trying to use & and operation in scala - scala

case class takes 3 parameters id, applied by and internal name. Trying to make the result lenght return 3. internal name was a newly added field/parameter so that is why it is returning 0 instead of 3.
I was think to use
result.topics.find(_.topicId == "urn:emmet:1234567").get.appliedBy should be ("human") &
result.topics.find(_.topicId == "urn:emmet:2345678").get.internalName should be ("")
it's giving me syntax error, please advice thanks in advance
it should "dedup topics by id, keeping those applied by human if possible" in {
val doc = Document.empty.copy(
topics = Array(
Topic("urn:emmet:1234567", appliedBy = "machine" , internalName = ""),
Topic("urn:emmet:2345678", appliedBy = "human", internalName = ""),
Topic("urn:emmet:1234567", appliedBy = "human", internalName = ""),
Topic("urn:emmet:2345678", appliedBy = "machine", internalName = ""),
Topic("urn:emmet:3456789", appliedBy = "machine", internalName = ""),
Topic("urn:emmet:3456789", appliedBy = "machine", internalName = "")
val result = DocumentTransform.dedupSubRecords(doc)
result.topics.length should be (3)
result.topics.find(_.topicId == "urn:emmet:1234567").get.appliedBy should be ("human")
result.topics.find(_.topicId == "urn:emmet:2345678").get.appliedBy should be ("human")
result.topics.find(_.topicId == "urn:emmet:3456789").get.appliedBy should be ("machine")

Multiple test statements are already an 'and', because if any one of them fails the whole test fails.
val e1234567 = result.topics.find(_.topicId == "urn:emmet:1234567").get
e1234567.appliedBy shouldEqual "human"
e1234567.internalName shouldEqual ""


Use stored values in another scenerio : Gatling

I want to store returned values from scenerio1 to list and use the same stored values in another scenerio .
I tried to do like below . but in get scenerio this gives error id not found . I also noticed that feeder is initialized before scenerio execution itself.
Could some one please help on this .
var l: List[String] = List()
var ids = => Map(“id” -> id)).iterator
val install = scenario(" Install")
.during(Configuration.duration) {
group("installTest") {
l = session(“id”).as[String].trim :: l
val get = scenario(“get”)
.during(Configuration.duration) {
group(“getTest”) {
warmupScenario.inject(constantConcurrentUsers(1) during(1))
install.inject(nothingFor(10 seconds), (rampUsers(Configuration.users) during (Configuration.ramp seconds))))
get.inject(nothingFor(Configuration.duration seconds), (rampUsers(Configuration.users) during (Configuration.ramp seconds))))

scala.js form processing in client / access to form on scala.js client

I want submit a form and want to show the user the process with spinner and reload the new information.
def addToCart(form: html.Form): Unit = {
form.onsubmit = (e: dom.Event) => {
val waitSpan = span(
`class` := Waiting.glyphIconWaitClass
val waiting = form.getElementsByTagName("button").head.appendChild(waitSpan.render)
dom.window.alert(JSON.stringify( form.elements.namedItem("quantity") ))
Ajax.InputData,withCredentials = true).map{q =>
I have no access to form data. Also I cannot execute an ajax call to proof the form and execute it. I have found no way. Someone has an idea?
jQuery helps. I used them now to serialize the form. But now I have no longer the ability of play forms with bindOfRequest()
val jForm = $("#"
val serialized = jForm.serialize()"/js/api/form/${UUID.randomUUID().toString}",withCredentials = false,timeout = 12000,data = serialized,headers = Map("X-CSRFToken"->"nocheck","Csrf-Token"->"nocheck"))
I get always:
But now I don´t know what I have to do. Sorry.
def executeAddToCartForm(articleId: UUID) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async{implicit req =>
val form = complexCartForm.bindFromRequest()
Try(form.get) match {
case Success((i,seq)) => println("article: " + i)
case _ => println(form.errors.mkString + " " + req.body.asText + " " + URLDecoder.decode(req.body.asText.get,"UTF-8"))
Always get failure :( I will have a look at react.
Sometimes I need more sleep!
url = form.action,
withCredentials = true,
timeout = 12000,
data = serialized,
headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
with this: headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") I can use the bindFromRequest() as usually :)
Coffee I need more

