XCode UITest will not give NSTextField keyboard focus - swift

So I have a window appear by clicking on a menu item. Normally the the first textBox would gain immediate keyboard focus, but in the UITest nothing in the window gains keyboard focus (no focus ring). This is problematic becuase it stops me from typing into the textfield with textField.typeText("someText")
I have tried .click() on the window and on the textbox to try and give it focus but nothing seems to bring the window or textbox in focus.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
MainMenu().menuItemForWindow.click() // Opens window
app.windows["windowTitle"].textFields["textBoxId"].click() // Clicks but field does not gain focus
app.windows["windowTitle"].textFields["textBoxId"].typeText("SomeText") // Is not typed into the textField
As a side note, I have verified that all the elements I am querying do actually exist.
I have gotten it to work by literally spamming typeText() until it changes the value of the given text box with something like
if let oldValue = textbox.value as? String {
var newValue: String? = oldValue
while newValue == oldValue {
newValue = textbox.value as? String
//If we get here then we have edited the text box
textbox.typeText(XCUIDeleteKey) // Get rid of spam text
//TYpe what I want
However this method is hacky and I can't really put a time out except from heuristics (roughly 15-30s) so I was hoping someone could help explain a better way of ensuring focus on the textbox or at least an explanation of what I am doing wrong originally. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here are two possible ideas for you:
Assign an Accessibility Id to the object you are trying to interact with, and try addressing it via the Accessibility Id. From https://blog.metova.com/guide-xcode-ui-test:
For element identification there is additionally elementMatchingPredicate(NSPredicate) and elementMatchingType(XCUIElementType, identifier: String?).
These are separate from containingPredicate(NSPredicate) and containingType(XCUIElementType, identifier: String?) which are checking the element for items inside it whereas the elementMatching... options are checking the values on the element itself. Finding the correct element will often include combinations of several query attributes.
Enable Accessibility in the System Preferences | Accessibility as described here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204434 and then send keyboard commands to set your focus.


XCUITest - neither element nor descendant has keyboard focus

I am testing adding a comment to my app, on my other UI tests I have used the typeText function and everything works perfectly fine. I have also clicked to make Connect hardware keyboard' is off. The app terminates testing and shows the error UI Testing Failure - Neither element nor any descendant has keyboard focus during the addComment method. Any ideas?
func testAddComment() {
let featuredPage = self.app.tabBars["Featured"]
if featuredPage.exists {
let featuredOffer = self.app.tables.cells.elementBoundByIndex(1)
if featuredOffer.exists {
let addComment = self.app.staticTexts["Add a comment"]
if addComment.exists {
addComment.typeText("Test comment")
let postComment = self.app.buttons["Send"]
if postComment.exists {
Likely cause:
An extremely common cause of this symptom is to have enabled a parent view of the field in question as an accessibility element. Ensure that none of the parents of the field are enabled as accessibility elements, and the problem is likely to be resolved.
This error message can be particularly confusing when you can see that a previous step in the XCUITest has correctly activated a text field or similar as the first responder, the keyboard has appeared, and functionally the field has keyboard focus.
Essentially, the error message is slightly misleading as the tendency is to focus on the keyboard focus part and think that it is telling you that nothing has keyboard focus. Instead, what the message is telling you is that none of the accessibility elements that XCUITest can access have the keyboard focus. And so it can't direct text to the field in question.
Accessibility elements cannot have children that are also accessibility elements. Therefore, if you place a number of fields inside a view, but then mark that parent view as being an accessibility element, all of the field as its subviews become invisible to the accessibility frameworks. You can see and verify this is what is happening using the Accessibility Inspector app on the Mac alongside the simulator: the fields you are trying to target will not be selectable, and instead there will be a parent view that is.
I found the way around this best was to use menuItem and to paste what I wanted to the textField . This was a strange problem as both textField and staticText both didn't allow the test to run functionally. This is an issue I have reported to apple.
Here is my fix
let addComment = self.app.staticTexts["Add a comment"]
if addComment.exists {
UIPasteboard.generalPasteboard().string = "Test Comment"
let commentTextField = self.app.staticTexts["Add a comment"]
You can only use .typeText() on an input element. Static texts are not input elements - they're just text. Your addComment constant is probably the placeholder text within your text field. Tapping on the placeholder text probably activates the text field and keyboard, but you cannot call .typeText() on the placeholder text as the text field is its parent, not its descendant.
You need to call .typeText() on your text field, which should have focus after you tap in it.
let addComment = self.app.textFields["addCommentIdentifier"]
if addComment.exists {
addComment.typeText("Test comment")
You can try solving this issue by using .doubletap() before you & enter the value in .typeText(string) it worked for me.
let addComment = self.app.staticTexts["Add a comment"]
if addComment.exists {
addComment.typeText("Test comment")
Turn off I/O -> Keyboard -> Connect Hardware Keyboard in the Simulator menu.
When this option is on, the Simulator doesn't bring up the soft keyboard, so the OS (sometimes) thinks the text field is not focused. Most of my tests have no problem typing in text fields with this option on, but some fail, especially search bars.

How to remove/disable On-Keyboard Textbox when Using UIInput NGUI?

