Get execution time of running PostgreSQL query - postgresql

I'm running a query out of pgAdmin 4 against a Postgres 9.5 database. Is there any method to get an estimation on how long this query will run? It is running now for nearly 20 hours.
I only found info about logging and similar to get the actual execution time after the query finished.
The query is about to order about 300,000 postGIS points using st_distance in a recursive CTE.
Has SQL or Postgres any mechanism to prevent infinite running queries? The recursion should stop at some point, is there maybe a way to peek at the last constructed row, which would give me a hint, how far the query is in the recursion.

If your transaction is in a dead lock, PostgreSQL may solve it by killing one (or some) of the transaction(s) involved.
Else, you have to master what you're doing.
When you use EXPLAIN (without ANALYZE), the planner is estimating your query duration but this value has to be taken as relative not absolute.


PostgreSQL: Backend processes are active for a long time

now I am hitting a very big road block.
I use PostgreSQL 10 and its new table partitioning.
Sometimes many queries don't return and at the time many backend processes are active when I check backend processes by pg_stat_activity.
First, I thought theses process are just waiting for lock, but these transactions contain only SELECT statements and the other backend doesn't use any query which requires ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock. And these queries which contain only SELECT statements are no problem in terms of plan. And usually these work well. And computer resources(CPU, memory, IO, Network) are also no problem. Therefore, theses transations should never conflict. And I thoughrouly checked the locks of theses transaction by pg_locks and pg_blocking_pids() and finnaly I couldn't find any lock which makes queries much slower. Many of backends which are active holds only ACCESS SHARE because they use only SELECT.
Now I think these phenomenon are not caused by lock, but something related to new table partition.
So, why are many backends active?
Could anyone help me?
Any comments are highly appreciated.
The blow figure is a part of the result of pg_stat_activity.
If you want any additional information, please tell me.
My query dosen't handle large data. The return type is like this:
uuid UUID
,number BIGINT
,title TEXT
,type1 TEXT
,data_json JSONB
,type2 TEXT
,uuid_array UUID[]
,count BIGINT
Because it has JSONB column, I cannot caluculate the exact value, but it is not large JSON.
Normally theses queries are moderately fast(around 1.5s), so it is absolutely no problem, however when other processes work, the phenomenon happens.
If statistic information is wrong, the query are always slow.
This is the stat. There are almost 100 connections, so I couldn't show all stat.
For me it looks like application problem, not postresql's one. active status means that your transaction still was not commited.
So why do you application may not send commit to database?
Try to review when do you open transaction, read data, commit transaction and rollback transaction in your application code.
By the way, to be sure try to check resource usage before problem appear and when your queries start hanging. Try to run top and iotop to check if postgres really start eating your cpu or disk like crazy when problem appears. If not, I will suggest to look for problem in your application.
Thank you everyone.
I finally solved this problem.
I noticed that a backend process holded too many locks. So, when I executed the query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_locks WHERE pid = <pid>, the result is about 10000.
The parameter of locks_per_transactions is 64 and max_connections is about 800.
So, if the number of query that holds many locks is large, the memory shortage occurs(see calculation code of shared memory inside PostgreSQL if you are interested.).
And too many locks were caused when I execute query like SELECT * FROM (partitioned table). Imangine you have a table foo that is partitioned and the number of the table is 1000. And then you can execute SELECT * FROM foo WHERE partion_id = <id> and the backend process will hold about 1000 table locks(and index locks). So, I change the query from SELECT * FROM foo WHERE partition_id = <id> to SELECT * FROM foo_(partitioned_id). As the result, the problem looks solved.
You say
Sometimes many queries don't return
...however when other processes work, the phenomenon happens. If statistic
information is wrong, the query are always slow.
They don't return/are slow when directly connecting to the Postgres instance and running the query you need, or when running the queries from an application? The backend processes that are running, are you able to kill them successfully with pg_terminate_backend($PID) or does that have issues? To rule out issues with the statement itself, make sure statement_timeout is set to a reasonable amount to kill off long-running queries. After that is ruled out, perhaps you are running into a case of an application hanging and never allowing the send calls from PostgreSQL to finish. To avoid a situation like that, if you are able to (depending on OS) you can tune the keep-alive time: (by default is 2 hours)
Let us know if playing with any of that gives any more insight into your issue.
Sorry for late post, As #Konstantin pointed out, this might be because of your application(which is why I asked for your EDIT2). Adding a few excerpts,
table partition has no effect on these locks, that is a totally different concept and does not hold up locks in your case.
In your application, check if the connection properly close() after read() and is in finally block (From Java perspective). I am not sure of your application tier.
Check if SELECT..FOR UPDATE or any similar statement is written erroneously recently which is causing this.
Check if any table has grown in size recently and the column is not Indexed. This is very important and frequent cause of select statements running for some minutes. I'd also suggest using timeouts for select statements in your application. This can give you a headstart.
Another thing that is fishy to me is the JSONB column, maybe your Jsonb values are pretty long, or the queries are unnecessarily selecting JSONB value even if not required?
Finally, If you don't need some special features of Jsonb data type, then you use JSON data type which is faster (magical maximum, sometimes 50x!)
It looks like the pooled connections not getting closed properly and a few queries might be taking huge time to respond back. As pointed out in other answers, it is the problem with the application and could be connection leak. Most possibly, it might be because of pending transactions over some already pending and unresolved transactions, leading to a number of unclosed transactions.
In addition, PostgreSQL generally has one or more "helper" processes like the stats collector, background writer, autovaccum daemon, walsender, etc, all of which show up as "postgres" instances.
One thing I would suggest you check in which part of the code you have initiated the queries. Try to DRY run your queries outside the application and have some benchmarking of queries performance.
Secondly, you can keep some timeout for certain queries if not all.
Thirdly, you can do kill the idle transactions after certain timeouts by using:
SET SESSION idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = '5min';
I hope it might work. Cheers!

