How do I enable addons in google container engine? - kubernetes

I have been working on this for quite some time now, but google container engine has some missing documentation on installing addons.
First I thought I create my addons as yml files and install them into the kube-system namespace.
But the addon-manager apparently removes everything from the kube-system namespace that in its opinion does not belong there.
How do I add any kubernetes addon to my google container engine cluster?
For example I would like to install:
cluster-monitoring (heapster, influxdb, grafana addon)

The add-on manager is removing everything from the kube-system namespace that has the label Reconcile which doesn't exist in a "source of truth" location. Since your resources aren't in the source of truth, they get removed.
You can remove that label and the add-on manager should leave your deployments alone. But I'd recommend running them in a different namespace instead.


Assign FQDN for Internal Services in a Private Kubernetes Cluster

I setup a private K8S cluster with RKE 1.2.2 and so my K8S version is 1.19. We have some internal services, and it is necessary to access each other using custom FQDN instead of simple service names. As I searched the web, the only solution I found is adding rewrite records for CoreDNS ConfigMap described in this REF. However, this solution results in manual configuration, and I want to define a record automatically during service setup. Is there any solution for this automation? Does CoreDNS have such an API to add or delete rewrite records?
Note1: I also tried to mount the CoreDNS's ConfigMap and update it via another pod, but the content is mounted read-only.
Note2: Someone proposed calling kubectl get cm -n kube-system coredns -o yaml | sed ... | kubectl apply .... However, I want to automate it during service setup or in a pod or in an initcontainer.
Note3: I wish there were something like hostAliases for services, something called serviceAliases for internal services (ClusterIP).
Currently, there is no ready solution for this.
Only thing comes to my mind is to use MutatingAdmissionWebhook. It would need catch moment, when new Kubernetes service was created and then modify ConfigMap for CoreDNS as it's described in CoreDNS documentation.
After that, you would need to reload CoreDNS configuration to apply new configuration from ConfigMap. To achieve that, you can use reload plugin for CoreDNS. More details about this plugin can be found here.
Instead of above you can consider using sidecarContainer for CoreDNS, which will send SIGUSR1 signal to CoreDNS conatiner.
Example of this method can be found in this Github thread.

Why can't I delete heapster and kubernetes-dashboard on gke namespace=kube-system

I want to have full control of what I do with my single node cluster (, but somehow I can't do this even if I delete the deployment it respawns ..
As mentioned in another answer, you cannot delete them directly via the Kubernetes API; however, you can delete them indirectly via the Google Container Engine API.
To remove the dashboard, run gcloud container clusters update $CLUSTER_NAME --update-addons=KubernetesDashboard=DISABLED.
To disable heapster you need to disable monitoring using gcloud container clusters update $CLUSTER_NAME --monitoring-service=none (it may actually require disabling another add-on too, I can't recall at the moment).
See for the commands referenced above.
Heapster is configured as a cluster addon. The addon manager is going to reconcile it to it's preconfigured state if you change or delete it.
You are stuck with it.
Even if you delete heapster pod; it restart automatically. I can made it with scaling it down to zero as shown below
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/heapster-v1.6.0-beta.1 --namespace=kube-system
And you can find the exact name of the heapster pod within result of the command below
kubectl get deployments --namespace=kube-system
By the way you can find more options to reduce resource usage here:

How to change fluentd config for GKE-managed logging agent?