merge two Where with AND in zend 2

I have problem to merge two conditions in my query
public function GetInbox($user_id , $line_number = false , $seeall = false , $limit = 0,$SearchWhere = null)
$SearchWhere = new Where();
$UsersLineTable = new UsersLinesTable($this->adapter);
$UsersLine = $UsersLineTable->fetchAll(array('user_id = ?' => $user_id,'owner_type = ?' => '1'));
if(!$UsersLine) return false;
$SearchWhere2 = new Where();
foreach ($UsersLine as $key => $value) {
$Select = new Select();
$Select->order("receive_date DESC");
$MessageProvidersInboxTable = new MessageProvidersInboxTable($this->adapter);
return $MessageProvidersInboxTable->fetchBySelect($Select);
$MessageProvidersInboxTable = new MessageProvidersInboxTable($this->adapter);
return $MessageProvidersInboxTable->fetchAll($SearchWhere);
$SearchWhere is a Where class,
$SearchWhere2 is second conditions
In this case
$select just contain $SearchWhere conditions.
I want this query
Where condition1 AND (condition2)
is that important that condition2 contain conditions include OR operand.
Try this, it should work. Writing without looking at zend\db code:
$where = new \Zend\Db\Sql\Where;
$where->addPredicate($SearchWhere, $where::OP_AND);
$where->addPredicate($SearchWhere2, $where::OP_AND);
Basically, Where object is a subclass of Predicate. So it should work as any other predicate.

Sending email with multiple attachments vb6

Can someone help me.How to send an email with multiples attachments.
I am using cdo and SMTP Send Mail for VB6. Everything works great except I am only able to send one attachment at a time.
here's the code
Public Function SendMail(sTo As String, sSubject As String, sFrom As String, _
sBody As String, sSmtpServer As String, iSmtpPort As Integer, _
sSmtpUser As String, sSmtpPword As String, _
sFilePath As String, bSmtpSSL As Boolean) As String
On Error GoTo SendMail_Error:
Dim lobj_cdomsg As CDO.Message
Set lobj_cdomsg = New CDO.Message
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPServer) = sSmtpServer
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPServerPort) = iSmtpPort
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPUseSSL) = bSmtpSSL
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSendUserName) = sSmtpUser
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSendPassword) = sSmtpPword
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 30
lobj_cdomsg.Configuration.Fields(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
lobj_cdomsg.To = sTo
lobj_cdomsg.From = sFrom
lobj_cdomsg.Subject = sSubject
lobj_cdomsg.TextBody = sBody
If Trim$(sFilePath) <> vbNullString Then
lobj_cdomsg.AddAttachment (sFilePath)
End If
Set lobj_cdomsg = Nothing
SendMail = "ok"
Exit Function
SendMail = Err.Description
End Function
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Dim retVal As String
Dim objControl As Control
For Each objControl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf objControl Is TextBox Then
If Trim$(objControl.Text) = vbNullString And LCase$(objControl.Name) <> "txtAttach" Then
Label2.Caption = "Error: All fields are required!"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Frame1.Enabled = False
Frame2.Enabled = False
cmdSend.Enabled = False
Label2.Caption = "Sending..."
retVal = SendMail(Trim$(txtTo.Text), _
Trim$(txtSubject.Text), _
Trim$(txtFromName.Text) & "<" & Trim$(txtFromEmail.Text) & ">", _
Trim$(txtMsg.Text), _
Trim$(txtServer.Text), _
CInt(Trim$(txtPort.Text)), _
Trim$(txtUsername.Text), _
Trim$(txtPassword.Text), _
Trim$(txtAttach.Text), _
Frame1.Enabled = True
Frame2.Enabled = True
cmdSend.Enabled = True
Label2.Caption = IIf(retVal = "ok", "Message sent!", retVal)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
Dim sFilenames() As String
Dim i As Integer
On Local Error GoTo Err_Cancel
With cmDialog
.FileName = ""
.CancelError = True
.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|HTML Files (*.htm;*.html;*.shtml)|*.htm;*.html;*.shtml|Images (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif"
.FilterIndex = 1
.DialogTitle = "Select File Attachment(s)"
.MaxFileSize = &H7FFF
.Flags = &H4 Or &H800 Or &H40000 Or &H200 Or &H80000
' get the selected name(s)
sFilenames = Split(.FileName, vbNullChar)
End With
If UBound(sFilenames) = 0 Then
If txtAttach.Text = "" Then
txtAttach.Text = sFilenames(0)
txtAttach.Text = txtAttach.Text & ";" & sFilenames(0)
End If
ElseIf UBound(sFilenames) > 0 Then
If Right$(sFilenames(0), 1) <> "\" Then sFilenames(0) = sFilenames(0) & "\"
For i = 1 To UBound(sFilenames)
If txtAttach.Text = "" Then
txtAttach.Text = sFilenames(0) & sFilenames(i)
txtAttach.Text = txtAttach.Text & ";" & sFilenames(0) & sFilenames(i)
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
You are only passing in one file. Try passing in an array of files and loop through the array. Or, since it looks like its semicolon delimiting the list of files selected, try to just split the list...
For Each s As String in sFilePath.Split(";"c)
I have no idea how to run a vb 6 app anymore, but if this helps, please mark it so.

