Unreal Engine 4 - Add offset to character movement - unreal-engine4

I just started (yesterday) using unreal engine and I need to simulate a drunk character using BPs.
I'm using two camera shakes (one for standing still and one for walking) but I want to add some "displacement" on charater when he's walking.
Basically I want to define a random float to be added to X axis location in order to make character wobble smoothly.
It will be acceptable even if there's a way to make the character move along with the camera when it's shaking.
What I tried until now is using AddActorLocalOffset and a timeline to lerp between actor's location and actor's location+offset, but both are very choppy to me.
Maybe it's a noob question but as I told I'm very new to this and need it for a quick work.
Any suggestion?

If you are targetting physically correct model, you should use AddForce (UE Docs). But this approach would require implementation of a "drunk animation" where your character will modify it's movement animation to "compensate" this force by stepping aside etc.
Another (much more simple) approach is by using AddMovementInput. This example can be seen here: UE Aswers. In this case, you are basically simulate player's input by adding small amount of side force here and there.


Why is this Framerate Independent When Adding An ImpulseForce Unreal Engine

I am facing an issue I want to push the object in the direction/Axis the player is moving towards I can do that using the getlastinputvector multiplying the force value but the thing is it is framerate dependent the output velocity is different when testing it in like 10FPS or 1000(uncapped)FPS how can i achieve the force not being affected by framerate and also the force being applied towards the player moving axis.
According to the documentation of add impulse: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/BlueprintAPI/Pawn/Components/CharacterMovement/AddImpulse/
"If you want to continually apply forces each frame, use AddForce()"
The add impulse is good for something like kicking a ball where it only happens once and the framerate would not matter.
The add force is better for something like having your character push an object as it is designed to be used every frame.
In your case it seems you should use add force.

Unity character flies easily

I have been using Unity for a while and still Im not sure about some things, I know there are like 5 different ways to move our character (not using prefabs like for 1st or 3rd person controller I mean just code from scratch) so far for moving a character on a terrain I think setting the speed of the rigidbody works overal for me, just setting the x and leaving the y component as what it was before assigning that, so that gravity effect is kept, overal it works, I manage to collide with wall and other objects, manage to go on terrain and could add jump later in same fashion, but the trouble I find is that my character flies when it steps over any small object like a stone on ground, if he goes over it he starts flying, not a big distance but definetly looks like walking on the moon maybe, also I see that if I have a bridge that is lower in the middle part of it (like U shape) well the character goes like flying from the begining almost until the middle or so, as said works like being on the moon, however gravity seems ok on other objects, I know I can change the gravity value to be higher but Im affraid I could be breaking all that so my question is, is there a better way to move a character on ground that will work better without changing the gravity value? I guess that it can work right without affecting this value, I used other method to change velocity and adding a certain value to the y component but again I see it not right as an apparent correct value for small stones and small objects makes it hard to go over slopes too, any help is greatly welcome =).

How to make a sprite have gravity?

xcode 5 iOS7 sprite kit.
My wish is to make a sprite that has its own gravity.
Like a planet. If another sprite comes within a certain range of it, it will slowly pull the other sprite closer.
I have two sprites. One moving and one stationary. When the moving sprite gets in a given distance of the stationary sprite the stationary sprite gravity should slowly pull the other sprite towards it. This way the moving sprite would change its path in a soft curve.
My idea would be to calculate the distance from the stationary object to any other object and if close enough start pulling and if the moving object gets out of range ageing, then stop pulling.
Would probably need to research some vector calculation.
Thats my immediate thoughts.
Is this possible and how? Does it already exist?
A friend of mine did this for his physics dissertation. multibody gravity simulation. So yeah you can but you need to be willing to learn some maths. Apparently there is a clever optimisation to make it run decently nlog(n) rather than n^2). you probably want to ask this on the physics version of stack overflow to get a good answer. I have the code at home ... will post it later but you will want an explanation - i used it in an xna app. Its badass once you get it working - although if you want naturally orbiting objects then you will want to code them using parametric equations for easy and cool orbits. Simply because its hard to solve and with time even using double will result in some errors (the good implementations also work out the error and adjust - again will post later). But the real problem is solving for stable orbits. You then use the algorithm for free moving bodies such and player objects / npcs. Although solving accurate movement for npc in a changing field is v hard.
you want to look at this question: Jon Purdys answer is the one you want
multi body physics - gravity
and this one (which is linked from above) ...
There is not a dead-simple way of doing that in any platform as far as I know maybe except for some game engines/platforms that export for different platforms (cocos2d, construct 2 etc).
What you need is a physics engine whether you write one (which is a complicated but fun thing to do) or use an available one.
Luckily I've found a link describing the usage of the famous 2D physics engine "Box2D" on iOS.
This one explains how you can include Box2D in an openGL application (but you can apply this to other environments (sprite kit) I think altough I'm not an iOS guy);
Anyways, you now know what to look for...
For iOS 8.0+ : you have SKFieldNode : radialGravityField()
For iOS 8.0- : one solution could be : 3 to 9
add your sprite ( planet ) with its physics
add an invisible SKNode ( the gravity zone ) with its own physics, as a child of your sprite, but with a radius much more than your sprite's one
you have a little explanation about invisible node here : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/spritekit/skphysicsworld
both, your sprite and the invisible node are centered in a zero gravity world
we look for contact and not collision ( set correctly your bit masks )
when any object get in contact with the invisible node ( gravity zone ), first you remove any moving action or impulse from it and then we add to this object an SKAction to move it toward the center of your sprite ( planet )
at second contact between this object and your sprite ( planet ), you remove all actions again from the object with a velocity = zero

