Get Jenkins Job Build ID from Queue ID - rest

I'm successfully able to use this to kick off a Jenkins Job:
curl -X POST "http://jenkins_srv:8080/job/MY_JOB/buildwithParameters?this=1&that=2" --user name:pass
I can also get the consoleText from this job using:
curl -X POST "http://jenkins_srv:8080/job/MY_JOB/lastBuild/consoleText"
However, this doesn't scale if I run multiple jobs back to back. I've noticed that the first curl command has a return that includes:
Location: http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/123/
I'm assuming that 123 is the job queue id.
My question is, if I queue jobs 121, 122, & 123 back to back, what do I use to check the status of job queue item 122? Also, what do I use to determine the actual build id that eventually resulted from job queue item 122?

I chose Kdawg's answer, because it helped lead me in the direction that I needed. Thank you!
I'm also including my own answer, because the solution I implemented was different than Kdawg's answer, and I feel it will add value for other people.
First off, I'm new to Jenkins. So if I misspeak, please feel free to correct me. Second, I had a slight learning curve in that there is a difference between a Jenkins "queue item" and a Jenkins "build job". The instant that a "queue item" has been created, there is no "build job" ID, because no build job has started. Also, once a build job has started, the queue item has 5 minutes before it is deleted.
When I perform these tasks:
curl -X POST "http://jenkins_srv:8080/job/MY_JOB/buildwithParameters?this=1&that=2" --user name:pass
curl -X POST "http://jenkins_srv:8080/job/MY_JOB/buildwithParameters?this=1&that=2" --user name:pass
curl -X POST "http://jenkins_srv:8080/job/MY_JOB/buildwithParameters?this=1&that=2" --user name:pass
Jenkins will schedule 3 build jobs to be run in a queue. These will be "queue items". These "queue items" will have a "Queue ID". In the example given in my original question, lets suppose that these three curl commands create "queue items" with "Queue ID"s 121, 122, & 123.
Why is this important?
Because depending on the load of your Jenkins server, the item that was queued may or may not be run immediately. If it runs immediately, then Kdawg's answer is definitely correct. Running his commands:
curl -X GET http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/121/api/json?pretty=true --user name:pass
curl -X GET http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/122/api/json?pretty=true --user name:pass
curl -X GET http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/123/api/json?pretty=true --user name:pass
This will get queue information about each "queue item", and in what returns, there is definitely a way to obtain a "build job" ID, if the build job has started. If a build job has not yet started, this information will be blank.
Here's the additional part that, I feel, adds value.
Once a build job has started, the information in Kdawg's answer will be populated in the response to the three curl -X GET commands. Also, by default, Jenkins is designed to scavenge (garbage collection, choose your own term) the "queue item"s every 5 minutes. So in other words, if all you have is a "queue item" ID and the 5 minute data retention window passes, then you need another mechanism in order to get a "build job" ID from a "queue item" ID.
So, in my case, I'm using Jenkins as a front end, and Ansible on the back end to perform server configuration and application deployments. Some of these application deployments can take 30 minutes or more, well beyond the 5 minute data retention period of the "queue items".
So the problem that I had to solve, if all I have is a "queue item" ID, then how do I find a "build job" ID, regardless of when I'm checking, seconds later or hours later?
Here was my solution (Note that I required XML output, FYI).
I ran this command:
curl -X POST "http://jenkins_srv:8080/job/MY_JOB/buildwithParameters?this=1&that=2" --user name:pass
This command would return this information:
Runtime responseHeaders Date: Day, ## Non Year xx:yy:zz GMT
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Location: http://jenkins_srv:port/queue/item/123/
Content-Length: 0
Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
From here, I can parse out 123 from the Location field.
I then slept for 10 seconds. After the sleep, I run this command on a 10 second loop:
curl -X GET http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/123/api/xml
I did that until I either:
I got a queue item return that included the xpath //executable/number that's shown in Kdawg's example, or
I got HTML 404 status code for more than 10 minutes, meaning the job hasn't been queue'd yet or I passed the 5 minute data retention window.
The loop in this way handles a burdened Jenkins server that's sluggish on handling queue requests. So presumably if I get to the end of 10 minutes, then my approach will still handle the use case that my automation approach has successfully queue'd and run the job, but it's checking Jenkins outside the data retention window. In this case, I would run this command:
curl -X GET http://jenkins_srv:port/job/MY_JOB/api/xml?tree=builds[id,number,result,queueId]&xpath=//build[queueId=123]
This returns the XML info for any "build job" that also contains a queueId of 123, as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<build _class="hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild">
In this way, I was able to authoritatively get a "build job" ID while only having a "queue item" ID regardless of the time difference between when I started and when I checked back.

