Apache Flink dynamic number of Sinks - apache-kafka

I am using Apache Flink and the KafkaConsumer to read some values from a Kafka Topic.
I also have a stream obtained from reading a file.
Depending on the received values, I would like to write this stream on different Kafka Topics.
Basically, I have a network with a leader linked to many children. For each child, the Leader needs to write the stream read in a child-specific Kafka Topic, so that the child can read it.
When the child is started, it registers itself in the Kafka topic read from the Leader.
The problem is that I don't know a priori how many children I have.
For example, I read 1 from the Kafka Topic, I want to write the stream in just one Kafka Topic named Topic1.
I read 1-2, I want to write on two Kafka Topics (Topic1 and Topic2).
I don't know if it is possible because in order to write on the Topic, I am using the Kafka Producer along with the addSink method and to my understanding (and from my attempts) it seems that Flink requires to know the number of sinks a priori.
But then, is there no way to obtain such behavior?

If I understood your problem well, I think you can solve it with a single sink, since you can choose the Kafka topic based on the record being processed. It also seems that one element from the source might be written to more than one topic, in which case you would need a FlatMapFunction to replicate each source record N times (one for each output topic). I would recommend to output as a pair (aka Tuple2) with (topic, record).
DataStream<Tuple2<String, MyValue>> stream = input.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<>() {
public void flatMap(MyValue value, Collector<Tupple2<String, MyValue>> out) {
for (String topic : topics) {
out.collect(Tuple2.of(topic, value));
Then you can use the topic previously computed by creating the FlinkKafkaProducer with a KeyedSerializationSchema in which you implement getTargetTopic to return the first element of the pair.
stream.addSink(new FlinkKafkaProducer10<>(
new KeyedSerializationSchema<>() {
public String getTargetTopic(Tuple2<String, MyValue> element) {
return element.f0;

Is now deprecated. Instead you have to use "KafkaSerializationSchema"
The same can be achieved by overriding the serialize method.
public ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> serialize(
String inputString, #Nullable Long aLong){
return new ProducerRecord<>(customTopicName,
key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), inputString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));


How to test a ProducerInterceptor in a Kafka Streams topology?

I have the requirement to pipe records from one topic to another, keeping the original partitioning intact (the original producer use a non-native Kafka partitioner). The reason for this is that the source topic is uncompressed, and we wish to "reprocess" the data into a compressed topic - transparently, from the point of view of the original producers and consumers.
I have a trivial KStreams topology that does this using a ProducerInterceptor:
void buildPipeline(StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder) {
together with:
interceptor.classes: com.acme.interceptor.PartitionByHeaderInterceptor
This interceptor looks in the message headers (which contain a partition Id header) and simply redirects the ProducerRecord to the original topic:
public ProducerRecord<K, V> onSend(ProducerRecord<K, V> record) {
int partition = extractSourcePartition(record);
return new ProducerRecord<>(record.topic(), partition, record.timestamp(), record.key(), record.value(), record.headers());
My question is: how can I test this interceptor in a test topology (i.e. integration test)?
I've tried adding:
(which is how I enable the interceptor in production code)
to my test topology stream configuration, but my interceptor is not called by the test topology driver.
Is what I'm trying to do currently technically possible?

