Changing Powershell Script for getting website from IIS to Azure - powershell

I wrote a simple Powershell script that grabs all the websites from IIS, loops over them, discovering all images in the directory tree, then sets the data to an Excel file and saves the file.
Now, I need to change it to connect to all websites in an Azure subscription. How would I do that?
Here is the current script:
# Create the Excel doc
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $True
$xlFixedFormat = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat]::xlWorkbookDefault
# Add the Workbook
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
# Name the Worksheet
$Worksheet= $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$Worksheet.Name = 'Images'
# Set the title row
$TitleRow = 1
# Now, name the columns
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,1) = 'ImageTitle'
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,2) = 'WebSite'
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,3) = 'MetaData'
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,4) = 'URL'
# Make the cells bold
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,1).Font.Bold = $True
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,2).Font.Bold = $True
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,3).Font.Bold = $True
$Worksheet.Cells.Item($TitleRow,4).Font.Bold = $True
# Get the list of websites
$WebSites = Get-Website | Select Name, PhysicalPath
# Initialize the looping variable
$i = 2
#loop over the sites and write to console
ForEach ($Site in $WebSites)
#get all files that are in the root directory -> children
$Files = Get-ChildItem $Site.physicalPath -Force -Recurse -Include *.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp
ForEach ($File in $Files)
$Excel.Cells.Item($i,1) = $File.Name
$Excel.Cells.Item($i,2) = $Site.Name
$Excel.Cells.Item($i,3) = ''
$Excel.Cells.Item($i,4) = $File.FullName
# Now, adjust the columns to fit
$UsedRange = $Worksheet.UsedRange
$UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() | Out-Null
$Workbook.SaveAs("C:\Scripts\Images.xlsx", $xlFixedFormat)
As requested by Byron, here is the snippet of code for connecting to Azure through Kudu's Rest Api and getting files (I have copy and pasted the functions from the Kudu API module for clarity):
function Get-AzureRmWebAppPublishingCredentials($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = $null){
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($slotName)){
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/publishingcredentials"
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/$slotName/publishingcredentials"
$publishingCredentials = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $resourceName -Action list -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force
return $publishingCredentials
function Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = $null){
$publishingCredentials = Get-AzureRmWebAppPublishingCredentials $resourceGroupName $webAppName $slotName
return ("Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName, $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword))))
function Fill-MimeTypes(){
return #("image/gif", "image/x-icon", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/tiff", "image/bmp")
$MimeTypes = Fill-MimeTypes
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Directories = #()
#Login to Azure Account
#Get the Azure subscription
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName [Your subscription name]
#Get the resource group name
####$resourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup | where ()
$resourceGroupName = [Your resource group name]
#Get the WebApp name
$Resources = Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites -ResourceGroupNameContains [Your web app name]
ForEach($Resource in $Resources)
#Get the WebAppName
$WebAppName = $Resource.Name
#Now, get the publishing creds
$publishingCredentialsHeader = Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue $resourceGroupName $WebAppName $null
$ApiUrl = "https://$"
#Now get the list of files in the wwwroot directory
$InitialList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApiUrl -Headers #{Authorization=$publishingCredentialsHeader} -Method GET -ContentType "application/json"
After this line, we just have dummy processing code to show a tiny bit of what #the data looks like. Here, we then need to find all directories in wwwroot, hit #the API again, find directories in those directories, hit the API again, etc, #until we're done.
ForEach($Item in $InitialList)
If($MimeTypes -Contains $Item.mime)
Write-Host $
If ($Item.mime -eq "inode/directory")
ForEach($Directory in $Directories)
Write-Host $Directory

ARM API will only let you access the management plane, or the metadata of the resource.
To list the files you will need to use the VFS API's provided by Kudu:

This would probably be broken down into the following steps:
Use Login-AzureRmAccount to log into the destination Azure subscription
Use the Find-AzureRmResource with resource type Microsoft.Web/sites type to find all "sites" in your subscription
Iterate over that list with Get-AzureRmWebApp to extract the required information.


