How does Flink consume messages from a Kafka topic with multiple partitions, without getting skewed? - event-handling

Say we have 3 kafka partitions for one topic, and I want my events to be windowed by the hour, using event time.
Will the kafka consumer stop reading from a partition when it is outside of the current window? Or does it open a new window? If it is opening new windows then wouldn't it be theoretically possible to have it open a unlimited amount of windows and thus run out of memory, if one partition's event time would be very skewed compared to the others? This scenario would especially be possible when we are replaying some history.
I have been trying to get this answer from reading documentation, but can not find much about the internals of Flink with Kafka on partitions. Some good documentation on this specific topic would be very welcome.

So first of all events from Kafka are read constantly and the further windowing operations have no impact on that. There are more things to consider when talking about running out-of-memory.
usually you do not store every event for a window, but just some aggregate for the event
whenever window is closed the corresponding memory is freed.
Some more on how Kafka consumer interacts with EventTime (watermarks in particular you can check here

You could try to use this type of style
public void runStartFromLatestOffsets() throws Exception {
// 50 records written to each of 3 partitions before launching a latest-starting consuming job
final int parallelism = 3;
final int recordsInEachPartition = 50;
// each partition will be written an extra 200 records
final int extraRecordsInEachPartition = 200;
// all already existing data in the topic, before the consuming topology has started, should be ignored
final String topicName = writeSequence("testStartFromLatestOffsetsTopic", recordsInEachPartition, parallelism, 1);
// the committed offsets should be ignored
KafkaTestEnvironment.KafkaOffsetHandler kafkaOffsetHandler = kafkaServer.createOffsetHandler();
kafkaOffsetHandler.setCommittedOffset(topicName, 0, 23);
kafkaOffsetHandler.setCommittedOffset(topicName, 1, 31);
kafkaOffsetHandler.setCommittedOffset(topicName, 2, 43);


flink idle source slow to process

I have two Kafka topics, A and B.
On occasion both topics can be idle, however, when topic B or A has new data, it can take a few minutes for the flink application to process (after being idle).
The application is configured to use event time, using forMonotonousTimestamps.
The job is structured like so:
connect the two streams
The ProcessFunction immediately picks up data from the Kafka topic (even after it is idle) and likewise for the KeyBy.
However neither the process1 or process2 of the CoProcessFunction get triggered quickly, I see a delay of around 3 minutes before they are, why is this?
Performance is otherwise very good when both topics have data continuously pushed to them.
I have also tried to implement my own WatermarkGenerator, like so
public void onEvent(T event, long eventTimestamp, WatermarkOutput output) {
// don't need to do anything because we work on processing time
public void onPeriodicEmit(WatermarkOutput output) {
output.emitWatermark(new Watermark(System.currentTimeMillis()));
I can see the onPeriodicEmit function does emit every 5 seconds, but this doesn't solve my problem, and looking at the flink webui, the watermark does not progress.
Using Flink 1.14
I would suspect that there's an issue with the idleness detection:
The Kafka Source does not go automatically in an idle state if
the parallelism is higher than the number of partitions.
You will either need to lower the parallelism
or add an idle timeout to the watermark strategy.
If no records flow in a partition of a stream for that amount of time,
then that partition is considered “idle” and
will not hold back the progress of watermarks in downstream operators.
See for more details and how to assign a WatermarkStrategy#withIdleness to resolve this.

How to determine topic has been read completely by Kafka Stream application from very first offset to last offset from Java application

