MATLAB don't show x tick labels on subplots - matlab

I'm plotting 4 subplots, and for some reason, the x axis tick labels of the top 2 subplots don't appear on the figure (The x axis labels should be hours from datetime).
My code is:
datetick('x','HH:MM') %change the axis to time format
xlim([736886.619552373 736886.692032847]) %Limits
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Bookman','FontSize',7);
ylabel('GPS Height $[m]$','FontSize',7,'FontWeight','normal','Color','k','FontName','Bookman','Interpreter','latex')
datetick('x','HH:MM') %change the axis to time format
xlim([736886.619552373 736886.692032847]) %Limits
ylabel('Sensor Pressure $[mb]$','FontSize',7,'FontWeight','normal','Color','k','FontName','Bookman','Interpreter','latex')
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Bookman','FontSize',7);
subplot(2,4,[5 6])
scatter(Pressure,Height,3,'b','*'); %Number is the size of dots
Fit = polyfit(Pressure,Height,1);
ylabel('GPS Height $$[m]$$','FontSize',7,'FontWeight','normal','Color','k','FontName','Bookman','Interpreter','latex');
xlabel('Pressure $[mb]$','FontSize',7,'FontWeight','normal','Color','k','FontName','Bookman','Interpreter','latex');
xlim([1003 1015])
ylim([0 90])
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Bookman','FontSize',7);
box on
image( imread('TripMap.jpg') );
The figure:
What am I missing?

Try to change the order of these two lines:
datetick('x','HH:MM') %change the axis to time format
xlim([736886.619552373 736886.692032847]) %Limits
xlim([736886.619552373 736886.692032847]) %Limits
datetick('x','HH:MM') %change the axis to time format


Why is the actual value of an axis position different than the derived value in MATLAB suplot figure?

I've got a figure with two subplots being displayed. I want to get the axis position of each plot so I am using the figure's children information:
% Plot stuff here
% Plot stuff here
% Get Axes Position information
f =gcf;
% Bottom Plot Axis
% Top Plot Axis
The console displays:
Bottom plot:
0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.3412
Top plot:
0.1300 0.5838 0.7750 0.3412
This seems correct given all else. When I run the plot to generate the figure and then inspect the axes' information via 'Show Plot Tools and Dock Figure->Inspector:' option the width value for each axis's position is not 0.7750. The other position values are as listed but the width is different for both the top and bottom plots. The top becomes [0.13 0.5838 0.682 0.341] and the bottom becomes [0.13 0.11 0.67 0.341].
Does anyone know why this is and how to get the "real" position values and not the incorrect displayed/printed ones?
Useful info: MATLAB R2014b
Here is a MWE that produces the behavior.
clear all; close all; clc;
hold on
x1 = [ -1 -0.998 -0.996 -0.994 -0.992];
y = [0.000324249267578125 -0.000370025634765625 -3.4332275390625e-005 -0.000186920166015625 -0.000110626220703125];
plot(x1, y, '-', 'MarkerSize', 10)
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Interstate-Light', 'FontSize', 7)
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', [])
set(gca, 'XLabel', [])
grid on
ylabel('Frequency Error (Hz)', 'FontName', 'Interstate-Bold')
legend({'FE'}, 'Location', 'NorthEastOutside', 'FontName', 'Interstate-Light', 'Box', 'off')
hold on
x1 = [ -1 -0.998 -0.996 -0.994 -0.992];
y = [-0.010614013299346 -0.0417663566768169 0.0235949698835611 -0.0502893067896366 0.0316442884504795];
plot(x1, y, '-', 'MarkerSize', 10)
% Overide X-axis ticks to align with data
XTick = unique(x1);
grid on;
xlabel('Time (s)', 'FontName', 'Interstate-Bold')
ylabel('Frequency Error (Hz)', 'FontName', 'Interstate-Bold')
set(gca, 'FontName', 'Interstate-Light', 'FontSize', 7)
legend({'RFE'}, 'Location', 'NorthEastOutside', 'FontName', 'Interstate-Light', 'Box', 'off')
% Get figure object
f = gcf;
% Set fontsize to 16 for readability in final pdf
set(findall(f, '-property','FontSize'),'FontSize',16)
f.PaperUnits = 'inches';
f.PaperPosition = [0 0 20 14];
f.PaperPositionMode = 'manual';
% Get axis position info
disp('Second plot:')
disp('First Plot:')
I'm working with R2012b and I've been able to reproduce the problem and also (almost) been able to understand what's happening.
I do not know if it is also applicable to more "recent" versin of MatLab.
The problem seems related to the default configuration of the window Show Plot Tools and Dock Figure
With this configuration, actually the position of the two axes (read in the Property editor are different with respect to the "original ones:
original pos ax 1= [0.1300 0.5838 0.7750 0.3412]
new pos ax1=[0.1300 0.629 0.7750 0.268 ]
Nevertheless, if you minimize the Property editor tab and look at the Position of the two axes, they are restored to the "original" one values.
You can, the "slide up" the tab and the position still remain the "original onne.
I'do not know if this is actually an answer to you question; what I can say is that the right position position are the "original" ones.
It could be a sort of bug in the visualization in the default configuratin od the Show Plot Tools and Dock Figure window.
Hope this helps.