Assuming that you have a location of http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/123/, you can GET http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/item/123/api/json?pretty=true to return information about that queue item (you can also not include ?pretty=true if you don't care about formatting, or use api/xml if you want the results in XML).
I don't know if there's standard documentation on the queue API, but it appears that if the queue item has completed (maybe also if it's currently being built?) it will have an executable node. One for my server looked like this:
"executable" : {
"_class" : "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun",
"number" : 10,
"url" : ""
You can then GET the API for the URL specified in executable.url. In my case, GET From there, you should have all the information you need, including whether or not the build is currently being built, how long the build took/has taken, the result, etc.
Also, if you want information on your entire build queue, you can GET http://jenkins_srv:8080/queue/api/json?pretty=true

Astonishing that Jenkins doesn't track a request to its conclusion with a unique ID.
One element that persists between the queued item and the build item is the list of parameters. If you have the ability/authority to change the config of the jobs, then add an optional parameter REQUEST_ID that the client plucks from the air (e.g. a UUID) and passes in over REST. Then you can quiz the queue and look for the one with your REQUEST_ID, and you can quiz the list of builds and look for the one with your REQUEST_ID.

There's an interesting thing about this that if you want to queue multiple builds in the loop, you might end up getting SAME QUEUE_ID, This happens especially when you have the same parameter and queued builds have not started up. Basically, Jenkins assumes that you are just trying to build this and instead of multiple builds it just assumes that it needs to spin up only a single build, hence the SAME QUEUE_ID, To overcome this, if you add an extra parameter while building the job like UQ_ID=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (This param doesn't need to be in build) then you will get the unique build number
If there's no param at all in the build you should define at least one param, Because parameterless build won't allow ANY parameter to be passed in the api

you can fetch job details by id
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/job/testPipeline/2/api/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic 1234' \


How to get the response and logs of a Jenkins test without using the interface, from command line using curl?

I am using curl command to build a job in Jenkins:
curl --user "admin:passwd" -X POST http://localhost:8080/job/jobname/build
How can I check if the test was successful or failed and how to get the logs of that build from command line only, preferably using curl?
If you have BlueOcean plugin installed, you can query its API. This usually returns JSON output that you might need to question further.
First, you need to find the build number triggered by your curl command. Then, you need to wait until your build is over. Then, you can question the result.
A good start is:
"curl -s ${your_jenkins}/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/${jobname}/runs/${buildbumber}/nodes/?limit=10000"

Detecting when a task has finished through REST APIs

The Nexus repository server by Sonatype offers a classical REST API. When an operation is triggered through the REST API, the call returns immediately, indicating through its status code whether or not the operation was started successfully. I am looking for a way to detect whether and when a job finished successfully.
In my concrete case, I am starting a backup task that writes out configuration databases in a serialized format to disk:
curl -X POST "$mynexus/service/rest/v1/tasks/$task-id/run" -H "accept: application/json"
which returns a 204 "task was run" immediately.
However, minutes after that happens, a manual check indicates that the on-disk file created by that task is still growing. Of course, I could try watching the output of lsof until that task seems finished, but that would be highly impractical, require root access to the server and also break the REST design.
A similar question here has not received an answer since 2016, so I'll ask in a more general way, in the hope that the answer will be more generally applicable:
How can a REST client detect that an operation has completely finished on the server side when talking to a Sonatype Nexus 3.x series server?
If there is no such way, would you consider that an issue with Nexus or would you recommend to create a custom workaround?
Nexus 3 has a get task API endpoint which will give you different info about a specific task, including its currentState
GET /service/v1/tasks/{id}
Example API response taken from the below linked documentation:
"id" : "0261aed9-9f29-447b-8794-f21693b1f9ac",
"name" : "Hello World",
"type" : "script",
"message" : null,
"currentState" : "WAITING",
"lastRunResult" : null,
"nextRun" : null,
"lastRun" : null
Reference: Nexus get task API endpoint documentation

