Magento2 integration with alertifyjs - magento2

Can anybody let me know, is it possible to integrate alertifyjs in magento2
Please find the below link:

i think you need to create requirejs dependency which will represent alertifyjs + add css files to head. Maybe you will need to wrap alertifyjs javascript code with "define" requirejs block but im not sure.


Can I somehow import an image/screenshot of a website and then have it transform it to a XD design?

I'm not looking to convert a website like Protoship does.
I'd like to be able to make a screenshot of a website and then import/translate that to a XD design.
Is there a plugin or way I'd be able to do this?
I was trying to make a prototype for PowerApps and now I've seen that there's literally an option to exactly what I wanted to achieve:
Yes, you can by using ProtoPie plugin.

Need help about DOJO charts

I need same chart like mentioned in below URL from dojo library in my application.
But unfortunately, I can't see HTML and JS code needed for above demo. Is there any way to find it somewhere? Thanks in advance.
I think you're looking for official documentation:

Typo3: creating sideblock using PHP code

I have a piece of PHP code which I would like to integrate into Typo3 as a sideblock for a custom extension I have written.
Can someone tell me how to integrate PHP code into Typo3 as a sideblock or alternatively point me towards some sample code I can look at. I don't want to use typoscript or anything like that, just plain PHP code but so far I have been unable to find a method of doing so.
Any tips would me much appreciated.
I think you need use typo3 "userfunc". The below link may help you:
You might also consider the tscobj extension (, which allows you to include an object like the one created by typo3wizards userfunc-code provided by Sankar V, as a content element in the editing environment of TYPO3. Remember to use "lib." as top-level identifier instead of "temp.", as is done in the snippet for typo3wizard.
Create a small extensions with the TYPO3 Extension kickstarter and insert it as a content element on the "sideblock part" of you website.

How to design the header of a website in GWT without using CSS?

I need to make the header and logo (google Code and Stockwatcher) of the stockwatcher example without using CSS or HTML, that is all the code should be in JAVA. Can someone tell me how to do it ?
You should be able to create Panels and place elements in them progmatatically without a problem. But if you add more details to your questions I am sure we can be more helpful.
Also, you are linking to an older version of GWT, you might be helped by using the most recent version:
This is probably the section you are looking for:
But I would recommend using UiBinder where you can, instead of pure Java. It is easier and more flexible that way.

google-style autocompletion tutorial/example

I have an app that would benefit from google-style autocompletion while filling in an entry field.
Any pointers on how this is implemented, or a package that I can drop in to assist?
I use jQuery and the Autocomplete plug-in for this. It allows the data to be either specified in an JavaScript array locally, or received via the network, if a suitable data provider is written.
Here is a decent tutorial using jQuery for the ajax
I use autocompletion. The demo is in Rails but i use it with PHP.
Nowadays jQueryUI is a great choice:
If You want do it Yourself without jQuery just change the .pac-container like below:
{ width:280px !important; font-family:Tahoma;}
or visit this site:
Think help U.