Get the dimensions of the selected region - plugins

I am working on redesigning my app. For this i am looking for an app that gives the dimensions of the selected area of the screen.
For Example. if i select a portion of the screen , it should return the dimensions of the selected area. something like (width*height). I see there is one plug-in for google chrome called dimensions, but it really does not work on images. I am looking for a tool which gives the dimensions even on images.
Can any one please suggest any tool for getting the dimensions of the selected area anywhere on the screen please?

I found a plugin for Firefox called "MeasureIt". Just in case it would be useful for someone.


Iphone - Photoreel from URL Array

I've seen a lot of apps that when you click photos you get a small square of each image, and then when you click them you get a full screen version. Actually, just like the photoreel.
Is there a way of populating the photoreel with an array of images? I have about 6 per location that I'd like to show like that.
I've had a google, but coming up a bit blank!
Any help would be appreciated
This is a Flikr JSON tutorial (the first part is mostly the JSON calls but they do some early GUI set up too) but it gets a preview of each image in a small thumbnail and then when clicked it opens the full image in the same window.
Depending on how your images are loaded simply replace the json creation with your array/dictionary params and follow how the tutorial progresses, its only 3 parts and has a good starting point for what you're looking for.
Hope it helps

Remove horizontal movement / wiggle from iPhone optimized pages

I'm trying to optimize our News pages for iPhone. One problem I've noticed is that I'm able to tap and move the page horizontally (i.e. wiggle).
My question is, how I can prevent this horizontal movement from happening?
All of our News pages have this problem. Here are a couple examples:
With picture
Without picture
Something is definitely set greater than your device width. Add the following to your css to find the culprit.
* {
You can then narrow down your search by setting border-color:red; to individual classes/tags/ids.
Add "overflow-x: hidden" on the body.
You can try setting user-scalable=0; and see if that has any effect.
This just happened to me too and it was the result of an extra closing div tag. Once I removed the extra </div>, the horizontal "wiggle" didn't happen any more.
I too, had the iPhone "wiggles" on a web page. It ended up being caused by an image that was wider than the column width it sat in (it was the last column in the row using Twitter Bootstrap). You might be thinking "obvious", but it's hard to spot when the image background matches the page background.
Just make the image responsive, or smaller than the column width - that solved it for me.
Taking the idea from other websites, most of big sites have a mobile site. look at those (the only one i know is facebook you can maybe see how the css is done. possible way of doing this is %. I would suggest to take out the sidebar for the mobile version. big pictures should be taken out or be resized so the browser doesn't have scroll bar side to side.

How to get a Core Data Model Picture to fit to 1 page when printing?

Ok, embarrassing, there must be an easy way - I have a Core Data model diagram that I want to print - printing is easy, but it pushes it over 4 pages which is difficult to carry around as a handy reference - how do I get it to shrink it onto 1 page?
I defined a 1m by 1m paper size, used it to create a PDF, cropped and then printed it:
Go to "File"->"Page Setup…"
Go to "Paper Size"->"Manage Custom Sizes…"
Define a new paper size with 1000x1000 mm and no borders
Go to "File"->"Print…"
Choose "PDF"->"Open PDF in Preview"
Go to "Tools"->"Rectangular Selection", select the area to crop
Do "Tools"->"Crop"
Go to "File"->"Print…", print
Sounds complicated, but works. Instead of cropping, you could use the scale factor in the Preview print dialog.
I ran into the same problem described above, where the zoom didn't really seem to work well much below about 70-80%. I found that if (in XCode 4) you go to File->Page Setup, then choose a different size of paper that the model will fit onto 1 page (I chose A3). Then go to File->Print but instead of printing the document, choose "Save PDF". Then view the resulting PDF file using Preview, and print from there: Preview will allow you to scale the image in the Print dialog so that it fits on whatever size paper your printer supports.
I tried this in XCode 4 - as mentioned, there is a "Page Setup" with Zoom option - however it seems to be limited - any zoom level below 70% seems to produce inconsistent results: either it thinks that it now fits on a single page, but parts are cut off, or it doesn't actually decrease the zoom an further as you request smaller percentages....
It's a little counter-intuitive, but in XCode (4) whilst viewing your data model go to File->Page Setup, which will let you adjust the zoom level.
You can then go to print and check the zoom level is high enough to fit your diagram onto a single sheet.
And if you're not on Xcode 4, you have to resort to n-up printing in preview and copy-pasting (the involving scissors kind) the pages together. The support for page setup was lost somewhere around Xcode 3.1.

iPhone MKMapKit Image Overlay

How can an image overlay be applied to a MKMapView? Basically, when you zoom in a specific location, I want an image to appear on top of the map that gives a more detailed view of the location.
I've had a look around and found different types of methods to use. I had a working example for an older SDK using the DrawMapRect function but this no longer seems to work on 4.2.
This is a good place to start...
I was looking for polygon sample code though.
#omniscian: If you have solved it you should post something helpful for others. This page has a high google rank.

Using CSS with background image/login

Currently I'm trying to edit a login screen for a web based application. As of now, I have the login prompt (user & password) at a particular place on page so that it corresponds with the background image. Right now this image is set to 1024x768.
What I was wondering, is there a way to have the background automatically scale depending on users own resolution while have the login appear at the correct location? I'm not sure if this is possible but thought someone might have some advice.
I've made a jsFiddle solution that can come in handy:
Click here to see background-resizing at work
It works with jQuery, and I've commented most code so you can understand how it works. You compare the aspect ratio of the image and the browserwindow, look at the difference and then resize the width or height, based on how the aspect ratio's are comparing. The css is also worth a look.
I tested it in Firefox and IE(7/8), but jsFiddle resizing is a bit buggy in IE.
Good luck!
I've made an updated jsFiddle here.
In this scenario, the message box (in your case the loginbox) is positioned absolute with percentual offset to the top and right. I also gave it percentual width/height, although that might not be neccesary/wanted. But you can tweak this to see how the box behaves with different window sizes.