When Authenticating in Microsoft Graph and get querying, it outputs#odata.context and #odata.nextLink

So here is my code to get the AuthToken for my Tenant ID, this is from Microsoft and generates a JWT to use as authorization in the HTTP header:
function Get-AuthToken {
$userUpn = New-Object "System.Net.Mail.MailAddress" -ArgumentList $User
$tenant = $userUpn.Host
Write-Host "Checking for AzureAD module..."
$AadModule = Get-Module -Name "AzureAD" -ListAvailable
if ($AadModule -eq $null) {
Write-Host "AzureAD PowerShell module not found, looking for AzureADPreview"
$AadModule = Get-Module -Name "AzureADPreview" -ListAvailable
if ($AadModule -eq $null) {
write-host "AzureAD Powershell module not installed..." -f Red
write-host "Install by running 'Install-Module AzureAD' or 'Install-Module AzureADPreview' from an elevated PowerShell prompt" -f Yellow
write-host "Script can't continue..." -f Red
if($AadModule.count -gt 1){
$Latest_Version = ($AadModule | select version | Sort-Object)[-1]
$aadModule = $AadModule | ? { $_.version -eq $Latest_Version.version }
# Checking if there are multiple versions of the same module found
if($AadModule.count -gt 1){
$aadModule = $AadModule | select -Unique
$adal = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
$adalforms = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll"
}else {
$adal = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
$adalforms = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adal) | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adalforms) | Out-Null
$clientId = "d1ddf0e4-d672-4dae-b554-9d5bdfd93547"
$redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
$resourceAppIdURI = ""
$authority = "$Tenant"
try {
$authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority
$platformParameters = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.PlatformParameters" -ArgumentList "Auto"
$userId = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserIdentifier" -ArgumentList ($User, "OptionalDisplayableId")
$authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI,$clientId,$redirectUri,$platformParameters,$userId).Result
# If the accesstoken is valid then create the authentication header
# Creating header for Authorization token, we dont necessarily need it, just the JWT auth token.
$authHeader = #{
'Authorization'="Bearer " + $authResult.AccessToken
# Write-Output
return $authResult
# return $authHeader
}catch {
write-host $_.Exception.Message -f Red
So basically at the bottom I use this JWT auth token from the function above and place it as an Authorization field in the HTTP header and it should return JSON from the Graph API:
$authData = Get-AuthToken -User
$accessJWToken = $authData.AccessToken
$apiUrl = "$select=displayName"
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers #{"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessJWToken"} -Uri $apiUrl -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"
And the above code beautifully absolutely uselessly output it returns instead is:
#odata.context #odata.nextLink
-------------- ---------------$metadata#users$skiptoken=RFNwdAIAAQAAABg6YWdyYW50QHRlcnJhbmV1dHJhbC5jb20pVXNlcl85MzA2OWJlYy0zZjFjLTRiNDQtOTZjMS
Please Help with this thanks I really appreciate
Can you please check there might be issue that Token has expired, Please try to generate new token and check it for the Odata next link which might have caused the error.
Here is the document for reference:Token Duration

Get the list of azure web app settings to be swapped using PowerShell

When we perform the swap through the azure portal, it gives us the warning & informative messages regarding the settings to be swapped. Just like in below image:
My question is, is there any way I can get these messages list (regarding the settings) through PowerShell code?
I tried googling it but couldn't find any way.
The direct solution is to use the Invoke-RestMethod to request the API captured in the Portal. The problem is that this is a non-public API, and we don't know if it has changed.
You could use PowerShell to get the two objects to be exchanged, gets their appSettings and ConnectionStrings, and compares them.
The following is a script for reference.
When Source and Destination are different, the script can get:
• To be added in the Destination
• The destination to be removed from the Destination
• Exchanged
$rsgName = "xxxxx"
$appName = "xxxxx"
$slotName = "xxxxxx"
$destination = Get-AzureRmWebApp -ResourceGroupName $rsgName -Name $appName
$destinationAppSettings = $destination.SiteConfig.AppSettings
$destinationConnectionStrings = $destination.SiteConfig.ConnectionStrings
$source = Get-AzureRmWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $rsgName -Name $appName -Slot $slotName
$sourceAppSettings = $source.SiteConfig.AppSettings
$sourceConnectionStrings = $source.SiteConfig.ConnectionStrings
#Get slot configurations
$slotConfigure = Get-AzureRmWebAppSlotConfigName -ResourceGroupName $rsgName -Name $appName
$toBeAdded = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$toBeSwapped = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$toBeDeleted = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($appSetting in $sourceAppSettings){
if(-not $slotConfigure.AppSettingNames.Contains($sourceAppSettings.Name)){
$flag = $true
foreach($_appSetting in $destinationAppSettings){
if($_appSetting.Name -eq $appSetting.Name){
$flag = $false
[void]$toBeSwapped.Add([pscustomobject]#{Name = $appSetting.Name; Source = $appSetting.Value; Destination = $_appSetting.Value})
foreach($appSetting in $destinationAppSettings){
$flag = $true
foreach($_appSetting in $sourceAppSettings){
if($_appSetting.Name -eq $appSetting.Name){
$flag = $false
# AppSettings
# To be added to destination
# To be swapped to destination
# To be delete in destination
$toBeAdded = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$toBeSwapped = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$toBeDeleted = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach($connectionString in $sourceConnectionStrings){
if(-not $slotConfigure.ConnectionStringNames.Contains($connectionString.Name)){
$flag = $true
foreach($_connectionString in $destinationConnectionStrings){
if($_connectionString.Name -eq $connectionString.Name){
$flag = $false
[void]$toBeSwapped.Add([pscustomobject]#{Name = $connectionString.Name; Source = $connectionString.Value; Destination = $_connectionString.Value})
foreach($connectionString in $destinationConnectionStrings){
$flag = $true
foreach($_connectionString in $sourceConnectionStrings){
if($_connectionString.Name -eq $connectionString.Name){
$flag = $false
# ConnectionStrings
# To be added to destination
# To be swapped to destination
# To be delete in destination
Hope it helps you.

