Retrieve Google OAuth App rating programmatically - google-apps

would like to try out the recently added G-Suite admin feature where one can whitelist third party OAuth apps using a test G-Suite account:
In order to determine if an app should be added in the list or not, I would like to retrieve app ratings programatically. How can I retrieve ratings and installation count for a Google OAuth App programmatically?

Don't think doing this programatically is supported as of now. No mention of such in G Suite Marketplace docs. You can request a new feature here.


Google assistant account linking with facebook

I'm trying to make a chatbot with Dialogflow for Google Home. It requires the user to input a URL. Now it will definitely be a long and complicated URL which I can't recreate and I can't have the user speak into the google home.
The idea I had was that the user would input the URL on an agent on messenger. I store this on a Firebase database and then access it with a second agent.
Now the issue I have is authentication, I was hoping to use account linking on my google action with facebook. But I can't login to Facebook with google home. Or if I can, I can't find any documentation specific to that case. Facebook doesn't provide the necessary client ID and secret(as far as I can see).
I managed amazon and Gmail account linking with Alexa and an Amazon Echo. In those cases, you would have to login to google or amazon on the Alexa app or webpage. Then this will be integrated with your Echo and the skill will become usable.
Anyone have an idea of how I can make the link happen, if not then anyone have an idea as to how I can solve the overall problem?
This question has been left unanswered on other forums, but I was hoping to either get it solved or find an alternative.
There are three approaches to solving your overall problem - getting the URL manually entered and available to your Action. Two of them tackle it the way you've suggested - involving authenticating to Facebook and tying that to the Assistant account somehow. One solves it entirely inside the Assistant.
Account linking to the Facebook account
You've tagged firebase-authentication, so I'm going to assume that you're using it to do the auth and you've enabled Facebook login through it. This means your user has a "Firebase Account", but they log into that account using Facebook.
I will assume you have a way to get the URL from messenger once they're logged in.
The trick in this case is to setup Account Linking between their Firebase account and their Assistant account. This is done by setting up an OAuth2 server that has access to the Firebase accounts and will create authorization and refresh tokens that are given to the Assistant.
In the Action, you'll send the user to the Sign In helper, which will redirect them to your login page and send back a one-time auth code to the Assistant. The assistant will then use your OAuth2 server to exchange this code for auth and refresh tokens. Periodically it will use the refresh token to get new auth tokens.
When the user returns to the conversation through the Assistant, you'll be handed an auth token and you can use this to lookup the user. Since you also know their Facebook account, you can get the URL via however you planned to do so.
There are drawbacks to this method - it is very complicated, and setting up your own OAuth2 server is not for the faint of heart. You may be able to use something like Auth0 instead of Firebase Authentication to accomplish the same thing, but then you don't have the ease of access to the Firebase database.
Account linking to both Facebook and Google
In your Firebase account, however, you don't need to limit them to just logging into Facebook. You can have them use Firebase to record both the Facebook and Google accounts that they're using. This would "link" the two accounts together in your system.
With this, you don't need to setup an OAuth2 server. Instead, you can have the Assistant use Google Sign In for authentication. If the Google Cloud Project that Firebase is using and the Assistant are using are the same project, then once the user has logged in to your project's web page with their Google account, you'll get an identity token on the Assistant which will contain their Google ID. You can use this to match up with their Firebase account and get the Facebook ID and proceed from there.
But this is still a lot of work and kinda messy, jumping between systems.
Using just the Google Assistant (and maybe a web page)
If you're willing to make some assumptions about the devices your users are using, then you may be able to do it all just using the Assistant. The Assistant doesn't just run on the Google Home and other smart speakers, it also works on most current Android and iOS devices.
So you can detect if they have such a device available and, if they do and they're not currently on it, direct them to switch to that device when you need the URL.
If they don't have such a device available (perhaps because their version of Android is older), and you think this may be a common scenario, you may need to make another entry source available. This could be one of the solutions above, or you may want to just have a simple web page (done via Firebase Hosting and Firebase Functions, perhaps) where they log in using their Google account (so you get their ID) and you let them enter the URL. If you just need a URL - going through Dialogflow may be more complexity than you need.

Link Analytics API to my Google Developers account

When I sign in to Google Developers console and go to the Enabled APIs tab, I see "No enabled APIs". I used to see the Analytics API here and now it's no longer there. That's because the project associated with it is gone.
I believe this happened when I switched my old Google account to the new Google Apps for Work account. It asked me to choose between the two because they had the same email address and I chose to keep the new one.
Unfortunately the old one had all the Developers APIs associated with it. :(
The Analytics API is still working, it's just no longer associated to my account. Is it possible to link it back to my account?
Thanks for your help,
PS. I can provide my Google email account and the Google Analytics API client id on request if needed.

Facebook App with Standard Setting without Ad Management

We have tried to create an App that will be able to access only Reporting and Insights for a user via Marketing Insights API. I have noticed that the requirement for Basic access is listed as:
"Apps should create sufficient ads that pass ad review and do not contain bad creatives"
But my App is NOT intended to create ads. It is a data reporting App and without standard access I have to add each user into Ads API under Advertising Accounts section of the App Settings. I would like to use this app across FB accounts of my clients to only pull data related to the ads. Could you please help me understand how to accomplish this without having to create a separate Dev app for each client?
You could try to apply directly for the Standard Access tier. In that form you can explain your use case and then it will be processed.
I would advise to already make various valid requests from your Development Tier to show you have a correct implementation.

Which Platform to choose for a Facebook App based on Qt (Symbian) using Graph api v2?

I'm making my first Facebook App with Qt on Symbian. I've created it on Facebook Developer, but to get it through a permission review (it only posts on the users timeline) I need to add a Platform, but I don't know which one too choose since the OS or Qt are not listed there, I have auth enabled in the settings too.
Does anyone know which one I need to choose to get the App approved and working?

Paypal Api. Switching from Sandbox to Live

Currently I have used the sandbox App Id and test credentials successfully to make API calls, however now I would like to switch to the live version. I looked at the check list and believe I switched out all the sandbox information to live credentials. However the last thing I need to switch out is the APP - ID. I created an App which has the status of "approved" in paypal developer however I'm not sure where to get the App - ID for it. In addition, should I be seeing the app in the Manage Classic Apps? I see it in My Apps on the developer page, but not in that section. Thank you very much for the help.
Select My Account > Profile > My Selling Tools, then click the Update (API Access) link
Click Request API Credentials on the API Access page
Select Request API signature and click Agree and Submit to generate a set of Signature credentials
More information can be found at:
You will need to use the classic api to obtain an APP-ID. The new API does not use APP-ID's, but instead client ID's which are extremely different.