What could be preventing VSCode showing run tasks? - visual-studio-code

I have been using tasks.json in Ionic and Ember projects.
In one specific project trying to open the list of tasks with Tasks|Run Task... does not work - the little blue loading marker scrolls across the bottom of the window and after a short while the window just closes.
Anybody know where I can start to look?
I have tried copying the exact same tasks.json file from other working projects so it is not a typo in that file.
(VSCode 1.15.1, Node 7.4.0, Windows 10)

Empty broccoli tmp folder!
It seems a lot of people find the broccoli /tmp folder filling up fast! Mine was 2.95GB just for the ember tutorial project! I have to keep manually deleting thousands of files from here, and each time my tasks start working again!
As the tmp folder fills up through repeated rebuilds the tasks menu seems to get slower and slower.

open the list of tasks with Tasks|Run Task... does not work
More generally, a slow task provider can prevent the list to show up.
See VSCode 1.43 (Feb. 2020, 3 years later)
Task quick pick updates
The task quick pick, shown when the Run Task command is executed, has been updated to show you which task providers are still running.
If you don't need tasks from that provider, the "Stop Detecting" button will immediately show you the tasks that have been detected so far so you don't have to wait for any slow task providers.


Project renaming in Eclipse is too slow

I'm using Spring Tool Suite 4. I right clicked the project name in Package Explorer and clicked Refactor > Rename.
The progress bar won't move for minutes so I clicked 'cancel' ,which didn't work either. The OS's task manager says it is occupying less than 3% of the CPU.
If I forcefully exit the process using OS's task manager, will it corrupt my project? How do I stop the process and be able to restore integrity of my project?
img:The progress bar does not move at all
I need your help before I randomly try something I don't really understand and ruin my project.

Mimic local history in Eclipse within Talend

Eclipse IDE has feature that captures log of modified files as a local history. Is this possible to mimic in Talend Studio? i.e. I change job then I save and run job. Two minutes later I change job then I save and run job. Can I revert to previously saved jobs from two minutes ago?
If i understand your question correctly your asking about version control which Talend has.
Simply before each run of your job go to File > Save as then on the dialog box that appears hit the M , or m button (Major or Minor version) then hit finish.
After you have re-versioned the job you can right click on the job in the repository view and click open another version.
The paid version using Github/TAC stores a copy of the code for each run depending on configuration.

rubymine scanning project directories takes too long

I am getting this issue from last few days. Rubymine keeps showing "scanning project directories" in the footer of the window for hours. Sometimes for day. This brings the issue that I am not able to click on any method and land on it. Moreover Rubymine has started to hang very frequently sometimes irrecoverably so that I have to quit and restart it. Once it even did not restart so I have to restart the computer.
I have added many projects around 10. Is it the root cause or something else. But I am not able to remove these projects so as to ease the problem.
I am using rubymine 7.0
Thanks a lot in advance!

Why are my Eclipse project builds so slow?

