-3211"
How can any instance of "name" by queried? For example, using a wildcard may look something like,
db.collection.find( { "*.name" : "Jeff" } )
Or if regex was support in the element place, it might look like,
db.collection.find( { /.*\.name/ : "Jeff" } )
Is it possible to accomplish this using MongoDB?
Side note: I'm not looking for a solution like,
"$or": [
{ "" : "Jeff" },
{ "" : "Jeff" }
I need a truly relative path solution as I do not know what the parent element will be (unless there is a way to generate the name of every element - then I could dynamically generate the $or clause at runtime).
Everything about this is fairly horrible, you cannot possibly index on something like the "name" values and your "path" to each attribute is going to vary everywhere. So this is really bad for queries.
I notice you mention "nested" structures, and you still could accommodate this with a similar proposal and some additional tagging, but I want you to consider this "phone book" type example:
"phones": [
"type": "Home",
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "123-123-1234"
"type": "Work",
"name" : "Jeff",
"phone" : "123-123-1234"
Since this is actually sub-documents within an array, fields like "name" always share the same path, so not only can you index these (which is going to be good for performance) but the query is very basic:
db.collection({ "": "Jeff" })
That does exactly what you need by finding "Jeff" in any "name" entry. If you need a hierachy, then add some fields in those sub-documents to indicate the parent/child relationship that you can use in post processing. Or even as a materialized path which could aid your queries.
It really is the better approach.
If you really must keep this kind of structure then at least do something like this with the JavaScript that will bail out on the first match at depth:
function () {
var found = false;
var finder = function( obj, field, value ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(field) && obj[field] == value )
found = true;
if (found) return true;
for( var n in obj ) {
if ([n]) === "[object Object]" ) {
finder( obj[n], field, value );
if (found) return true;
finder( this, "name", "Jeff" );
return found;
The format there is shorthand notation for the $where operator, which is pretty bad news for performance, but your structure isn't offering much other choice. At any rate, the function should recurse into each nested document until the "field" with the "value" is found.
For anything of production scale, really look at changing the structure to something that can be indexed and accessed quickly. The first example should give you a starting point. Relying on arbitrary JavaScript for queries as your present structure constrains you to is bad news.
If these are similar instance, what stops you in putting these in an array? That would be easier to query.
In it's current form this looks as good as writing your own $where condition to parse all document structure and is not an efficient operation!
Although highly inefficient and I wouldn't suggest using this in a production environment, following is one of the simplest way (with its own various catches) you can query:
db.query.find({$where: function() { x = tojsononeline(this); return x.indexOf('"name" : "Jeff",') >= 0; } })
Please note that this will cause a tablescan and if you have a pre-condition you may want to specify that before the where clause in the query.

Use MongoDB aggregation to find set intersection of two sets within the same document

