how an index value can be used to retrieve the respective name(string) - matlab

By using the listdlg its possible to select the file from list, but it returns the respective index as a output but not the name(string of selected entity)of the selection. how can one get the name of the selected file in output??'
for example
[Selection, ok] = listdlg(Name,Value,...);
% selection is nothing but a index of selected entities.

The dialog box is filled with a cell array provided as the value of the ListString parameter. The result of the call to listdlg is the index into this cellarray.
Consider the following code:
if (ok) filename=cell2mat(S(Selection)) endif
If the selection of the item user1 was made it should output
filename = user1
When SelectionMode is multiple, you could use celldisp(S(Selection)). To extract individual items use S{Selection(i)} where i ranges from 1 to length(Selection).
if (ok)
for i=1:length(Selection)


(Matlab) How to check if cell array contains string

I am trying to grab data from an excel spread sheet and grab only the information from cells that match a string. Eg. if cell A10 contains the word 'Canada' it should return that cell.
I have tried using strcmp( to check if string in argument 1 is contained in a cell array containing many strings, the second argument
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('\\Client\C$\Users\Fish\Desktop\dataset\dataset.csv');
mytable = cell(raw);
for i = 1:54841
array_index = i;
string_index = mytable(i,2);
string_eastern = {'Canada', 'Ontario'};
if strcmp(string_index,string_eastern);
In the above example if my string_eastern only contains one element, say 'Canada', it will return the index value of every instance of 'Canada'. If I add more elements I expect it would return index values for every instance where string_index would match with a string contained in string_eastern. However I get no results at all if I add more elements.
Pretty much I wanted to check my string_index agaisnt string_eastern, if the values match then I want it to return that cell value. This works when string_eastern is only 1 element but does not work with more than 1.
To access cell contents, use the curly brackets {}. So if I wanted to access the first element of my cell, I would say this:
string = cell{1};
Read more on the MATLAB Documentation about cells to learn more and to answer any of your further questions.

dicom header personal information conversion to a .txt file

I have a series of DICOM Images which I want to anonymize, I found few Matlab codes and some programs which do the job, but none of them export a .txt file of removed personal information. I was wondering if there is a function which can also save removed personal information of a DICOM images in .txt format for features uses. Also, I am trying to create a table which shows the corresponding new images ID to their real name.(subjects real name = personal-information-removed image ID)
Any thoughts?
Thanks for considering my request!
I'm guessing you only want to output to your text file the fields that are changed by anonymization (either modified, removed, or added). First, you may want to modify some dicomanon options to reduce the number of changes, in particular passing the arguments 'WritePrivate', true to ensure private extensions are kept.
First, you can perform the anonymization, saving structures of pre- and post-anonymization metadata using dicominfo:
preAnonData = dicominfo('input_file.dcm');
dicomanon('input_file.dcm', 'output_file.dcm', 'WritePrivate', true);
postAnonData = dicominfo('output_file.dcm');
Then you can use fieldnames and setdiff to find fields that are removed or added by anonymization, and add them to the post-anonymization or pre-anonymization data, respectively, with a nan value as a place holder:
preFields = fieldnames(preAnonData);
postFields = fieldnames(postAnonData);
removedFields = setdiff(preFields, postFields);
for iField = 1:numel(removedFields)
postAnonData.(removedFields{iField}) = nan;
addedFields = setdiff(postFields, preFields);
for iField = 1:numel(addedFields)
preAnonData.(addedFields{iField}) = nan;
It will also be helpful to use orderfields so that both data structures have the same ordering for their field names:
postAnonData = orderfields(postAnonData, preAnonData);
Finally, now that each structure has the same fields in the same order we can use struct2cell to convert their field data to a cell array and use cellfun and isequal to find any fields that have been modified by the anonymization:
allFields = fieldnames(preAnonData);
preAnonCell = struct2cell(preAnonData);
postAnonCell = struct2cell(postAnonData);
index = ~cellfun(#isequal, preAnonCell, postAnonCell);
modFields = allFields(index);
Now you can create a table of the changes like so:
T = table(modFields, preAnonCell(index), postAnonCell(index), ...
'VariableNames', {'Field', 'PreAnon', 'PostAnon'});
And you could use writetable to easily output the table data to a text file:
writetable(T, 'anonymized_data.txt');
Note, however, that if any of the fields in the table contain vectors or structures of data, the formatting of your output file may look a little funky (i.e. lots of columns, most of them empty, except for those few fields).
One way to do this is to store the tags before and after anonymisation and use these to write your text file. In Matlab, dicominfo() will read the tags into a structure:
% Get tags before anonymization
tags_before = dicominfo(file_in);
% Anoymize
dicomanon(file_in, file_out); % Need to set tags values where required
% Get tags after anonymization
tags_after = dicominfo(file_out);
% Do something with the two structures
disp(['Patient ID:', tags_before.PatientID ' -> ' tags_after.PatientID]);
disp(['Date of Birth:', tags_before.PatientBirthDate ' -> ' tags_after.PatientBirthDate]);
disp(['Family Name:', tags_before.PatientName.FamilyName ' -> ' tags_after.PatientName.FamilyName]);
You can then write out the before/after fields into a text file. You'd need to modify dicomanon() to choose your own values for the removed fields, since by default they are set to empty.