Apache Kafka Streams : Out-of-Order messages

I have an Apache Kafka 2.6 Producer which writes to topic-A (TA).
I also have a Kafka streams application which consumes from TA and writes to topic-B (TB).
In the streams application, I have a custom timestamp extractor which extracts the timestamp from the message payload.
For one of my failure handling test cases, I shutdown the Kafka cluster while my applications are running.
When the producer application tries to write messages to TA, it cannot because the cluster is down and hence (I assume) buffers the messages.
Let's say it receives 4 messages m1,m2,m3,m4 in increasing time order. (i.e. m1 is first and m4 is last).
When I bring the Kafka cluster back online, the producer sends the buffered messages to the topic, but they are not in order. I receive for example, m2 then m3 then m1 and then m4.
Why is that ? Is it because the buffering in the producer is multi-threaded with each producing to the topic at the same time ?
I assumed that the custom timestamp extractor would help in ordering messages when consuming them. But they do not. Or maybe my understanding of the timestamp extractor is wrong.
I got one solution from SO here, to just stream all events from tA to another intermediate topic (say tA') which will use the TimeStamp extractor to another topic. But I am not sure if this will cause the events to get reordered based on the extracted timestamp.
My code for the Producer is as shown below (I am using Spring Cloud for creating the Producer):
public class Producer {
private String topicName = "input-topic";
private ApplicationProperties appProps;
private KafkaTemplate<String, MyEvent> kafkaTemplate;
public Producer() {
public void setAppProps(ApplicationProperties appProps) {
this.appProps = appProps;
this.topicName = appProps.getInput().getTopicName();
public void sendMessage(String key, MyEvent ce) {
ListenableFuture<SendResult<String,MyEvent>> future = this.kafkaTemplate.send(this.topicName, key, ce);
Why is that ? Is it because the buffering in the producer is multi-threaded with each producing to the topic at the same time ?
By default, the producer allow for up to 5 parallel in-flight requests to a broker, and thus if some requests fail and are retried the request order might change.
To avoid this re-ordering issue, you can either set max.in.flight.requests.per.connection = 1 (what may have a performance hit) or set enable.idempotence = true.
Btw: you did not say if your topic has a single partition or multiple partitions, and if your messages have a key? If your topic has more then one partition and you messages are sent to different partitions, there is no ordering guarantee on read anyway, because offset ordering is only guaranteed within a partition.
I assumed that the custom timestamp extractor would help in ordering messages when consuming them. But they do not. Or maybe my understanding of the timestamp extractor is wrong.
The timestamp extractor only extracts a timestamp. Kafka Streams does not re-order any messages, but processes messages always in offset-order.
If not, then what are the specific uses of the timestamp extractor ? Just to associate a timestamp with an event ?
I got one solution from SO here, to just stream all events from tA to another intermediate topic (say tA') which will use the TimeStamp extractor to another topic. But I am not sure if this will cause the events to get reordered based on the extracted timestamp.
No, it won't do any reordering. The other SO question is just about to change the timestamp, but if you read messages in order a,b,c the result would be written in order a,b,c (just with different timestamps, but offset order should be preserved).
This talk explains some more details: https://www.confluent.io/kafka-summit-san-francisco-2019/whats-the-time-and-why/


I writing KafkaStreams application and set the maximum.num.threads as one. I've three source topics and have 6,8,8 partitions respectively. Currently running this streamtopology with 4 instances so 4 running streams threads.
I'm getting INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_TOPIC_METADATA in one of my kafka topics. I found below code from github
throwing this error and trying to understand the code
final Map<String, InternalTopicConfig> repartitionTopicMetadata = new HashMap<>();
for (final InternalTopologyBuilder.TopicsInfo topicsInfo : topicGroups.values()) {
for (final String topic : topicsInfo.sourceTopics) {
if (!topicsInfo.repartitionSourceTopics.keySet().contains(topic) &&
!metadata.topics().contains(topic)) {
log.error("Missing source topic {} during assignment. Returning error {}.",
topic, AssignorError.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_TOPIC_METADATA.name());
return new GroupAssignment(
errorAssignment(clientMetadataMap, topic,
for (final InternalTopicConfig topic : topicsInfo.repartitionSourceTopics.values()) {
repartitionTopicMetadata.put(topic.name(), topic);
My questions:
Is this error comes because of partition mismatch on Kafka topics, or TopicsInfo is not available at the time (Think like Kafka group lost its access to the Kafka topic)?
what is meant by topicsInfo.repartitionSourceTopics call?
The error means that Kafka Streams could not fetch all required metadata for the used topics and thus cannot proceed. This could happen if a topic does not exist (ie, not created yet or miss spelled), or if the corresponding metadata was not broadcasted to all brokers yet (for this case, the error should be transient). Note that metadata is updated asynchronously and thus there might be some delay until all brokers learn about a new topic.