How to pass API parameters to GCP cloud build triggers

I have a large set of GCP Cloud Build Triggers that I invoke via a Cloud scheduler, all running fine.
Now I want to invoke these triggers by an external API call and pass them dynamic parameters that vary in values and number of parameters.
I was able to start a trigger by running an API request but any JSON parameters in the API request that I sent were ignored.
Google talks about substitution parameters at I define these variables in the cloudbuild.yaml file, however they were not propagated into my shell script from the API request.
I don't any errors with authentication or authorization, so security may not be an issue.
Is my idea supported at all or do I need to resort to another solution such as running a GKE cluster with containers that would expose its API (a very heavy-boxing solution).
We do something similar -- we migrated from Jenkins to GCB but for some people we still need a nicer "UI" to start builds / pass variables.
I got scripts from here and modified them to our own needs:
Here is their REST API:
For the script below, keep in mind you need the trigger-id of what you want to run. (you can also get this by parsing the output of another REST API.)
# we need to specify ATLEAST the branch name or commit id (check after)
# check if branch_name or commit_sha
if [[ $BRANCH_OR_SHA =~ [0-9a-f]{5,40} ]]; then
BRANCH_OR_SHA="\"commitSha\": \"$COMMIT_SHA\""
BRANCH_OR_SHA="\"branchName\": \"$BRANCH_OR_SHA\""
# This is the request we send to google so it knows what to build
# Here we're overriding some variables that we have already set in the default 'cloudbuild.yaml' file of the repo
cat <<EOF > request.json
"projectId": "$PROJECT_ID",
"substitutions": {
"_MY_VAR_1": "my_value",
"_MY_VAR_2": "my_value_2"
# our curl post, we send 'request.json' with info, add our Token, and set the trigger_id
curl -X POST -T request.json -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud config config-helper \
--format='value(credential.access_token)')" \"$PROJECT_ID"/triggers/"$TRIGGER_ID":run

Spring Boot Admin: example for filtering notifications

I want to use the notification filtering function in Spring Boot Admin (see ) but don't see how the filtering rules mentioned in the documentation can be configured or with what HTTP requests exactly they can be added/removed. Does someone have an example for such a configuration? (e.g. excluding applications with certain name patterns from notification or disabling all notifications; curl command for a HTTP request activating such a rule?)
Example code from the documentation:
public FilteringNotifier filteringNotifier() {
CompositeNotifier delegate = new CompositeNotifier(this.otherNotifiers.getIfAvailable(Collections::emptyList));
return new FilteringNotifier(delegate, this.repository);
This does not seem to configure any specific rules.
In I also do not see any code that configures specific filters.
Is this sufficient or is additional configuration code necessary?
I did some further investigation and found out how it works - maybe this helps someone. The REST requests for notification filtering are processed by the following code:
From the code, one can see that the following requests are possible:
# filter notifications for application xxx for the next 10000 milliseconds
# (ttl is optional)
curl -d "applicationName=xxx&ttl=10000" -X POST http(s)://.../notifications/filters
# filter notifications for instanceId yyy for the next 10000 milliseconds
# (ttl is optional)
curl -d "instanceId=yyy&ttl=10000" -X POST http(s)://.../notifications/filters
# Get all added notification filters with their ids
curl http(s)://.../notifications/filters
# Delete notification filter with id <id>
curl -X DELETE http(s)://.../notifications/filters/<id>
Authentication has to be added if necessary. No other changes need to be made to the Spring Boot Admin application for this to work, it is sufficient to register the FilteringNotifier.

is there a way to get the jenkins job status (enabled or disabled) with curl

We do trigger a jenkins job with curl
this runs fine if the job is enabled.
but if we disable the job the return string is very confusing.
How do I check the job state ? And how can I put useful descriptive strings into the return codes ?
From any page in Jenkins you can click on "REST API" at the bottom of the page, then select either XML or JSON and view all the available endpoints for whatever resource you are viewing.
Go to the page of your job and then follow the above steps. You will see many values that you can retrieve with CURL.