Swift 3 Completion Handler on Google Places Lookup. Due to delay how do I know when Im "done"? - swift

Sorry, newbie here and Ive read extensively about completion handlers, dispatch queues and groups but I just can't get my head around this.
My app loads an array of Google Place IDs and then wants to query Google to get full details on each place. The problem is, due to async processing the Google Lookup Place returns immediately and the callback happens much further down the line so whats the "proper way" to know when the last bit of data has come in for my inquiries because the function ends almost immedately ?
Code is attached. Thanks in advance.
func testFunc() {
let googlePlaceIDs = ["ChIJ5fTXDP8MK4cRjIKzek6L6NM", "ChIJ9Wd6mGYGK4cRiWd0_bkohHg", "ChIJaeXT08ASK4cRkCGpGgzYpu8", "ChIJkRkS4BapK4cRXCT8-SJxNDI", "ChIJ3wDV_2zX5IkRtd0hg2i1LhE", "ChIJb4wUsI5w44kRnERe7ywQaJA"]
let placesClient = GMSPlacesClient()
for placeID in googlePlaceIDs {
placesClient.lookUpPlaceID(placeID, callback: { (place, error) in
if let error = error {
print("lookup place id query error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
guard let place = place else {
print("No place details for \(placeID)")
print("Place Name = \(place.name)")


Is it possible to use the beginBackgroundTask() API within SwiftUI lifecycle?

I need to run some code when the app is closed to remove the client from a game. To do this I'm wanting to execute a Google Cloud Function for the server to do the cleanup - the function works, I guess similar to this question I just do not have enough time, and I'm running a completion handler so it's not like iOS thinks the function is finished straight away.
I have seen multiple questions on this, many of which are rather old and do not include answers for the SwiftUI Lifecycle. I have seen this exact issue and a potential answer here, however I'm not using the Realtime Database, I'm using Firestore so there is no equivalents for the onDisconnect methods.
I have seen that you can increase the time you need when the application finishes through beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:), I just can't find anywhere to state this can be done through SwiftUI Lifecycle, what I have so far:
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.willTerminateNotification), perform: { output in
Backend().removeFromGame(gameCode: otp, playerName: "name", completion: { res, error in
if error != nil{
The function called is as follows:
func removeFromGame(gameCode: String, playerName: String, completion: #escaping (Bool?, Error?) -> Void){
Functions.functions().httpsCallable("removeFromGame").call(["gameCode": gameCode, "playerName": playerName]){ result, error in
if let error = error as NSError? {
if error.domain == FunctionsErrorDomain{
_ = FunctionsErrorCode(rawValue: error.code)
let errorDesc = error.localizedDescription
_ = error.userInfo[FunctionsErrorDetailsKey]
print("Removed successfully")
I have seen in this Apple doc how to use the API:
func sendDataToServer( data : NSData ) {
// Perform the task on a background queue.
DispatchQueue.global().async {
// Request the task assertion and save the ID.
self.backgroundTaskID = UIApplication.shared.
beginBackgroundTask (withName: "Finish Network Tasks") {
// End the task if time expires.
self.backgroundTaskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
// Send the data synchronously.
self.sendAppDataToServer( data: data)
// End the task assertion.
self.backgroundTaskID = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid
Just cannot seem to implement it correctly within the new way of getting these system notifications?

Ambiguous reference to member 'save(_:completionHandler:)' with CloudKit save attempt