How to implement Exactly-Once Kafka Consumer without manually assigning partitions

I was going through this article which explains how to ensure message is processed exactly once by doing following:
Read (topic, partition, offset) from database on start/restart
Read message from specific (topic, partition, offset)
Atomically do following things:
Processing message
Commit offset to database as (topic, partition, offset)
As you can see, it explicitly specified from which partition to read messages. I feel its not good idea as it does not let allow Kafka to assign fair share of partition to active consumers. I am not able to come with logic to implement similar functionality without explicitly specifying partitions while polling kafka topic inside consumer. Is it possible to do?
Good analysis. You have a very good point and if possible you should certainly let kafka handle the partition assignment to consumers.
There is an alternative to consumer.Assign(Partition[]). The kafka brokers will notify your consumers when a partition is revoked or assigned to the consumer. For example, the dotnet client library has a 'SetPartitionsRevoked' and 'SetPartitionsAssigned' handler, that consumers can use to manage their offsets.
When a partition is revoked, persist your last processed offset for each partition being revoked to the database. When a new partition is assigned, get the last processed offset for that partition from the database and use that.
C# Example:
public class Program
public void Main(string[] args)
using (
var consumer = new ConsumerBuilder<string, string>(config)
while (true)
public IEnumerable<TopicPartitionOffset>
IConsumer<string, string> consumer,
List<TopicPartitionOffset> currentTopicPartitionOffsets
Persist(<last processed offset for each partition in
return tpos;
public IEnumerable<TopicPartitionOffset> HandlePartitionsAssigned
IConsumer<string, string> consumer,
List<TopicPartition> tps
List<TopicPartitionOffset> tpos = FetchOffsetsFromDbForTopicPartitions(tps);
return tpos
Java Example from the ConsumerRebalanceListener Docs:
If writing in Java, there is a 'ConsumerRebalanceListener' interface that you can implement. You then pass your implementation of the interface into the consumer.Subscribe(topic, listener) method. The example below is taken verbatim from the kafka docs linked above:
public class SaveOffsetsOnRebalance implements ConsumerRebalanceListener {
private Consumer<?,?> consumer;
public SaveOffsetsOnRebalance(Consumer<?,?> consumer) {
this.consumer = consumer;
public void onPartitionsRevoked(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
// save the offsets in an external store using some custom code not described here
for(TopicPartition partition: partitions)
public void onPartitionsAssigned(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
// read the offsets from an external store using some custom code not described here
for(TopicPartition partition: partitions)
consumer.seek(partition, readOffsetFromExternalStore(partition));
If my understanding is correct, you would call the java version like this: consumer.Subscribe("My topic", new SaveOffsetsOnRebalance(consumer)).
For more information, see the 'Storing Offsets Outside Kafka' section of the kafka docs.
Here's an excerpt from those docs that summarizes how to store the partitions and offsets for exactly-once processing:
Each record comes with its own offset, so to manage your own offset
you just need to do the following:
Configure enable.auto.commit=false
Use the offset provided with each ConsumerRecord to save your position.
On restart restore the position of the consumer using seek(TopicPartition, long).
This type of usage is simplest when the partition assignment is also
done manually (this would be likely in the search index use case
described above). If the partition assignment is done automatically
special care is needed to handle the case where partition assignments
change. This can be done by providing a ConsumerRebalanceListener
instance in the call to subscribe(Collection,
ConsumerRebalanceListener) and subscribe(Pattern,
ConsumerRebalanceListener). For example, when partitions are taken
from a consumer the consumer will want to commit its offset for those
partitions by implementing
ConsumerRebalanceListener.onPartitionsRevoked(Collection). When
partitions are assigned to a consumer, the consumer will want to look
up the offset for those new partitions and correctly initialize the
consumer to that position by implementing
Another common use for ConsumerRebalanceListener is to flush any
caches the application maintains for partitions that are moved