After searching in a database how to display the result field values in an editor widget using progress 4gl

Accept a customer number and then output the details of each order and items to an editor widget.
Display them in the editor widget ( editor-1 as object name).
define temp-table ttcustomer
field custnum like customer.cust-num
field cname like
field orders like order.order-num
field items like item.item-num
field itemname like item.item-name .
find first customer WHERE customer.cust-num = input f1 NO-LOCK .
create ttcustomer .
ttcustomer.custnum = customer.cust-num
ttcustomer.cname =
for each order WHERE Order.cust-num = input f1 NO-LOCK .
ttcustomer.orders = order.order-num.
for each order-line where order-line.order-num = order.order-num no-lock.
for each item where item.item-num = order-line.item-num no-lock.
ttcustomer.items = item.item-num
ttcustomer.itemname = item.item-name.
I have no idea why you would want to display that on an editor. So I'll assume you want to concatenate the info you gathered in the for each loop into an editor.
So after the last end, you could do this:
define variable editor-1 as character view-as editor.
for each ttcustomer:
assign editor-1 = editor-1 + ttcustomer.items + ' ' + ttcustomer.itemname + chr(13).
display editor-1.
If chr(13) doesn't work to skip a line, try chr(10).
PS: An editor is really probably not the widget you want to display this. I'd use a browse. But since the question asks for an editor, there.
PS2: You didn't assign the other fields you put on the temp-table, so I'm not displaying them. But it's just a matter of adding them to the assign line above, not forgetting the spaces, dashes or whatever you'd like to use as a separator.

How to extract value from pyspark.sql.function?

I'm using some pyspark.sql.functions:
The output is:
How can I extract the value so that I can assign it to a variable, e.g.
mean_ratings ='rating'))
Take returns a list of Rows. Index into the list to get the first row, then pull out the field you are looking for:
mean_ratings ='rating')).take(1)[0]['avg(rating)']

jquery syntax to look for a hidden field in a form

I have a form with a table in it. In each row is a table cell with a hidden input item with the name of it starting with "hf_id_" followed by a number so that row 1's field has a name of "hf_id_1", row 2 is "hf_id_2" and so on. I need to search all of these fields for a particular value but I'm not quite sure how to get to the hidden fields. I know how to get to them when the full name is known but in this case I'm not sure if there's a way to get an array of these where name starts with "hf_id_". Thanks.
You can search elements with ^ (starting with) and $ (ending with), example:
So you can get all those elements like:
var elements = $('input[name^="hf_id_"]');
And you can iterate over them to search for a particular value like:
if ($(this).val() === 'search value here')
// found..........
Or you could simply use