We use Eclipse (Indigo, with STS). Certain of our projects take inordinately long to build. Often the progress indicator sticks on, say, 87%, for 30 seconds.
I'm trying to find out what Eclipse is spending it's time on during the build cycle. I hope to be able to optimize the build or disable components that are causing it to be so slow. I'd like to see a log file saying ("compiling java code", "processing resources", etc).
I've poked around the log files in the .metadata directory. I've looked on the Eclipse site for tips. I've tried using "-debug" when starting Eclipse. I still can't find the information I'm looking for.
Is there any way to get Eclipse to spit out a log of what activities it is spending its time on when it builds a project?
What kind of projects are these? Java? Dynamic Web? Two things to look at for hints about what's going on are in the project Properties dialog; look at the Builders section and the Validation section. Try disabling the validations to see if that makes a difference in your build times.
To get some insight into what's happening at the times when the build seems to hang, try setting the -debug and -consoleLog options, as described here.
Disable your virus scanner software for your workspace and project directories. I increased the speed of my build in that way.
You can go to edit Windows->preference->general->workspace->build order to edit the default that exist according to your project need.
And check the maximum number of iteration when building with cycle.
I hope it works.
Since eclipse is a Java application, the usual debugging tools are at your disposal. In particular, you might try connecting to eclipse with JConsole and inspect the thread dump taken when the build "hangs", or run eclipse within a profiler.
You might find out things like a validator trying to download an xml schema, and waiting for the timeout since eclipse is not configured to use the corpoate proxy server - something which is very hard to find out by other means ;-)
Look into Apache Ant build scripts. Eclipse has support to auto generate them as a starting point instead of coding the whole thing by hand. The shop I worked in used tuned ANT scripts to optimize and control build order. We then piped output to log files using shell scripts.
You can try and replace with this aapt . My build for a particular project went from 3 minutes to 41 seconds....
This is an old post but thought of sharing my solution. I was using eclipse Luna and I noted that when you keep on working on a GIT branch without checking into git over the time the build becomes very slow. In my case I just deleted the folder .git and the file .gitignore and the build was very fast. Please note that this will disconnect eclipse from git, therefore use this aproach only if you know how to connect back to git branch using git commands.

Command line builds for VC 6?

I have been used to working with VS2005 and 2008 - using msbuild, etc, but I have inherited a set of projects that have to remain in vc6.0 for now. I don't like opening each project in the developer studio and building. I prefer to build form command line (I am automating the builds). Is this possible?
I have tried the nmake utility, but I still need to open up the projects and save/export the make file. This is tedious if the project changes - each time I have to save the make file. nmake seems to work, but it had a problem when I changed the location of the project in my directory tree (I checked out of svn into a new clean dir to try the build). It seemed to have hard coded paths in it, but I will have to check on that - it might have been a different problem.
Any alternatives out there?
Eventually I will migrate these to 2008, but for now that is not an option.
I'm recording the most important part of your link here - Microsoft has a bad habit of moving stuff around and leaving dead links. Not only is this the most important bit, but it gives enough information to do a search if/when they move it.
Building a Project from the Command Line
You can build a Visual C++ project from the command line without first exporting a makefile (MAKEFILE, or filename.mak) and using the NMAKE utility.
The basic command syntax is
msdev FileName [/MAKE "ProjectName – ConfigName | ALL"] [/REBUILD /CLEAN /NORECURSE /OUT LogFile /USEENV]
where FileName is the name of your project (.dsp) or workspace (.dsw) file.
I think I found m answer here:
thanks all
of course you can automate. I haven't used vc in years, but I think the compiler is called c8.exe or wow, I can't remember silly little tidbits like that anymore, but look in your vc\bin directory at all the exes and it will be obvious by name.
you can write a batch file worst case. But I also remember the UI having a "create makefile" function. So you do that once, and then just run make from the command line and voila. or maybe it's nmake. Again, been a long long time.
Microsoft provides a command line driver for building Visual Studio projects. In VC6 it's called "msdev" (do msdev /? for a list of options).
At some point (probably VS.NET/VS 2002) they started calling the command line build driver "devenv" for some reason. It has a somewhat different syntax, but for driving builds the options are the same or similar.
We use automated builds at my work place. Essentially just a batch file i fire off from the command line. Let me make sure i am allowed to post some sample code before i go ahead and post it. But yes, it IS possible to automate the build.
Sample Code:
:::::::: CompileSolution :::::::::::::::::::::::::
call X:\BuildTools\bin\BuildVbProj.bat
goto BuildErrors
goto Cleanup
EDIT: The BuildVbProj.bat file ultimately calls VB6.exe in the Program Files\MS Visual Studio\VB98\ folder. Try calling it with "VB6.exe /?" or "VB6.exe -?" and it will show you a list of options. You can basically automate your process using those options.
There should be a similar exe for VC in the VC98 folder as well.
Another option which is less labor intensive is
Pulldown Menu (BUILD)
Push Button (REBUILDALL)