Eclipse, pydev and virtual environments - pydev

I have been searching for a good way to use python virtual environments from within eclipse.
The only suggestion I have found is to create a new eclipse-wide "interpreter" for each virtual environment. That is cumbersome for many project, but it works.
I want to have a virtual environment per project, so the path to the interpreter will have to change for each project.
1) can you define an interpreter specific for a project?
2) alternatively, how do you define an interpreter that use e.g. PROJECT_LOC variable?
any suggestions are welcome

Unfortunately, the way that PyDev works, it expects all interpreters to be configured "eclipse-wide" (and then in a given project you can say which one should be used for that particular project if it shouldn't be the default one).
The other option is actually having one Eclipse workspace per project (then you'd configure a single "eclipse-wide" interpreter for it).
Another option, if the interpreters are from the same Python version and you're only changing the installed libraries would be creating a single "eclipse-wide" interpreter as the default one for all projects and then configuring the additional paths to be included in the PYTHONPATH per project.
Personally what I usually do is having one Eclipse workspace per project and having everything independent as I'm usually working on a single project at a time (so, I can focus only on what it's important for it), so, switching projects would be opening a new Eclipse instance pointing to the proper place, although it depends quite a lot on your use case (which you haven't actually made explicit) -- each project would have its own virtual env configured "eclipse-wide" (although in my case it's actually conda virtual envs).


Understanding program organisation and basic terms

I've installed Jaspersoft Studio 6.2.2 in order to edit a couple of existing Jasper reports. Unless I missed something, nowhere in Getting Started documentation do they explain the basic terms specific to this program. They do explain the generic Jasper terms (report, data adapter, field...) but, when it comes to Jaspersoft Studio, they just instruct you to launch wizards and use the defaults. That isn't optimal for me because I prefer to have my work under source control and separated by customer/client rather than having everything together in a local folder within my Windows profile. I also have the impression that they omit stuff because they assume you're familiar with Eclipse (I'm not).
Could you please provide me with a quick overview of the basic terms and some tips about how to use them to effectively organise work:
Project Folder
... and some other I might be missing?
My view:
A workspace is a group projects that share some configuration/environment. In project setting, you can use a common workspace configuration or define a project specific configuration.
In java world, e.g. you can define different JDK compatibility per workspace.
In jasper world, e.g. for Chinese projects, you can have projects that all have zh_CN default language set when executing preview. Different fonts might be used in this workspace. No need to set it up for every new project created.
Every workspace has it's own set of data adapters and JRS server connections.
I usually have sources under "Project folder", not in workspace folder. I just import a project into the workspace (do not copy).
BTW. One project can be in multiple workspaces.

Eclipse Java project build path using variables

I am developing an Eclipse Java project and would like to use "variables" to point to required libraries (.jar files).
Machine 1: Eclipse Juno, OS X, own laptop, libs under /mylibs
Machine 2: Eclipse Juno, Linux, shared machine, libs under /sharedlibs/some/complex/path
Source control: Mercurial
Example of libs I use:
How can I configure the project Build Path to use the same "variable" for the base directory for libraries, pointing to different locations on different machines, but still check in my project description to source control so that when I add a new library, provided I specify its location relative to the libs base, it is found on both machines?
I have found the help file but could use an example, maybe even a screenshot please?
for instance, do I copy this model:
inside "Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables" or elsewhere?
I have done a fair bit of "blind trial and error" already.. like stitching forms like "${env:VAR}" in there..
Oh, and I suppose I should mention that I don't know how to set these Eclipse variables based on environment variables considering that my systems' environment variables are set by Bash's .profile and I doubt Eclipse runs a shell to source that before...
Of course, I use "Configure Build Path > Libraries > Add Variable" and then Extend from there, but still... an example would be worth a 1000 words.. (could it be that defining an Eclipse variable from which to Extend actual .jar references for inclusion in Build Paths just can't be based on a system environment variable, full stop?!)
PS: please don't ask me to just symlink things around, I am not a sysadmin on the shared machine..
From what I understand, extending a path variable would work perfectly for your case as you can define different base paths for each machine and reference libraries on subpaths based on that path. However if you are looking specifically to use environment variables you can try adding them to the build path this way:
Edit your launch configuration.
Go to the Classpath tab.
Click on User Entries and click the Advanced button.
To add a library based on a system environment variable, select Add
Variable String, and in the box type:
${env_var:libs_base}/logging/slf4j.jar. In this case
libs_base is your environment variable and logging/slf4j.jar is
the path to the jar in the subdirectory.

eclipse: use files in different projects or use different toolchains in one project

the code i develop for avr microcontrollers i write so that it runs on the PC and only differs in one or more files (the port). till now i do that using makefiles but now id like to move to eclipse CDT with the AVR plugin.
is there a way to
use 2 different toolchains (x86 and avr compiler) in one project (and also tell these toolchains which port to include)
or to create 2 project (one for x86 one for avr) that share the common files?
note that main() is in a shared file.
thanks for your help.
You may be able to set up multiple configurations to do this, with different toolchains. If this looks reasonable, you could have your source files change their behaviour based on what compile-time symbols are present.
Within Eclipse, only the x86 compiler will be used (so you can run the tests, etc). You will have to invoke the Makefile to build for AVR manually, so one project should be enough.
Eclipse will not use the output of the compiler but the C sources to build its project model. Therefore, you will see all files (even those for AVR) but they will never run in Eclipse. That means you can edit them including code completion.