I have a container cluster in Google Container Engine with Stackdriver logging agent enabled. It is correctly pulling stdout logs from my containers. Now I would like to change the fluentd config to specify a log parser so that the logs shown in the GCP Logging view will have the correct severity and component.
Following this Stackdriver logging guide from, I have attempted to:
Get the fluentd ConfigMap as a yml file
Added a new <filter> according to my log4js log format
Created a new ConfigMap named fluentd-cm-2 in kube-system namespace
Edited the DaemonSet for fluentd and set its ConfigMap to fluentd-cm-2. I did this using kubectl edit ds instead of kubectl replace -f because the latter failed with an error message: "the object has been modified", even after getting a fresh copy of the DaemonSet yaml.
Unexpected result: The DaemonSet is restarted, but its configuration is reverted back to the original ConfigMap, so my changes did not take effect.
I have also tried editing the ConfigMap directly (kubectl edit cm fluentd-gcp-config-v1.1 --namespace kube-system) and saved it, but it was also reverted.
I noticed that the DaemonSet and ConfigMap for fluentd are tagged with Reconcile. I would conclude that GKE has overwritten my settings because of this "reconcile" mode.
So, my question is: how can I change the fluentd configuration in a Google Container Engine cluster, when the logging agent was installed by GKE on cluster provisioning?
Please take a look at the Prerequisites section on the documentation page you mentioned. It's mentioned there, that on GKE you cannot change the default Stackdriver Logging integration. The reason is that GKE maintains this configuration: updates the agent, watches its health and so on. It's not possible to provide the same level of support for all possible configurations.
However, you can always disable the default integration and deploy your own, patched version of DaemonSet. You can find out how to disable the default integration in the GKE documentation:
gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER-NAME] \
Note, that after you disabled the default integration, you have to maintain the new deployment yourself: update the agent, set the resources, watch its health.
Here is a solution for using your own fluentd daemonset that is very much like the one included with GKE.

Can't run Kubernetes dashboard after installing Kubernetes cluster on rancher/server

Docker: 1.12.6
rancher/server: 1.5.10
rancher/agent: 1.2.2
Tried two ways to install Kubernetes cluster on rancher/server.
Method 1: Use Kubernetes environment
Agent hosts disconnected sometimes.
All green except kubernetes-ingress-lbs. It has 0 containers.
Method 2: Use Default environment
Set some labels to rancher server and agent hosts.
All green except kubernetes-ingress-lbs. It has 0 containers.
Both of them have this issue: kubernetes-ingress-lbs 0 services 0 containers. Then can't access Kubernetes dashboard.
Why didn't been installed by rancher?
And, is it necessary to add those labels for Kubernetes cluster?
Here is RIGHT Kubernetes Cluster deployed on Rancher server:
Turning on the Show System, you can find the service of kubernetes-dashboard under the namespace of kube-system.
Well, by using the version of kubernetes is v1.5.4, you should prepare in advance to pull the below Docker Images:
By reading rancher/catalog and rancher/kuberetes-package, you can know and even modify the config files(like docker-compose.yml, rancher-compose.yml and so on) by yourself.
When you enable to "Show System" containers in the UI, you should be able to see the dashboard container running under Namespace: kube-system. If this container is not running then the dashboard will not be able to load.
You might have to enable kubernetes add-on service within rancher environment template.
manage environments >> edit kubernetes default template >> enable add-on service and save the new template with the preferred name.
Now launch the cluster using customized templates.

How to install influxdb and grafana?

enter image description hereI tried to used the instructions from this link but I was not able to install it. specifically I dont know what this instruction means "Ensure that is exported." I dont even know where I can find this I did this sudo find / -name "" and I found no results.
moving on to the next step "kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/influxdb/" when I did this it says kube-system not found I am using latest version of kubernetes version 1.0.1
These instructions are broken can any one provide some instructions on how to install this? I have kubernetes cluster up and running I was able to create and delete pods and so on and default is the only namespace I have when i do kubectl get pods,svc,rc --all-namespaces
Changing kube-system to default in the yaml files is just getting me one step further but I am unable to access the UI and so on. so installing kube-system makes more sense however I dont know how to do it and any instructions on installing influxdb and grafana to get it up and running will be very helpful
I am using latest version of kubernetes version 1.0.1
FYI, the latest version is v1.2.3.
... it says kube-system not found
You can create the kube-system namespace by running
kubectl create namespace kube-system.
Hopefully once you've created the kube-system namespace the rest of the instructions will work.
We had the same issue deploying grafana/influxdb. So we dug into it:
Per since we don’t have an external load balancer, we changed the port type on the grafana service to NodePort which made it accessible at port 30397.
Then looked at the controller configuration here: and noticed the comment about using the api-server proxy which we wouldn’t be doing by exposing the NodePort, so we deleted the GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL environment variable from the config. At that point Grafana at least seemed to be running, but it looked like it was having trouble reaching influxdb.
We then changed the datasource to use localhost instead of monitoring-influxd and was able to connect. We're getting data on the cluster usage now, though individual pod data doesn’t seem to be working.