scala return http request response of created object - scala

I have an application with following back-end-technologies: scala/slick in playframework. Front- and back-end communicate via REST.
Now what I want to do is simply return a created/inserted (updated) row back to the front-end of my application. I thought about doing something like this:
def createClient = Action.async { implicit request =>[ClientModel]) match {
case c: JsSuccess[ClientModel] =>
cnt => Ok(Json.obj("id" ->
}.recover {
case e: Exception => BadRequest("Could ssnotsdreate client")
My code compiles but it gives me this error message while running:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:9002/clients. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 500.
I read about adding CORS to my application but would prefer to solve it otherwise. I thought there has to be a proper, elegant way to return a just created/inserted object back to the front-end, since it should be a core feature of any client-server communication.
I'm relatively new to scala, so please don't get hung up on my code and rather view it as pseudo code. This is a rather general question. Thank you!


Scala Customizing Refined Type Exceptions in Http4s

I am using refined for my requests in order to ensure that the request body confronts to certain specs, such as
case class NewGenreRequest(
name: GenreNameParam,
parent: Option[GenreParentParam]
type GenreNameString = String Refined MinSize[3]
When the request body sends something with 2 characters, this results in the error Predicate taking size(me) = 2 failed: Predicate (2 < 3) did not fail.: DownField(name) in the response body. However I think this isn't the best error to return to the client.
I would like to find a way to customize this response. The logical thing to try was to write a middleware
def handleErr(resp: Response[F]): Response[F] =
resp match {
case Status.BadRequest(resp) =>"HERE IS MY ERR")
case _ =>
However I need to extract the info regarding which field has failed the predicates. The response body is an fs2 Stream and I am not quite sure about how to go about effectively modifying it using the existing info in the body. I tried maping it but to no result.
Is there an easy way of modifying these error messages?
P.S.: Cross posting from http4s discord as I wasn't able to get an answer test response not matching actual output

I'm trying to set up some tests for an API made by a coworker with, and I'm encountering some odd behavior. When a request results in an error for any reason, we want to return a JSON value along the lines of:
{"status":false,"message":"useful message here"}
This happens just fine in the actual browser. I have navigated to an unhandled route in the web browser, and I get the desired JSON value. So, I want to test this. Now, since I'm new to, I started off with the very simple test:
"leave GET requests to root path unhandled" in {
Get() ~> myRoute ~> check {
handled must beFalse
This went fine, no problems. Since it's my first time playing with, I looked at some of the sample tests for testing false routes, and wrapped myRoute with sealRoute() so I could check the response without failing tests:
"leave GET requests to root path unhandled" in {
Get() ~> sealRoute(myRoute) ~> check {
handled must beTrue
This also works fine. So, I decided to just make sure the text of the response was usable with this, before I went to the trouble of parsing JSON and verifying individual values:
"leave GET requests to root path unhandled" in {
Get() ~> sealRoute(myRoute) ~> check {
responseAs[String] contains "false"
This is failing. To investigate, I threw a simple line of code in to log the actual value of responseAs[String] to a file, and I got this:
The requested resource could not be found.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm thinking that one of the following is occurring:
responseAs[String] is doing more than taking the exact response and giving it back to me, applying some type of filter along the way
The framework itself is not fully evaluating the query, but rather making a mockup object for the test framework to evaluate, and therefore not executing the desired 'turn errors to json' methods that my co-worker has implemented
I have tried searching google and stack overflow specifically for similar issues, but I'm either not putting in the right queries, or most other people are content to have the default error messages and aren't trying to test them beyond checking handled must beFalse.
Edit - This is the relevant part of the RejectionHandler:
case MissingQueryParamRejection(paramName) :: _=>
respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) {
complete(BadRequest, toJson(Map("status" -> false, "message" -> s"Missing parameter $paramName, request denied")))
Okay, so with insight from here and a coworker, the problem has been found:
Basically, the custom RejectionHandler was defined within our custom Actor object, and it wasn't coming into scope in the tests. To resolve this, the following steps were taken:
Moved the definition for the custom RejectionHandler into its own object in a separate file (as it had to do its own imports, it was causing a "encountered unrecoverable cycle resolving import" error)
Imported this new object into both the original file and the test spec.
(fun fact - seems to demonstrate the RejectionHandler as a top-level object but you can't have top-level implicit vals in Scala, hence the need for an object)