Azure storage API: download entire folder / prefix / directory

I need to be able to download a folder with its contents from a blob storage account using the Azure Storage REST API only.
I have created a function (New-StorageAccountAthorisationHeader) that creates the (authentication) header that I can download a single file, but I cannot find any reference on how I might go about downloading the whole folder.
If I pass the folder as the $blob parameter, I get a BlobNotFound error.
The URL of the said folder is: The contents of "somefolder" looks like:
function New-StorageAccountAuthorizationHeader
[string]$accesskey ,
[string]$xmsversion = "2017-04-17"
$xmsdate = Get-Date
$xmsdate = $xmsdate.ToUniversalTime()
$xmsdate = $xmsdate.toString('r')
function GetRestApiParameters
Write-Verbose "URI to extract REST parameters: $uri"
return ($Uri.Split("?")[1]).Split("&")
Write-Verbose "Generating string for signature encryption..."
$partUrl = "/$StorageAccountName/"
$partUrl = $partUrl + "$Container/"
$parturl = $partUrl + "$Blob"
######Don't change the line count or indentation of the here-string#####
$hereString = #"
$hereString =$hereString -replace "$([char]13)$([char]10)","$([char]10)" #Change `r`n to just `n
$empty = $oSignature = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$empty = $oSignature.Append($hereString)
Write-Verbose "Appending parameters from URI into authorisation string..."
$restParameters = GetRestApiParameters -Uri $ResourceUri -Verbose
if ($restParameters -ne $null)
foreach ($param in $restParameters)
$empty = $oSignature.Append("$([char]10)$($param.Replace('=',':'))")
Write-Verbose "Encrypting string..."
$hmacsha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$hmacsha.key = [Convert]::FromBase64String($accesskey)
$signature = $hmacsha.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($oSignature.ToString()))
$signature = [Convert]::ToBase64String($signature)
Write-Verbose "Building header..."
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("x-ms-version", $xmsversion)
$headers.Add("x-ms-date", $xmsdate)
$headers.Add("Authorization", "SharedKey " + $StorageAccountName + ":" + $signature)
#$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application\xml")
Write-Verbose ("Header: $($headers | Out-String)")
Return $headers
And I would call it:
$StorageAccountName = "mystorageaccount"
$container = "acontainer"
$blob = "somefile.txt"
$uriToDownloadBlobs = "https://" + $StorageAccountName + "$container/$blob"
$header = $null
$header = New-StorageAccountAuthorizationHeader -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -ResourceUri $uriToDownloadBlobs -Verbose -Container $container -Blob $blob
$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $header -Uri $uriToDownloadBlobs -OutFile C:\Temp\$blob -PassThru
So this works, but as I said, I'm after any hints to help with downloading the whole folder.
It looks like this is not possible? Although I'd be interested to see how it's done with the likes of Azure Storage Explorer.
My solution was to zip the files up and then use the above to download the single ZIP file. A few extra lines of code to compress and extract at either end, but it was the quickest way at the time and it works well with VSTS tasks.

