Access a JSONB array of objects as an object of arrays - postgresql

I have a JSONB column in my Postgres 9.6 database with roughly the following structure
"A": "some value",
"B": "another value",
"foo": "bar",
"x": "y"
"B": "abc",
"C": "asdf"
It is always an array of objects, the number of array elements varies. Some of the object keys are in each array element, but not all of them. The real objects have many more keys, a few hundred are common.
In certain situations, I need to get the value of a specific key for each array element. For example, if I want to access the key "B" the result should be
["another value", "abc"]
if I access "foo" the result should be
["bar", null]
Is there a reasonably efficient way to fetch all values for a specific key in a SQL query? It should work independent of the number of objects in the array, and ideally it should not get slower if the number of key in the objects get much larger.

You can use the jsonb_array_elements to extract each object, aggregate those you want in an array using ARRAY_AGG and then convert that into a json array using array_to_json:
WITH j(json) AS (
"A": "some value",
"B": "another value",
"foo": "bar",
"x": "y"
"B": "abc",
"C": "asdf"
SELECT array_to_json(ARRAY_AGG(elem->'B'))
FROM j, jsonb_array_elements(json) elem
["another value","abc"]
(1 row)
WITH j(json) AS (
"A": "some value",
"B": "another value",
"foo": "bar",
"x": "y"
"B": "abc",
"C": "asdf"
SELECT array_to_json(ARRAY_AGG(elem->'foo'))
FROM j, jsonb_array_elements(json) elem
(1 row)


Querying array of nested objects with nested array of objects in Redshift

Let's say I have the following JSON
"id": 1,
"sets": [
"values": [
"value": 1
"value": 2
"values": [
"value": 5
"value": 6
If the table name is X I expect the query
SELECT, v.value
FROM X as x,
x.sets as sets,
sets.values as v
to give me
id, value
1, 1
1, 2
2, 5
2, 6
and it does work if both sets and values has one object each. When there's more the query fails with column 'id' had 0 remaining values but expected 2. Seems to me I'm not iterating over "sets" properly?
So my question is: what's the proper way to query data structured like my example above in Redshift (using PartiQL)?

Postgres JSONB Editing columns

I was going through the Postgres Jsonb documentation but was unable to find a solution for a small issue I'm having.
I've got a table : MY_TABLE
that has the following columns:
User, Name, Data and Purchased
One thing to note is that "Data" is a jsonb and has multiple fields. One of the fields inside of "Data" is "Attribute" but the values it can hold are not in sync. What I mean is, it could be a string, a list of strings, an empty list, or just an empty string. However, I want to change this.
The only values that I want to allow are a list of strings and an empty list. I want to convert all the empty strings to empty lists and regular strings to a list of strings.
I have tried using json_build_array but have not had any luck
So for example, I'd want my final jsonb to look like :
"Id": 1,
"Attributes": ["Test"]
"Id": 2,
"Attributes": []
"Id": 3,
"Attributes": []
when converted from
"Id": 1,
"Attributes": "Test"
"Id": 2,
"Attributes": ""
"Id": 3,
"Attributes": []
I only care about the "Attributes" field inside of the Json, not any other fields.
I also want to ensure for some Attributes that have an empty string "Attributes": "", they get mapped to an empty list and not a list with an empty string ([] not [""])
I also want to preserve the empty array values ([]) for the Attributes that already hold an empty array value.
This is what I have so far:
case when js ->> 'Attributes' <> ''
then jsonb_build_array(js ->> 'Attributes')
else '[]'::jsonb
However, Attributes: [] is getting mapped to ["[]"]
Use jsonb_array_elements() to iterate over the elements of each 'data' cell and jsonb_agg to regroup the transform values together into an array:
WITH test_data(js) AS (
VALUES ($$ [
"Id": 1,
"Attributes": "Test"
"Id": 2,
"Attributes": ""
"Id": 3,
"Attributes": []
SELECT transformed_elem
FROM test_data
SELECT jsonb_agg(jsonb_set(
WHEN elem -> 'Attributes' IN ('""', '[]') THEN '[]'::JSONB
WHEN jsonb_typeof(elem -> 'Attributes') = 'string' THEN jsonb_build_array(elem -> 'Attributes')
ELSE elem -> 'Attributes'
)) AS transformed_elem
FROM jsonb_array_elements(test_data.js) AS f(elem) -- iterate over every element in the array
) s
[{"Id": 1, "Attributes": ["Test"]}, {"Id": 2, "Attributes": []}, {"Id": 3, "Attributes": []}]

jsonb searching for keys in array and returning position

I have the following json object stored into a jsonb column
"msrp": 6000,
"data": [
"supplier": "a",
"price": 5775
"supplier": "b",
"price": 6129
"supplier": "c",
"price": 5224
"supplier": "d",
"price": 5775
There's a few things I'm trying to do but completely stuck on :(
Check if a supplier exists inside this array. So if I'm looking up if "supplier": "e" is in here. Here's what I tried but didn't work. "where data #> '{"supplier": "e"}'"
(optional but really nice to have) Before returning results if I do a select *, inject into each array a "price_diff" so that I can see the difference between msrp and the supplier price as such.
"supplier": "d",
"price": 5775,
"price_diff": 225
where data #> '{"supplier": "e"}'
Do you have a column named data? You can't just treat a JSONB key name as if it were a column name.
Containment starts from the root.
colname #> '{"data":[{"supplier": "e"}]}'
You can redefine the 'root' dynamically though:
colname->'data' #> '[{"supplier": "e"}]'

