Clarification on PayPal OAuth 2.0 Regarding Access/Refresh Tokens - paypal

I am working on putting an application together that uses PayPal's REST APIs, starting with the invoicing API.
I am used to getting an Access Token and a Refresh Token with other implementations of OAuth 2.0 (ie, Google, MS, etc), but it seems PayPal has done away with Refresh Tokens in this instance.
Could I get some clarification? When the original access token expires, should I just request a new one? Or should I be receiving a refresh token as well and refreshing the Access Token using that?

Referenece: Access token validity and expiration
As the document mentioned, you should request a token and reuse it until it expires. Don't request a new token per session (and actually you will still get a same one before the one expires). It means that you should only request a new token when you meet a HTTP 401 response, and replace the old token with the new one.


What are best practices using AWS Cognito to authenticate a REST API

I'm building a REST API and using AWS Cognito's user pools for authentication. I've got a "get_token" endpoint that returns the JWT access and refresh tokens to the user, which they use to authenticate access to the other REST endpoints provided by the API.
The access token has an expiration timeout. If the user of my API is an application program, what are the best practices for the application to handle when the access token expires? Does the application have to remember the username/password and re-authenticate to continue? Is using the refresh token to get a new access token and use that going forward the best approach?
Is there any documentation, suggestions anyone can point out that might help me out?
Cognito provides 3 types of tokens, id, access and refresh tokens when you login. The way this usually works is that you send either of the first two (depends on whether you want to be sending user payload information to your backend) to your backend via an Authorization header and verify the token there.
Your id and access tokens usually have a shorter expiration time compared to the refresh token. What you should do is, when the id (or access) token expire, you should use the refresh token to generate a new id (or access) token. When the refresh token expires that means that you can no longer generate new id/access tokens from it. In this case, the user (or app) must login again.

What is the point of refresh token in jwt?

Please don't mark as duplicate I came through a lot of questions like this but still I didn't get the point of refresh token. Some of the reason they said are:
If an attacker gets the access token it will expiry soon
But where I am confused is if the attacker was able to get the access token why they wouldn't be able to get the refresh token (both of them needed to access token by JS to sent request so they needed to store in local storage)
If the attacker gets the refresh token we can block it in server.
But we can also block the access token in server right. (with DB)
Note I am not talking about OAuth refresh token, because as per the answers I read,
The idea of refresh tokens is that if an access token is compromised,
because it is short-lived, the attacker has a limited window in which
to abuse it.
Refresh tokens, if compromised, are useless because the attacker
requires the client id and secret in addition to the refresh token in
order to gain an access token.
So it makes sense here but what about JWT?
Typically the access token gets sent with every request, and to your API.
Typically a refresh token only gets sent once, immediately expires after use and only goes to your authentication server. All these measures generally reduce risk.
JWT and OAuth2 can be used together, and it's highly recommended to use OAuth2 instead of trying to write something from scratch.
I talk a bit more about the pitfalls in my article:
The refresh token allows the client to make a call and ask for a new access token. For setups where the access token does have a certain expiry, the refresh token will typically have an expiry which is later than the access token itself. Here is a typical workflow using access and refresh tokens:
The client authenticates to the server via 1FA or 2FA
The server responds with an access token having an expiry in 5 minutes, along with a refresh token which expires a minute later
The client then uses the access token as needed.
When authentication fails using the current access token, under the hood the client will take the refresh token and hit the server to get a new access token. We then go to step #2 above and recycle.
Note that for certain instances, the refresh token is not needed. One example would be sites like Stack Overflow, which uses token which never expire. Another example would be certain high security sites such as banking sites. In these cases, the site might force you to reauthorize via 1FA/2FA in order to keep the session going.
One way in which an update of the authentication token can be carried out through another and without exposing it to client applications (avoiding its use in a malicious way), is to store it in a cache system such as REDIS and in the When the request token has expired, check in storage if the user has a refresh token that allows him to regenerate the authentication. This could be implemented within the same middleware that validates the token that accompanies the request or in an endpoint intended for this purpose.

Websocket refresh token

i'm currently developing a multiplayer turn base card game with Unity. The multiplayer architecture will be using websocket (NodeJS Socket.IO) and for the security wise, i'm using JWT with refresh token after access token expired.
Everytime when i emit a request to websocket, i will emit the request along with the access token. By right when the access token has expired, i should revoke a new access token with refresh token. My concern here is the refresh token handling. Should i emit request back to client for getting the refresh token and re-emit the refresh token back to websocket to renew the access token? To renew the access token, I will validate the refresh token through Database to make sure the token is valid. I am wondering the entire process is appropriate and causing any delay(lagging) since it is real-time multiplayer game.
Anyone here able to give some advice?
If you see a traditional HTTP API which is authenticated based on an access/refresh token, the application tracks the expiry time of the token on its own (this means JWT should have an exp timestamp). If the application detects the access token is about to be expired, it fetches as a new one from the server exchanging the refresh token.
Same flow holds valid here
Check the expiry timestamp with current timestamp (minus some buffer time).
If the access token is about to expire, get a new one from the server and proceed with the previous call.

Is the IdentityServer3 session configurable so it expires when the access token expires?

I need the IdentityServer3 session to expire at the same time as the access token. When the access token expires the user is being redirected to IdSvr it's just automatically issuing new Id and Access tokens. I want to force the user to authenticate again when the access token expires. I'm using the Implicit flow so I don't believe refresh token lifetimes come into play. I'm also using the OIDC-client-JS library.
Your approach doesn't make sense -- what would happen if there were 2 different access tokens?
The better approach is from the client to pass the prompt=login or max_age parameter on the authorization request. See the docs for more info:

is the Authorization code in OAuth 2 is used only once for the lifetime of the client Application running server?

I am reading this blog on how OAuth2 works. It is an excellent source and I guess I have understood the basics of how OAuth2 works.
when reading about Authorization grant, that involves granting access to the Application server (my server) which exchanges the authorization code it received from authorization sever (eg facebook) through the redirect URI registered.
myserver then exchanges this authorization code for access_token and refresh token. when the access token is expired, refresh token is used to get a new access token.
Q1) From this flow, I see that the authorization code given by facebook is used only once from my server to get the access_token. For subsequent requests, this authorization code is not used. Is this correct ?
If the user log-in to my server after 3 days during which the access token has expired, my server will use refresh token to get a new access token and use this access token.
Q2) Does the refresh token expire or each time a refresh token is used to get a new access token, a new refresh token is provided?
Q1) RFC6749, Section 4.1.2 Authorization Response: The client MUST NOT use the authorization code more than once.
Q2) RFC6749, Section 6 Refreshing an Access Token: The authorization server MAY issue a new refresh token, in which case the client MUST discard the old refresh token and replace it with the new refresh token.