MongoDB: Using $sample with C# driver - mongodb

I'm trying to express the following query using the MongoDB C# driver (2.4.4):{ $sample: { size: 1 }})
This what I have so far:
BsonDocument sample = new BsonDocument
{ "$sample", new BsonDocument { { "size", 1 } } }
MongoBlob mongoBlob = await _collection
I cannot put the sample to .Aggregate(AggregateOptions options = null) and putting it into the .Group(...) is obviously wrong. There is also no any like a .Sample() method.
Please, help. Thank you in advance.

var randEl = await collection.AsQueryable().Sample(1).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
Do not forget add
using MongoDB.Driver.Linq;

I believe it should be
MongoBlob mongoBlob = await _collection
If this doesn't work then let me know. Don't have windows system up right now to confirm
Edit (7-AUG):
Turns out its not that simple. The sample method doesn't exists in current driver. The classes which handle this are internal so no straight forward way to inherit. So worked out a solution based on reflection and a hack. Where you add a Stage to the pipeline and then edit it through reflection. Below is a working sample of my demo code
using System;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using System.Reflection;
namespace TestMongo
public static class MainClass
static IMongoClient _client;
static IMongoDatabase _database;
public static IAggregateFluent<BsonDocument> Sample(this IAggregateFluent<BsonDocument> agg, int count){
var new_agg = agg.Skip(10);
var stage =new_agg.Stages[new_agg.Stages.Count-1];
var newDoc = new BsonDocument {
{ "$sample", new BsonDocument {
{"size", count}
} }
, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.SetValue(stage, newDoc);
return new_agg;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
_client = new MongoClient();
_database = _client.GetDatabase("jobs");
var col = _database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("results");
var agg = col.Aggregate().Sample(1);
var data = agg.FirstOrDefault();
data = null;

var sample = new BsonDocument
"$sample", new BsonDocument
{"size", 1000}
var samples = _collection.Aggregate().AppendStage(new BsonDocumentPipelineStageDefinition<MyType, MyType>(sample));
return await samples.ToListAsync();


Npgsql Performance

I am trying to implement Npgsql in our DAL and running into issues under heavy load. the following sample application is a decent representation of just a simple query that under heavy load, throws a 'A command is already in progress' exception. I am assuming this is due to the lack of MARS support so I also tried creating a connection each time with a using statement around each command only to have the performance become unusable. I checked that the username is indexed so that shouldn't be an issue.
Not sure what I am doing wrong here but I need some advice on how to get this performing well.
OS: Docker Container: microsoft/dotnet:2.1.301-sdk
using Npgsql;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace npgsqlTest
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
DAL dal = new DAL();
var tasks = dal.Users.Select(async user =>
Console.WriteLine(await dal.RunTest(user));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
public class DAL
private static string _ConnectionString;
private NpgsqlConnection _Connection;
public List<string> Users { get; set; } = new List<string>();
public DAL()
_ConnectionString = $"Host=;Username=admin;Port=5432;Password=password;Database=BigDB;";
_Connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_ConnectionString);
public void Prepare()
string query = "SELECT username FROM usertable;";
using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, _Connection))
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
using (reader)
while (reader.Read())
public async Task<string> RunTest(string user)
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, Object> { { "username", user } };
var query = $"SELECT name FROM usertable WHERE username = (#username);";
var reader = await QueryAsync(query, parameters);
using (reader)
if (reader.HasRows)
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var name = reader["name"];
if (!(hash is DBNull))
return (string)name;
return String.Empty;
public async Task<DbDataReader> QueryAsync(string query, Dictionary<string, Object> parameters)
using (var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(query, _Connection))
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameter.Key, parameter.Value == null ? DBNull.Value : parameter.Value);
return await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();

Asp.Net-Core + MongoDb - How to search database by "code" and return the original url?

I am unsure how to go about searching for the "Code" stored in my Database in order to return the "OriginalUrl".
I know I can search for the ObjectId but I want to be able to search by the "Code" assigned to that ObjectId.
Currently I have a working program that takes a Url as well as a "title" and sends it to the database:
It is assigned an Objectid _id and a randomly generated 12 character "Code":
If it helps this is my Controller class:
namespace ShortenUrls.Controllers
public class ShortUrlsController : Controller
private readonly ShortUrlRepository _repo;
public ShortUrlsController(ShortUrlRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(string id)
var su = await _repo.GetAsync(id);
if (su == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(su);
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromBody] ShortUrl su)
await _repo.CreateAsync(su);
return Ok(su);
And Repository class:
namespace ShortenUrls.Models.Repository
public class ShortUrlRepository
private const string alphabet = "23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz-_";
private static readonly Random rand = new Random();
private readonly Database _db;
public ShortUrlRepository(Database db)
_db = db;
private static string GenerateCode()
const int codeLength = 12;
var chars = new char[codeLength];
for (var i = 0; i < codeLength; i++)
chars[i] = alphabet[rand.Next(0, alphabet.Length)];
return new string(chars);
public Task<ShortUrl> GetAsync(string id)
var objId = ObjectId.Parse(id);
return _db.Urls.Find(x => x.Id == objId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
public Task CreateAsync(ShortUrl su)
su.Code = GenerateCode();
return _db.Urls.InsertOneAsync(su);
Just use a filter. Doing it this way let's you create a query specifically for the "code".
public async Task<ShortUrl> GetAsync(string code)
var filterBuilder = new FilterDefinitionBuilder<ShortUrl>();
var filter = filterBuilder.Eq(s => s.Code, code);
var cursor = await _db.Urls.FindAsync(filter);
return await cursor.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
Assuming you already know the code when calling this and that ObjectId is created on InsertOneAsync call. First change your repository to take Code as searchable input.
public Task<ShortUrl> GetAsync(string code)
return await _db.Urls.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Code == code);
Then change your controller Get to this:
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(string code)
var su = await _repo.GetAsync(code);
if (su == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(su);
In your controller you can access su.OriginalUrl if you need to only return that after getting the object.
Then in postman you can just call http://localhost:51767/api/codes?code=cmg3fjjr_gtv
Remember only Id works for default url parameters as setup by your default routes in Startup.cs.
app.UseMvc(routes => { /*...*/ })
So this wont work: /api/codes/cmg3fjjr_gtv unless you specifically set up routing or change {code} back to {id}. Readability of your code suffers though.