Updating nested objects in MongoDB

I am trying to update a nested document in MongoDB that looks similar to below (shortened to be concise).
"cols": "20",
"saveTime": "2014-06-15-10:44:09",
"rows": "20",
"gameID" : "66f2497c-7a2b-4210-a06b-80be0e6a8fd8",
"players": [
"id": "Inhuman",
"num": "1",
"color": "00ff00ff",
"name": "badComputer",
"type": "1"
"nodes": [
"g": "1",
"c": "0",
"r": "0",
"a": "0",
"o": ""
"g": "1",
"c": "0",
"r": "1",
"a": "0",
"o": ""
What I am trying to do is update one of the nodes. For example, I want to change the node:
{ "g": "1", "c": "0", "r": "0", "a": "0", "o": ""}
{ "g": "1", "c": "0", "r": "0", "a": "5", "o": ""}
I have tried using the dot (.) notation, with the $set command, ala:{"gameID" : "66f2497c-7a2b-4210-a06b-80be0e6a8fd8"}, { $set: {"nodes.r":"0", "nodes.c":"0", "nodes.a":"5"}}),
But that does not give me the expected behavior because I'm updating all nodes with the same r and c values. This is obviously not what I want, but I do not see how to update a specific piece of this document. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
If you are looking to update a specific item in your "nodes" array that you do not know the position of but you know the "criteria" to match that item, then you need the $elemMatch operator along with the positional $ operator in the update side:
"gameID" : "66f2497c-7a2b-4210-a06b-80be0e6a8fd8",
"nodes": { "$elemMatch": { "g": 1, "r": 0 } }
{ "$set": { "nodes.$.c":"0", "nodes.$.a":"5" } }
The positional $ operator contains the matched "index" position of the first element "matched" by your query conditions. If you do not use $elemMatch and use the "dot notation" form instead, then the match is only valid for the whole document containing values that would be true and does not reflect the "position" of the element that matches both of the field conditions.
Care must be taken that this is the "first" match, and typically expected as the only match. The reason being that the positional operator will only contain the "first" position where there were multiple matches. To update more than one array item matching the criteria in this way, then you need to issue the update several times until the document is no longer modified.
For a "known" position you can always directly use the "dot notation" form, including the position of the element that you wish to update:
"gameID" : "66f2497c-7a2b-4210-a06b-80be0e6a8fd8",
{ "$set": { "nodes.0.c":"0", "nodes.0.a":"5" } }
So the index position is 0 for the first element, 1 for the second element and so on.
Noting that in both cases, you only need to pass to $set the fields you actually want to change. So unless you are unsure of a value being present ( which would not be the case if that was your query ) then you do not need to "set" fields to the value they already contain.
To update specific node - you would need to put that in the query part of your search.
As in{"gameID" : "66f2497c-7a2b-4210-a06b-80be0e6a8fd8","nodes.r":"0",
"nodes.c":"0", "nodes.a":"5" }, { $set: {"nodes.$.r":"0", "nodes.$.c":"0", "nodes.$.a":"5"}})
You see the $ sign takes the node object it found that matches the first part (query) of the call, and sends you there in the second part (projection) part of your call.
Also check out this question

Mongo find in hash

Suppose I have several documents like so
title: 'blah',
value: {
"A": {property: "foo"},
"B": {property: "bar"},
"C": {property: "foo"},
"D": {property: "foo"}
title: 'blah2',
value: {
"A": {property: "bar"},
"B": {property: "bar"},
"C": {property: "bar"},
"D": {property: "foo"}
What mongodb query will get me all of the documents / hash keys that have {property: "foo"}
(I know this can be done using js after the query, but can it be done within the query itself?)
The trouble is that there's no wildcard for object keys (see, so you wouldn't be able to do this without listing all of the keys in your "value". That might be an option if you know what all of the keys are, but I imagine you don't.
If you converted "value" to an array rather than an object, you could do a query easily (which would return the documents, not the hash keys).
As the first answer says, there is nothing in the mongodb query language that would allow you to do this type of query.
You might want to consider altering your schema to make value an array like this:
value: [
{ name : "A", property : "bar" },
{ name : "B", property : "bar" },
{ name : "C", property : "bar" },
{ name : "D", property : "foo" }
Then you could index on and run a query on = "foo".