generation uncorrelated random sequence - matlab

I want to generate an uncorrelated stochastic random sequence with zero mean and unit variance to use it as input.and also I need to generate a white noise sequence with zero mean and variance can I do it?

You can find some random generator at
If you are looking for a uniformly distributed random numbers, you can use rand and for a normally distributed random numbers randn. If you will use randn, you could change the mean and variance by using (randn * variance) + mean


Cholesky decomposition for simulation correlated random variables

I have a correlation matrix for N random variables. Each of them is uniformly distributed within [0,1]. I am trying to simulate these random variables, how can I do that? Note N > 2. I was trying to using Cholesky Decomposition and below is my steps:
get the lower triangle of the correlation matrix (L=N*N)
independently sample 10000 times for each of the N uniformly distributed random variables (S=N*10000)
multiply the two: L*S, and this gives me correlated samples but the range of them is not within [0,1] anymore.
How can I solve the problem?
I know that if I only have 2 random variables I can do something like:
to get my correlated sample y. But if you have more than two variables correlated, not sure what should I do.
You can get approximate solutions by generating correlated normals using the Cholesky factorization, then converting them to U(0,1)'s using the normal CDF. The solution is approximate because the normals have the desired correlation, but converting to uniforms is a non-linear transformation and only linear xforms preserve correlation.
There's a transformation available which will give exact solutions if the transformed Var/Cov matrix is positive semidefinite, but that's not always the case. See the abstract at

MatLab:Generate N pseudo-random numbers with a Poisson distribution having mean M and total T where N,M, and T are user defined

I’d like to be able to generate in MatLab a sequence of N pseudo-random numbers with a Poisson distribution having mean M. The sum of the N numbers should be T. N, M, and T are always positive or zero and would be user specified parameters to any function.
Obviously, if T is small relative to N it is likely that there will be problems achieving a total of T. In that case the function could just return the values T and then N-1 zeros or an error code. However, it is highly likely that in most cases T>>N.
I have been trying variations based on the method of generating random numbers with a given distribution provided at and trying various normalizations at each step but have not been successful.
You could try to approximate what you want by using multinomial distribution.
If you use Wikipedia notation, then k=N, n=T and pi=M/T. Poisson distribution has distinctive property of mean equal to variance, but if your parameters are such that pi is small, then mean npi would be quite close to variance npi(1-pi). Sum would be automatically (by property of multinomial) equal of T.
Multinomial sampling in Matlab is done using mnrmd function.
Wrt comment, lets consider N sampled values vi, and write their sum
Sum(i=1...N) vi = T
Lets compute mean value of the left and right side of this equation.
Sum(i=1...N) E(vi) = E(T) = T
On the right side, mean value of constant is constant itself. On the left side we have
Sum(i=1...N) E(vi) = Sum(i=1...N) M = N*M = T
Therefore, M=T/N and pi=M/T=1/N.

Properties of a Matrix that is generated by normally distributed random numbers in MATLAB

I am working with the randn function in MATLAB to create a n by n matrix. The entries are independent samples from real normal distribution with the mean 0 and standard deviation sqrt(n).
Can we predict the entries produced by the random generator will be in what range?
Can we define special properties for the matrices generated by randn(n,n)?
Thank you in advance.

Sample multinomial distribution in Matlab without using mnrnd

I know for a random variable x that P(x=i) for each i=1,2,...,100. Then how may I sample x by a multinomial distribution, based on the given P(x=i) in Matlab?
I am allowed to use the Matlab built-in commands rand and randi, but not mnrnd.
In general, you can sample numbers from any 1 dimensional probability distribution X using a uniform random number generator and the inverse cumulative distribution function of X. This is known as inverse transform sampling.
random_x = xcdf_inverse(rand())
How does this apply here? If you have your vector p of probabilities defining your multinomial distribution, F = cumsum(p) gives you a vector that defines the CDF. You can then generate a uniform random number on [0,1] using temp = rand() and then find the first row in F greater than temp. This is basically using the inverse CDF of the multinomial distribution.
Be aware though that for some distributions (eg. gamma distribution), this turns out to be an inefficient way to generate random draws because evaluating the inverse CDF is so slow (if the CDF cannot expressed analytically, slower numerical methods must be used).

Dividing a normal distribution into regions of equal probability in Matlab

Consider a Normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. I would like to divide this distribution into 9 regions of equal probability and take a random sample from each region.
It sounds like you want to find the values that divide the area under the probability distribution function into segments of equal probability. This can be done in matlab by applying the norminv function.
In your particular case:
segmentBounds = norminv(linspace(0,1,10),0,1)
Any two adjacent values of segmentBounds now describe the boundaries of segments of the Normal probability distribution function such that each segment contains one ninth of the total probability.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by taking random numbers from each sample. One approach is to sample from each region by performing rejection sampling. In short, for each region bounded by x0 and x1, draw a sample from y = normrnd(0,1). If x0 < y < x1, keep it. Else discard it and repeat.
It's also possible that you intend to sample from these regions uniformly. To do this you can try rand(1)*(x1-x0) + x0. This will produce problems for the extreme quantiles, however, since the regions extend to +/- infinity.