Update the subDcoument attribute

I have a document having schema like bellow
am trying to update this as below using java driver.
collections.updateMany(new Document("", "Test_Name"), new Document("$set", new Document("Personal.$.isActive", false)))
But unfortunately this trows an error
"The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query. Unexpanded update: Personal.$.isActive"
But if i modify the above update filter something like
collections.updateMany(new Document("", "Test_Name"), new Document("$set", new Document("Personal.0.isActive", false)))
it works.
Can any one help me in understanding whats wrong in using "$" in my 1st update statement?
Here is some more code spinets
Creating the collection object:
collections = mongoConnection.establishConnection()
MongoConnection object:
public MongoConnection() {
StringBuilder connectionString = new StringBuilder();
client = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(connectionString.toString()));
db = client.getDatabase("test");
collections = db.getCollection("test");
public MongoCollection<Document> establishConnection() {
return collections;
public void closeConnection() {

MongoDB: Getting the list of all databases?

How do I list all databases for a connection using Mongo C# Driver?
Very easily:
var server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost/?safe=true");
var databaseNames = server.GetDatabaseNames();
The MongoServer class was deprecated in version 2.0.0.
You can use ListDatabasesAsync
using (var cursor = await client.ListDatabasesAsync())
await cursor.ForEachAsync(d => Console.WriteLine(d.ToString()));
Working Solution:
MongoClient client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
using (IAsyncCursor<BsonDocument> cursor = client.ListDatabases())
while (cursor.MoveNext())
foreach (var doc in cursor.Current)
Console.WriteLine(doc["name"]); // database name
The MongoServer class was deprecated in version 2.0.0 as Juri pointed out. If you don't want to use async, here's how I do it:
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://" + server_username + ":" + server_password + "#" + server_host + ":" + server_port);
List<MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument> databases = client.ListDatabases();
Just one thing. It is in BsonDocument format that has 2 elements: "name" and "sizeOnDisk".
Hope this helps.
I wasn't able validate if a given DB exists or not with the existing answers, so here's my take on it:
// extension method on IMongoClient
public static IMongoClient AssertDbExists(this IMongoClient client, string dbName)
bool dbFound = false;
using(var cursor = client.ListDatabases())
var databaseDocuments = cursor.ToList();
foreach (var db in databaseDocuments)
if (db["name"].ToString().Equals(dbName))
dbFound = true;
if (!dbFound) throw new ArgumentException("Can't connect to a specific database with the information provided", nameof(MongoSettings.ConnectionString));
return client;
And then use it like this:
// either you get the client with the DB validated or throws
_client = new MongoClient(settings.ConnectionString).AssertDbExists(_dbName);
Using: Mongo Official C# driver v2.4.4

build index using

I have to use with NHibernate 3.0. I have started to edit this old code:
public void BuildSearchIndex()
FSDirectory entityDirectory = null;
IndexWriter writer = null;
var entityType = typeof(MappedSequence);
var indexDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(GetIndexDirectory());
if (indexDirectory.Exists)
entityDirectory = FSDirectory.GetDirectory(Path.Combine(indexDirectory.FullName, entityType.Name), true);
writer = new IndexWriter(entityDirectory, new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED);
if (entityDirectory != null)
if (writer != null)
IFullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.Session);
// Iterate through Suppliers and add them to Lucene's index
foreach (MappedSequence instance in Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(MappedSequence)).List<MappedSequence>())
private string GetIndexDirectory()
INHSConfigCollection nhsConfigCollection = CfgHelper.LoadConfiguration();
string property = nhsConfigCollection.DefaultConfiguration.Properties[""];
var fi = new FileInfo(property);
return Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, fi.Name);
to build the index. The line:
FSDirectory.GetDirectory(Path.Combine(indexDirectory.FullName, entityType.Name), true);
still uses obsolete code. Could anyone be so kind and point out the necessary change. Thanks.
Try using FSDirectory.Open(path) instead.