How to compare file date modified using cakebuild? - cakebuild

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The cmake compares file date automatically, I'm wondering if there is similar facility in cakebuild?

There's no automatic file date comparing in Cake. It's just .NET so you can compare using System.IO just as in regular .NET.
var fileA = new System.IO.FileInfo("./filea.txt");
var fileB = new System.IO.FileInfo("./fileb.txt");
if (fileA.LastWriteTime > fileB.LastWriteTime)
var modifiedA = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime("./filea.txt");
var modifiedB = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime("./fileb.txt");
if (modifiedA > modifiedB)
If you want to check if two files are identical or not then there's built-in functionality to get the hash of a given file with the CalculateFileHash alias.
var fileHashA = CalculateFileHash("filea.txt").ToHex();
var fileHashB = CalculateFileHash("fileb.txt").ToHex();
if (fileHashA != fileHashB)


Concatenate multiple PDF/A with different conformance levels

Is it possible to concatenate a number of pdf/a (with possibly different conformance levels: some pdf/a-1b, some pdf/a-3b ecc) into a single pdfa ?
I was thinking that using the latest level (3-a or 3b) would be ok but I get errors when validating with VeraPDF:
Here is my code (where :
public static byte[] CreateConformantCopy(List<byte[]> sourcePdfs)
var version = PdfVersion.PDF_1_7;
var type = PdfAType.PDF_A_3B;
WriterProperties wp = new WriterProperties();
PdfOutputIntent oi = new PdfOutputIntent("Custom", "", "", "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("xxx.Resources.sRGB_CS_profile.icm"));
using (var mergedPdf = new MemoryStream())
var writer = new PdfWriter(mergedPdf, wp);
using (PdfADocument newDoc = new PdfADocument(writer, type.ToPdfAConformanceLevel(), oi, new DocumentProperties() { }))
Document document = new Document(newDoc, PageSize.A4.Rotate());
newDoc.GetCatalog().SetLang(new PdfString(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name));
new PdfViewerPreferences()
PdfMerger merger = new PdfMerger(newDoc);
for (int k = 0; k < sourcePdfs.Count; k++)
using (var inDoc = PdfHelper.GetDocument(sourcePdfs[k]))
var numberOfPages = inDoc.GetNumberOfPages();
merger.Merge(inDoc, 1, numberOfPages);
return mergedPdf.ToArray();
PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 have several differences in the requirements. So, merging them together might not be possible. Looking on your validation errors, I think this is exactly the case. For example, the very first one is about XMP metadata. The PDF/A-2 is more strict here, and you get this error because your first file (which is probably a valid PDF/A-1) does not actually satisfy the PDF/A-2 rules.
What is possible however is to attach a PDF/A-1 document to PDF/A-2 one. This does not even require the use of PDF/A-3, which allows arbitrary attachments. The PDF/A-2 standard does allow attaching valid PDF/A-1 (as well as PDF/A-2 documents).

Merge multiple google sheets into a master sheet with script editor

I am trying to merge multiple google sheets into one master sheet. There will be approximately 30 sheets that need to be merged. They will be saved in the same folder. The information is a call log for all the students in my building. I need them to merge into a master sheet to monitor progress and provide school wide analysis. Please help. Also, I am new to coding. Thank you.
Here's a merge example I did for someone else. You can add the sheets you want merged by adding to the array near the top. It create a sheet called themotherofallsheets - yyyyMMddHHmm . Most likely you'll want a refinement of this and perhaps sort the final results.
function concatAllSheets()
var includedSheet=['Sheet1','Sheet2','Sheet3'];
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var allSheets=ss.getSheets();
var sheetName='motherofallsheets-' + Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "yyyyMMddHHmm")
var mother=ss.insertSheet(sheetName);
for(var i=0;i<allSheets.length;i++)
var sht=allSheets[i];
var rng=sht.getDataRange();
var rngA=rng.getValues();
for(var j=0;j<rngA.length;j++)
var row=rngA[j];
Here's the code I linked to:
function myFunction()
var myFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("0B0kQD4hSd4KASUJKb2cya0NET1U");
var spreadSheets = myFolder.getFilesByType("application/");
var newSpreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Merged Sheets");
var sheet =;
var spreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheet.getId());
for(var y in spreadSheet.getSheets())