I'm trying to save back to CloudKit after updating a reference list and getting the error on the first line of this code block.
Error: Ambiguous reference to member 'save(_:completionHandler:)'
CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase.save(establishment) { [unowned self] record, error in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let error = error {
print("error handling to come")
} else {
This sits within a function where the user going to follow a given location (Establishment). We're taking the existing establishment, and its record of followers, checking to see if the selected user is in it, and appending them to the list if not (or creating it if the list of followers is null).
Edit, in case helpful
//Both of these are passed in from the prior view controller
var establishment: Establishment?
var loggedInUserID: String?
#objc func addTapped() {
// in here, we want to take the logged in user's ID and append it to the list of people that want to follow this establishment
// which is a CK Record Reference
let userID = CKRecord.ID(recordName: loggedInUserID!)
var establishmentTemp: Establishment? = establishment
var followers: [CKRecord.Reference]? = establishmentTemp?.followers
let reference = CKRecord.Reference(recordID: userID, action: CKRecord_Reference_Action.none)
if followers != nil {
if !followers!.contains(reference) {
} else {
followers = [reference]
establishmentTemp?.followers = followers
establishment = establishmentTemp
[this is where the CKContainer.default.....save block pasted at the top of the question comes in]
I've looked through the various posts on 'ambiguous reference' but haven't been able to figure out the source of my issue. tried to explicitly set the types for establisthmentTemp and followers in case that was the issue (based on the solutions to other related posts) but no luck.
Afraid I'm out of ideas as a relatively inexperienced newbie!
Help appreciated.
Documenting the solution that I figured out:
Combination of two issues:
I was trying to save an updated version of a CK Record instead of updating
I was not passing a CK Record to the save() call - but a custom object
(I believe point two was the cause of the 'ambiguous reference to member'
I solved it by replacing the save attempt (first block of code in the question) with:
//first get the record ID for the current establishment that is to be updated
let establishmentRecordID = establishment?.id
//then fetch the item from CK
CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase.fetch(withRecordID: establishmentRecordID!) { updatedRecord, error in
if let error = error {
print("error handling to come")
} else {
//then update the 'people' array with the revised one
updatedRecord!.setObject(followers as __CKRecordObjCValue?, forKey: "people")
//then save it
CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase.save(updatedRecord!) { savedRecord, error in

Swift, URLSession, viewDidLoad, tableViewController

I've never really gotten the nuances of async operations so time and again, I get stymied. And I just can't figure it out.
I'm trying to do some very simple web scraping.
My local volleyball association has a page (verbose HTML, not responsive, not mobile-friendly, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah) which shows the refs assigned to each game of the season. I'm trying to write a silly little app which will scrape that page (no API, no direct access to db, etc.) and display the data in a grouped table. The first group will show today's matches (time, home team, away team). The second group will show tomorrow's matches. Third group shows the entire season's matches.
Using code I found elsewhere, my viewDidLoad loads the page, scrapes the data and parses it into an array. Once I've parsed the data, I have three arrays: today, tomorrow, and matches, all are [Match].
override func viewDidLoad() {
let url = URL(string: urlString)!
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) {
data, response, error in
if let error = error {
print (error)
} else {
if let unwrappedData = data {
// scrape, scrape, parse, parse
matchRow = ...
if matchRow.date == todaysDate {
} else if matchRow.date == tomorrowsDate {
As I'm sure is no surprise to anyone who understands async operations, my table is empty. I've checked and I see the the data is there and properly parsed, etc. But I can't for the life of me figure out how get the data in my table. The way I have it now, the data is not ready when numberOfSections or numberOfRowsInSection is called.
I've found the Ray Wenderlich tutorial on URLSession and I also have a Udemy course (Rob Percival) that builds an app to get the weather using web scraping, but in both those instances, the app starts and waits for user input before going out to the web to get the data. I want my app to get the data immediately upon launch, without user interaction. But I just can't figure out what changes I need to make so that those examples work with my program.
Help, please.
You can simply reload the tableviews once the data arrays are getting populated from the URLSession completion block. Have you tried that. Sample snippet may be like the one follows.
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) {
data, response, error in
if let error = error {
print (error)
} else {
if let unwrappedData = data {
// scrape, scrape, parse, parse
matchRow = ...
if matchRow.date == todaysDate {
} else if matchRow.date == tomorrowsDate {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

