Modifying an array passed as an argument to a function in Swift - swift

Sorry for the newbie question; I'm still learning. I'm running into some odd behavior and couldn't find any documentation on this. I was wondering if you can help point out what I'm doing wrong here.
Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'arr' is a 'let' constant
class mySingleton {
static let sharedInstance = mySingleton()
private init() {}
var men = ["bob", "doug"]
var women = ["alice", "lisa"]
func removeFirst() {
func removeFirstByGender(gender: String) {
if gender == "men" {
self.modify(arr: // <-- error occurs here.
} else {
self.modify(arr: self.women) // <-- error occurs here.
func modify(arr: [String]) {

You need to change the definition of modify to accept an inout parameter. By default, function arguments are immutable, but by using the inout keyword, you can make them mutable. You also need to pass the argument by reference.
func modify( arr: inout [String]) {
var stringArr = ["a","b"]
modify(arr: &stringArr) //stringArr = ["b"] after the function call


Swift, help iterating over keyPaths and setting values

I've found that it's a little easier to explain what I'm doing by giving too much context for why I'm trying to do it, sorry.
I'm currently trying to add an encryption service to my project. It's nothing that'll get published I think though and I've mostly got it working. The problem that I'm having is that I have my model like this
struct Entity {
// All types are examples though I think they will be all optionals.
var prop1: String?
var prop2: Int?
var prop3: Bool?
var encryptedData: [Keypath:EncryptedData]
static var encryptableKeyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Entity, Any?>]
As an example for what's happening, I can get the encryptionService to take in prop1, create an EncryptedData and put it in the encryptedData dictionary. I can even get the keyPath for the property. I can encrypt all the data and decrypt it just fine and get all the values properly, so I don't need help with that. But I'm struggling with 3 issues.
Getting the KeyPaths to be WritableKeyPaths so I can write to them with the values I need.
Setting the properties to nil once the values are encrypted so I'm not storing extra data.
Setting the properties to their values once their decrypted.
All three of these issues seem to revolve around making the KeyPaths into WritableKeyPaths.
This is the closest attempt I've gotten so far. You can copy the following code right into a playground and run it and it should work. Except it'll crash at the end. There are a couple of issues here, I'm losing the type safety as I have to make all the property types Initializable? which isn't great. Also, see that the values are permanently wrapped. I can't figure out how to prevent that. I had to mark Optional as conforming to Initializable to make this work. Lastly, the variable allStoredProperties doesn't let me write to them. I'm not sure how to properly convert it to WritableKeyPath from PartialKeyPath.
import UIKit
protocol Initializable {}
extension String: Initializable {}
extension Int: Initializable {}
extension Bool: Initializable {}
extension Optional: Initializable {}
protocol KeyPathIterable {
associatedtype Model
static var allKeyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Model, Initializable?>] { get }
extension KeyPathIterable {
var keyPathReadableFormat: [String: Initializable] {
var description: [String: Initializable] = [:]
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
description[label] = (value as! Initializable)
return description
static var allStoredProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
var members: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] = []
let instance = Self()
for (key, _) in instance.keyPathReadableFormat {
return members
static func setValue<Self: KeyPathIterable, T: Initializable>(on root: inout Self,
at keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Self, Initializable?>,
withValue value: T?) throws {
root[keyPath: keyPath] = value
struct Foo: KeyPathIterable {
typealias Model = Foo
var prop1: Initializable? // I want this to be String?
var prop2: Initializable? // I want this to be Int?
var prop3: Initializable? // I want this to be Bool?
init() {
self.prop1 = nil
self.prop2 = nil
self.prop3 = nil
static var allKeyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Foo, Initializable?>] {
return [\Model.prop1, \Model.prop2, \Model.prop3]
var foo = Foo()
foo.prop1 = "Bar"
foo.prop2 = 1
foo.prop3 = true
print(foo.prop1 as Any)
let keyPath = \Foo.prop1
foo[keyPath: keyPath] = "Baz"
print(foo.prop1 as Any)
for path in Foo.allStoredProperties {
do {
try Foo.setValue(on: &foo, at: keyPath, withValue: "BazBar" as Initializable?)
} catch {
print("Should never fail")
print(foo.prop1 as Any) // Returns Optional(Optional("BarBaz")) - I want this to be all the way unwrapped.
let values1: [Initializable] = ["Hello World", 100, false]
do {
for (path, value) in zip(Foo.allKeyPaths, values1) {
try Foo.setValue(on: &foo,
at: path,
withValue: value as Initializable?)
} catch {
print(foo.prop1 as Any)
print(foo.prop2 as Any)
print(foo.prop3 as Any)
let values2: [Initializable] = ["Howdy", 0, false]
do {
for (path, value) in zip(Foo.allStoredProperties, values2) {
try Foo.setValue(on: &foo,
at: path as! WritableKeyPath<Foo, Initializable?>,
withValue: value as Initializable?)
} catch {
print("Always fails")
I've looked all over google and youtube and everywhere and I can't seem to get this to work. I'm open to a different architecture if that work accomplish my goals better. Just a little frustrated. Thanks for your help.