Matlab: geoshow's grid and frame

I'm currently trying to plot a map from a .shp file and the result is not aesthetically pleasing:
cntry02=shaperead('cntry02', 'UseGeoCoords', true);
geoshow(cntry02, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1]);
axis([minx-1 maxx+1 miny-1 maxy+1])
grid on
which produces
Is there a way to
1) plot all the grid (over the countries)?
2) plot the entire frame?
3) display S and W, instead of negative values of latitude and longitude?
I've been fighting with this problem all the morning. Thanks in advance.
You can download the .shp file from here.
For problem 1 and2, the reason is that the axes are always behind the plot. So one solution is to add new axes on the current one and display grid, box, and customized ticks.
For problem 3, I use regexprep to replace negative latitude with S suffix (idem for longitude). The only problem I have is that longitude 0 will be 0E, and latitude 0, 0N.
And here is the code:
geoshow(cntry02, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1]);
axis([minx-1 maxx+1 miny-1 maxy+1]);
axis off;
hold on; %hold to add new axes
axes('Color','none'); %specify no background, else default is here white
axis([minx-1 maxx+1 miny-1 maxy+1]);
grid on;
box on;
set(gca,'XTick', minx-1:2:maxx+1);
%compute x tick labels
xticks = num2str(minx-1:2:maxx+1);
xticks = regexprep(regexprep(xticks,'-([\d.]+)','$1W'), '\b[\d\.]+','$0E');
xticks_cell = cellstr(regexp(xticks,'\s+','split'));
set(gca,'YTick', miny-1:2:maxy+1);
% compute y tick labels
yticks = num2str(miny-1:2:maxy+1);
yticks = regexprep(regexprep(yticks,'-([\d.]+)','$1S'), '\b[\d\.]+','$0N');
yticks_cell = cellstr(regexp(yticks,'\s+','split'));

How can I combine multipe x-axis while using the same y-axis?

I am trying to plot the wake velocity deficient behind an object at different streamwise positions (pos.1, 2 and 3) behind the object.
A rough sketch of how the graph should look like is shown below. The x-axis represents velocity and the y-axis is the coordinate normal to the flow.
How can I restart the x-axis such that the data of each position is plotted in it's own space, resembling it's actual position in the flow.
Easiest solution I think is to create all plots you need in horizontally arranged subplots, and then "beautify" according to your level of perfectionism ^_^
The "beautifications" I did in this case are:
For the axes in each subplot, switch the 'box' option off
Set the ytick to [] and color the y-axes white, of every y-axis except the leftmost one
create another axes object in the background without any axes labels, so that it appears that the subplots are really one plot
Here's the code:
%// Some bogus data
y = 0:0.1:4*pi;
x1 = sin(y);
x2 = sin(3*y);
x3 = sin(2*y).*sin(5*y);
%// Initialize figure window
figure(1), clf, hold on
%// Plot each plot on its own axes
subplot(1,3,3), hold on
'ytick' , [],...
'ycolor', 'w',...
'box' , 'off');
'ytick' , [],...
'ycolor', 'w',...
'box' , 'off')
'box', 'off') %// NOTE: don't kill these axes
%// Background axes
P = axes('parent', 1, 'xtick', [], 'ytick', []);
uistack(P, 'down', 10)
You could consider plotting your data on a single x-axis with an offset and changing the label of the x-axis ticks.
Consider your x-vector to be x_pos1 for the first position, your second and third would be similar but with an addition of an offset. E.g. offset = 15; x_pos2 = x_pos1+offset;
You can obtain and change your x-axis tick label by:
get(gca, 'xticklabel')
set(gca, 'xticklabel', yourLabelHere)

