Upgrade to php7 now mail() isn't working - email

from phpinfo file
sendmail_from no value no value
sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
Also installed a new Debian Stretch server.
SMTP port is open in the iptables.

I realised that I needed to install and configure exim.


Exporting https certificate fails with 'dotnet dev-certs' tool

I am trying to use the 'dotnet dev-certs' tool to export an https certificate to include with a Docker image. Right now I am using:
dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep $(HOME)\.aspnet\https -p <password>
and I get the error:
Exporting the certificate including the private key.
Writing exported certificate to path 'xxx\.aspnet\https'.
Failed writing the certificate to the target path
Exception message: Access to the path 'xxx\.aspnet\https' is denied.
An error ocurred exporting the certificate.
Exception message: Access to the path 'xxx\.aspnet\https' is denied.
There was an error exporting HTTPS developer certificate to a file.
The problem I see is that no matter what path I supply to export the certificate to I get the same 'Access to the path is denied' error. What am I missing? I know this command has been suggested in numerous places. But I cannot seem to get it to work.
Thank you.
The export path should specify a file, not a directory. This fixed the issue for me on Mac:
dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep ${HOME}/.aspnet/https/aspnetapp.pfx -p <password>
For Ubuntu users:
install libnss3-tools:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libnss3-tools
create or verify if the folder below exists on machine:
export the certificate:
dotnet dev-certs https -v -ep ${HOME}/.aspnet/https/aspnetapp.pfx
Run the following commands:
certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t "P,," -n localhost -i /home/<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_USER>/.aspnet/https/aspnetapp.pfx
certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t "C,," -n localhost -i /home/<REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_USER>/.aspnet/https/aspnetapp.pfx
exit and restart the browser
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/enforcing-ssl?view=aspnetcore-5.0&tabs=visual-studio#ssl-linux
For me the problem was I was using .Net 5 under CentOS 7.8. Uninstalling .Net 5 and using .Net Core 3.1 SDK instead solved the problem.

SSMTP fails after migrating to Buster

SSMTP was working for years now on my RPi - latest on stretch.
Now I migrated to buster - and after this step it now fails.
$ cat /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
$ echo "MailBody"|mail --debug-level=3 -s "My Subject" mailaddress#domain.com
mail: sendmail binary: /usr/sbin/sendmail
mail: source=system, name=user, passwd=x, uid=1001, gid=1000, gecos=user,,,, dir=/home/user, shell=/bin/bash, mailbox=/var/mail/user, quota=0, change_uid=1
mail: source=system, name=user, passwd=x, uid=1001, gid=1000, gecos=user,,,, dir=/home/user, shell=/bin/bash, mailbox=/var/mail/user, quota=0, change_uid=1
mail: mu_mailer_send_message(): using From: user#localhost
mail: Sending headers...
mail: Sending body...
mail: /usr/sbin/sendmail exited with: 1
mail: progmailer error: Process exited with a non-zero status
mail: cannot send message: Process exited with a non-zero status
mail: source=system, name=user, passwd=x, uid=1001, gid=1000, gecos=user,,,, dir=/home/user, shell=/bin/bash, mailbox=/var/mail/user, quota=0, change_uid=1
$ echo $?
I have a lot of shell-scripts sending mails with commands like:
echo "MailBody"|mail -s "My Subject" emailaddress#domain.com
=> so if SSMTP is no longer supported, I would neeed a solution following that syntax ...
thanks for any help!
I fixed this by switching away from ssmtp (which some sources say being unmaintained) to msmtp (https://wiki.debian.org/msmtp).
This could or could not apply to you, try to check the error code by sending an email directly via /usr/sbin/ssmtp -v ...., I had exit 36 (echo $? to get the code).
If you are in a similar situation and want to give msmtp a try, these the steps I followed:
$ sudo apt remove ssmtp
$ sudo apt install msmtp msmtp-mta
Configure (I'm not configuring GMail, I use Dreamhost email service, so your details might be different):
$ cat /etc/msmtprc
# Set default values for all following accounts.
auth on
tls on
tls_starttls off
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile /tmp/msmtp.log
# Raspberry Pi
account rasp
host smtp.dreamhost.com
port 465
from raspberry#<REDACTED>
user raspberry#<REDACTED>
# default account
account default : rasp
For comparison, this was my /etc/ssmtp.conf file:
Set msmtp as default MTA. I've added the last line to my mail.rc file:
$ cat /etc/mail.rc
set ask askcc append dot save crt
ignore Received Message-Id Resent-Message-Id Status Mail-From Return-Path Via Delivered-To
set mta=/usr/bin/msmtp
[NOTE]: There is also an issue with msmtp in that it's not populating automatically the "From:" header in the message so emails get rejected, to fix it, when calling mail make sure to do it manually:
echo TEST | mail -a "From: raspberry#<REDACTED>" --debug-level 10 -s '[rasp] server' <REDACTED>#gmail.com
This makes email sending work again from my Raspberry Pi on Debian buster/sid.

cannot execute binary file centos?

I am using centos 6.9 and want to install xampp. But when I run the command on the terminal it showing error i.e. cannot execute binary file. So, How can I fix this problem and successfully install xampp ? Please help me.
chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-7.0.22-0-installer.run
after this command it showing
bash: ./xampp-linux-x64-7.0.22-0-installer.run: cannot execute binary file
You're probably running the install (binary) with a lesser privileged user. You'll have to use root user for modifying SELinux settings as such:
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t '/<install-location>(/.*)/?'
restorecon -R -v /<install-location>/

Unable to run "gearman" command line tool with gearman 1.1.6

I am trying to run the example on "http://gearman.org/getting_started" on Ubuntu in VirtualBox environment.
At first I tried to download an old version 0.16 by using apt-get install gearman-job-server, apt-get install gearman-tools and everything worked well. The server ran in the background, I was able to create 2 workers and verify that I can call them by creating a client.
I decided to download and compile the latest version, 1.1.6. Now, I am trying to do the same thing with the new version and I am having errors.
I run the server as admin:
sudo gearmand
The statement
gearadmin --getpid
seems to work - it returns me the process ID of the server. Thus, the server is running, and this answer is not relevant.
Now, I am adding a worker:
gearman -w -f wc -- wc -l
It seems to run.
gearadmin --workers
results in something that probably represents and empty list :
33 - :
(In version 0.16, I was able to see 2 lines, the second showing the registered function name.)
Attempting to run the client
gearman -f wc < /etc/passwd
results in
gearman: gearman_client_run_tasks : flush(GEARMAN_COULD_NOT_CONNECT) localhost:0 -> libgearman/connection.cc:671"
This might be the very same problem described in here - the port not specified, but I have no idea how to do it through the command line tool.
Any idea?
Ok, It looks like the answer in here was the key to success. Probably, the "getting started" section was not updated for a while. Indeed, one must specify a port explicitly for gearmand and gearman .
sudo gearmand -p 5000
gearman -p 5000 -w -f wc -- wc -l
gearman -p 5000 -f wc < /etc/passwd

Installing git-flow on Ubuntu 10.10 fails silently

I'm trying to install gitflow using the directions on the github readme a la : wget -q -O - https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/raw/develop/contrib/gitflow-installer.sh | sudo sh
And it's failing silently...just back to the prompt. Any ideas?
Hey, it is a problem with github certificate and wget
ERROR: certificate common name `*.github.com' doesn't match requested host name `github.com'.
To connect to github.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
just override wget checks
wget --no-check-certificate -q -O - https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/raw/develop/contrib/gitflow-installer.sh | sudo sh
works just fine ;)