Manually test grpc interfaces - soap

When you have soap webservice, you can always use soapui to create test xml requests for manual interface tests. You insert you test data into the xml document and send the request to the soap provider. You can then analyse the response in soapui.
We are currently thinking about switching from soap with xml to grpc with protobuf3. Is there a test gui for grpc that offers features as described above for grpc?

I don't think the equivalent tooling is readily available, but we do continuously try to improve the state of tooling for gRPC and Protocol Buffers.
In the meantime, there is grpc_cli project that might be immediately helpful, and gives you an idea if you want to build your own similar tool.

You could use, which is a gRPC GUI client, very similar to SoapUI for SOAP services (or Postman for REST services).
Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors of Kreya.


Show traffic between web service and client

I have simple Jersey based web service running on TomCat 9. I do development in Eclipse IDE. Server and IDE are on the same windows machine. I'm using Postman utility to generate test requests.
I would like somehow to see all request/response traffic between service and postman. What is the best way to do that?
Postman will show you everything sent and received in the request (url, headers and content), but you can use a tool like Fiddler to view intercepted HTTP requests.
The best way is to use Tomcat's Request Dumper Filter. It's the best in the sense you don't need anything more than what you already have.
If you do not insist on a eclipse integration you could use burp( ).
In proxymode you can play "man in the middle" at your localhost and get every content.
You have just to setup burp as your proxy and you are done. You are also able to stop traffic etc. etc. This works for all kind of network traffic.
The tool is also available in a community edition.

Restful Webservice SAP testing

Is there any way to test rest Webservices in SAP?
I know it's possible to test SOAP Webservices with eCATT but to do that a WSDL file is needed.
The Problem with rest Webservices is, there is no such WSDL file.
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming from your question that you'd like to test the service from within your SAP system rather than by using an external tool.
If you have access to a system that has the Gateway components deployed, you can use the Gateway client (transaction code /IWFND/GW_CLIENT). It provides a very similar set of functionality to Postman, Paw, et al.
You can use some rest clients available on the browsers:
Postman -> Chrome
RESTClient -> Firefox
Futhermore, if you need a more robust client, you can use SoapUI. See this link.
You may use Fiddler.
Here is detailed instructions on how to test a web service (I know the instructions are for web services but the Fiddler part should work for any web services).

REST vs Dynamic web project

I developed a dynamic web project in eclipse java EE ide as index.jsp, when I run it on Tomcat Server7.0 server it says http://localhost:8080/filename/ something. is that what they mean by REST? or do I need Spring to run a REST ?. rest is what that comes in a url, if i provide this url in my browser it opens the file, then why I can't call it as rest service?
Restful is an architectural style that make in disposition through HTTP a number of resources under different formats, usually json, to set or retrive the ressources, simple http operations (PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE. PUT) could be used for that.
I recommend you to use JAX-RS, but here u can see how to work with rest web service with Spring:
Building a RESTful Web Service Spring

How to use Fingale futures to an existing Restful webservice

I have a webservice running on jboss server. I can't change it to netty because i'm using other features of jboss. But i want to use finagles futures from the client. Is there a way ?
The Future class used in Finagle is part of Twitter's util project, which is open source. com.twitter.util.Future is usable on its own within any project that adds util-core as a dependency.
You can always use a finagle client to make calls to an HTTP [or other RPC protocol] webservice. It doesn't matter how the service is implemented as along as it uses the protocol correctly. If you are using Java, this link should give you details on how to build a finagle client for an HTTP service:
Here's some sample code to for a more elaborate finagle HTTP client:

How to create Rest Web service client and server

Hi I need to use REST web service but not getting how to start. Although I have checked different articles but there is no proper example which tells flow of REST SERVER and REST CLIENT. Is there any good example link which tells how a REST server will be created with php and how this web service will be called with which technique. I need web service to show customers and then update customers using web service as well. I need to create my own web service for my application so I need to create both Rest server and Rest client.
REST isn't a technology, it's a style of software architecture
If you want some concrete examples and a simple framework to get started, try cherrypy, which is a minimal web framework written in python.
This should get you started with a web server that can help you adhere to REST design principles.
You Can Try PHP REST Data services