Google Cloud Storage not handling UTF-8 filenames - unicode

I am serving files from Google Cloud Storage and some of the filenames contain non-ASCII, UTF-8 encoded characters. For example, volvía.mp3.
If I request volvía.mp3, GCS throws an error.
If I percent encode the filename (í = %C3%AD) as volv%C3%AD.mp3, it still fails.
If I percent encode the filename using the "combining acute accent" = %CC%81 as volvi%CC%81a.mp3, it succeeds.
Any ideas what is going on?
EDIT: The error it throws is an "Access Denied" error:
Anonymous users does not have storage.objects.get access to object. However, this seems to be the error one gets when requesting an object that's not found.

The problem is due Mac OS's HFS+ file system, which enforces canonical decomposition (NFD) on filenames. This means it normalizes characters such as í into two code points (i + combining acute accent) rather than the single code point that is used in "composed" forms, ie., NFC).
GCS treats these two different forms as distinct filenames, despite that fact that they appear identical.
One solution is to convert NFD filenames to the more common NFC forms (using a utility such as convmv) before uploading to GCS. However, this can't be done on Mac OS because the file system itself enforces NFD.

I was not able to reproduce your issue. I uploaded an object named volvía.mp3 and was able to retrieve it as bothía.mp3 and
I suspect that you actually created an object with the "combining acute accent" character instead. How did you upload your object?


How to handle spectial characters in Tritium

I'm working on a Spanish site using MoovWeb & Tritium but I am having issues with special characters.
For a content, wherever there are special characters, it always jumbles them up and show blocks or question-mark character. I don't have access to the source code of original site so I cannot determine if the site was using proper HTML-safe alternatives for special characters.
Is there any way to manage or handle special characters in tritium easily instead of doing some kind of find & replace routine?
While developing locally, you will have the source of the original site in the tmp/messages directory of your project. This is the raw response from the origin server, so any special encoding or character bytes will be preserved. If you can determine the bytes that make up the special characters, you can use Tritium's replace() function to change these bytes to HTML-safe alternatives. For example,
replace(/\xe9/, "é")
where \xe9 is the byte sequence for é.
This is assuming that this character was encoded properly. If not, you'll have to isolate the malformed bytes and replace those one by one.

How to determine if a file is IBM1047 encoded

I have a bunch of XML files that are declared as encoding="IBM1047" but they don't seem to be:
when converted with iconv from IBM1047 to UTF-8 or ISO8859-1 (Latin 1) they result in indecipherable garbage
file -i <name_of_file> says "unknown 8-bit encoding"
when parsed by an XML parser the parser complains there is text before the prolog but there isn't; this error doesn't happen if I change the encoding in the XML declaration to something else
It would be nice to find out the real encoding of these files (I tried 'file -i' as mentioned above, and 'enca' but it's limited to Slavic languages (the files are in French)).
I have little control about how these files are produced; short of finding the actual encoding, if I can prove conclusively that the files are not in fact IBM1047 I may get the producer to do something about it.
How do I prove it?
Some special chars:
'é' is '©'
'à' is 'ë'
'è' is 'Û'
'ê' is 'ª'
The only way to prove that any class of data streams is encoded or not encoded in a particular way is to know, for at least one instance of the class, exactly what characters are supposed to be in the stream. If you have agreement on what characters are (supposed to be) in a particular test case, you can then calculate the bits that should be in the IBM 1047 (or any other) encoding of the test case, and compare those bits to the bits you actually see.
One simple way for EBCDIC data to be mangled, of course, is for it to have passed through some EBCDIC/ASCII gateway along the way that used a translate table designed for some other EBCDIC code page. But if you are working with EBCDIC data you presumably already know that.

Encoding special chars in XSLT output

I have built a set of scripts, part of which transform XML documents from one vocabulary to a subset of the document in another vocabulary.
For reasons that are opaque to me, but apparently non-negotiable, the target platform (Java-based) requires the output document to have 'encoding="UTF-8"' in the XML declaration, but some special characters within text nodes must be encoded with their hex unicode value - e.g. '”' must be replaced with '”' and so forth. I have not been able to acquire a definitive list of which chars must be encoded, but it does not appear to be as simple as "all non-ASCII".
Currently, I have a horrid mess of VBScript using ADODB to directly check each line of the output file after processing, and replace characters where necessary. This is painfully slow, and unsurprisingly some characters get missed (and are consequently nuked by the target platform).
While I could waste time "refining" the VBScript, the long-term aim is to get rid of that entirely, and I'm sure there must be a faster and more accurate way of achieving this, ideally within the XSLT stage itself.
Can anyone suggest any fruitful avenues of investigation?
(edit: I'm not convinced that character maps are the answer - I've looked at them before, and unless I'm mistaken, since my input could conceivably contain any unicode character, I would need to have a map containing all of them except the ones I don't want encoded...)
<xsl:output encoding="us-ascii"/>
Tells the serialiser that it has to produce ASCII-compatible output. That should force it to produce character references for all non-ASCII characters in text content and attribute values. (Should there be non-ASCII in other places like tag or attribute names, serialisation will fail.)
Well with XSLT 2.0 you have tagged your post with you can use a character map, see