How to reassign a variable's value inside a struct?

I have a struct "Person" which I want to reassign each individual object's amount from the structArray which I declared. When I do a for each loop to reassign the amount, an error says
Left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: 'person' is a 'let' constant
struct Person {
let name : String
var amount : Double
var structArray:[Person] = []
func calculateBill(pax: [Person]) -> [Person] {
for person in pax {
person.amount += taxByPerson //error
return pax
What is causing the issue and how can I fix this to be able to reassign the value?
EDIT: Thanks guys for pointing out where my error was, although the downvoting is pretty depressing to watch lol.
func calculateBill(pax: [Person]) -> [Person] {
var finalBill:[Person] = pax
for i in 0..<finalBill.count {
finalBill[i].amount += taxByPerson
return finalBill
Value types could be a pain and passed parameters are constants (let) by definition.
You could pass the array as an inout parameter, in the function add the value directly in the array:
func calculateBill(pax: inout [Person]) {
for index in 0..<pax.count {
pax[index].amount += taxByPerson
and call it
calculateBill(pax: &structArray)
Well the error is exactly what it says on the tin... person is a let context. You'll need to use var. But this is more easily accomplished with map
struct Person {
var name: String
var amount: Double
var people = [Person]()
func calculateBill(_ people: [Person]) -> [Person] {
var p = $0
p.amount += taxByPerson
return p

Error - Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value

So I have this custom struct
public struct Feature {
var featureID: String = ""
var featureName: String = ""
var matchingFieldValue: String = ""
var polygonCollection = [MyPolygon]()
mutating func setFeatureID(featureID: String) {
self.featureID = featureID
func getMatchingFieldValue() -> String {
return matchingFieldValue
mutating func setMatchingFieldvalue(matchingFieldValue: String) {
self.matchingFieldValue = matchingFieldValue
public func getPolygonCollection() -> [MyPolygon] {
return polygonCollection
and I am trying to append a polygon to my polygonCollection by calling this function
but I am getting the error
cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value
by the way, I am defining the polygon in another class, it is a long class so just put the relevant calling code that gives the error.
All the previously asked ques
I appreciate all the help.
Due to value semantics getPolygonCollection() returns an immutable copy of polygonCollection. You cannot change it. That's what the error message says.
Add this function in the struct
mutating func add(polygon: MyPolygon) {
and call it

