livelink ECM: how to attach categories by default to documents - ecm

I created a catgory in Livelink ECM system and we need to attach this category to any document being uploaded to the system by default. We also need to show the attributes (of the attached category) while uploading the file. How is it possible?


MS Word - Possible to Add Embedded Document?

I'm in the process of exploring the possibilities of Word VSTO add-in. Using a combination of custom task pane(s), a custom ribbon and a series of dialog boxes or forms I can collection information from the user. However, what I can figure out is where I can persist this information within the document. A docx is made of a series of individual files, how do I add my file within the cab as well? Storing the custom info outside of the document is not an option, it must travel with the document itself.
Update : If I use custom xml parts per the solution mentioned here then it appears to me that the xml data is visible to the user. See screen shot. The user should not be able to browse data that my add-in is storeing - not because it's senstitive but because it makes no sense for them to see and interact with a bunch of serialized class data.
You can store your custom information inside the document using so called Custom XML Parts. This information is stored within the document.
Here is an example how to add a Custom XML Part to your document:
How to: Add Custom XML Parts to Documents by Using VSTO Add-Ins

Drag & Drop to in Outlook creates a new version instead of new document

When I drag & drop an attachment from an Outlook email to the for Outlook window, I expect to add the document to the active library/folder.
But if I drop the document over an existing document in, it creates a new version of that document instead of adding a new document. There is no indication of the behaviour and it took some time before I figure out what was happening.
Is there an option that would make ask if the user wants to add a new version to the existing document or create a new document.
If not, where should users drop the file when the file list is full of documents? Dropping in the header does not work. Do I have to tell my users to drop the document in the few white pixels at the bottom of the list?
You can find additional details about the "Add as new version" feature in User Guide under Uploading SharePoint Documents section( section.
As detailed in the user guide, following UI prompt occurs when using this feature
When uploading to a document library with versioning support: 1.Drag the document onto the document you want to overwrite and hold for 2 seconds. A tooltip displays: Add as a new version to .
The following registry key can be applied to deactivate this feature.
Create AddNewVersionDelay key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mainsoft\Prefs and set its default value to 0 (zero).

FineUploader - get metadata during upload and store it

I am using FineUploader and it works just fine for my application needs. The files end up where I need them etc.
However once the file is uploaded, I really don't know what the file actually is. For instance the file could be a resume, a cover letter, a release of information, etc. For that I will need to "attach" additional metadata that relates to that file.
Is there a way to add some sort of a select box, where the user will select a category (before the upload process begins) so that the file can be identified by that category? The filename, size and other information gathered during the upload process are already stored in the database.
Any pointers are more than appreciated.
Edit: Duplicate Submit multiple form fields for each file in FineUploader

Import/Export data in CSV format, stored in Core data via email

I am working on an app which is extensively based on Core data. I got several entities and relationships. The format is kinda like this -
There is an entity "CARDS" which has one to many relationship with "RECIPIENTS" (another entity) and "CUSTOMERS" (another entity). The recipients and customers can be added/modified/deleted by the user. The list is stored in a table view.
I want to do an export of that data (recipient, customers etc.) via email. But all that is stored in Core data right? So Do I have to store that in documents directory somewhere or get the path to where it is stored in core data?
I followed these links but they don't use core data as such to store the data, will the logic be the same as shown in the link below: -
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thank you
You specify the path to the .sqlite file when you create the store. You can copy that file (using NSFileManager) to another location and rename it (to change the extension to some custom value that is specific to your app). Once you have moved it, if you moved it to the correct folder it will automatically be available to iTunes sharing. Or, you can get the data for the file (using dataWithContentsOfFile:) and then add that as an attachment to an e-mail (again, specify a file extension for the attachment that is specific to your app).
You then want to look at teaching your app to handle that file extension to allow importing (see this).

Where to store a preview of a UIDocument?

I'm working on UIDocument application and I'd like to show the user a preview of the document before he opens it. I can render that preview into an image when the document get's closed. But where should I save that image? In an other file? or is there a designated way to do this?
Right now I'm developing it without iCloud support. But I want to have a solution that would work with iCloud too. The UIDocument is a UIManagedDocument. But saving the image into the database would make it kind a pointless. Because then I have to open the document before I can get the preview.
What do you recommend here? Where to put a preview for a UIManagedDocument?
You can store your documents in your ubiquity container's Documents directory and document preview files in the container's Data directory.
If preview file names will be based on the documents names you will be able to use metadata query result to get the document names and then resolve document preview urls.
This way you could download the document previews only but not the whole document.
I don't know about UIManagedDocuments, but in case of a UIDocument I would recommend using a NSFileWrapper as file format (where the document is actually a bundled folder) and save the preview within the document, as "Preview.jpg" (or .png) inside a folder labeled "QuickLook".
This way, you'll get the preview in Finder on the Mac as well (for free).
Of course this may or may not be an ideal solution (also depending on if your document is text-only). But it might be a good hint for working with previews for UIDocuments in general.
You should save an image under (app_directory)/Library/Caches. That way iCloud won't affect your app.