I'm trying to use the Mongo aggregation framework to find where there are records that have different unique sets within the same document. An example will best explain this:
Here is a document that is not my real data, but conceptually the same:
houseId : 123,
rooms: [{ name : 'bedroom',
owns : [
{name : 'bed'},
{name : 'cabinet'}
{ name : 'kitchen',
owns : [
{name : 'sink'},
{name : 'cabinet'}
uses : [{name : 'sink'},
{name : 'cabinet'},
{name : 'bed'},
{name : 'sofa'}]
Notice that there are two hierarchies with similar items. It is also possible to use items that are not owned. I want to find documents like this one: where there is a house that uses something that it doesn't own.
So far I've built up the structure using the aggregate framework like below. This gets me to 2 sets of distinct items. However I haven't been able to find anything that could give me the result of a set intersection. Note that a simple count of set size will not work due to something like this: ['couch', 'cabinet'] compare to ['sofa', 'cabinet'].
{'$group' : {_id:'$houseId',
{ _id : 123,
use : ['sink', 'cabinet', 'bed', 'sofa'],
own : ['bed', 'cabinet', 'sink']
How do I then find the set intersection of use and own in the next stage of the pipeline?
You were not very far from the full solution with aggregation framework - you needed one more thing before the $group step and that is something that would allow you to see if all the things that are being used match up with something that is owned.
Here is the full pipeline
{$project: { _id:0,
isOkay:{$cond:[{$eq:["$","$"]}, 1, 0]}
{$group: { _id:{house:"$houseId",item:"$uses"},
and its output on your document
"result" : [
"_id" : {
"house" : 123,
"item" : "sofa"
"hasWhatHeUses" : 0
"ok" : 1
Explanation - once you unwrap both arrays you now want to flag the elements where used item is equal to owned item and give them a non-0 "score". Now when you regroup things back by houseId you can check if any used items didn't get a match. Using 1 and 0 for score allows you to do a sum and now a match for item which has sum 0 means it was used but didn't match anything in "owned". Hope you enjoyed this!
So here is a solution not using the aggregation framework. This uses the $where operator and javascript. This feels much more clunky to me, but it seems to work so I wanted to put it out there if anyone else comes across this question.
function() {
var ownSet = {};
var useSet = {};
for (var i=0;i<obj.uses.length;i++){
useSet[obj.uses[i].name] = true;
for (var i=0;i<obj.rooms.length;i++){
var room = obj.rooms[i];
for (var j=0;j<room.owns.length;j++){
ownSet[room.owns[j].name] = true;
for (var prop in ownSet) {
if (ownSet.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (!useSet[prop]){
return true;
for (var prop in useSet) {
if (useSet.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (!ownSet[prop]){
return true;
return false
For MongoDB 2.6+ Only
As of MongoDB 2.6, there are set operations available in the project pipeline stage. The way to answer this problem with the new operations is:[
{'$group' : {_id:'$houseId',
{'$project': {int:{$setIntersection:["$use","$own"]}}}

Counting field names (not values) in mongo database

Is there a way to count field names in mongodb? I have a mongo database of documents with other embedded documents within them. Here is an example of what the data might look like.
"incident": "osint181",
"summary":"Something happened",
"actor": {
"internal": {
"motive": [
"notes": "",
"role": [
"variety": [
Another document might look like this:
"incident": "osint182",
"summary":"Something happened",
"actor": {
"external": {
"motive": [
"notes": "",
"role": [
"variety": [
As you can see, the actor has changed from internal to external in the second document. What I would like to be able to do is count the number of incidents for each type of actor. My first attempt looked like this:
db.public.aggregate( { $group : { _id : "$actor", count : { $sum : 1 }}} );
But that gave me the entire subdocument and the count reflected how many documents were exactly the same. Rather I was hoping to get a count for internal and a count for external, etc. Is there an elegant way to do that? If not elegant, can someone give me a dirty way of doing that?
Best option for this kind of problem is using map-reduce of mongoDB , it will allow you to iterate through all the keys of the mongoDB document and easily you can add your complex logic . Check out map reduce examples here :
This was the answer I came up with based on the hint from Devesh. I create a map function that looks at the value of actor and checks if the document is an empty JSON object using the isEmptyObject function that I defined. Then I used mapReduce to go through the collection and check if the action field is empty. If the object is not empty then rather than returning the value of the key, I return the key itself which will be named internal, or external, or whatever.
The magic here was the scope call in mapReduce which makes it so that my isEmptyObject is in scope for mapReduce. The results are written to a collection which I named temp. After gathering the information I want from the temp collection, I drop it.
var isEmptyObject = function(obj) {
for (var name in obj) {
return false;
return true;
var mapFunction = function() {
if (isEmptyObject(this.action)) {
emit("Unknown",1); }
else {
for (var key in { emit(key,1); } } };
var reduceFunction = function(inKeys,counter) {
return Array.sum(counter); };
db.public.mapReduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction, {out:"temp", scope:{isEmptyObject:isEmptyObject}} );
foo = db.temp.aggregate(
{ $sort : { value : -1 }});