Forcing all requests to an HTTP endpoint through AWS API Gateway - aws-api-gateway

I have an rest HTTP endpoint that is sitting outside of AWS, but I want to use AWS API Gateway to proxy through to that endpoint. What would be the best way to only allow requests to the HTTP endpoint to process that come through the API gateway?

One possibility would be to make your non-AWS endpoint require a client TLS certificate. AWS API Gateway can generate client certificates, and your non-AWS endpoint can:
require a client certificate (if not provided, then ignore / don't allow)
use the API Gateway cert public key to verify the client is your API Gateway.
This would give you good assurance that traffic to your non-AWS endpoint is only coming through the AWS API Gateway, so long as the client certificate generated by AWS is not compromised.
From the AWS FAQs:
Q: Can I verify that it is API Gateway calling my backend?
Yes. Amazon API Gateway can generate a client-side SSL certificate and make the public key of that certificate available to you. Calls to your backend can be made with the generated certificate, and you can verify calls originating from Amazon API Gateway using the public key of the certificate.


AWS API Gateway HTTP Proxy for HTTPS connections

I cannot for the life of me get the AWS API Gateway HTTP Proxy to work, i.e. redirect http://<my-domain>.com to https://<my-domain>.com. Here is how I set it up:
Using the Test functionality on the ANY method inside the resource works. But if I simply do curl http://<my-domain>.com or run http://<my-domain>.com in Chrome, it fails to connect; https://<my-website>.com works just fine. I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what I'm missing here; it seems like it should just redirect http://<my-domain>.com to https://<my-domain>.com, but it doesn't (even on different devices).
So, it turns out that API Gateway's HTTP Proxy allows HTTPS traffic to go to an HTTP endpoint, but not the reverse. In fact, API Gateway won't even establish a connection on port 80; from the FAQ:
Q: Can I create HTTPS endpoints?
Yes, all of the APIs created with Amazon API Gateway expose HTTPS
endpoints only. Amazon API Gateway does not support unencrypted (HTTP)
API Gateway doesn't support unencrypted HTTP traffic. Here are the possible options you can do to secure your website:
If you have access to the server that hosts the website, install an SSL certificate to the webserver.
If the website is hosted on EC2, you can set up a load balancer and let it do the SSL termination.

Verify API Gateway client certificate in ELB

I want to proxy API Gateway requests to a container in an ECS cluster. As API Gateway can not be placed in a security group, I have to expose the service through an internet-facing ALB load balancer. To verify that the service only handles traffic from API GW, I'm looking to use client certificates.
Is there a way to have ELB verify the API Gateway client certificate for me and terminate the SSL connection before handing the request off to my HTTP backend?
If ELB cannot verify the certificate, it seems to me that I have to "downgrade" the proxy to a TCP proxy, and perform the SSL handshake in my service. However, to do this, I also need to serve the certificate from the service. This is a problem because I'm using AWS provisioned SSL certificates, and I do not possess the private key. Thus I would have to not only recreate the SSL handshake, but also get my SSL certificate from somewhere else, is this correct?
Hoping there's a low-effort way to set up the trust between API Gateway and an ECS service behind an ALB.
Unfortunately, ELB does not support validating the client certificate for you. You can implement SSL termination on your service and use the ELB in TCP mode (or use the newer NLB). You don't need the private key of the client certificate, you simply add the public key/cert to your trusted CA on the service so that the service only trusts the API GW client certificate.

How to block HTTP and allows only HTTPS for AWS API Gateway with custom domain name map

I've added certificate with custom domain name map in AWS API gateway but it allows HTTP automatically, how can I block normal HTTP and only allows HTTPS?
All API Gateway APIs are fronted with a CloudFront distribution. Each of these CloudFront distributions (whether it's a Custom Domain like yours or the default *.execute-api distribution) is configured to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. Although CloudFront has the option to strictly require HTTPS and return 403 on HTTP requests we currently don't expose this option for simplicity.
If you feel you have valid use case for requiring HTTPS without a redirect please open a support ticket and the team can evaluate your request.

Can I set up mutual authentication between Salesforce and API Gateway?

I want to set up API Gateway to point to a Lambda function which will process outbound messages from Salesforce.
All Saleforce instances share an IP range, so the way to verify that a message is from our instance is to use a cert from Salesforce to provide mutual authentication.
I know that you can use mutual authentication between API Gateway and your backend service, but I'm not sure about between the client and API Gateway. Is this possible to set up?
API Gateway does not currently support client certificate validation (aka mutual authentication) between the client and API Gateway. We have a feature request for this on our backlog, but we can't commit to a timeline for delivering it.

can I Use Azure Service Bus to secure REST calls from my APP?

How could Azure help me to secure my rest services? Does the Service Bus provide a easier way to secure my REST services without requiring me in install my own SSL certificate?
Yes. ServiceBus uses SSL to encrypt the connection at the transport level, and ACS for authentication and authorization. You don't need to import your own certificate for this scenario.
Here's an example of how to use the SB REST APIs with ACS enabled: