UWP Map Control Missing Detail Roads Details - bing-maps

Hello for some reason the uwp map control doesnt appear to be working properly. To rule out any issues with my code I began testing with UWP Sample Ui projects mapcontrol When I set latitude and longitude to a geopoint other than the enter image description hereSeattle/Washington state area the roads, accessways, and labels dont show in the new area. I could replicate the problem if I pan far away from Washignton the control would not update the roads and the roads or details either. It looks like the washington state maps are downloaded offline but I have a great internet connection 20-40Mb.
private async void MyMap_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
myMap.Center = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = 33.448376, Longitude = -112.074036 });
myMap.ZoomLevel = 20;
await myMap.TrySetViewAsync(MainPage.SeattleGeopoint, 12);
Has anyone else encountered these issues? I am or my users required to download all of the state maps for it to run?
These's other promising solutions xaml-mapcontrol and using a webview to reference maps but its just a same the built in uwp control doesn't work.

The built-in MapControl should work. If you have Washington maps downloaded offline, and you only run into the problem when panning away from Washington or setting the center to be someplace else in the world, there must be a problem with downloading the map data. The screenshot you posted with the blurry roads and no labels supports this.
To verify, try loading Chicago to confirm it is blurry, and then download the offline maps for Illinois to see if it resolves the problem. You should not have to do this, but it could help to verify the issue.
I would try "Deleting all maps" from the Offline Maps section of Settings, to see if this fixes the problem.


Unity Google Street View

I am trying to make a street view 360 viewer. Which should work on 2 screens.
One is a monitor and one is a oculus rift.
The first user will be sitting in front of the monitor and selecting street view images from a list / database.
The second user will wear the oculus rift and can see the street view images.
There is a plugin that can download panoramas from street view https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/28512 ,
but this will only work in the unity editor.
Well here is the problem. I need to update this programm once in a while. So maybe there will be new images every week, the user should be able to select them. If they start the programm, there will be a screen saying that there is an update available. The programm should than download all new images and after that, they will be available for the users.
So I am wondering if it is possible to download panoramas from street view in runtime? Like there will be a database with all url's to the panoramas, the programm will check that database, download all new one and convert them to skybox oder 6-sided pictures.
I am using unity 5.4 and it should work on a PC
You can download the images using the Google Street View API: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/streetview/?hl=en
Example URL:
Please not that the images will be 400px * 600px, to get higher resolution you'll have to pay.
You'll have to make a different request for each camera angle (the max allowed FoV is 120, meaning you'll need three images to make the whole horizontal circle).
Honestly, I would do the whole image managing and updating thing server side. I would set up an interface in the browser where you can add new interest spots, then the server downloads the images and creates the cubemaps. The Unity client will just ask the server for a list of all the interesting places and once you chose one it will download the cubemap. Maybe it's because I have a web dev background, but to me it makes more sense than doing everything inside Unity.

iphone phonegap google maps memory warning

I have an app written in Cordova (Phonegap) 2.3.0.
I use Jquery 1.8.2 and jquerymobile 1.2.0 and google maps v3.
XCode version 4.6
On one page I load a bunch of coordinates and creates different polylines added to the map.
There are 37 polylines added to the map and each polyline contains from 20 to 200 coordinates. About 1700 coordinates total on the map.
I also have like 20 markers.
The app works fine from start, I can zoom in and out and the map responds well, but if I reload the map I sometimes start to get messages like "Received memory warning" in XCode and the map wont update any more and sometimes the app crasch.
This is my clear routine that I call before adding the updated data:
function clearOverlays() {
try {
if (polyLinesArray != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < polyLinesArray.length; i++) {
polyLinesArray[i] = null;
polyLinesArray.length = 0;
catch(e) {
handleError(e, "clearOverlays");
polyLinesArray is an array to which I push all polylines after they are added to the map.
So the question is, how can I clear the map in a good way the prevents memory warning (and leaks?)?
I have mouse click listeners too on the polylines, do I need to clear them as well before updating?
The same can occur when I navigate to another html-page in the app. After a few times forward and backward the map wont update any more. Before I navigate to other pages I call my clear routines first.
Another simple test done:
I just load the map, add my polylines and some other markers. Zoom in and out a few times and then the "Received memory warning" appears. I have not done anything else, just let google maps handle the zooming and panning around.
I had the same issue and found out that it had to do with the way the Google Maps API draws overlays. For some reason this became too memory intensive from API 3.7 and up. Luckily in 3.12 (current experimental version) this seems to be resolved again. At least in my case.
If you call the maps api with &v=3.exp in the URL, your issue might be resolved as well.

MKMapView Cannot Zoom Map

I created a really basic app that just shows an MKMapView and the UserLocation. I'm having problems drawing this base map sometimes (it only shows pieces of the map), and whenever I pinch zoom the map, it fails to redraw, and just shows the blank gray tiles. The console shows this whenever it needs to get a new map tile:
/SourceCache/GoogleMobileMaps/GoogleMobileMaps-263.5/googlenav/mac/Loader.mm:231 server returned error: 502
This looks like a gateway error, but that doesn't make any sense, since I'm using open WiFi for testing. I haven't implemented any region zooming code, I just want to display and zoom the basic map first. I'm using iOS 4.2.1 (8C148), so I'm wondering if this is a problem with the newer iOS versions? Any ideas?
Edit: Works fine now, must just be a problem with Google's servers.
Just started getting the same error. I've searched online and can't see anyone else having the issue (yet). Thought it was something I did, but suspect its at Google's end.
I think that the problem is solved now. It had to be a momentary Google Maps problem.

iPhone MKMapKit Image Overlay

How can an image overlay be applied to a MKMapView? Basically, when you zoom in a specific location, I want an image to appear on top of the map that gives a more detailed view of the location.
I've had a look around and found different types of methods to use. I had a working example for an older SDK using the DrawMapRect function but this no longer seems to work on 4.2.
This is a good place to start...
I was looking for polygon sample code though.
#omniscian: If you have solved it you should post something helpful for others. This page has a high google rank.

google map link with marker (on iphone & android)

I've tried to open Google Map application on iphone & android. From iPhone developer reference website I am able to open the native google map from link.
However, I have trouble with adding a marker into the map. As in google static map, we can add markers into map. I wonder if we can do the same to google map link.
Hey Borey
You can add markers. But it has to be google's own preset marker.
Try this link :
Use q instead of ll and I think it will work.
Problems I saw:
1) Cannot choose your own marker
2) Cannot remove that 'additional marker' that tells you what's around that area.
I guess, that's the next best thing for you? For your info, I am using it too as I lack other choices.
The only way I am aware of for doing this is to use the My Maps feature of google maps. You can create a public map in My Maps. Add a marker using the toolbar in the map, then use the link button on the top right to get the URL of your public map.
Not sure how this looks on a mobile device, but I assume that it works.
Ok. So my assumption was incorrect. I tried this out on Android and iPhone and got the following results:
iPhone - Switches out to the maps application (no option to view in the browser), displays the correct region, but no markers.
Android - Gives you the option of viewing the URL in the browser or in maps. If you view in the browser, you get the correct region, but no markers.
Android - If you view on the maps application, you get the correct region and the markers.
So basically not very useful to you. When I have done this in my mobile web apps (not native), I have used static maps. You give up the dynamic functionality, but you get lots of flexibility with what gets rendered on the map.