Remove files and foldes on Azure before a new deploy from VSTS

As part of my build process in VSTS I want to delete all files and folders (except af few) from my azure site before a new deploy. My guess is, that using a Azure Powershell script would be a good idea and I would prefer making an inline script.
I am using Azure Resource Manager as connection type, I have selected my subscription and script type (Inline Script) but then I am lost, how do i select my app service and, for a start, list my files?
Trying just, this for a test, only gives my files in my VSTS environment
Get-ChildItem -Path $(build.sourcesDirectory)
First, it’s better to include the files to the project that the web app needs, then just check Remove additional files at destination option (Check Publish using Web Deploy option first) to remove additional files.
Secondly, you can remove the files through Kudu API.
DELETE /api/vfs/{path} (Delete the file at path)
More information, you can refer to: Interacting with Azure Web Apps Virtual File System using PowerShell and the Kudu API
Update (Add Kudu sample):
Add Azure PowerShell step/task
Sepcify arguments, for example: -resourceGroupName XXX -webAppName XXX -kuduPath Global.asax
function Get-AzureRmWebAppPublishingCredentials($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = $null){
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($slotName)){
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/publishingcredentials"
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/$slotName/publishingcredentials"
$publishingCredentials = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $resourceName -Action list -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force
Write-Host $publishingCredentials
return $publishingCredentials
function Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = $null){
$publishingCredentials = Get-AzureRmWebAppPublishingCredentials $resourceGroupName $webAppName $slotName
Write-Host $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName
Write-Host $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword
return ("Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName, $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword))))
function Delete-FileToWebApp($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = "", $kuduPath){
$kuduApiAuthorisationToken = Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue $resourceGroupName $webAppName $slotName
if ($slotName -eq ""){
$kuduApiUrl = "https://$$kuduPath"
$kuduApiUrl = "https://$webAppName`-$$kuduPath"
Write-Output $kuduApiUrl
Write-Output $kuduApiAuthorisationToken
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $kuduApiUrl `
-Headers #{"Authorization"=$kuduApiAuthorisationToken;"If-Match"="*"} `
-Method DELETE
Delete-FileToWebApp $resourceGroupName $webAppName $slotName $kuduPath
Here's a tweaked version of the script which should be included in your project and exported as an artefact as part of your build, I call mine Delete-WebAppFiles.ps1
It expands on the previous answer by also handling virtual applications and having error handling for the case when the files do not exist e.g. on first deployment to a new environment
function Get-AzureRmWebAppPublishingCredentials($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = $null){
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($slotName)){
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/publishingcredentials"
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/$slotName/publishingcredentials"
$publishingCredentials = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $resourceName -Action list -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force
Write-Host $publishingCredentials
return $publishingCredentials
function Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $slotName = $null){
$publishingCredentials = Get-AzureRmWebAppPublishingCredentials $resourceGroupName $webAppName $slotName
Write-Host $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName
Write-Host $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword
return ("Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName, $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword))))
function Delete-KuduFile($resourceGroupName, $webAppName, $appPath, $slotName, $kuduPath, $recursive){
$kuduApiAuthorisationToken = Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue $resourceGroupName $webAppName $slotName
if ($recursive -eq $true) {
if (-not ($kuduPath.endswith("recursive=true"))) {
if (-not ($kuduPath.endswith("/"))) {
$kuduPath += "/"
$kuduPath += "?recursive=true"
if ($slotName -eq ""){
$kuduApiUrl = "https://$$appPath/$kuduPath"
$kuduApiUrl = "https://$webAppName`-$$appPath/$kuduPath"
Write-Output $kuduApiUrl
Write-Output $kuduApiAuthorisationToken
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $kuduApiUrl `
-Headers #{"Authorization"=$kuduApiAuthorisationToken;"If-Match"="*"} `
-Method DELETE
} catch {
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
if (-not ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 404)) {
throw $PSItem
Delete-KuduFile $resourceGroupName $webAppName $appPath $slotName $kuduPath $recursive
You can then add a Powershell task as mentioned above which should look a little like this...
This is how you can test your settings that you use in the PowerShell scripts above using Postman.
I found it useful to play with the REST API using Postman to understand what the PowerShell scripts above were doing and understand what status codes I could expect back from the API. I also noticed that the recursive logic for deleting a directory returns a 409 Conflict error even though is DOES delete the files.
In the examples below, my app service is called "YatesDeleteMe"
Create a base 64 encoded username and password string to use below in your authorization header OR run the PowerShell scripts above and it will output one for you
Download your app service's publish file, which can be downloaded from the Overview tab in the Azure portal.
Open the file with a text editor
Find the username (user name example: $YatesDeleteMe ) and password (password example: ch222cDlpCjx4Glq333qo4QywGPMs1cK2Rjrn6phqZ9HswtgEEE12CrhDmcn )
Create a string out of them and separate them with a colon (should look something like this: $YatesDeleteMe:ch222cDlpCjx4Glq333qo4QywGPMs1cK2Rjrn6phqZ9HswtgEEE12CrhDmcn )
Base 64 encode them using your own program a site. The result should look something like this: JFlhdGVzRGVsZXRlTWU6Y2gyMjJjRGxwQ2p4NEdscTMzM3FvNFF5d0dQTXMxY0syUmpybjZwaHFaOUhzd3RnRUVFMTJDcmhEbWNu
Retrieve a single file
Open Postman
Change the verb to GET
Enter your URL to the file you want to retrieve (e.g., For more info on paths see this
Added a header-->
Key: Authorization
Value: Basic YourBase64EncodedStringFromAbove
Left-click the "Send" button and the file will download
Delete a single file
Open Postman
Change the verb to DELETE
Enter your URL to the file you want to delete (e.g.,
Added a header-->
Key: Authorization
Value: Basic YourBase64EncodedStringFromAbove
Added a header-->
Key: If-Match
Value: *
Left-click the "Send" button and the file will deleted
Delete all the files in a directory
Open Postman
Change the verb to DELETE
Enter your URL to the folder you want to delete PLUST add slash and then the query string ?recursive=true (e.g.,
Added a header-->
Key: Authorization
Value: Basic YourBase64EncodedStringFromAbove
Added a header-->
Key: If-Match
Value: *
Left-click the "Send" button and the folder will deleted. I always get a 409 error back, but the folder is deleted.
Blog post with pictures here.