I need some help in Kafka Streams. I have started a Kafka stream application, which is streaming one topic from the very first offset. Topic is very huge in data, so I want to implement a mechanism in my application, using Kafka streams, so that I can get notified when topic has been read completely to the very last offset.
I have read Kafka Streams 2.8.0 api, I have found an api method i-e allLocalStorePartitionLags, which is returning map of store names to another map of partition containing all the lag information against each partition. This method returns lag information for all store partitions (active or standby) local to this Streams. This method is quite useful for me, in above case, when I have one node running that stream application.
But in my case, system is distributed and application nodes are 3 and topic partitions are 10, which meaning each node have at least 3 partitions for the topic to read from.
I need help here. How I can implement this functionality where I can get notified when topic has been read completely from partition 0 to partition 9. Please note that I don't have option to use database here as of now.
Other approaches to achieve goal are also welcomed. Thank you.
I was able to achieve lag information from adminClient api. Below code results end offsets and current offsets for each partitions against topics read by given stream application i-e applicationId.
AdminClient adminClient = AdminClient.create(kafkaProperties);
ListConsumerGroupOffsetsResult listConsumerGroupOffsetsResult = adminClient.listConsumerGroupOffsets(applicationId);
// Current offsets.
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> topicPartitionOffsetAndMetadataMap = listConsumerGroupOffsetsResult.partitionsToOffsetAndMetadata().get();
// all topic partitions.
Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitions = topicPartitionOffsetAndMetadataMap.keySet();
// list of end offsets for each partitions.
ListOffsetsResult listOffsetsResult = adminClient.listOffsets(
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), tp -> OffsetSpec.latest())));

Count of Messages consumed by Kafka consumer

In our application there is publisher and consumer, via swagger we can request publisher to send specific type of data, data volume can range between 10K to 100K. Then consumer receives the same and processes further.
As its a specific type of data set, we need to know exact count as if, how much was published and how much was consumed. Earlier we used MQ so we knew that 10K is published and now MQ is empty so all are consumed but in kafka we are not able to figure out.
Is there any way to find this out, I know we can start counting in code and print/store somewhere but anything provided by Kafka?
Kafka does not store this message count information, but it does store offsets, which you can query from a consumer to find where it started from, its current position, and how many messages are left to consume. However, this is constantly a moving target.
In pseudo-code, you would essentially need to do have external storage/database around the consumer code
long count = 0; // or lookup previous value by client-id, topic-partition, etc from some storage
try {
while (consumerRunning) {
// poll ...
for each record {
} catch (WakeupException e) { // and other exceptions
} finally {
updateCount(count); // save back to storage
While you can aggregate consumer bytes-in JMX metrics, for example, that requires external metrics collection processes.
Overall, there's usually not a need for this in Kafka since you can always re-wind a consumer's offsets (or not commit them at all), and consumers can
scale out, so counting could be inconsistent.
In relation to your question and description,
It's looks like you are looking for a way to know that your consumers consumed all the messages from the topic
kafka saves in internal topic for its consumer of consumer groups
the current offset of partition,
The end offset,
And end-(minus)-current equals the lag,
how much messages your consumers in the consumer group needs to read on in order to finish up the lag to 0,
you can issue consumer-groups describe command cli to see this information ,
if the lag is 0 means you finished reading all the messages in the topic

Kafka Streams with single partition to pause on error

I have a single Kafka broker with single partition. The requirement was to do following:
Read from this partition
Transform message by invoking a REST API
Publish the transformed message to another REST API
Push the response message to another topic
I am using Kafka Streams for achieving this using the following code
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();`
KStream<Object, Object> consumerStream =;
consumerStream =;, Produced.with(lStringKeySerde, lAvroValueSerde));
FOllowing is my configuration:
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, String.join(",", bootstrapServers));
if (schemaRegistry != null && schemaRegistry.length > 0) {
streamsConfig.put(KafkaAvroSerializerConfig.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL_CONFIG, String.join(",", schemaRegistry));
streamsConfig.put(this.keySerializerKeyName, keyStringSerializerClassName);
streamsConfig.put(this.valueSerialzerKeyName, valueAVROSerializerClassName);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, applicationId);
streamsConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
streamsConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, 1000);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, FailOnInvalidTimestamp.class);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.PROCESSING_GUARANTEE_CONFIG, "exactly_once");
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, 30000);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.NUM_STREAM_THREADS_CONFIG, 1);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.REPLICATION_FACTOR_CONFIG, 1);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_DESERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CLASS_CONFIG, DeserializationExceptionHandler.class);
streamsConfig.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_PRODUCTION_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CLASS_CONFIG, ProductionExceptionHandler.class);
streamsConfig.put(ProducerConfig.COMPRESSION_TYPE_CONFIG, compressionMode);
streamsConfig.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, 1000);
I was looking for a mechanism to do the following in my KeyValueMapper:
If any of the REST API is down then I catch the exception
I would like the same offset to be kept on looping until the system is back up OR pause the consumption till the system is back up
I've checked the following links but they do not seem to help.
How to run kafka streams effectively with single app instance and single topic partitions?
Following link talks about KafkaTransactionManager but that would not work I guess the way KStream is initialized above
Kafka transaction failed but commits offset anyway
Any help / pointers in this direction would be much appreciated.
What you want to do is not really supported. Pausing the consumer is not possible in Kafka Streams.
You can "halt" processing only, if you loop withing your KeyValueMapper, however, for this case, the consumer may drop out of the consumer group. For your case, with a single input topic partition and can only have a single thread in a single KafkaStreams instance anyway, hence, it would not affect any other member of the group (as there are none). However, the problem will be that committing the offset would fail after the thread dropped out of the group. Hence, after the thread rejoin the group it would fetch an older offset and reprocess some data (ie, you get duplicate data processing). To avoid dropping out of the consumer group, you could set config to a high value (maybe even Integer.MAX_VALUE) though -- given that you have a single member in the consumer group, setting a high value should be ok.
Another alternative might be te use a transform() with a state store. If you cannot make the REST calls, you put the data into the store and retry later. This way the consumer would not drop out of the group. However, reading new data would never stop, and you would need to buffer all data in the store until the REST API can be called again. You should be able to slow down reading new data (to reduce the amount of data you need to buffer) by "sleeping" in your Transformer -- you just need to ensure that you don't violate config (default is 30 seconds).

