Eclipse Cpp - What is the difference between C Project, C/C++ Project and C++ Project? - eclipse

In Eclipse CDT IDE that i downloaded for Linux (because unfortunately Code::Blocks on Linux/Unix doesn't work so well for me) i am given these three options for creating a project. I can understand the difference between a C and a C++ Project of course. But what exactly is the C/C++ Project? Which one should i choose for C++ development? I can't find clear information on this. Thanks in advance.

The C/C++ Project is the new wizard to create projects. If you select it, on the next page you will get the choice of C or C++ project:
The new wizard has been created to unify all the wizards and make adding new ones nicer and easier. For example, if you have Arduino tools installed then you can create an Ardunio sketch that way.
If you just want a C or a C++ Project, choosing the C/C++ New Project wizard just means one extra click.


paths and symbols missing from eclipse(4.12, C++, Arduino)

I am trying to get some third party libraries to work with eclipse (4.12) and I do not have the "Paths and symbols" menu option under project properties.
My understanding is that I need this to install libraries, is this wrong? if so is there another way to do it in this version of eclipse?
I created clean C++ and Arduino projects and they also lacked the menu option.

How to convert cocos2d-x android project to c++ in eclipse ADT

Hi I'm fairly new with Eclipse. I'm trying to work on my cocos2d-x project on Eclipse, but for some reason I couldn't convert the android project to a c/c++ project and so I couldn't open the c++ files inside the Classes folders as you can see on the image here.
cocos2d-x: cocos2d-x v3.0 alpha0
eclipse: (ADT)Android Developer Tools - Build: v22.2.1-833290
os: windows 7
What I did:
ran in cmd
opened eclipse(ADT) then File->New->Other->Android Project from Existing Code->browsed to {cocos2d-x v3}/projects/mygame/
built the project.
tried to convert the project. Right-clicked project->New->Other->Under C/C++ tree, select Convert to a C/C++ project (Adds C/C++ nature)
but then the candidates for conversion is empty, meaning I couldn't convert my project to c++. I have installed the C++ plugins as seen here. Obviously I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what. I've been following tutorials on setting up cocos2d-x android development on eclipse windows os but I'm stuck with the converting to c++ step. Please could someone point out what I'm missing. Thanks in advance.
It will already be having c++ nature, so it wont show you that option (You can verify this by checking if you have C/C++ build in your project properties)...
You can open the cpp files by adding a reference to the source folder, to do so follow the below steps:
Right Click your project and select properties
Goto Resource->Linked Resources
In Path Variables Tab, Click New...
Give some name and choose the folder where you have your source code
It will now show a link to the source code folder in the project
Here are one by one steps, You may setup easily!

Who can tell me what's different of the project type in Eclipse CDT?

I just install CDT plugin in Eclipse. When i start a project by click New menu in Eclipse, it shows lots of C/C++ project type:
such as: Executable/Excetuable(XL UPC)/Shared Library/Shared Library(XL UPC)....
What's different between them?
These are essentially "presets" - they have slightly different default build settings. E.g. shared library will pass the linker settings to emit .so instead of executable, XL UPC projects use compiler different then GCC by default, etc.
These settings can be changed after the project is created - but it may require a good understanding of CDT.

How to use eclipse for C and java codes simultaneously

My code base consist of C as well as Java files. Earlier I was using source insight, but now we are into eclipse. I tried to sync my project in eclipse but after making project there I was not able to navigate the full code base, for e.g, I am not able to ctrl +click on java files, though in C file I am able to do. Somehow I am missing something. My eclipse bundle consist of Eclipse Platform, JDT, CDT, EMF, GEF and WTP. Please suggest some solution
You have to configure your projects so they contain both C and Java nature. So how to create a mixed project?
Create standard Java project.
In Package Explorer' or Project Explorer's context menu of this project, click New -> Other and select Convert to a C/C++ Project.
This way you can you mix Java and C code. Features like Ctrl + Click should also work.

Forcing Eclipse to generate standard Unix makefiles

I have an Eclipse project I've been working on for some time now, and I'd like to open source it. But to do that I'd like to have a clean Makefile like the majority of other open source programs. I understand I could make my own, but it would be better if Eclipse could manage it for me. Getting Eclipse to generate a CMake file would be even better, but I can settle for a plain makefile if that is easiest. So, how can I get Eclipse to do this? There are a few posts on the internet that suggest selecting "Managed make" when creating a project, but they were from a few years ago and are outdated. When I try to create a C project, there is the option to create a "Makefile project", but it creates the makefile in a folder called "Linux GCC" and makes everything cluttered. Any suggestions?
I've been a *nix guy for 25+ years and am a big fan of make. However, making your Eclipse project dependent upon make is going to exclude the Mac and Windows community. Why don't you just export the Eclipse project and open source it as an Eclipse project? Then users can can have it ready to extend if they choose. You didn't specify the language your project is written in, if it's Java (pretty common for Eclipse) why not create an ant build file for the project?
Just a thought.
I ended up just creating a CMake project by hand. CMake files are really not that hard to make, and it's a lot easier than trying to get Eclipse to do it for you. Plus, they're cross-platform.
Would a CMakeBuilder eclipse plugin, associated with this tutorial be a good fit for what you are trying to do?
The end result would be something like:
If you've been building your project using the Debug configuration the makefile Eclipse generates is stored in the Debug folder of your project (or the Release folder if you've built it using the release configuration).