Conncetivity between two oracle Server [closed] - oracle10g

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have two PC A and B.In both the machine Oracle 10g Express Edition.In this 2 machine both have internet connection with different service provider with different network.Now i like to connect 2 oracle server by command line sqlplus.please help me.

Connecting Remotely with SQL Command Line(Taken from Oracle documentations)
Connecting remotely means running SQL Command Line (SQL*Plus) on one computer (the remote computer), and then initiating a connection to Oracle Database XE on a different computer.
To initiate a remote connection from SQL Command Line using the Oracle Database XE Client:
On the remote computer, start a terminal session (Linux) or open a
command window (Windows.)
If prompted for host credentials, log in to the remote computer.
(Linux only) If the required environment variables are not already set for your session, set them as described in "Setting Environment Variables on the Linux Platform".
Enter the following command at the operating system prompt:
Enter a CONNECT command at the SQL Command Line prompt, supplying a
connect string.
CONNECT username/password#[//]host[:port][/service_name]
See "About Remote Connections" for a description and examples of
connect strings.
See Also:
"About Local and Remote Connections"
I hope this help.


Configure Apache Age with pgAdmin [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I've been looking for ways to configure apache-age with pgAdmin for easier interaction between PostgreSQL and Apache age on Windows.
I could not find anything related to set up with pgAdmin in the docs.
Can someone please guide me on how to set up apache age with pgAdmin?
You actually just need to connect the running postgres server instance with pgadmin.
Start the server bin/pg_ctl -D /data start
Open pgadmin and connect to the server by giving some details about the runing instance.
Go to pgadmin->servers(right-click)->register->server. Give the server details.
port: 5432 (default)
username: postgres
password: postgres
Here is Youtube Link for Installation in Windows. First, try to install Postgres and Apache AGE using this video tutorial.
To connect to Apache-age using pgAdmin, open pgAdmin and create a new server connection. In the New Server Registration dialog, enter the following information:
Name: A name for the connection.
Host: The hostname or IP address of the machine running Apache-age.
Port: The port number configured in the apache-age.conf file.
Database: the name of the database that you want to connect to. This should be a PostgreSQL database that you wish to use with Apache-age.
Click Save to establish the connection after entering this data. Now, you should be able to use pgAdmin to communicate with PostgreSQL via Apache-age.

Perl DBI: connect to REMOTE PostgreSQL db still complains about local socket file

I'm trying to use DBIx::Class to connect to a remote PostgreSQL db.
My connect string: "", $user, $pass does resolve to '', swapping both to the IP or having only host=IP all result in
could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 1489. at line 26
On this debian I don't have or want postgresql, I do have libdbd-pg-perl however. And DBI->available_drivers says that I do have Pg (It didn't before I installed the library).
How can I find out what it's trying to do and do I need anything else installing? The server in question is configured to allow connections from 10.100.* addresses which the machine running this code is on and I can connect to it with tools such as PSequel and pgAdmin on my workstation (same network) with the db user in question.
That should be:
Only the first two separators are colons. The rest of them should be semi-colons.

Can my web host prevent me from connecting to an external database? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have two servers:
CP server - A website is hosted on a server running cpanel (I only have access to cpanel)
VPS server - A server running ubuntu and postgresql
I am pretty sure I did everything correct when I enabled remote access to the postgres database on the VPS server (I connected successfully from two other machines, on two different IPs). However, when I am running exactly the same PHP-code on the CP server, it fails to connect. I tried using fsockopen on this server. It does not work when I try to connect to the VPS server on port 5432, but works on port 80. On the other machines I tried on, it works on port 5432.
So, is it possible that my web hosting provider (the CP server) is blocking this connection somehow?
The webhosting provider is having firewall installed and its blocking the outgoing connection to the postgresql server.

Open Port 3306 via SSH [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to access a Remote MySQL database from a GoDaddy VPS. I have enabled remote access on my server but I need to open the 3306 port on GoDaddy's VPS. I was told by their suppor I would need to do this via SSH but they were not able to help me any further than that. I have successfully connected to my server via SSH. I have run the following command:
telnet 3306
When I rund that command I get the following message, SHost is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverConnection closed by foreign host.
How do I open the port to allow me to connect to a Remote MySQL database?
Use port forwarding.
ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306
(I assume you normally ssh to your server by running ssh
Then, while that connection is active, connect to the database on localhost instead of (e.g. test using telnet localhost 3306).
More details in the ssh manual.

Remote connection to PostgreSQL [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have just installed Postgresql 9.1 on windows server 2008. I was trying to connect it from the remote computer on the default port 5432(as I have not changed it), but was not successful. So what are the possible configuration settings changes to made?
You need to update some configuration files. They will be in a sub directory of your postgresql install in the data directory. On Windows most likely C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\data
You need to update your postgres.conf file to listen_addresses = '*' so the postgres service can be seen by other machines. See 18.3. Connections and Authentication.
To let any machine connect to postgres pg_hba.conf. The says let any ip address connect. You can trim this down so it's only ip ranges on your network. See 19.1. The pg_hba.conf File.
all all md5
You should check your Postgresql Configuration file.
Verify the setting for listen_addresses. By default it likely only listens on your loopback address which would not allow you to connect from another machine. The simplest way to get it listening on an external interface is to set it to: listen_addresses = '*'
More info can be found in the documentation here.