Google script: Download web image and save it in a specific drive folder

I need to download an image with GS and save it in a specific drive folder.
I'm able to save the image in the root folder but i cannot save it in a specific folder:
function downloadFile(fileURL,folder) {
var fileName = "";
var fileSize = 0;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(fileURL, {muteHttpExceptions: true});
var rc = response.getResponseCode();
if (rc == 200) {
var fileBlob = response.getBlob()
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(folder);
if (folder != null) {
var file = DriveApp.createFile(fileBlob);
fileName = file.getName();
fileSize = file.getSize();
var fileInfo = { "rc":rc, "fileName":fileName, "fileSize":fileSize };
return fileInfo;
Question: what have I to add to use the variable "folder"?
I found a lot of examples with "DocList" Class that is not in use anymore
Many thanks
Well, I guess GAS has make a lot of progress on developing its API, the function
createFile(blob) of an object Folder will do the job:
// Create an image file in Google Drive using the Maps service.
var blob = Maps.newStaticMap().setCenter('76 9th Avenue, New York NY').getBlob();
It's quite late for the answer but just incase some one runs into the situation.
Are you familiar with this app? It does exactly what you're asking for.
However, if you want to re-create this for your own purposes, I would change your declaration of variable file to read as such:
var file =;
when you create your variable folder, the method you use creates a FolderIterator, not a single folder. You have to call the next() method to get a Folder object.
To be precise with your script and avoid saving to an incorrect-but-similarly-named folder, I would recommend passing the folder ID to your script rather than the folder Name. If you pass the folder ID, you could declare folder as:
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folder);
and then continue the script as you have it written. I hope that helps.
Working on similar problem, I came up with the solution below to save a file to a folder. If the folder doesn't exist it creates it, otherwise it saves the file specified by "FOLDER_NAME"
var folderExists = checkFolderExists("FOLDER_NAME");
if (folderExists) {
saveFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderExists);
} else {
saveFolder = DriveApp.createFolder("FOLDER_NAME");
// Make a copy of the file in the root drive.
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(sheetID);
// Take the copy of the file created above and move it into the folder:
var newFile = DriveApp.getFolderById(saveFolder.getId()).addFile(file);
// Remove the copy of the file in the root drive.
var docfile = file.getParents().next().removeFile(file);
Further to Eric's answer, I have also provided a utility function that checks if the folder exists. It's reusable in any project.
function checkFolderExists(fName) {
try {
var folderId;
var folders = DriveApp.getFolders();
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var folder =;
folderName = folder.getName();
if (folderName == fName) {
folderId = folder.getId();
} catch(e) {
log("Services::checkFolderExists()" + e.toString());
throw e;
return folderId;

What is the relationship between real collections' names and those in file system

I use MongoDB 3.0 with WiredTiger storage engine.
When I checked my Mongo files in dbPath, I saw the names of the files with the formats as below:
How can I know the relationship between these file names and real collections' names except the way of data size??
I have found the way that the command "db.collection.stats()" would show the wiredTiger.metadata.uri which defines the relationship between the collection's logical name and file name the command
A simple script to find the collection name for a given file name:
function findInDb(dbName, collectionIdToFind) {
var dbToSearch = db.getSiblingDB(dbName);
var collectionNames = dbToSearch.getCollectionNames();
for(var i = 0; i < collectionNames.length; i++){
var name = collectionNames[i];
var stats = dbToSearch.getCollection(name).stats();
var uri = stats.wiredTiger.uri;
if (uri.endsWith(collectionIdToFind))
return name;
return null;
function findInAllDbs(collectionIdToFind) {
var adminDb = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
var dbList = adminDb.runCommand({ "listDatabases": 1 }).databases;
for (var i in dbList) {
var found = findInDb(dbList[i].name, collectionIdToFind);
if (found != null) {
return dbList[i].name + "." + found;
return "(not found)";
print(findInAllDbs("collection-20-571885508699163146")); // filename in crash report, etc.
Use this

nDepend - how to modify "JustMyCode" queries using nDepend API?

My goal is to modify "JustMyCode" queries using nDepend API. I am using code like:
var justMyCodeGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ChildGroups.Single(x => x.Name.Contains("JustMyCode"));
var originalQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ChildQueries
.Single(x => x.QueryString.Contains("Discard generated Types from JustMyCode"));
var changedQuery = originalQuery.Controller.CreateQuery(originalQuery.IsActive,
var justMyCodeGroupWithModifiedQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ReplaceQuery(originalQuery, changedQuery);
prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ReplaceGroup(justMyCodeGroup, justMyCodeGroupWithModifiedQuery);
However, when I run the code above I get ArgumentException with message:
newGroup.Controller is different than this groupOfGroups.Controller
Any help ?
Update 1:
I also tried code:
var justMyCodeGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ChildGroups.Single(x => x.Name.Contains("JustMyCode"));
var originalQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ChildQueries
.Single(x => x.QueryString.Contains("Discard generated Types from JustMyCode"));
var changedQuery = originalQuery.Controller.CreateQuery(originalQuery.IsActive,
var justMyCodeGroupWithModifiedQuery = justMyCodeGroup.ReplaceQuery(originalQuery, changedQuery);
var newQueries = new List<IQuery>();
foreach (var q in justMyCodeGroup.ChildQueries)
if (q.QueryString.Contains("Discard generated Types from JustMyCode"))
newQueries.Add(prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.Controller.CreateQuery(q.IsActive, q.QueryString,
q.DisplayStatInReport, q.DisplayListInReport, q.DisplaySelectionViewInReport, q.IsCriticalRule));
newQueries.Add(prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.Controller.CreateQuery(originalQuery.IsActive, query, originalQuery.DisplayStatInReport, originalQuery.DisplayListInReport, originalQuery.DisplaySelectionViewInReport, originalQuery.IsCriticalRule));
var newGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.Controller.CreateGroup(justMyCodeGroup.Name,
justMyCodeGroup.IsActive, justMyCodeGroup.ShownInReport, newQueries, new List<IGroup>());
Right now, RemoveGroup throws exception:
this group of groups doesn't contain groupToRemove.
Update 2:
And I also wonder, why does this code return false ?
var justMyCodeGroup = prj.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet.ChildGroups.Single(x => x.Name.Contains("JustMyCode"));
Refer to the PowerTools source file:
This PowerTools convert code queries written with old CQL syntax into code queries written with new CQLinq syntax, hence it loads the queries set from a project, update CQL queries, and then save the new queries set in the project.
The queriesController is gathered this way...
var queriesSet = project.CodeQueries.CodeQueriesSet;
var queriesController = queriesSet.Controller;
... and then used this way to modify the queries set:
queriesController.DoUpdateQueryObject(query, newQuery);