Closures for waiting data from CloudKit

I have a CloudKit database with some data. By pressing a button my app should check for existence of some data in the Database. The problem is that all processes end before my app get the results of its search. I found this useful Answer, where it is said to use Closures.
I tried to follow the same structure but Swift asks me for parameters and I get lost very quick here.
Does someone can please help me? Thanks for any help
func reloadTable() {
func getDataFromCloud(completionHandler: #escaping (_ records: [CKRecord]) -> Void) {
print("I begin asking process")
var listOfDates: [CKRecord] = []
let predicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Riservazioni", predicate: predicate)
let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: query)
queryOperation.resultsLimit = 20
queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = { record in
queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { cursor, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
print("NO error")
self.Array = listOfDates
var Array = [CKRecord]()
func generateHourArray() {
print("generate array")
for hour in disponibleHours {
let instance = CKRecord(recordType: orderNumber+hour)
if Array.contains(instance) {
disponibleHours.remove(at: disponibleHours.index(of: hour)!)
func loadData() {
timePickerView.isHidden = false
#IBAction func checkDisponibility(_ sender: Any) {
if self.timePickerView.isHidden == true {
getDataFromCloud{ (records) in
Im struggling to understand your code and where the CloudKit elements fit in to it, so Im going to try and give a generic answer which will hopefully still help you.
Lets start with the function we are going to call to get our CloudKit data, lets say we are fetching a list of people.
func getPeople() {
This is simple enough so far, so now lets add the CloudKit code.
func getPeople() {
var listOfPeople: [CKRecord] = [] // A place to store the items as we get them
let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Person", predicate: NSPredicate(value: true))
let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: query)
queryOperation.resultsLimit = 20
// As we get each record, lets store them in the array
queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = { record in
// Have another closure for when the download is complete
queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { cursor, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
// We are done, we will come back to this
Now we have our list of people, but we want to return this once CloudKit is done. As you rightly said, we want to use a closure for this. Lets add one to the function definition.
func getPeople(completionHandler: #escaping (_ records: [CKRecord]) -> Void) {
This above adds a completion hander closure. The parameters that we are going to pass to the caller are the records, so we add that into the definition. We dont expect anyone to respond to our completion handler, so we expect a return value of Void. You may want a boolean value here as a success message, but this is entirely project dependent.
Now lets tie the whole thing together. On the line I said we would come back to, you can now replace the comment with:
This will then send the list of people to the caller as soon as CloudKit is finished. Ive shown an example below of someone calling this function.
getPeople { (records) in
// This code wont run until cloudkit is finished fetching the data!
Something to bare in mind, is which thread the CloudKit API runs on. If it runs on a background thread, then the callback will also be on the background thread - so make sure you don't do any UI changes in the completion handler (or move it to the main thread).
There are lots of improvements you could make to this code, and adapt it to your own project, but it should give you a start. Right off the bat, Id image you will want to change the completion handler parameters to a Bool to show whether the data is present or not.
Let me know if you notice any mistakes, or need a little more help.

Unexpectedly unwrapping an optional to find a nil after an API call to Spotify

So I know this may be a bit specific but I've been staring at my code and am unable to resolve this issue. Basically, I'm making a network call to spotify to obtain a certain playlist and pass a number that will ultimately determine the number of songs I get back. The code is basically as follows:
// A network call is made just above to return somePlaylist
let playlist = somePlaylist as! SPTPartialPlaylist
var songs: [SPTPartialTrack] = []
// load in playlist to receive back songs
SPTPlaylistSnapshot.playlistWithURI(playlist.uri, session: someSession) { (error: NSError!, data: AnyObject!) in
// cast the data into a correct format
let playlistViewer = data as! SPTPlaylistSnapshot
let playlist = playlistViewer.firstTrackPage
// get the songs
for _ in 1...numberOfSongs {
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(playlist.items.count)))
songs.append(playlist.items[random] as! SPTPartialTrack)
The problem comes at the portion of code that initializes random. In maybe 1 in 20 calls to this function I, for whatever, reason unwrap a nil value for playlist.items.count and can't seem to figure out why. Maybe it's something I don't understand about API calls or something else I'm failing to see but I can't seem to make sense of it.
Anyone have any recommendations on addressing this issue or how to go about debugging this?
Ok, after sleeping on it and working on it some more I seem to have resolved the issue. Here's the error handling I implemented into my code.
if let actualPlaylist = playlist, actualItems = actualPlaylist.items {
if actualItems.count == 0 {
SongScraper.playlistHasSongs = false
print("Empty playlist, loading another playlist")
for _ in 1...numberOfSongs {
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(actualItems.count)))
songs.append(actualPlaylist.items[random] as! SPTPartialTrack)
completionHandler(songs: songs)
else {
print("Returned a nil playlist, loading another playlist")
SongScraper.playlistHasSongs = false