Swagger / Postman Collection for AWS APIs? [closed] - rest

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to use a tool like postman to invoke REST APIs against various AWS services.
However, I can't seem to find pre-built Postman collections or even Swagger definitions of the AWS APIs.
I could obviously handcraft each request, but does anyone know if there is an easier way ? (like generating Swagger by introspecting the SDKs or something along those lines ? )

You will be able to find all AWS APIs swagger definitions here:


OpenApi Swagger Documentation for Perl application [closed]

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Closed last year.
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We are trying to create a OpenAPI Specification for our project. The entire application and its API services are written in PERL. We are unable to create the API specification using PERL. We tried using modules like.
use OpenAPI::Client;
use WWW::SwaggerClient;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI;
but we are clueless on how to proceed with. Can anyone help with a PERL code which creates a API specification of OpenAPI standard. Thanks in advance.

Is there a possibility to update a Google Place via the API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Hello together,
I am curious if there is a possibility to update a Place in the Google Maps Platform Places API via a API request?
I can't find anything regarding it in the official documentation.
Or is the Google Places API really read-only?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Kind regards
The Google Places API is a read-only API. If you are trying to edit a business listing you own, the Google My Business API may be worth checking out.

What is the major difference between SoapUI and Postman? & which one to prefer for testing REST APIs? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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We are analysing the best tool to test REST APIs. Also considering in mind, integration with TFS.
Some basic starter differences:-
Postman is lightweight browser based tool. easy to use, easy to share tests b/w team members by export option,
SoapUI is also easy to use with SoapUI you integrate it with GIT/SVN directly for Checkin and checkout your scripts.
SoapUI supports Groovy Scripting, Postman don't
for basic test scenarios you can use postman, if there is a need for logical based decision making calls SoapUI is best.

Automating REST API documentation for routes [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to automate the documentation of routes in a Spray application?
e.g. Is there perhaps an SBT plugin that generates markdown describing what it knows about the spray routes?
I stumbled upon spray-swagger while researching the same thing but I don't know exactly what it does and which stage the project is at.

Looking for OAUTH open source jar for java [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have published a java REST API using war on tomcat 7, and I am looking for an easy to deploy open source OAUTH code that i can add to my code (preferably by using maven POM) and use it for securing the API.
What are my options?
Have you looked at Google's OAuth Java Client? The documentation says that you can use Maven to add it to your code.