How to share a common customBuildCallbacks script between multiple Eclipse plug-ins

I am trying to avoid duplicating customBuildCallbacks.xml for all my plug-ins, when called from either PDE's headless build or the Eclipse GUI. I have in customBuildCallbacks.xml steps to generate code or modify the plug-in packaging that I:
obviously want to run with the headless build
would also like to run either when I export this plug-in from the GUI or from an external builder watching specific files in my plug-in
The headless build runs in a well defined environment, so I can set customBuildCallbacks.buildpath or even use a relative path in each plug-in's to point at my common customBuildCallbacks.xml. However, this is trickier from the GUI: that path is different for every developers since we do not have sources in the Eclipse workspace (we import projects from various locations due to our internal build process). I was hoping for every project to have an associated ant property holding its path on disk, similar to the ${workspace} variables exposed in various dialogs. I couldn't find anything useful though.
Does anyone have any experience doing this kind of things?

Writing an Eclipse-aware Ant task

I would like to write a simple Ant task that would interact with an Eclipse workspace to get some information from it. I would like to be able to use the various Eclipse API's (for example, IWorkspace).
My question is what would be the simplest way to go about doing this.
I have excellent knowledge of the Eclipse platform as a user of it - but none with development for Eclipse. I understand that, in runtime, my Ant task will have to be invoked under the same JRE as the workspace - that's a restriction I'm willing to be bound to.
I started by creating a Java project to hold my Ant task. I believe that the only thing in my way now is how to define the JAR dependency on Eclipse's JARs. I obviously don't want to depend on one specific Eclipse JAR as these are versioned (for example, Eclipse's "Resources" plugin). Is it possible to have my Java project buildtime-depend on "whatever the current JAR is for the Resources plugin"?
I think this article quite much addresses your problem:
It is targeted to the IBM Rational Application Developer, but that one is based on Eclipse and AFAIS there is not overly much non-eclipse-specific happening here, at least not regarding the specifics about how to make the task available in Eclipse (writing the plugin definition etc).
So, you want an Ant task that runs within Eclipse. And as you say, it's clear that those tasks are using the Eclipse API. As of this moment, I don't really understand how they're doing it. I've looked at the source of a couple of them and I still have questions.
To find the locations of all the Ant tasks contributed by Eclipse, do a Plug-in Search for org.eclipse.ant.core.antTasks. When I do that, I see twenty or so extensions, many of which define multiple tasks.
If you get the source bundle for a plugin that contributes one of these tasks, you can look at the source for it. RefreshLocalTask is in org.eclipse.core.resources; unfortunately, when I import this bundle into my workspace as a source project, the source for the Ant tasks doesn't get linked correctly. There is a separate jar (inside the bundle) for them, and, while the source is in the bundle, it's not clear how the jar is compiled. The upshot is that I don't have the Ant task source compiling in my workspace.
You can also Google for the Ant task source; here's the 3.6.0 source for RefreshLocalTask.
Anyway, in the source you can see calls to org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcePlugin that are illustrative of what you probably need.
Ah, I see in the extension point description - right-click on one of those search results and choose "Show Description", or go there from the Manifest editor - that there is a flag you can set, "eclipseRuntime"; the text implies that if it is set, Eclipse will launch the task in the same VM.
You should probably say more about what you want to do, because there are several routes you can take.
Eclipse provides some Ant tasks that you can use in your build scripts. Here are a few. There are more, so search for "ant tasks" in the Eclipse docs; they're scattered throughout different pages. Eclipse Preferences (Window..Preferences, then select Ant/Runtime, and look at the "Contributed Entries" in the Classpath tab) shows you a list of Ant tasks that Eclipse contributes to the runtime whenever Ant is invoked from Eclipse; you can invoke any of these tasks yourself as long as you include the right jar.
It's possible to start up Eclipse from within an Ant task, because it's possible to start Eclipse from Java. You need to include the right jars and make the right calls; you also need to configure Eclipse correctly. "org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter" should give you some detail.
Perhaps you can use one or more of the variables Eclipse defines for use when launching Ant (or any other program). Try creating an External Tool Configuration (at the bottom of the Run menu) - select an Ant Build and try customizing it with arguments (from the Main tab) or environment variables (from the Environment) tab. Both give you access to Eclipse variables. But of course these are just values you can pass into your Ant script, not handles to anything you can invoke a method on.
What you can't do: I'm pretty sure that when Eclipse launches Ant, it is always in a separate VM, with no way to call back into Eclipse.
So perhaps you should say more about what you want to do.