Where should i install Odoo erp on my CentOs device? - centos

Being a total newbie, I want to install Odoo on my CentOs device via cloning github repository. However, I am not certain about the installation directory I should choose. As you can see, the ftp directory is empty, shall I install it there?

The installation folder is not too important as long as the permissions are opened for the user that will run the server.
Usually, it's installed under /opt/odoo
sudo mkdir /opt/odoo
cd /opt/odoo
sudo git clone https://github.com/odoo/odoo.git


Install MongoDB on CentOs 7 without YUM. have rpm files but not tgz

I'm fairly new to Linux and am running CentOS 7. I can do the basics of navigating, creating dirctories, permissions, unzip applications and make SL to the apps but I have no idea what to do with an "rpm" file.
The system that I am trying to install MongoDB 4.2.x on does not have an outside connection. I have the individual rpm files for MongoDB but not the tgz which some article I read said I should use.
There is no way for me to get the tgz over to the machine unless I wait several days.
With only the .rpm files, how do I install MongoDB?
The instructions in the above link say to create the .repo file but that makes a reference to the external URL which the system does not have access to.
name=MongoDB Repository
Again, with only the .rpm files, how do I install MongoDB?
You do need some kind of access to the outside world; you need to get the rpm files on your machine...
you can just manually download the rpm files you need from https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/7/mongodb-org/4.2/x86_64/RPMS/, copy them to your machine, and then run
yum install /path/to/downloaded/mongodb*rpm

How to avoid centos-release rpm installing yum repo files via spacewalk

We have a Spacewalk server we use to distribute updates to our CentOS 6 and 7 client systems. None of the client systems have internet access. Only the spacewalk server has restricted access to complete repo sync updates.
We have an issue when it comes time to push out the centos-release rpms. this rpm installs repo config files like /etc/yum.repo.d/CentOS-Base.repo. Since the client system can't get out to the internet, any subsequent yum command displays an error about not enough mirrors.
Does any one know of a way to have either Spacewalk or yum exclude the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory on install of the centos-release package.
It has to be an automated or configurable method as I currently run a manual command on each of the affected systems when I know that rpm is being pushed out. (/bin/rm /etc/yum.repo.d/CentOS-*.repo). I considered a cron job, but that just didn't seem like the best option.
Thanks in advance.
You can tell yum not to use a certain repository:
yum install --disablerepo=centos-base
or you can tell him to only use your repository by disabling all others:
yum install --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=myrepo
The solution I have seen in the past is to configure yum to not use the default location, but instead a different one. For example, /etc/yum.internal.repos.d/. Then anything that happens in the default location doesn't matter.

How to replicate a Python 2.7, Bottle, MongoDB OpenShift application locally in Linux Mint 17?

This started as a question, but I think I've figured out most of the parts, so am posting it here for reference. It is relatively involved, but I think it may be useful to others contemplating this scenario.
I'm a newb with some of these areas, so if mistakes are made in regards to security issues in Apache or other bad practices, please correct.
Also note that, as it stands, the local development version that is produced from following the steps below no longer has git enabled on it due to changes between it and the production code. So I will keep the local git repo in another location.
Desired Behaviour
Option One:
Replicate my current Python 2.7, Bottle, MongoDB OpenShift application locally to speed up development time (during git push etc).
Option Two (if significantly easier):
Replicate my current Python 2.7, Bottle, MongoDB Openshift application locally *without the OpenShift platform* to speed up development time.
Current Behaviour
I have a Python 2.7, Bottle, MongoDB application on OpenShift.
My current workflow is:
Edit locally.
git add --all
git commit -m "here is a message"
git push origin master (this updates the live site on openshift)
git push github master (this updates github repo)
Obviously this is not ideal for developing due to the time each push takes before I can see the results.
Directory Structure
This is the structure of my app now that it is running locally:
Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon
Steps To Replicate Locally
01) MongoDB 2.4.9 - DONE
Install instructions for MongoDB 2.4.9 on Linux Mint 17:
02) RockMongo 1.1 (which requires Apache, PHP and MongoDB Driver) - DONE
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5
sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-cli
sudo apt-get install php-pear
pear version
pecl version
sudo pecl install mongo
At this point, I was prompted with something that included [no] and I just pressed Enter.
cd /etc/php5/apache2
sudo vi php.ini
Add this to the end of the file:
Then restart:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Then install RockMongo:
cd /var/www/html
wget https://github.com/iwind/rockmongo/archive/1.1.7.zip
unzip 1.1.7.zip
mv rockmongo-1.1.7 rockmongo
rm 1.1.7.zip
03) Create clean virtualenv environment and install packages to it - DONE
virtualenv is a Python package that lets you create independent, virtual environments containing their own Python installation and packages.
Install virtualenv through Synaptic Package Manager.
How To Create
By the author of mod_wsgi, Graham Dumpleton.
Why To Create
This article is so brilliant it almost make me want to cry, kudos, kudos.
Before doing the following, install python2.7-dev, libxml2-dev, libxslt1-dev and apache2-dev via Synaptic Package Manager to resolve errors when doing pip installs later.
# change to your html folder
cd /var/www/html
# this will create a folder called ENV that contains its own instance
# of python without inheriting your system's installed python packages.
# it will also install independent instances of pip and setuptools.
# the --no-site-packages option is the default setting in recent versions
# however I added it just to be sure.
virtualenv --no-site-packages ENV
New python executable in ENV/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
# you can 'activate' the virtual environment so that each time you use
# pip it automatically installs packages in the virtual environment.
# change to your virtual environment folder
cd /var/www/html/ENV
# activate the virtual environment
source bin/activate
# you can deactivate this by typing 'deactivate` and it is also
# automatically deactivated each time you close the terminal.
# from time to time you can save the names of the packages you have
# installed to your virtual environment via pip to a text file with:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# note, after installing virtualenv as shown above, you will have some
# packages installted by default.
pip freeze
# requirements.txt would allow installation of all required packages via:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install packages, whilst virtualenv is activated
pip install bottle
pip install https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/bottle-cork/archive/master.zip
pip install requests
pip install pymongo==2.6.2
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install lxml
pip install Beaker
pip install pycrypto
pip install pillow
pip install tldextract
04) Copy existing application files to new location - DONE
cp -r path/to/open_shift_apps/my-app/. /var/www/html
05) Remove files and folder unnecessary for *local* production from var/www/html - DONE
rm -r data
rm -r libs
rm -r .openshift
rm -r .git
rm setup.py
rm setup.pyc
rm setup.pyo
06) mod_wsgi - DONE
Through Synaptic Package Manager.
Apache wouldn't work for me unless mod_wsgi was installed at system level, ie it didn't work when mod_wsgi was installed within virtualenv.
07) Understand the relationship between the Apache server, mod_wsgi and your application - DONE
To run a dynamic website locally, you need a server, in this case we used Apache.
mod_wsgi is an Apache module which extends Apache so that rules can be added to its configuration which point to your Python code so that it can be run when a user visits a particular path.
08) Configure Apache rules
WSGIPythonHome /var/www/html/ENV
WSGIPythonPath /var/www/html:/var/www/html/ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/var/www/html/wsgi
<VirtualHost *:80>
# for all content in static folder - css, js, img, fonts
Alias /static/ /var/www/html/wsgi/static/
# for rockmongo
Alias /rockmongo /var/www/html/rockmongo
<Directory /var/www/html/rockmongo>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ServerAdmin webmaster#localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/html/wsgi/application
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
When a user visits a particular path, Apache looks for an application object which contains code which will run your Python program.
In this case, the object is located at wsgi/application and is triggered when the user goes to localhost.
from mybottleapp import application
09) Check file ownership and permissions
If things don't work at any stage of the process, be sure to look at the permissions of your local files. Not having the right permissions could mean that your application is not imported.
10) mongodump from OpenShift and mongorestore locally
How to mongodump from OpenShift and mongorestore locally on MongoDB 2.4.9?
Further Reading
How Python web frameworks, WSGI and CGI fit together

