Make a horizontal NSSlider vertical in Xcode - swift

I'm fairly new to Xcode and Swift. I dragged a horizontal NSSlider from Xcode's Object Library onto the View Controller of my Storyboard. Now I realize that I probably would have been better using a vertical slider. Is it possible to change my current slider into an actual vertical slider easily, keeping the max and min values, connections to my ViewController.swift file, etc. without having to reconfigure them?
I don't want to programmatically change it; I want it to be a static vertical slider.
I realize that in the documentation there is an isVertical variable to make it vertical, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want to it be vertical on my Storyboard, and be able to move it around – I don't want it to become vertical when viewDidLoad(). Actually I tried that out of curiosity and it didn't do a great job changing my horizontal slider into a vertical one.

Interface Builder derives the horizontal/verticalness of the slider based on whether it's wider or taller. So you can change this by editing the frame size of the slider to have a larger height than width.
One way do this is to view the storyboard document source (right click the file, Open As ▸ Source Code) and flip the width and height of the slider, e.g.:
When you open the document back as an Interface Builder Document, the slider will appear and act as a horizontal slider.

You can just drag a Vertical Slider in storyboard and remove the Horizontal Slider


Setting Buttons in Head of view

I am working with an app for macOS. So I want to set six Buttons in top of view using the complete width of view. When I resize the view the buttons should resize at the same time, so the width of the buttons should raise as the view is raising in same relation
How can I do that. Is it possible using the autolayout? Or do I need to change the position (x, y) and size programmatically? But how can I change the position?
Thank you for your help
Best regards
Programmatically, position and the size can be set by adjusting the .frame property of the NSView object.
Also, it could be archived with Auto Layout by setting the left and right constrains of each element (and not specifying a width constrain) so the distance between each element, and the distance from the left-most element to the view.minX and right-most element to view.maxX are fixed (while the width is calculated dynamically). Additionally, add a height constrain so the heights remain the same.
Please follow up if you need more information ;)

How to perform an interactive animation with Auto Layout in which you interpolate between different constraints?

I'd like to have an interactive animation where a view transitions from one set of constraints to another as the user drags up/down the screen. The background image should shrink vertically (easy), and the profile image should change from being horizontally and vertically aligned to the background image to being anchored to the top and left corners of the background image. Is this possible?
Yes, it is possible, and you can see this effect in the Avvo app, for example (in the lawyer profile screen). The trick here is to smoothly transition from one set of constraints to another.
Here's an outline of how to do this:
add a UIScrollView. Add the view you want to animate as a subview to the scroll view.
Make your view controller implement
In the delegate method
scrollViewDidScroll(_:), update the constraints' constants as
Also in that method, when contentOffset crosses a
threshold value, flip to a different set of constraints, by setting
their active property to true or false.
To keep the view (the headshot image, in my example), pinned to the top as you scroll, just continuously update its top spacing constraints based on the contentOffset.y value.
Achieving a perfectly smooth transition may take some trial and error, but it definitely can be done!
Here are the screenshots showing the transition as you scroll up:

How to change searchBar width programmatically? (Swift)

I'd like to resize my app components when device is turned into left or right side - when it keep horizontal position
I'm checking device rotation in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation event and then I have to change width of searchBar and tableView. How should I do it? I tried some variants with components .frame and with CGRect, nothing works.
it can be done without any code. View my answer below
If you laid out your elements in Interface Builder then you can just add an outlet to the width constraint of your search bar. Then, change the constraint's constant property to change the bar's width.
I found the way to do I need
So, the task is that components will be resized in width when device turns horizontally.
1) Select items must be resized
2) Select "Leading Space to SuperView"
3) Without unselection, select "Add missing Constraints"
That's it. Now they will be resized correctly

iOS: how to adjust positions of UI elements one by one properly by IB when some of them may change size?

For example, on a UIView, from left to right there are three buttons:,button1,button2,button3.
When button 1 become wider, such as its width become twice as its original width, is there any interface builder way that can make button2&3 move right automatically?
sorry for I didn't make my question clear.
I mean such kind of size change: I push button1, then I change it's frame in my code, not caused by the change of text in butotn1. I want button2&3 to move right automatically, keeping the width of the gap between button 1 and 2 unchanged.
Thanks everyone.
IB can be used only for initional positioning of views.
True, you can also define autoresizing masks of the views but that's about it.
Any additional laying out should be done in code.
I could be wrong, but I don't know of any way you can do this in IB. It's pretty straight forward in code though, just link the buttons to some IBOutlets and check the sizes of the images of the buttons (myUIImage.size), then adjust the frames of the buttons (do it in viewWillAppear).
Seen your edit - if you're adjusting its size using code, adjust its position too.
If your buttons are in a row at the bottom of the screen, consider using a UIToolBar. Its UIBarButtonItem objects automatically adjust to fit each other's width changes. For more generic cases, you'll need to recalculate positions and sizes as in Franklyn Weber's answer.
Yes - by using autoresizing masks. If you allow the margins to be flexible (no red lines connecting the frame to the superview's frame) and allow flexible width and height, the buttons will size and move proportionally.

how do i work on a taller view in interface builder?

OK, so I am learning to use UIScrollView in interface builder. since the scrollView itself does not have any content, I created another view, the contentView, to hold my controls and scrollable content. into this view I place controls, labels, etc and then in my code i set the contentSize of the scrollView to the size of this contentView.
My question seems stunningly simple and so obvious that I must have missed something somewhere. when I created this XIB in IB I got your standard empty iPhone interface window. I dropped a scrollView on top of it, it took up the whole window. I dropped a view on top of that, it took up the whole scrollview. I added some controls, which so far I can still see inside the contentView rectangle in IB.
My question is how do I work on/add controls which lie outside of the visible part of the contentView in IB? LOL. it seems so simple, but i just don't get it. I can set the height of the content view or drag the rectangle to whatever I like (and indeed this is the whole point of having a scrollview) but the fixed UI window from IB won't expand so i can see the "offscreen" part of the contentView to add more controls. It's like it's just fixed at that size because that's the size of one iPhone screen and it won't let me make it any bigger/taller.
what did I do wrong?
You need to turn off all simulated user interface elements (like the status bar) to be "undefined" except for size, which you select to be "Freeform" from the drop-down, and then you can set the view height using the Ruler tab to be whatever you like.
For example, here I've selected a photo view controller, and set the size in the right side bar to be "iPad Full Screen" - but I could also change that to "freeform" to set any height I wished.
First add a ViewController by any which way you prefer. Then in interface builder, click on the view controller Icon (on left). In the connections inspector click on the ruler icon "Show the size inspector". There will be option list for simulated size, change to "Freeform" and increase the height to any size you want. Hope this helps.
neeever mind. you drag the content view up so that some controls are offscreen and then add more controls/expand to the part you just made visible by moving the top stuff off the top. in effect, you physically scroll the contentView in IB by dragging it with the mouse. seems a smidge counterintuitive, but whatever.
Set simulated size to freeform for the the view controller to a large enough size that you can add in your controls
You don't have to create a view to place inside the scrollview if you don't want. In your case, it sounds like it doesn't make much sense.
As for the second part of your question, you can place items directly on the scrollview (it is a view afterall), as subviews. If you want them to be off screen, then just set their frame up to be at those particular x, y coordinates you want it to be at. You will have to ensure your scrollview's contentSize property is large enough though to house your entire content, this is what allows scrolling horizontally/vertically.
You probably want to do the offscreen elements programmaticly instead of using xibs.