Questions about Kafka Consumer of Transient messages via Akka-Streams on Multiple Nodes

We are using Kafka to store messages that are produced by a node in our cluster and to be distributed to all nodes in the cluster and I have it mostly working with akka-streams but there is a couple of questions I have to tie this up. There are some constraints to this.
First of all the message has to be consumed by every node in the cluster but produced by only one node. I understand I can assign each node a group id that is probably its node ID which means each node will get the message. That sorted. But here are the questions.
The data is extremely transient and fairly large (just under a meg) and cannot be compressed further or broken up. If there is a new message on the topic the old one is pretty much trash. How can I limit the topic to basically just one message currently maximum?
Given that the data is necessary for the node to start, I need to consume the latest message on the topic no matter whether I have consumed it before and, hopefully without creating a unique group id every time I start the server. Is this possible and if so, how can it be done.
Finally, the data is usually on the topic but on occasion it is not there and I, ideally, need to be able to check if there is a message there and if not ask the producer to create the message. Is this possible?
This is the code I am currently using to start the consumer:
private Control startMatrixConsumer() {
final ConsumerSettings<Long, byte[]> matrixConsumerSettings = ConsumerSettings
.create(services.actorSystem(), new LongDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer())
.withGroupId("group1") // todo put in the conf ??
.withProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "latest");
final String topicName = Matrix.class.getSimpleName() + '-' + eventId;
final AutoSubscription subscription = Subscriptions.topics(topicName);
return Consumer.plainSource(MatrixConsumerSettings, subscription)
.named(Matrix.class.getSimpleName() + "-Kafka-Consumer-" + eventId)
.map(data -> {
final Matrix matrix = services.kryoDeserialize(data.value(), Matrix.class);
log.debug(format("Received %s for event %d from Kafka", Matrix.class.getSimpleName(), matrix.getEventId()));
return matrix;
.to(Sink.actorRef(getSelf(), NotUsed.getInstance()))
Thanks a bunch.
All the message has to be consumed by every node in the cluster but
produced by only one.
You are correct, you can achieve this by having an unique group id per node.
How can I limit the topic to basically just one message currently
Kafka provides compacted topics.
Compacted topic maintains only the most recent message of a given key. For instance, Kafka consumers store their offsets in compacted topic.
In your case, produce every message with the same key, and Kafka Log Cleaner will delete old messages. Please be aware that compaction is performed periodically, so you can end up with two (or more) messages with the same key for a short period of time (depends on your Log Cleaner configuration.
I need to consume the latest message on the topic no matter whether I
have consumed it before.
You can achieve this by not committing the consumer offset ( set to false) and setting auto.offset.reset to earliest. By having one message in your compacted topic and consumer that starts from the beginning of the topic, that message is always consumed after node starts.
I need to be able to check if there is a message there and if not ask
the producer to create the message.
Unfortunately, I am not aware of any Kafka functionality that could help you with that. Most of the time Kafka is used to decouple producers and consumers.