need a example about kube-proxy config file - kubernetes

When installing kubernetes 1.7.2 and a warning about kube-proxy appears
WARNING: all flags other than --config, --write-config-to, and --cleanup-iptables are deprecated. Please begin using a config file ASAP.
So I try make my own config file, like this,
"bind-address": "",
"hostname-override": "",
"cluster-cidr": "",
"logtostderr": true,
"v": 0,
"allow-privileged": true,
"master": "",
"etcd-servers": ""
but I still get error
error: Object 'apiVersion' is missing in '{
I think I need some example about the config file, but I googled without any result, even search the source code in git , I found nothing usefull, please help!
ps, I found way to generate example file , just use --write-config-to command line , the example is below
apiVersion: componentconfig/v1alpha1
acceptContentTypes: ""
burst: 10
contentType: application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf
kubeconfig: ""
qps: 5
clusterCIDR: ""
configSyncPeriod: 15m0s
max: 0
maxPerCore: 32768
min: 131072
tcpCloseWaitTimeout: 1h0m0s
tcpEstablishedTimeout: 24h0m0s
enableProfiling: false
featureGates: ""
hostnameOverride: ""
masqueradeAll: false
masqueradeBit: 14
minSyncPeriod: 0s
syncPeriod: 30s
kind: KubeProxyConfiguration
mode: ""
oomScoreAdj: -999
portRange: ""
resourceContainer: /kube-proxy
udpTimeoutMilliseconds: 250ms

I am using k8s version 1.10.3, and just for simplicity and testing, i disable service account in apiserver by adding the item
And for kube-proxy, just add the --master item, e.g.
./kube-proxy --master --v=3
and the kube-proxy turns out to be working.


cloud-init - Hostname strange behavior

I am using the cloud-Assembly to create a VM with following settings:
domain: test.local
Cloud Assembly code below:
cloudConfig: |
preserve_hostname: false
prefer_fqdn_over_hostname: false
hostname: '${input.hostname}'
fqdn: '${input.hostname}.${input.domain}'
What I am getting is the following:
redhat-kouvas-1500-localtest log]# hostname
cat /var/lib/cloud/data/set-hostname
"fqdn": "redhat-kouvas-1500-localtest.test.local",
"hostname": "redhat-kouvas-1500-localtest"
cat /var/lib/cloud/data/previous-hostname
redhat-kouvas-1500-localtest.test.local[root#redhat-kouvas-1500-localtest log]#
Do you know why the cloud-init has this strange behavior??
Copied the following from cloud-init documentation
cloud-init-documentation link
Internal name: cc_set_hostname
Module frequency: once-per-instance
Supported distros: all
Config schema:
preserve_hostname: (boolean) If true, the hostname will not be changed. Default: false.
hostname: (string) The hostname to set.
fqdn: (string) The fully qualified domain name to set.
prefer_fqdn_over_hostname: (boolean) If true, the fqdn will be used if it is set. If false, the hostname will be used. If unset, the result is distro-dependent.
preserve_hostname: true
# --- Example2 ---
hostname: myhost
prefer_fqdn_over_hostname: true
Issue resolved by changing the preserve_hostname: True

Replace a line in a config file using variables with ansible

Question is similar to this one: Replace a line in a config file with ansible . Difference is that my playbook is first copying a file to a destination and then editing that same file after it's been copied. Also I'm using variables to replace the string, however it isn't changing the lines that contain the particular string site_name in the conf file.
- hosts: server-test2
become: true
- name: Configuring nginx for the new site
src: ../provision-server/nginx.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/{{site_name}}.conf
mode: 064
- name: Configuring nginx for the new site
become: true
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/{{site_name}}.conf
regexp: '^(.*)site_name(.*)$'
line: "{{site_name}}"
backrefs: yes
TASK [Configuring nginx for the new site] **************************************************************
task path: /home/melvmagr/repos/ansible/provision-server/wp-db-nginx-conf.yml:10
ok: [server-test2] => {"changed": false, "checksum": "904d19dde94ad38672d751246fd2680ce297244d", "dest": "/etc/nginx/conf.d/", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0064", "owner": "root", "path": "/etc/nginx/conf.d/", "size": 4232, "state": "file", "uid": 0}
TASK [Configuringg nginx for the new site] *************************************************************
task path: /home/melvmagr/repos/ansible/provision-server/wp-db-nginx-conf.yml:15
ok: [server-test2] => {"backup": "", "changed": false, "msg": ""}
META: ran handlers
META: ran handlers
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************
server-test2 : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
As one can see, changed=0 and upon checking the conf file it remains site_name instead of
Another thing I tried was to use the replace module but got same output.
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/{{site_name}}.conf
regexp: '(^site_name)(.*)$'
replace: '{{site_name}}'
Any ideas why this is happening or what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
Appreciate all of you for the help but I've managed to find what I was looking for, after lots of trials and errors. I did indeed need to use the ansible.builtin.replace module. Apparently what I was using (the lineinfile module) was not made for changing ALL the lines that contain a particular string (reference: so basically just to put things into perspective, I needed to change my playbook with the following;
- name: Configuring nginx for the new site
become: true
src: ../provision-server/nginx.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/{{site_name}}.conf
mode: 064
- name: Configuring nginx for the new site
become: yes
become_user: root
path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/{{site_name}}.conf
regexp: ''
replace: "{{site_name}}"