How to create an array of instances of a subclass from a superclass

From this answer, I know that I can create an instance of a subclass from a superclass. Yet, I can't figure out how to create an array of the subclass from the superclass.
Drawing on the above example, here's my best shot so far:
class Calculator {
func showKind() { println("regular") }
required init() {}
class ScientificCalculator: Calculator {
let model: String = "HP-15C"
override func showKind() { println("\(model) - Scientific") }
required init() {
extension Calculator {
class func createMultiple<T:Calculator>(num: Int) -> T {
let subclass: T.Type = T.self
var calculators = [subclass]()
for i in 0..<num {
return calculators
let scis: [ScientificCalculator] = ScientificCalculator.createMultiple(2)
for sci in scis {
With that code, the line var calculators = [subclass]() shows the error Invalid use of '()' to call a value of non-function type '[T.Type]'.
How can I return an array of ScientificCalculators from Calculator.createMultiple?
You were on the right track but you've made some mistakes.
First you need to return a array of T and not just a single element. So you need to change the return type from T to [T]:
class func createMultiple<T:Calculator>(num: Int) -> [T] {
Also you can just use T to initialize new instances of your subclass like that:
var calculators:[T] = [T]()
But the other parts are correct. So you final method would look like that:
extension Calculator {
class func createMultiple<T:Calculator>(num: Int) -> [T] {
let subclass: T.Type = T.self
var calculators = [T]()
for i in 0..<num {
return calculators
If you are using Swift 1.2 you don't have to deal with subclass anymore and you will be able to use T instead like shown in Airspeeds answer.
EDIT: this behaviour appears to have changed in the latest Swift 1.2 beta. You shouldn’t need to use T.self. T is the type you want to create. But if you are using 1.1, it appears not to work (even if T is the subtype, it creates the supertype), and using the metatype to create the type works around this problem. See end of answer for a 1.1 version.
You don’t need to mess with subclass: T.Type = T.self. Just use T – that itself is the type (or rather, a placeholder for whatever type is specified by the caller):
extension Calculator {
// you meant to return an array of T, right?
class func createMultiple<T: Calculator>(num: Int) -> [T] {
// declare an array of T
var calculators = [T]()
for i in 0..<num {
// create new T and append
return calculators
btw, you can replace that for loop with map:
class func createMultiple<T: Calculator>(num: Int) -> [T] {
return map(0..<num) { _ in T() }
If you are still on Swift 1.1, you need to use T.self to work around a problem where the subtype is not properly created:
extension Calculator {
// only use this version if you need this to work in Swift 1.1:
class func createMultiple<T: Calculator>(num: Int) -> [T] {
let subclass: T.Type = T.self
return map(0..<num) { _ in subclass() }

Swift subscript setter that accepts a different type than the getter's return value

I have a custom collection that can receive values of any type and converts them to strings. For example:
collection["key"] = 10
let value = collection["key"] // value is a String
Is there a way to do this? I tried implementing two subscript methods but Swift doesn't support write-only subscripts.
subscript(key: String) -> String {
get { ... }
// Doesn't compile
subscript(key: String) -> AnyObject {
set { ... }
You can use two different subscript implementations and disable the getter for one of them:
subscript(key: String) -> String {
get { return "howdy" } // put real implementation here
subscript(key: String) -> AnyObject {
get { fatalError("Oooops") }
set { }
However, this still leaves open the question of how to distinguish between these two subscript calls in context. It would be better to give them different signatures through their external parameter names:
subscript(key: String) -> String {
get { return "howdy" } // put real implementation here
subscript(# any: String) -> AnyObject {
get { fatalError("Oooops") }
set { }
And here's how to use it:
let m = MyClass()
m[any:"thing"] = 1
println(m["thing"]) // "1", presumably
Define subscript to return AnyObject (or Any as needed) and at the point you use the getter cast the result to String. You may already need to deal with subscript returning an optional so the coercion is just all part of extracting your desired value.
if let value = collection["key"] as String { ... }
else {...}
You could also define your own type and make it conform to the IntegerLiteralConvertible and the StringLiteralConvertible protocols.
Technically you could also write an extension for String to make it conform to IntegerLiteralConvertible but that might get confusing, since it will be available in your entire project.
I was facing a similar problem here and I solved it using a generic type for my variable and returning the type I want on its getter. You can try doing something like this:
class StorageClass {
private var _value: String?
public var value: Any? {
set {
if let num = newValue as? Int {
self._value = String(format: "%d",num)
get {
return self._value
By doing this, it is possible to do something like:
var storage = StorageClass()
storage.value = 10 /* setting value as an Integer */
let aString = storage.value as! String /* receiving a String value back */