Play framework make http request from play server to "" and send the response back to the browser

I'm developing an application using Play framework in scala. I have to handle the below use case in my application.
For a particular request from the browser to the play server the Play server should make an http request to some external server (for Eg: and send the response from this request back to the web browser.
I have written the below code to send the request to external serever in the controller.
val holder = WS.url("")
val futureResponse = holder.get
Now how do I send back the response recieved from "" back to the browser?
There's an example in the Play documentation for WS, under Using in a controller; I've adapted it to your scenario:
def showSomeSiteContent = Action.async {
WS.url("").get().map { response =>
The key thing to note is the idiomatic use of map() on the Future that you get back from the get call - code inside this map block will be executed once the Future has completed successfully.
The Action.async "wrapper" tells the Play framework that you'll be returning a Future[Response] and that you want it to do the necessary waiting for things to happen, as explained in the Handling Asynchronous Results documentation.
You may also be interested in dynamically returning the status and content type:
def showSomeSiteContent = Action.async {
WS.url("").get().map { response =>
Dynamic status could help if the URL/service you call fails to answer correctly.
Dynamic content type can be handy if your URL/service can return different content HTML/XML... depending on some dynamic parameter.

Play Framework - Store Information About Current Request

In my play framework 2 application I'd like to have a log message with the request, response, and some details about the response - such as the number of search results returned from an external web call.
What I have now is a filter like this:
object AccessLog extends Filter {
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
def apply(next: RequestHeader => Future[SimpleResult])(request: RequestHeader): Future[SimpleResult] = {
val result = next(request)
result map { r =>"Request: ${request.uri} - Response: ${r.header.status}")
At the point of logging, I've alread converted my classes into json, so it seems wasteful to parse the json back into objects so I can log information about it.
Is it possible to compute the number of search results earlier in the request pipeline, maybe into a dictionary, and pull them out when I log the message here?
I was looking at flash, but don't want the values to be sent out in a cookie at any cost. Maybe I can clear the flash instead. Buf if there's a more suitable way I'd like to see that.
This is part of a read-only API that does not involve user accounts or sessions.
You could try using the play.api.cache.Cache object if you can come up with a reproducible unique request identifier. Once you have logged your request, you can remove it from the Cache.

HTTP reponse for error in REST call for Mojolicious

The mojolicious application that I use is JSON based, that is the interaction between the client and the server is more of an exchange of JSON structured data.
I am trying to implement a standard way of handling errors with proper HTTP response code when an error occurs during one of the REST calls. What is the best way of implementing such a standard and where do I do it?
I see a couple of ways of doing it
Create a class and list all the error response and its associated content, a call could be made to this class with the response code, which would return the JSON structure(combination of hashes and arrays) containing all the associated entry, then use the render_json() method in controller and return this as a response to the client
I can create a table in the Database with entry for all the fields that are required for the response, use the filed to access the JSONstructure, create the appropriate response and use render_json() in controller and return this as a response to the client.
Example of error response might be like
"Message": "The requested resource is not found"
"Type" : "",
"ErrorCode" : 404,
"Created" : "2012-11-05T11:59:29-05:00",
"Request" : "GET /types/Foo/instances"
What is the right way of standardizing such a response?
As titanofold mentioned, I'd go for option 2.
Regarding error codes, try to stick with standard HTTP Response Status Codes.
Besides setting the ErrorCode property in your JSON, you should send the status code in the response header because:
you can treat errors in a single place - the error callback of your javascript function
in the future you might have other consumers of your backend (mobile apps for example)
this is why they have been invented
You can achieve that extremely simple with Mojolicious:
$self->render_json( {
Message => "The requested resource is not found",
Type => "",
ErrorCode => 404,
Created => "2012-11-05T11:59:29-05:00",
Request => "GET /types/Foo/instances",
status => 404);
The wonderful things about standards are that there are so many to choose from, and if you don't like any of them you can make your own.
As to the REST structure, that's up to you. I would go for the generic 'code' rather than 'ErrorCode' as you should return a code on success, too.
For your method options, I'd go with option 2.
I would also opt for option 2. But I do not understand the need for the error details to be part of the database. I would rather suggest you use a the OO concept of base class holding all the error details and the inheriting it to other classes, making sure you have access to it.