Create Folder in DocLib of a Teamsite - Office 365 - Sharepoint Online

I want to create an example folder in a Document Library of a created Teamsite on Sharepoint Online using Powershell but am running into an error.
After I have created the Teamsite I use the following script:
#Retrieve list
$DocLibName = "Dokumente"
$FolderTitle = "Beispiel"
$List = $ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($DocLibName)
$folder = $list.AddItem("", [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType]::Folder)
$folder["Title"] = $FolderTitle
Error Message
The type [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType] was not found : Make sure that the assembly that contains this type is loaded.
Line:79 Char:1
+ $ Folder = $ List.addItem ("" [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectType ] :: Folde ...
It is not possible to use an index to a null array.
Line:80 Char:1
+ $ Folder ["Title"] = $FolderTitle
It is not possible to call a method for an expression of the NULL .
Line:81 Char:1
+ $Folder.Update();
How can this be resolved?
You are getting this error since Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileSystemObjectTypetype belongs to SharePoint Server Side API which is not compatible with Office 365.
Below is demonstrated how to create a folder in SharePoint Online site via PowerShell (utilizes SharePoint CSOM API)
Function Create-Folder()
$folder = $ParentFolder.Folders.Add($folderName)
return $folder
Function Get-Context($Url,$Username,$Password){
$SecurePassword = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $SecurePassword)
$ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($url)
$ctx.Credentials = $credentials
return $ctx
$Url = ""
$UserName = ""
$Password = ""
$TargetFolderName = "Archive2016"
$ctx = Get-Context -Url $Url -Username $Username -Password $Password
$parentFolder = $ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Documents").RootFolder
$folder = Create-Folder -ParentFolder $parentFolder -FolderName $TargetFolderName
Write-Host "Folder [$TargetFolderName] has been created succesfully. Url: $($folder.ServerRelativeUrl)"
For creating a folder hierarchy the following script could be utilized:
Function Create-FolderHierarchy()
$folderNames = $FolderUrl.Trim().Split("/",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$folderName = $folderNames[0]
$curFolder = $ParentFolder.Folders.Add($folderName)
if ($folderNames.Length -gt 1)
$curFolderUrl = [System.String]::Join("/", $folderNames, 1, $folderNames.Length - 1)
return Create-FolderHierarchy -ParentFolder $curFolder -FolderUrl $curFolderUrl
return $curFolder
If you are interested in scenario for uploading files while preserving a folder structure, take a look at How to: Upload files into Office 365 via PowerShell post, it contains ready made script for that purpose.