Zend_Form_Element fails when i addElements

I have been having trouble adding a hidden zend form element.
when i invoke addElements the form fails and prints the following error to the page.
but only when i try and add $formContactID and $formCustomerID.
Fatal error: Call to a member function getOrder() on a non-object in /home/coder123/public_html/wms2/library/Zend/Form.php on line 3291
My code is as follows.
private function buildForm()
$Description = "";
$FirstName = "";
$LastName = "";
$ContactNumber = "";
$Fax = "";
$Position = "";
$Default = "";
$custAddressID = "";
$CustomerID = "";
$Email = "";
$ContactID = "";
if($this->contactDetails != null)
$Description = $this->contactDetails['Description'];
$CustomerID = $this->contactDetails['CustomerID'];
$FirstName = $this->contactDetails['FirstName'];
$LastName = $this->contactDetails['LastName'];
$ContactNumber = $this->contactDetails['ContactNumber'];
$Position = $this->contactDetails['Position'];
$Fax = $this->contactDetails['Fax'];
$Email = $this->contactDetails['Email'];
$Default = $this->contactDetails['Default'];
$custAddressID = $this->contactDetails['custAddressID'];
$ContactID = $this->contactDetails['custContactID'];
$formfirstname = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('FirstName');
$formfirstname->setValue($FirstName)->setLabel('First Name:')->setRequired();
$formlastname = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('LastName');
$formlastname->setLabel('Last Name:')->setValue($LastName)->setRequired();
$formPhone = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('ContactNumber');
$formPhone->setLabel('Phone Number:')->setValue($ContactNumber)->setRequired();
$formFax = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('FaxNumber');
$formFax->setLabel('Fax Number:')->setValue($Fax);
$FormPosition = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('Position');
$FormPosition->setLabel('Contacts Position:')->setValue($Position);
$FormDescription = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('Description');
$FormDescription->setLabel('Short Description:')->setValue($Description)->setRequired();
$formEmail = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('Email');
$formEmail->setLabel('Email Address:')->setValue($Email);
$FormDefault = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('Default');
$FormDefault->setValue('Default')->setLabel('Set as defualt contact for this business:');
if($Default == 'Default')
$formCustomerID = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('customerID');
if($this->contactID != null)
$formContactID = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('ContactID');
$formSelectAddress = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('custAddress');
$pos = 0;
while($pos < count($this->customerAddressArray))
$formSelectAddress->addMultiOption($this->customerAddressArray[$pos]['custAddressID'], $this->customerAddressArray[$pos]['Description']);
$formSelectAddress->setRequired()->setLabel('Default Address For this Contact:');
$formSubmit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('ContactSubmit');
$formSubmit->setLabel('Save Contact');
$this->addElements(array($FormDescription, $formfirstname, $formlastname,
$FormPosition, $formPhone, $formFax, $FormDefault,
$formEmail, $formSelectAddress, $formContactID, $formCustomerID, $formSubmit));
Maybe you've already fixed, but just in case.
I was having the same issue and the problem was the name of certain attributes within the form. In your case you have:
if($this->contactID != null){
$formContactID = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('ContactID');
In the moment that you have added $formContactID to the form a new internal attribute has been created for the form object, this being 'ContactID'. So now we have $this->ContactID and $this->contactID.
According to PHP standards this shouldn't be a problem because associative arrays keys and objects attribute names are case sensitive but I just wanted to use your code to illustrate the behaviour of Zend Form.
Revise the rest of the code in your form to see that you are not overriding any Zend Element. Sorry for the guess but since you didn't post all the code for the form file it's a bit more difficult to debug.
Thanks and I hope it helps.
I think the problem is on $this->addElements when $formContactID is missing because of if($this->contactID != null) rule.
You can update your code to fix the problem:
$this->addElements(array($FormDescription, $formfirstname, $formlastname,
$FormPosition, $formPhone, $formFax, $FormDefault,
$formEmail, $formSelectAddress, $formCustomerID, $formSubmit));
if(isset($formContactID)) {