Kafka Streams: Custom TimestampExtractor for aggregation

I am building a pretty straightforward KafkaStreams demo application, to test a use case.
I am not able to upgrade the Kafka broker I am using (which is currently on version 0.10.0), and there are several messages written by a pre-0.10.0 Producer, so I am using a custom TimestampExtractor, which I add as a default to the config in the beginning of my main class:
config.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_CONFIG, GenericRecordTimestampExtractor.class);
When consuming from my source topic, this works perfectly fine. But when using an aggregation operator, I run into an exception because the FailOnInvalidTimestamp implementation of TimestampExtractor is used instead of the custom implementation when consuming from the internal aggregation topic.
The code of the Streams app looks something like this:
KStream<String, MyValueClass> clickStream = streamsBuilder
.stream("mytopic", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), valueClassSerde));
KTable<Windowed<Long>, Long> clicksByCustomerId = clickStream
.map(((key, value) -> new KeyValue<>(value.getId(), value)))
.groupByKey(Serialized.with(Serdes.Long(), valueClassSerde))
The Exception I'm encountering is the following:
Exception in thread "click-aggregator-b9d77f2e-0263-4fa3-bec4-e48d4d6602ab-StreamThread-1" org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException:
Input record ConsumerRecord(topic = click-aggregator-KSTREAM-AGGREGATE-STATE-STORE-0000000002-repartition, partition = 9, offset = 0, CreateTime = -1, serialized key size = 8, serialized value size = 652, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = 11230, value = org.example.MyValueClass#2a3f2ea2) has invalid (negative) timestamp.
Possibly because a pre-0.10 producer client was used to write this record to Kafka without embedding a timestamp, or because the input topic was created before upgrading the Kafka cluster to 0.10+. Use a different TimestampExtractor to process this data.
Now the question is: Is there any way I can make Kafka Streams use the custom TimestampExtractor when reading from the internal aggregation topic (optimally while still using the Streams DSL)?
You cannot change the timestamp extractor (as of v1.0.0). This is not allowed for correctness reasons.
But I am really wondering, how a record with timestamp -1 is written into this topic in the first place. Kafka Streams uses the timestamp that was provided by your custom extractor when writing the record. Also note, that KafkaProducer does not allow to write records with negative timestamp.
Thus, the only explanation I can think of is that some other producer did write into the repartitioning topic -- and this is not allowed... Only Kafka Streams should write into the repartioning topic.
I guess, you will need to delete this topic and let Kafka Streams recreate it to get back into a clean state.
From the discussion/comment of the other answer:
You need 0.10+ format to work with Kafka Streams. If you upgrade your brokers and keep 0.9 format or older, Kafka Streams might not work as expected.
It is well known issue :-). I have the same problem with old clients in the projects which are still using older Kafka clients like 0.9 and also when communicating with some "not certified" .NET clients.
Therefore I wrote dedicated class:
public class MyTimestampExtractor implements TimestampExtractor {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger( MyTimestampExtractor.class );
public long extract ( ConsumerRecord<Object, Object> consumerRecord, long previousTimestamp ) {
final long timestamp = consumerRecord.timestamp();
if ( timestamp < 0 ) {
final String msg = consumerRecord.toString().trim();
LOG.warn( "Record has wrong Kafka timestamp: {}. It will be patched with local timestamp. Details: {}", timestamp, msg );
return System.currentTimeMillis();
return timestamp;
When there are many messages you may skip logging, as it may flood.
After reading Matthias' answer I double checked everything and the cause of the issue were incompatible versions between the Kafka Broker and the Kafka Streams app. I was stupid enough to use Kafka Streams 1.0.0 with a Broker, which is clearly stated as incompatible in the Kafka Wiki here.
Edit (thx to Matthias): The actual cause of the problem was the fact, that the log format used by our 0.10.1.x broker was still 0.9.0.x, which is incompatible with Kafka Streams.