"Warning! Could not get a mongodb connection string" message logged in new RHMAP cloud app? - mongodb

When I create a new cloud app, why do I get the following warning message in the error logs:
no way to determine mongo connection string
Warning! Could not get a
mongodb connection string. Sync will not work. If running in a
Dynofarm/FeedHenry MBaaS, ensure the database is upgraded
Any help apprecianted.

Go to Data Browser section of your Cloud app and click Upgrade Database.
It will ask you to re deploy the cloud app and this time that message shouldn't appear on the logs.


CloudRun Suddenly got `Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}"`

We have been running a service using NestJS and TypeORM on fully managed CloudRun without issues for several months. Yesterday PM we started getting Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}" errors in our logs.
We didn't make any server/SQL changes around this timestamp. Currently there is no impact to the service so we are not sure if this is a serious issue.
This error is not from our code, and our third party modules shouldn't know if we use Cloud SQL, so I have no idea where this errors come from.
My assumption is Cloud SQL Proxy or any SQL client used in Cloud Run is making this error. We use --add-cloudsql-instances flag when deploying with "gcloud run deploy" CLI command.
Link to the issue here
This log was recently added in the Cloud Run data path to provide more context for debugging CloudSQL connectivity issues. However, the original logic was overly aggressive, emitting this message even for properly working CloudSQL connections. Your application is working correctly and should not receive this warning.
Thank you for reporting this issue. The fix is ready and should roll out soon. You should not see this message anymore after the fix is out.

Google Cloud SQL setup & connecting to App Maker

I'm trying to get a Cloud SQL database connected to Google App Maker. I've followed the step by step instructions found here: https://developers.google.com/appmaker/models/cloudsql, apparently successfully (no error messages in setup.)
But, still getting the error message that it isn't set up properly, and the instance name is incorrect. :/
What. in the world.
Also, when I go back into App Maker and click on settings, I do not get a "database" option to select.
How do I proceed??
You must firs setup CloudSql instance in G-suite admin https://support.google.com/a/answer/7550053?hl=en

Mongo dump and restore to a different cluster and I cannot log in

I moved a mongoDB from one atlas cluster to a different account/different cluster.
To do this I did a dump from the source db and a restore to the new account's cluster.
I did NOT have a problem restoring the db - that went fine - I can visually confirm that the hashes in the new db ARE the same as the old.
When I try to login to my app (pointed to the source) I get in fine, when I change my db setting and point to the new db I get a log in failed.
The api code is the same - running locally, the only thing that is different is the connection string.
I am using bcrypt to hash the passwords - but because the api is sitting on my local machine, that kind of takes any application layer variable out of my problem list.
With the exception of the connection string - I was using the 3.1 driver connection string to connect to the 'old' version, and I decided to try the 3.6 driver version to connect to the 'new'.
Can someone confirm that moving a db from one cluster to another, using the dump and restore method SHOULD not effect hashed password matching.??
And maybe offer suggestions on where to look for answers?
so the only difference on the code is this:
// Old
// new
Ok, So I finally got around to playing with stuff, and since the URI was the only change, I switched back to the 3.4 driver syntax (that long ungodly string), and it works fine.
For the record, all my "open" (non-authenticated) API calls, such as with signup, or requesting a forgotten password. and a slew of drop down lookup, all processed thru the api with the 3.6 driver, I also signed up and logged in fine - the only issue is logging in with an account that was created in the previous cluster, with the new driver connection string.
And as confirmation - now that I switched the connection string back to 3.4 - I cannot log into the account I created with the 3.6 connection string.

Bluemix Blockchain

Facing below error for quite a long time today. Is this frequent?
We are trying to run a sample app locally [connecting to bluemix blockchain]
Also tried to install/deploy directly into blockchain.
Both results in same error on login page itself. Also gets ERR 500/
Waiting on the node server to open up so we can talk to the blockchain. This app is likely still starting up. Check the server logs if this message does not go away in 1 minute.
This application cannot run without the blockchain network :(
The "starter network" blockchain has been experiencing intermittent capacity overflow issues. We currently have availability; have you tried this recently? Try again andlet us know if you get the same error. If yes, please open a support service ticket via Bluemix dashboard.
Hope this helps, and thanks for using blockchain!

Transport endpoint is not connected in Mongodb

I am using
rockmongo (Mongodb database).
I have a issue: "sometimes i got error 'Transport endpoint is not connected' display and disconnect database with web-application."
Then i remove lock file and restart server then start again but within 1 min again repeat same issue.
I don't understand issue with rockmongo. Have any one solution?