Angular2 / Nativescript observables - angular2-nativescript

Can I use angular2`s observables or do I must use nativescripts observables? Because nativescripts observable are not generic its annoying. thanks

You can use RxJS in a NativeScript with Angular project. RxJS is the same library used in the core Angular framework.
You have options.


Third-party frameworks embedded into .xcframework

I would like to use RxSwift inside my .xcframwork, is there any 'good practice' to add third-party frameworks to your .xcframework to be able to ship it 'all in one' for the customer?
I was trying to generate RxSwift.framework from their github repo, and add it to the framework itself, but didn't work at the end, while using with Example app have this error:
Any link or idea would be welcome :)
Finally I decided to add RxSwift as a package to my Framework and then expose RxSwift agnostic interface of the Framework for the customer, so they will be not aware that Im using under the hood Rx. I had to mark all RxSwift imports as #_implementationOnly import RxSwift.
Another benefit of this is that customer of my Framework is not forced to have a knowledge about RxSwift since Im using vanilla Swift (closures).

Is it OK to use Kotlin Coroutines and RxJava2 in the same project?

In the project I am working on, I am using the MVP architecture. In Presenter classes network requests are executed with RxJava2. Is it OK to use Kotlin Coroutines as well?
For example, you might want to use coroutines for light-weight async tasks, while using RxJava for getting a stream of items and transforming the stream into another one using complex operations. They are just two different tools and approaches to asynchronous programming.

Appsync Javascript client choice

I would like to use straight forward vanilla JavaScript to create an AppSync web client front end. All the examples seem to demonstrate using React. Do you have to use a JavaScript framework? Any pointers to a good resouce would be welcome
I would recommend checking out Amplify -
But if you wish to wish remain as "vanilla" as possible then you will have to use the AWS JS SDK.

How do I use browser-specific API's in an isomorphic React App?

I was reading several style guides on using react on the server side, and they all (rightfully) seem to suggest that components should be a pure function of states and props.
That begs a question that if I were to use a DOM API, say window.innerWidth or canvas.getContext(), which is the best place for doing so according to the react + flux philosophy.
componentDidMount will only executed in client side, you can place browser-specific code there.
But if it's not enough, my recommendation it's use DefinePlugin if you prefer webpack as your build tool.(I believe there are plugins provide same feature if you prefer other build tool)
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__CLIENT__: true
And use conditional statement to judge whether the code is executed in browser environment.

Firebase and Play Framework (Scala) is it possible?

Hey I love Play Framework Scala and I also am falling in love with Firebase. I was wondering though, I'm planning on building an app using AngularFire and I'm going to need to do some server-side logic/computation and make some server-side queries to Firebase. Is this possible to do with a Play Framework Scala setup? If so what is the recommended approach? If not, is it coming? If so when? I think it's so cool that the Firebase guys used Scala to build Firebase, but I'm bummed there is no Scala API to work with (that I can see). Maybe I could use the Java API somehow, but write still write the app in Scala? Any help would be great. Thanks!
Scala is highly interoperable with Java (compiles to the same bytecode) so you should be able to use the Java API straight-up without any issues.
While some libraries add Scala-specific wrappers to make an API more idiomatic and pleasant for a functional programming style and to smooth some rough edges, it's often not strictly necessary.
If for some reason you didn't want to use the Java client libs, you could also interface with the Firebase REST API via Play 2's very convenience and succinct web services library.
Should be no problem with either their Java SDK (when using Firebase on the backend) or the JavaScript SDK (when using it on the client). But you won't have native support for Scala or Play, especially no support for Iteratee/Enumeratee in Play.
The Java API looks quite good and seems to be event driven. So it should be no problem to integrate it in Play in a scalable way.