I am using NGUI's UIInput class to accept text input from user. when i start typing in text box in mobile devices. a key board appears and it has an another textbox within it self, with "OK"/"Done" button (Like a keyboard accessory view, if we're talking about iPhone).
Can i disable that text box appearing within keyboard ? Or its not even possible and i am shooting just blanks ?
From what i could gather by search for a while is, the appearance of keyboard is handled buy Unity's "TouchScreenKeyboard" class. but according to Unity Scripting reference there is nothing which could hide the textfield inside the keyboard.
Unity Scripting reference: TouchInputKeyboard
PS:- I should still be able to put input in textbox by directly typing into them, i just want an extra textbox within the key board to be removed.
TO be more clear i have attached images explaining this
This is the screen.
When i start typing in one of the textbox. a keyboard appears like the following.
as you can see the text box just above the keyboard is not the original one.
Did you try checking "Hide Input Check box" in Inspector view of that UIInput Textbox ?
private void OnGUI()
I don't know why it is, but I have had this problem as well and the "hide input" checkbox for some reason doesn't seem to do really anything other then change the keyboard text box from one line to multi line.
I did a little bit of digging and came across a quick lead that will enable that hide input check box.
This fix is Update() in UIInput.cs around 650
else if (inputType == InputType.Password)
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = true;
kt = TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default;
val = mValue;
mSelectionStart = mSelectionEnd;
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = true;
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = false;
kt = (TouchScreenKeyboardType)((int)keyboardType);
val = mValue;
mSelectionStart = mSelectionEnd;
I added a check in the else statement

Making autocomplete work with touchscreen keyboard

I'm using complete.ly for a site intended for use on a touchscreen. The keyboard only appears on-screen if the selected element is a textfield or input, the code for that is:
if( (this.input_target.is('input') || this.input_target.is('textarea')) && this.input_target.parent().find('.popover').length == 0)
Is there anyway you guys can think of that I can either change the keyboard logic to include the div that complete.ly is using, or maybe change complete.ly to make this work?
I guess a better way for me to ask this would be if there is any way to detect when complete.ly's text box has focus.
I am not sure I understand the original question but I do understand your last comment:
I guess a better way for me to ask this would be if there is any way to detect when complete.ly's text box has focus.
well, there is a way to see when completely's text box (input type) has focus.
if you look at the documentation it says:
// For no-big-deal hacking
so you can access the input and do something like this:
if (c.input.addEventListener) {
_c.input.addEventListener("focus", yourHandlerFunction, false);
else {
_c.input.attachEvent("onfocus", yourHandlerFunction);

GXT 3 spinnerField validation

I want to validate that user cannot change spinner value manually by typing in text box of spinner.
For example a field sales multiple = x which I fetched from server not fix.
and displays a spinner field with limitation of like bellow
spinner.setMinValue = x
spinner.setIncrement = x
spinner.setValue = x
so user forcefully select a value which is multiple with x. e.g. if x=3 the user have to enter 3,6,9... and so on.
So here my issue is if I type a 2 in spinner field text box. GXT widget accept that value.
Posible solutions:
Is there any predefined properties of spinnerfield that i forget to set it?
Is there any predefined validator for this?
Can I set text box of spinner field read only by css so user cannot focus on text box but still change a value.
If none of above how to achieve manually?
i've searched a bit in the different classes and I don't see either a precise method which would set what you want.
Don't know about one, and even with one, a validator doesn't change the value in the input field, but maybe it's enough for your needs.
You can disable the text input by calling setEditable(boolean) on the spinnerfield (testSpinner.setEditable(false);)
Maybe you could search around the IntegerPropertyEditor, I haven't tried but as long as a new Spinner is like this:
SpinnerField<Integer> testSpinner = new SpinnerField<Integer>(new NumberPropertyEditor.IntegerPropertyEditor());
you can seen that there is another Constructor for IntegerPropertyEditor, which takes a "NumberFormat" param, but there is no NumberFormart() constructor, so I'm not sure about how you create your own one, but that could be an idea (to format numbers in the input to be a multiple of the increment).
The last option would be that Sencha forgot this possibility and that you should report this as a "bug" on the forum ?
Hope to have helped a bit, good luck :).

Can I not remove the return key on the keyboard? Or at least change its text to "Set"?

I am creating a sign up page for my iphone app and am having some problems making the way the input views work for the different kinds of fields consistent. The fields are listed as cells in a table view and the editing is supposed to take place directly in the table by having appropriate input views sliding up from the bottom.
Let me focus on only two of the fields here, namely the username field and the birthday field: for the username field it makes sense to have an ASCII capable keyboard sliding up when the user presses the field whereas a date picker seems more useful in the birthday field case.
For both the keyboard and the date picker the cancel button could be located in a tool bar just above the input view. But what about the set button? If I put that in the toolbar as well I need the return key in the keyboard to go away! But that is not possible is it?
If the return key cannot be removed then I might have to live with the set button in the toolbar only in the birthday case and then use the return key as the set button in the username case - but can I then at least change the text on the return key to "Set"?
No it's not possible* to hide the "Return" key.
It is not possible to set the string to "Set" either, but could use the .returnKeyType property to change it to a limited set of strings.
theTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
(* Well you could put an opaque UIView directly above it but it's a very bad practice and generally breaks if the user chooses a different input method)