iPhone add inertia/momentum physics to animate "wheel of fortune" like rotating control

I'm trying to create a new kind of rotary control with a look and feel of a real massive wheel supported on a pin, able to rotate around it's center point with a certain degree of damping, which will eventually bring the wheel to a halt. Think "wheel of fortune".
Rotary control sample project
When working with native UITableView and/or UIScrollView, they can be "flicked" in one direction and continue scrolling in that direction for a while. I know similar effect may be achieved with the animation curve.
What I'm interested in is how to calculate how far the interface element should scroll/rotate based on the distance/speed that the finger travelled. Different types of "flicks" would produce different behavior by transferring "momentum" to the wheel. Can anyone suggest examples of such calculations?
I'm particularly interested in applying the same concept of inertia to a custom rotary control as described here: Rotary control on stack overflow . The current examples, and even the convertbot app mentioned in the examples do not use inertia. The wheel simply follows the finger and snaps to pre-defined positions. I want to make a similar wheel feel like it has real mass to it, so it can be flicked and will spin in a predictable manner until coming to a smooth halt. (Think "wheel of fortune" type shows).
How can I achieve this kind of "wheel of fortune" inertia-based behavior for a rotary control that would make the control feel like it has real mass to it?
Thank you!
Implementing a fully realistic mass effect is not that trivial, and maybe requires too much work (especially for such a simple task), thus I'd ignore physic's laws (except those strictly needed) and make everything simpler.
A momentum is r x F where r is the radius and F is the force applied. Since it depends on the radius, the more you get far from the center of your wheel the greater will be the momentum. Let's ignore it and suppose that the force is tangent and is applied always at r=wheelWidth/2.
Besides, instead of computing force you may simply make it depends on the speed of the gesture (easier than computing force, since it requires mass and acceleration). Thus we can image that a faster touch will correspond to a greater momentum.
Of course, the gesture will never be perfectly horizontal or vertical, thus you can assume that every time there are two torques applied: the first corresponding to the vertical movement and the second to the horizontal.
You can get the gesture speed you may simply compute initial and final position of the touch, and divide their difference by the time elapsed.
To get the effect of slowing down you must assume that, when the wheel is moving, there is always an opposite torque. You can define it at compile time or make it dependent from the width of your wheel (such that larger wheels will slow down faster).
Now you have pretty much all that you need...good luck :)
I found that using iCarousel, it is possible to create a wheel like control with inertia/momentum!

Setting up a power meter in cocos2d

I am a straight noob. Everyone else says it, but I'm dead serious.
My question is, what is the best way to make a power meter to move a object? Meaning, how to set it up so that the longer the player holds the more power they get. Also how, would I incorporate physics?
What I'd like to accomplish is to have a player holding onto something so that when he taps on the screen and hold he powers up, and when he lets go he throws the object a certain distance.
just checking if the there is any thouch sequence or not is rather an easy thing, you just have to overload two functions for your scene class, one to inform you whenever a touch sequence begins and one to tell you touch is ended. the source code example is describe in this link. after than i think you need a gauge to show how much power is gathered so far, the easiest way is to use a texture with full power shown in it and the set it as texture and then show it little by little as the power goes up just as the code below:
// to create the gauge with zero power
CCSprite *s=[CCSprite spriteWithTexture:[CCTextureCache addImage:#"gauge.png"] rect:CGRectMake(0,0,0,10)];
// and then whenever the power changes you call this method
[s setTextureRect:CGRectmake(0,0,power,10)]
note that in my code i am using a 100x10 texture (power is somthing between 0..100 and texture height is 10 as the last parameter in both CGRectMake functions)