Benchmarking Redshift Queries

I want to know how long my queries take to execute, so that I can see whether my changes improve the runtime or not.
Simply timing the executing of the whole query is unsuitable, since this also takes into account the (highly variable) time spent waiting in an execution queue.
Redshift provides the STL_WLM_QUERY table that contains separate columns for queue wait time and execution time. However, my queries do not reliably show up in this table. For example if I execute the same query multiple times the number of corresponding rows in STL_WLM_QUERY is often much smaller than the number of repetitions. Sometimes, but not always, only one row is generated no matter how often I run the query. I suspect some caching is going on.
Is there a better way to find the actual execution time of a Redshift query, or can someone at least explain under what circumstances exactly a row in STL_WLM_QUERY is generated?
My tips
If possible, ensure that your query has not waited at all, if it has
there should be a row on stl_wlm_query. If it did wait - then rerun
Run the query once to compile it, then a second time to benchmark
it. compile time can be significant
Disable the new query result caching feature (if you have it yet -
you probably don't)

Long runtime when query is executed the first time in RedShift

I noticed that the first time I run a query on RedShift, it takes 3-10 second. When I run same query again, even with different arguments in WHERE condition, it runs fast (0.2 sec).
Query I was talking about runs on a table of ~1M rows, on 3 integer columns.
Is this huge difference in execution times caused by the fact that RedShift compiles the query first time its run, and then re-uses the compiled code?
If yes - how to always keep this cache of compiled queries warm?
One more question:
Given queryA and queryB.
Let's assume queryA was compiled and executed first.
How similar should queryB be to queryA, such that execution of queryB will use the code compiled for queryA?
The answer of first question is yes. Amazon Redshift compiles code for the query and cache it. The compiled code is shared across sessions in a cluster, so the same query with even different parameters in the different session will run faster because of no overhead.
Also they recommend to use the result of the second execution of the query for the benchmark.
There is the answer for this question and details in the following link.