Create a correlation graph in Matlab

I'm trying to emulate this graph:
If I have a correlation matrix how can I create an output like this?
If you have an n x n correlation matrix M, and a vector L of length n containing the label for each bin, you can use something like the following:
imagesc(M); % plot the matrix
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:n); % center x-axis ticks on bins
set(gca, 'YTick', 1:n); % center y-axis ticks on bins
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', L); % set x-axis labels
set(gca, 'YTickLabel', L); % set y-axis labels
title('Your Title Here', 'FontSize', 14); % set title
colormap('jet'); % set the colorscheme
colorbar on; % enable colorbar
Rotating x-axis labels is not trivial, but the MATLAB Central File Exchange contains some solutions.
Adding to #Thomas C. G.'s answer, I'd use:
% then to set the axis titles you'll have to use
% Please note the curly braces for the cell array
labelNames = {'USA','NASDAQ','Dow Jones'};
set(gca,'XTickLabel',labelNames); % gca gets the current axis
set(gca,'YTickLabel'labelNames); % gca gets the current axis
Unfortunately, AFAIK, making the text labels vertical as they are in your figure is a bit harder. Maybe somebody else has knowledge to the contrary.
To plot a matrix as an image you just need to call two functions:
The colormap function defines the colour pattern used to render the image. The image you posted is using the "jet" colormap.
And to show the colour scale beside the image use the colorbar function.