how openstack remove offline host node by kolla-ansible

I have an offline host node which includes (compute node, control node and storage node). This host node was shutdown by accident and can't recover to online. All services about that node are down and enable but I can't set to disable.
So I can't remove the host by:
kolla-ansible -i multinode stop --yes-i-really-really-mean-it --limit node-17
I get this error:
TASK [Gather facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [node-17]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: connect to host node-17 port 22: Connection timed out", "unreachable": true}
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
node-17 : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
How can I remove that offline host node? THX.
PS: Why I remove that offline host?
node-14(online) : **manage node which kolla-ansible installed**; compute node, control node and storage node
node-15(online) : compute node, control node and storage node
node-17(offline) : compute node, control node and storage node
osc99 (adding) : compute node, control node and storage node
Because when I deploy a new host(osc99) with (the multinode file had comment the node-17 line):
kolla-ansible -i multinode deploy --limit osc99
kolla-ansible will report error:
TASK [keystone : include_tasks] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: .../share/kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/init_fernet.yml for osc99
TASK [keystone : Waiting for Keystone SSH port to be UP] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [osc99]
TASK [keystone : Initialise fernet key authentication] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [osc99 -> node-14]
TASK [keystone : Run key distribution] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [osc99 -> node-14]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["docker", "exec", "-t", "keystone_fernet", "/usr/bin/"], "delta": "0:00:04.006900", "end": "2021-07-12 10:14:05.217609", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 255, "start": "2021-07-12 10:14:01.210709", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "Warning: Permanently added '[node.15]:8023' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\r\nssh: connect to host node.17 port 8023: No route to host\r\r\nrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]\r\nrsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.2]", "stdout_lines": ["Warning: Permanently added '[node.15]:8023' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.", "", "ssh: connect to host node.17 port 8023: No route to host", "", "rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]", "rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.2]"]}
NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
osc99 : ok=120 changed=55 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=31 rescued=0 ignored=1
How could I fixed this error, this is the main point whether or not I can remove the offline host.
Maybe I could fixed that by change the init_fernet.yml file:
node-14:~$ cat .../share/kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/keystone/tasks/init_fernet.yml
- name: Waiting for Keystone SSH port to be UP
host: "{{ api_interface_address }}"
port: "{{ keystone_ssh_port }}"
connect_timeout: 1
register: check_keystone_ssh_port
until: check_keystone_ssh_port is success
retries: 10
delay: 5
- name: Initialise fernet key authentication
become: true
command: "docker exec -t keystone_fernet kolla_keystone_bootstrap {{ keystone_username }} {{ keystone_groupname }}"
register: fernet_create
changed_when: fernet_create.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and (fernet_create.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed
until: fernet_create.stdout.split()[2] == 'SUCCESS' or fernet_create.stdout.find('Key repository is already initialized') != -1
retries: 10
delay: 5
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['keystone'][0] }}"
- name: Run key distribution
become: true
command: docker exec -t keystone_fernet /usr/bin/
run_once: True
delegate_to: "{{ groups['keystone'][0] }}"
by changing the delegate_to: "{{ groups['keystone'][0] }}? But I can't implement that.

How to pass extra configuration to RabbitMQ with Helm?