Executing same query makes time difference in postgresql

I just want to know what is the reason for having different time while executing the same query in PostgreSQL.
For Eg: select * from datas;
For the first time it takes 45ms
For the second time the same query takes 55ms and the next time it takes some other time.Can any one say What is the reason for having non static time.
Simple, everytime the database has to read the whole table and retrieve the rows. There might be 100 different things happening in database which might cause a difference of few millis. There is no need to panic. This is bound to happen. You can expect the operation to take same time with some millis accuracy. If there is a huge difference then it is something which has to be looked.
Have u applied indexing in your table . it also increases speed to a great deal!
Compiling the explanation from
Reference by matt b
EXPLAIN statement? helps us to display the execution plan that the PostgreSQL planner generates for the supplied statement.
The execution plan shows how the
table(s) referenced by the statement will be scanned — by plain
sequential scan, index scan, etc. — and if multiple tables are
referenced, what join algorithms will be used to bring together the
required rows from each input table
And Reference by Pablo Santa Cruz
You need to change your PostgreSQL configuration file.
Do enable this property:
log_min_duration_statement = -1 # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements
# and their durations, > 0 logs only
# statements running at least this number
# of milliseconds
After that, execution time will be logged and you will be able to figure out exactly how bad (or good) are performing your queries.
Well that's about the case with every app on every computer. Sometimes the operating system is busier than other times, so it takes more time to get the memory you ask it for or your app gets fewer CPU time slices or whatever.

PostgreSQL. Slow queries in log file are fast in psql

I have an application written on Play Framework 1.2.4 with Hibernate(default C3P0 connection pooling) and PostgreSQL database (9.1).
Recently I turned on slow queries logging ( >= 100 ms) in postgresql.conf and found some issues.
But when I tried to analyze and optimize one particular query, I found that it is blazing fast in psql (0.5 - 1 ms) in comparison to 200-250 ms in the log. The same thing happened with the other queries.
The application and database server is running on the same machine and communicating using localhost interface.
JDBC driver - postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4
I wonder what could be wrong, because query duration in the log is calculated considering only database processing time excluding external things like network turnarounds etc.
Possibility 1: If the slow queries occur occasionally or in bursts, it could be checkpoint activity. Enable checkpoint logging (log_checkpoints = on), make sure the log level (log_min_messages) is 'info' or lower, and see what turns up. Checkpoints that're taking a long time or happening too often suggest you probably need some checkpoint/WAL and bgwriter tuning. This isn't likely to be the cause if the same statements are always slow and others always perform well.
Possibility 2: Your query plans are different because you're running them directly in psql while Hibernate, via PgJDBC, will at least sometimes be doing a PREPARE and EXECUTE (at the protocol level so you won't see actual statements). For this, compare query performance with PREPARE test_query(...) AS SELECT ... then EXPLAIN ANALYZE EXECUTE test_query(...). The parameters in the PREPARE are type names for the positional parameters ($1,$2,etc); the parameters in the EXECUTE are values.
If the prepared plan is different to the one-off plan, you can set PgJDBC's prepare threshold via connection parameters to tell it never to use server-side prepared statements.
This difference between the plans of prepared and unprepared statements should go away in PostgreSQL 9.2. It's been a long-standing wart, but Tom Lane dealt with it for the up-coming release.
It's very hard to say for sure without knowing all the details of your system, but I can think of a couple of possibilities:
The query results are cached. If you run the same query twice in a short space of time, it will almost always complete much more quickly on the second pass. PostgreSQL maintains a cache of recently retrieved data for just this purpose. If you are pulling the queries from the tail of your log and executing them immediately this could be what's happening.
Other processes are interfering. The execution time for a query varies depending on what else is going on in the system. If the queries are taking 100ms during peak hour on your website when a lot of users are connected but only 1ms when you try them again late at night this could be what's happening.
The point is you are correct that the query duration isn't affected by which library or application is calling it, so the difference must be coming from something else. Keep looking, good luck!
There are several possible reasons. First if the database was very busy when the slow queries excuted, the query may be slower. So you may need to observe the load of the OS at that moment for future analysis.
Second the history plan of the sql may be different from the current session plan. So you may need to install auto_explain to see the actual plan of the slow query.