Minor grid with solid lines & grey-color

I'm using the following to display the minor grid in my plot:
but I'd like to change the color of the grid lines to a nice greyscale. I can't find any option 'grid color' in matlab... Do you know any or any workaround?
I found this: but as I read of the comments, it doesn't work very well and further it only changes gridcolor, not the color of the minor grid...
Problem with semilogx as posting here now:
x = [1e-9 1e-8 1e-7 1e-6 1e-5 1e-4 1e-3 1e-2]';
y1 = linspace(20, 90, 8);
y2 = y1.^2;
y3 = y1./y2+5;
% plotte:
myfig = figure('Position', [500 500 445 356]); %[left, bottom, width, height]:
p1 = semilogx(x,y1,'x--r',x,y2,'*-b');
ax1 = gca;
set(ax1, 'Position',[0.13 0.18 0.75 0.75]);
xlim([0 max(x)]);
ylim([0 max([max(y1) max(y2)])]);
col=.85*[1 1 1];
%# create a second transparent axis, same position/extents, same ticks and labels
ax2 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
'Color','none', 'Box','on', ...
'XTickLabel',get(ax1,'XTickLabel'), 'YTickLabel',get(ax1,'YTickLabel'), ...
'XTick',get(ax1,'XTick'), 'YTick',get(ax1,'YTick'), ...
'XLim',get(ax1,'XLim'), 'YLim',get(ax1,'YLim'),...
'XScale', 'log');
%# show grid-lines of first axis, give them desired color, but hide text labels
set(ax1, 'XColor',col, 'YColor',col, ...
'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on', ...
'MinorGridLineStyle','-', ...
'XTickLabel',[], 'YTickLabel',[],'XScale', 'log');
%# link the two axes to share the same limits on pan/zoom
linkaxes([ax1 ax2],'xy');
Displaying like this:
EDIT2: A problem occurs when adding a second y-axes as in the following picture, look at the ticks of the right y-axes:
this will be discussed here to have a better overview!
Matlab: Problem with ticks when setting minor grid style and two y-axis
Set the 'XColor','YColor' axes properties. Note that these properties determine the color of the axis lines, tick marks, tick mark labels, and the axis grid lines, so AFAIK you can't assign those different colors than that of the entire axis..
set(gca, 'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on', 'XColor','r', 'YColor','g')
You can always create a second transparent axis with the desired grid colors, but with no ticks or labels, stacked on top of the current axis. Here is an example:
%# create plot as usual
hAx1 = gca;
%# create a second axis, same position/extents, no tick or labels, colored grid-lines
hAx2 = axes('Position',get(hAx1,'Position'), ...
'Color','none', 'TickLength',[1e-100 1e-100], ...
'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on', ...
'Box','off', 'XColor','g', 'YColor','r', ...
'XTickLabel',[], 'YTickLabel',[], ...
'XTick',get(hAx1,'XTick'), 'YTick',get(hAx1,'YTick'), ...
'XLim',get(hAx1,'XLim'), 'YLim',get(hAx1,'YLim'));
%# position it on top
%# redraw the enclosing box in the original axis colors
x = get(hAx1,'XLim');
y = get(hAx1,'YLim');
line([x([1 2]) nan x([2 1])],[y([1 1]) nan y([2 2])],'Color',get(hAx1,'XColor'))
line([x([1 1]) nan x([2 2])],[y([1 2]) nan y([2 1])],'Color',get(hAx1,'YColor'))
The only problem is that the grid lines are drawn on top of your plot, which might get in the way if the grid-lines are thick :)
Seems like #yoda had a similar idea to the above. Here is a slightly improved version inspired by his solution:
%# create plot as usual
plot(11:20, rand(10,1)*5)
hAx1 = gca; %# get a handle to first axis
%# create a second transparent axis, same position/extents, same ticks and labels
hAx2 = axes('Position',get(hAx1,'Position'), ...
'Color','none', 'Box','on', ...
'XTickLabel',get(hAx1,'XTickLabel'), 'YTickLabel',get(hAx1,'YTickLabel'), ...
'XTick',get(hAx1,'XTick'), 'YTick',get(hAx1,'YTick'), ...
'XLim',get(hAx1,'XLim'), 'YLim',get(hAx1,'YLim'));
%# show grid-lines of first axis, give them desired color, but hide text labels
set(hAx1, 'XColor','g', 'YColor','r', ...
'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on', ...
'XTickLabel',[], 'YTickLabel',[]);
%# link the two axes to share the same limits on pan/zoom
linkaxes([hAx1 hAx2],'xy');
%# lets create a legend, and some titles
legend(hAx1, 'text')
title('title'), xlabel('x'), ylabel('y')
EDIT3 (take 2):
Here is the same example but with a log-scale x-axis. Note how instead of creating a second axis and manually setting its properties to match the first, I simply copyobj the axis, and delete its children.
%# create a plot as usual (x-axis is in the log-scale)
semilogx(logspace(0,5,100), cumsum(rand(100,1)-0.5))
xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), title('text')
%# capture handle to current figure and axis
hFig = gcf;
hAx1 = gca;
%# create a second transparent axis, as a copy of the first
hAx2 = copyobj(hAx1,hFig);
delete( get(hAx2,'Children') )
set(hAx2, 'Color','none', 'Box','on', ...
'XGrid','off', 'YGrid','off')
%# show grid-lines of first axis, style them as desired,
%# but hide its tick marks and axis labels
set(hAx1, 'XColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9], 'YColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9], ...
'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on', 'MinorGridLineStyle','-', ...
'XTickLabel',[], 'YTickLabel',[]);
xlabel(hAx1, ''), ylabel(hAx1, ''), title(hAx1, '')
%# link the two axes to share the same limits on pan/zoom
linkaxes([hAx1 hAx2], 'xy');
%# Note that `gca==hAx1` from this point on...
%# If you want to change the axis labels, explicitly use hAx2 as parameter.
You should get the correct plot in your example with this code. However I think the x variable values you choose might be too close in the current figure size to show all the vertical lines (simply maximize the figure to see what I mean)...
To get a better idea of what each axis contains, here is a divided view where the plot on the left contains only the graphics rendered by hAx1, while the plot on right contains only the hAx2 components. Those two views are basically overlayed on top of each other in the final figure shown before.
Unfortunately, while the trick of over- or under-laying a second, gridded axes mostly works, Matlab does not render it properly when you save to a PDF file. This is because Matlab does not support transparency in PDFs.
One workaround is to simply use line to draw in the grid lines one by one:
for dir='XY';
ticks = get(gca, [dir 'Tick']);
lim = get(gca, [dir 'lim']);
for ii=1:length(ticks)
coord = ticks(ii);
for jj=1:9,
if jj==1 % major grid properties
color = [1 1 1]*0.9;
weight = 2;
else % minor grid properties
color = [1 1 1]*0.9;
weight = 1;
if jj*coord > lim(2)
if dir=='X'
L = line((jj*coord)*[1 1], get(gca, 'ylim'), ...
'color', color, 'linewidth', weight);
L = line(get(gca, 'xlim'), (jj*coord)*[1 1], ...
'color', color, 'linewidth', weight);
uistack(L, 'bottom');
One downside of this approach is that it overwrites the tick marks and plot boundary box. A solution to this is to combine this approach with the trick of under-laying a second axes. Draw the fake grid on the underlying axes. This IS rendered properly in PDF:
While Amro is right that the minor grid's color is the same as that of the axis labels, you can always turn off the axis labels and overlay a second axes with transparent filling and set the labels on that in a different color. Here's a small example showing how:
set(gca, 'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on',...
'XColor','r', 'YColor','g','xticklabel',[],'yticklabel',[],...
This lets you set independent colors for major and minor X and Y grid lines, without overwriting the outer box. Even better, subsequent legend() commands will pick up the plot lines, not the manually drawn grid lines.
The trick is to make copies of the axes, then reverse their order in the figure's drawing hierarchy. Each copy of the axes can then draw its own set of grid colors and styles.
This strategy is compatible with subplot() and print().
function gridcolor(majorX, majorY, minorX, minorY)
ax1 = gca; %# get a handle to first axis
%# create a second transparent axis, same position/extents, same ticks and labels
ax2 = copyobj(ax1,gcf);
ax3 = copyobj(ax1,gcf);
set(ax2, 'Color','none', 'Box','off','YTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[],...
'GridLineStyle', '-',...
set(ax1, 'Color','none', 'Box','on')
handles = [ax3; ax2; ax1];
c = get(gcf,'Children');
for i=1:length(handles)
c = c(find(c ~= handles(i)));
set(gcf,'Children',[c; flipud(handles)]);
linkaxes([ax1 ax2 ax3]);