I'm using this chart: to deploy a cluster of 3 RabbitMQ nodes on Kubernetes. My intention is to have all the queues mirrored within 2 nodes in the cluster.
Here's the command I use to run Helm: helm install --name rabbitmq-local -f rabbitmq-values.yaml stable/rabbitmq
And here's the content of rabbitmq-values.yaml:
enabled: true
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 100m
replicas: 3
extraConfiguration: |-
"policies": [
"name": "queue-mirroring-exactly-two",
"pattern": "^ha\.",
"vhost": "/",
"definition": {
"ha-mode": "exactly",
"ha-params": 2
However, the nodes fail to start due to some parsing errors, and they stay in crash loop. Here's the output of kubectl logs rabbitmq-local-0:
Config file generation failed:
=CRASH REPORT==== 23-Jul-2019::15:32:52.880991 ===
initial call: lager_handler_watcher:init/1
pid: <0.95.0>
registered_name: []
exception exit: noproc
in function gen:do_for_proc/2 (gen.erl, line 228)
in call from gen_event:rpc/2 (gen_event.erl, line 239)
in call from lager_handler_watcher:install_handler2/3 (src/lager_handler_watcher.erl, line 117)
in call from lager_handler_watcher:init/1 (src/lager_handler_watcher.erl, line 51)
in call from gen_server:init_it/2 (gen_server.erl, line 374)
in call from gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 342)
ancestors: [lager_handler_watcher_sup,lager_sup,<0.87.0>]
message_queue_len: 0
messages: []
links: [<0.90.0>]
dictionary: []
trap_exit: false
status: running
heap_size: 610
stack_size: 27
reductions: 228
15:32:53.679 [error] Syntax error in /opt/bitnami/rabbitmq/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf after line 14 column 1, parsing incomplete
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 23-Jul-2019::15:32:53.681369 ===
supervisor: {local,gr_counter_sup}
errorContext: child_terminated
reason: killed
offender: [{pid,<0.97.0>},
=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 23-Jul-2019::15:32:53.681514 ===
supervisor: {local,gr_param_sup}
errorContext: child_terminated
reason: killed
offender: [{pid,<0.96.0>},
If I remove the rabbitmq.extraConfiguration part, the nodes start properly, so it must be something wrong with the way I'm typing in the policy. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you.
According to, it is possible to link a JSON configuration as extraConfiguration. So we ended up with this setup that works:
enabled: true
secretName: rabbitmq-load-definition
management.load_definitions = /app/load_definition.json
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: rabbitmq-load-definition
type: Opaque
load_definition.json: |-
"vhosts": [
"name": "/"
"policies": [
"name": "queue-mirroring-exactly-two",
"pattern": "^ha\.",
"vhost": "/",
"definition": {
"ha-mode": "exactly",
"ha-params": 2
The secret must be loaded into Kubernetes before the Helm chart is played, which goes something like this: kubectl apply -f ./rabbitmq-secret.yaml.
You can use config default of HelmChart
If needed, you can use extraSecrets to let the chart create the secret for you. This way, you don't need to manually create it before deploying a release. For example :
load_definition.json: |
"vhosts": [
"name": "/"
enabled: true
secretName: load-definition
extraConfiguration: |
management.load_definitions = /app/load_definition.json
Instead of using extraConfiguration, use advancedConfiguration, you should put all these info in this section as it is for classic config format (erlang)

Google container engine cluster showing large number of dns errors in logs

I am using google container engine and getting tons of dns errors in the logs.
10:33:11.000 I0720 17:33:11.547023 1 dns.go:439] Received DNS Request:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local., exact:false
10:46:11.000 I0720 17:46:11.546237 1 dns.go:539] records:[0xc8203153b0], retval:[{ 0 10 10 false 30 0 /skydns/local/cluster/svc/default/kubernetes/3465623435313164}], path:[local cluster svc default kubernetes]
This is the payload.
metadata: {
severity: "ERROR"
serviceName: ""
zone: "us-central1-f"
labels: { "some-name" "instance" "fluentd-cloud-logging-gke-master-cluster-default-pool-f5547509-" "instanceid" "fdsa" "someid" "stderr" "kube-system" "kubedns"
timestamp: "2016-07-20T17:33:11.000Z"
projectNumber: ""
textPayload: "I0720 17:33:11.547023 1 dns.go:439] Received DNS Request:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local., exact:false"
log: "kubedns"
Everything is working just the logs are polluted with errors. Any ideas on why this is happening or if I should be concerned?
Thanks for the question, Aaron. Those error messages are actually just tracing/debugging output from the container and don't indicate that anything is wrong. The fact that they get written out as error messages has been fixed in Kubernetes at head and will be better in the next release of Kubernetes.