PayPal SDK - Paying by Credit Card, means any Credit Card - paypal

I have just added Paypal SDK, installing products to be paid through credit card using Paypal SDK instead of paying through Paypal Redirect.
Does this mean if you pay by entering your credit card details using Paypal SDK, you still have too register the card with paypal, in order to pay by the card?

there are 2 major ways to do that.
First, let Paypal handle the processing. you need to save the card or reference, for payment management, such as refunds. or if it's recurring payments, updating the card. that way paypal returns an ID you can use later for management.
this is done by redirecting to paypal with payment creation (via Paypal UI).
Second, if you wish to have your own UI without redirect, you can use the API to send credit card details, but then you also need to save the card details somewhere. if you wish to self-manage the cards, then you have to become PCI-compliant, which is a major security concern (you can't just keep the numbers and cvv).
Or, you can use Paypal's "Vault" service via API to save the card, while inserting the card details in your UI, then you can use payment with the returned ID. you can use the ID for future management functions.
If you need more help, try using Paypal's support, or add more details on what API's you're using, etc...


Update my PayPal card via 3rd party app?

Is it possible to update my card details stored in my PayPal account via a 3rd party app with the use of an API? I came across the below documentation but wasn't too sure in which scenarios it could be used?
"Update a stored credit card
PATCH /v1/vault/credit-cards/
Use this call to modify a credit card."
Any thoughts?
There is no API's available for updating the credit card on your PayPal account.
But, using Adaptive Payments, you can just add a new Payment Card using AddPaymentCard API.
Although, you would need to apply for an application at
The vault is for REST API which is used to store(encrypt) the buyer's credit card information and could be used for future transactions.The Vault API provides a secure way to store customer credit cards. By storing cards with PayPal, you can avoid storing them on your servers.

Send and Recive Payments With Credit Cards Only

We are Making a App in which We Take Payments from Customers and Give Them Points
same like Customer can give Points to Us and Take Payment . This is a Game
is there any payment Gate Way That Directly Paid Customer in his/her Credit Card
we want Payments Direct Credit Cards To Credit Cards
we will take customer credit cards when he will signup or later when he will give us points for Payment
Any Suggestion will be Appreciated
For PayPal, look at the following.
DoReferenceTransaction - This will allow you to hit somebody's credit card to process an amount without authentication so long as you've done a prior Authorization or Sale using the same credit card. So you could have people run an Authorization on their card just to ensure it's good and get a transaction ID that you can use in future DRT requests.
DoNonReferencedCredit - This will allow you to load funds onto a credit card without referencing any previous transaction (so it's different than a refund.) Keep in mind that when you send somebody money this way you won't get refunded fees like you would if you used the actual RefundTransaction API, so you may want to consider that.
You'll want to go through the detailed documentation for Reference Transactions, of course, to get a good understanding of it.
You'll also need a Payments Pro account to be able to process credit cards directly and utilize these features.
If you happen to be working with PHP I'd recommend using my class library for PayPal. It'll make the API calls very simple for you.

Ways to STOP accepting Paypal Credit Debit cards

I sell digital goods that get send automatically when a transaction is complete and am using Paypal express, when a customer checks out to the Paypal page they have 2 choices:
login and pay with Paypal
Create a Paypal account and pay with card (I get so many chargebacks from this as anyone with a stolen card can create an account there and then! they don't have to wait 4 days to be verified!)
I've come up with a few ways to stop a transaction, does anyone know if these can be done?
If customer pays with card, the redirect code sends them somewhere else (error page) so that my code in the store doesn't see a complete transaction.
Is there a way to see if a transaction was made using a card, I think maybe on paypal pro, but will that info show up on my store, eg: IPN or would I have to log in to paypal to see it?
Is there an API out there that can see if a card was used and give my store the details, I would then have code like this: if payment type card then don't send digital goods, if payment type paypal then send digital goods.
Any help would be great.
If I were you I would integrate Express Checkout into your system. It's free, doesn't offer credit cards and you have more control over the process.
If you want to offer cards, use Payments Pro and couple it with Fraud Management Filters, which would afford you considerably more control over what cards you accept and decline.
In both cases you don't need to wait for an IPN. The API call itself will directly return the response you need.

Storing Credit Card information using PayPal Payments Advanced API?

I want to use PayPal Payment Advanced API to store the customer's credit card info on the PayPal's website the first time the customer enters the credit card info. For subsequent customer visits, i want to retrieve the Credit Card info from the PayPal's server. Is this possible? What does the PayPal server return me ( like a transaction id )that I can store in my database for that customer and then use it for subsequent requests.
There is no API for Paypal payments advanced. From their tutorials:
PayPal Payments Advanced requires use of PayPal's hosted checkout template...
This means that you have to use their hosted pages (you can probably do so using an iframe if you want). The reason for that is that in order to collect credit-card details you have to be PCI compliant, meaning, you have to pass a series of security checks/tests. This process took my company almost two years and major development (and other) resources, so you probably don't want to go down that path.

PayPal API to pay via credit card

I need to allow users to pay via Credit Card on my site. I'm trying to find suitable API option but can't find it. I have implemented payment via PayPal so far, but now I need to allow users to pay via credit card without account on PayPal.
Anyone knows what specific payment type that is?
Here is one way:
First, you'll need a Website Payments Pro merchant account with PayPal. Then, become familiar with the DoDirectPayment API, which will allow you to
process transactions on your site with PayPal working in the background. Customers will be able to fill out their credit card information, etc., on your site without visiting PayPal directly.
This also means that customers will not be required to have a PayPal account in order to make a transaction on your site.
If you proceed this way, you will need SSL certificates, and are required to implement Express Checkout for customers who do not want to make their transaction on your site.
Sample Code to get your feet wet. Good luck!