Phalcon: server not reachable through ip after installation

I tried to install Phalcon on CentOS 6.5. This is what I did:
Edit etc/yum.conf: remove the line ‘exclude=’ (temporarily)
Sudo yum update (to update everything on the system)
Yum install php-devel
Sudo yum install git
git clone git://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon.git
cd cphalcon/build
sudo ./install
Add a file called phalcon.ini in /etc/php.d/ with this content:
Put back the original etc/yum.conf file
Reboot server.
Before I rebooted the server, "Apache is functioning normally" was displayed when I typed the IP address in my browser. Now when I got there, I get a browser message about being unable to establish a connection. When I type :2222 after the ip address, I can get access to directadmin.
What did I do wrong? (this is the second time I tried to reinstall it completely...)
Thank you very much
Phalcon should be loaded after all other PHP extensions are loaded. This has to do with the patches used by CentOS: they change the way the extensions are loaded into PHP.
I would remove extension=phalcon.so from php.ini and create /etc/php.d/zz-phalcon.ini with
and restart the web server.
EDIT: I explained this in details in the official forum.
You can't properly install Phalcon when using DirectAdmin.

Install with pecl to local dir on shared hosting

I'd like to install a PHP extension on a bluehost shared site; specifically the MongoDB driver. Since pecl is unable to write to the primary server directory that has all the installed extensions, I'd like to install the mongo.so file to a directory I specify under my home. The closest article I found on the web was:
However, after following the steps when I use the "pecl install mongo" command, it still keeps trying to install to bluehost's central directory on the server.
According to my web host's technical support team, utilising the pecl installer attempts to install the extension server-wide rather than under your account only. My web host doesn't allow server-wide installations in their shared environment for security reasons and because they want to keep their fleet universally the same across the board. I suspect your host is the same.
However, they did suggest I download, configure and install the pecl package (pecl_http) in my account only (rather than server-wide) via the following manual process:
$ cd ~/
$ wget http://pecl.php.net/get/pecl_http
$ tar -zxvf pecl_http.tar.gz
$ cd pecl_http
$ phpize
$ ./configure --prefix=~/bin
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
A successful install will have created extname.so and put it into the
PHP extensions directory. You'll need to edit php.ini (in my case,
this was a copy of the standard php.ini file that I placed in the same
folder as the script using the extension) and add an
extension=extname.so line (in my case, extension=http.so) before you can use the extension.
Note that the tilde character (~) in the above code refers to the home directory of the current user (e.g. /home/username on my host's server).
Issues you may run into
When using the tar command, a "cannot open: not a directory" error
appeared as pecl_http had been downloaded without a file extension.
This was easily corrected:
mv pecl_http pecl_http.tar.gz
When using the make install command, a "cp: cannot create regular
file...: Permission denied" errror appeared. I resolved this issue
by changing the ext_dir for pecl...
pecl config-set ext_dir /home/username/bin/extensions
...and re-running make install. I also had to copy the http.so extension to /home/username/bin/extensions and then reference that location in my php.ini file:
extension_dir = "/home/username/bin/extensions"
this sounds like you don't have root access to your server. if your need to compile anything you must be have root access permission to server, or maybe you must be one of the sudoers.