Input utf-8 characters in management studio

We currently build files for many different companies. Our job as a company is basically to sit in between other companies and help with communication and data storage. We have begun to run in to encoding issues where we are receiving data encoded in one format but we need to send it out in another. All files were prevsiously built using the .net framework default of UTF-8. However we've discovered that certain companies cannot read utf-8 files. I assume because they have older systems that require something else. This becomes apparent when sending certain french charaters in particular.
I have a solution in place where we can build a specific file for a specific member using a specific encoding. (While I understand that this may not be enough, unfortunately this is as far as I can go at the moment due to other issues.)
Anyways, I'm at the testing stage and I want to input utf-8 or other characters into management studio. Perform an update on some data and then verify that the file is built correctly from that data. I realize that this is not perfect. I've already tried programatically reading the file and verifying the encoding by reading preambles etc. So this is what I'm stuck with. According to this website ... I can input utf-8 characters by clicking ALT+&+#+"decimal representation of character" or ALT+"decimal representation of character" but when I use the data specified by the table I get completely different characters in management studio. I've even saved the file in a utf-8 format using management studio by clicking the arrow on the save button in the save dialog and specifying the encoding. So my question is how can I accurately specify a character that will end up being the character I'm trying to input and actually put it in the data that will then be put in a file.
I eventually found the solution. The website doesn't specify that you need to type ALT+0+"decimal character representation". The zero was left out. I'd been searching for this for ages.

Command-line arguments as bytes instead of strings in python3

I'm writing a python3 program, that gets the names of files to process from command-line arguments. I'm confused regarding what is the proper way to handle different encodings.
I think I'd rather consider filenames as bytes and not strings, since that avoids the danger of using an incorrect encoding. Indeed, some of my file names use an incorrect encoding (latin1 when my system locale uses utf-8), but that doesn't prevent tools like ls from working. I'd like my tool to be resilient to that as well.
I have two problems: the command-line arguments are given to me as strings (I use argparse), and I want to report errors to the user as strings.
I've successfuly adapted my code to use binaries, and my tool can handle files whose name are invalid in the current default encoding, as long as it is by recursing trough the filesystem, because I convert the arguments to binaries early, and use binaries when calling fs functions. When I receive a filename argument which is invalid, however, it is handed to me as a unicode string with strange characters like \udce8. I do not know what these are, and trying to encode it always fail, be it with utf8 or with the corresponding (wrong) encoding (latin1 here).
The other problem is for reporting errors. I expect users of my tool to parse my stdout (hence wanting to preserve filenames), but when reporting errors on stderr I'd rather encode it in utf-8, replacing invalid sequences with appropriate "invalid/question mark" characters.
1) Is there a better, completely different way to do it ? (yes, fixing the filenames is planned, but i'd still like my tool to be robust)
2) How do I get the command line arguments in their original binary form (not pre-decoded for me), knowing that for invalid sequences re-encoding the decoded argument will fail, and
3) How do I tell the utf-8 codec to replace invalid, undecodable sequences with some invalid mark rather than dying on me ?
When I receive a filename argument
which is invalid, however, it is
handed to me as a unicode string with
strange characters like \udce8.
Those are surrogate characters. The low 8 bits is the original invalid byte.
See PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces.
Don't go against the grain: filenames are strings, not bytes.
You shouldn't use a bytes when you should use a string. A bytes is a tuple of integers. A string is a tuple of characters. They are different concepts. What you're doing is like using an integer when you should use a boolean.
(Aside: Python stores all strings in-memory under Unicode; all strings are stored the same way. Encoding specifies how Python converts the on-file bytes into this in-memory format.)
Your operating system stores filenames as strings under a specific encoding. I'm surprised you say that some filenames have different encodings; as far as I know, the filename encoding is system-wide. Functions like open default to the default system filename encoding, for example.